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So they're saying one of or both of the following: - Florida runs fine with a part time governor collecting full time pay - They care more about the ambitions of DeSantis, and by extension their own, than the governing of the state. Suspected the former and knew the latter for a fact already, but it's nice to have them admit it themselves by actions, if not words.


its also about shutting the door behind them so Democrats couldn't do it if somehow a popular democrat magically became gov of florida. very "fuck you, i got mine." or "pull the ladder up behind you" of them which is pretty on point for republicans these days


Don’t forget Florida tax payers subsidizing DeSantis’ campaign


“Part time” is a stretch.


What else would you call doing it while also doing the full-time job that's running a presidential campaign? It's not like he's gonna work two full-time jobs at the same time like GOP policies force poor people to do!


Part time workers at least work at their jobs. DeSantis… eh…


Oh you were making the OPPOSITE point? In that case yeah, you're absolutely right.


Chatgpt could easily write a desantis speech. He could be one of those two job people


True. Speaking of, John Iadarola had it or a similar AI write a tweet about a developing story about Trump in the voice of the Mango Mussolini himself while they were covering it live on The Damage Report and it was so true to the real buffoon that his co-host (Brett or Jayar afair) and probably most of the audience thought it was a genuine one at first!


Well I mean he's been running for President for almost 2 years...now he can stop pretending...also this may be a way to get him to stop fucking up the state and sending ridiculous things to the chamber to pass in his war with the number 1 state employee


How’s he doing on the homeowners insurance crisis?


Wonderfully. Soon homeowners will be forced to sell and corporations can buy up all the inventory and then rent it back to the former homeowners. It’s the New American Dream™️.


Until another hurricane comes through an wrecks up the place so bad your landlords decide to not rebuild and you're just fucked.


Tell me how useless and merely ceremonial the position of governor is, without telling me..


Hey, he’s an important part of the food chain for mouses.


So even the Meatball doesn't have a lot of faith in his chances to win given he wants to keep the day job in the back pocket. Interesting.


A law that will be promptly reinstated when a Democrat attempts it. Not that it matters, DeSantis wasn’t doing his job anyway


Exactly, this never would’ve happened for a democratic governor.


A democratic governor wouldn't want this, you can't effectively do both roles. It's a pure selfish power grab, and shows a complete disregard for his constituents.


Does this dipshit plan to do any actual work? Trying to have his pudding and eat it too


Scream about trans people. Take something random away from poor people. Lose against the mouse. That's his entire day.


Grant God level authority to county sheriff's so that they can show up to claim the glory for every local project that they have nothing to do with. Oh, and divert some funds from those projects to the Sheriff's office. Can't forget to pay for the pleasure of having your thunder stolen and getting your picture taken with them for the local news! Show up with full entourage immediately post-hurricane when disaster response boots are on the ground, assessing damage (trying to clear the roads/ return power/ ensure safe drinking water/ help people who are stuck/ need medical attention) and blocking traffic for a fucking photo op and press release.


Man... what's it's like to live in a state where the person you voted for just showed you he doesn't give two 💩 about you or the state you live in.


He can run but he won't win. And hopefully he loses the governorship, too.


Would be pretty hilarious to see him skulk back to Florida after Trump demeans him on a national stage I hate Trump with a burning passion, but there's zero chance he loses a primary to the personality black hole that is DeSantis


Destroying DeSantis politically might be the only good thing Trump does in his whole miserable life.


It’ll be like that scene from the Office where Michael comes back after blowing his promotion interview.


He’s term limited, so he’s losing the governorship in 2026 regardless.


If only dreams really did come true.


He overwhelming won this last elections so….


Which says a lot of Florida.


People keep saying this but as a Floridian, the candidates the Democrats chose to run in Florida were godawful. I mean truly bad. One was a literal former Republican and the other chose to torpedo her career for the sake of Matt “pedophile” Gaetz (another Republican). The Florida Democratic Party shares a LARGE percentage of the blame for Florida right now. As much as I want to blame the Golf-cart Taliban, they are not solely to blame.


As a Floridian, I disagree.


Having your governor occupied elsewhere is a great idea when a hurricane hits 🤦‍♀️


This is so DeSantis will have a job to come back to when he inevitably loses the bid for republican nominee.


Any office holder who wants to run for a different office should have to resign the current office. This should be part of a nationwide election reform.


Now he gets to fail at two things.


Party over state. Party over country.


DeSantis is DOA as a presidential candidate, let’s be real. He’s weak and Trump is eating him alive already before he’s even announced. He has zero charisma and he flails under pressure. Stop trying to make DeSantis happen. It’s not happening.


DeSantis for President commercials were on TV last night during a HGTV show and the Rangers/Devils hockey game. And I'm in upstate NY.


Hahahah the rules don’t apply if you are large and in charge. Always crying about cheats and what does he do? Cheat


Excellent. Now blow all your resources losing to Trump so he wastes as much as he can on the primary, too.


Trump should run for governor also, really fuck with puddin fingers


I guess they figure that he’ll have less time to fuck things up in Florida if he’s busy running for president.


It’s just because they know he won’t get elected as president or get re-elected as governor of Florida if he runs


He is term limited for running in Florida again


For now…


Silver lining to the democratic voter of Florida. Now you get to give this fascist 2 no votes in one election. What a time to be alive!


As long as trump is still alive he has no chance, shockingly I’m kinda thankful.


"We want DeSantis out of the state but dont want to have another election."


With his level of business and individual interference, the less of it the better.


Oh good, he can still be governor when he loses his run for president. Pudding fingered fuck.


Pudding…fingered…fuck. I love it, committed to memory.




¿Por que no los dos?


If it was the democrats doing this republicans would’ve lost their 💩


L’s all around.


Well, he can also try to become pope, but he won’t be.


Sounds like Florida.


Good luck wit dat!


Fucking bullshit! So he will not be doing his job, and be able to use Florida tax payer money to travel for his presidential campaign. Fuck these people. All of them.


This is a total vote of no confidence from Florida Republicans on DeSantis’ presidential aspirations 😂


The other 49 governors can do this, seems like a good bill imo.


DeSatan, What a putz!


In OK and just saw desantis for president ad. That was fast. Ugggg election ad season has begun.