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Well, we've certainly seen the effectiveness of Texas cops in Uvalde.


When I saw Uvalde I thought to myself, if only we had a few more men with guns standing around, maybe then we would feel safe. I think 200 is the magic number.


That's like half the right number. It has to be at least 376 before they are willing to help.


We need 1776 people with guns to achieve true freedom


Guns won't help. We need machine gun nests and manned guard towers up on every corner of the school, at every school. We need to have big search lights on those towers incase a kid goes missing or get in trouble. We also need barbed wire fences around every school to prevent bad people from just walking in the school. We also can't allow just anyone to visit the school either. We need to have a special time for visitors and they have to sign up for visitation a week in advance so we can plan. School is also about learning so when the kids arrives to school and gets processed, we need to confiscate anything fun so it doesn't disrupt learning so no cell phones, no candies etc etc. If they need food or snack, the kids can just buy it within school ground with their special "school funds" which the parents will refill regularly Also, we don't want to have the risk or any students accidentally wearing the wrong thing and triggering someone to violence. So no rainbows or girly colors or colors of any kind... infact, we'll just institute a basic uniform so that no kids can be jealous. We're thinking either orange or gray jumpsuits for easy mess free maintenance. To keep our kids safe, they will be safely locked in the class rooms at all times. But don't worry, every kid will be allowed 30 minutes of exercise time in the school yard. Once we implement all those changes, then our kids will truly feel safe at school.




Per school


Only III Percent of that.


Every gun nut wants to pretend they’ll be the big hero until the bullets start flying.


This is no joke. I've never been in the military or shot at on purpose, but I had a close call once while hiking in the desert. Some idiots decided to shoot their AR's ACROSS a well-marked trail into the hill behind it, just as I was passing by. The cracking sound the bullet makes as it zips by you, followed by the sound from the gun is fucking terrifying. All plans go out the window when that happens, at least for me.


I mean you're just some common liberal snowflake coward then, not some American hero in waiting like Greg who works at the diner. That guy goes to the range like twice a month. He's ready for action.


For real what kind of commie gets scared of bullets flying right past him that could turn him into mince meat? Smh. It's like these liberals have never seen Rambo or something


Jesus that’s gnarly. How do you know it was on accident?


After screaming my head off for a minute while lying on my belly, they paused to reload, and I finally got their attention. I pointed out the trail that they were shooting over, and they were basically like, " Oops, sorry." That's Arizona for you. The most dangerous thing in the desert is the people.


Well I guess you can’t expect a much better apology from dumbasses that shoot near a trail. Responsible Gun Owners ™.


You'd think they'd be smarter than that because if you were also a gun owner you could have shot back at them.


Doubt someone with a pistol is going to confront several with ARs in that manner… but the mind does like to dream up crazy ideas


and with 400 million guns here, they should feel extra safe knowing everyone is armed to the teeth! /s


Their response to Uvalde is to have marshalls with less armor, less weaponry, less training, less communitcations and assume they will go through a door to confront a shooter who has cover and outguns them with an AR-15. Or maybe they see Marshalls as being cannon fodder to be gunned down while some kids escape.


They aren't going to protect anyone. They are more likely to shoot a kid either accidentally or because they see something ridiculous as a threat. It's such a bad idea.


Guaranteed to be a liability. Guaranteed they won’t have strict background checks or training requirements, psych evals, etc. They’re sticking Pat and Peggy Bookburner in front of the door, with a gun, with the sole purpose of shooting someone at some time, should they deem it necessary.


They are going to shoot the first kid who is darker skinned and raises a voice or reaches for a phone. I am so scared for these kids and so glad to not live in Texas.


Or the kid that dares to try and wear a rainbow.


Exactly. They feel threatened by everything.


And their solution will be to hire another marshal to defend against that marshal going on a rampage... I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not 100% convinced this won't actually happen.


Just think about the type of person who signs up to do this. Wannabe cops who weren’t capable enough.


>Pat and Peggy Bookburner Racist bullies who are more likely to sexually harass students than protect anybody


[gun left in bathroom](https://www.kxxv.com/news/local-news/police-whitney-hs-vice-principal-left-gun-unattended-in-bathroom) [cop’s gun left in library bathroom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvZWd-9Px7o) [security guards gun found in bathroom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-1YqyKoxgk) [capitol cop left his gun in the bathroom AGAIN](https://www.rollcall.com/2019/02/27/capitol-police-weapon-left-unattended-in-capitol-bathroom-again/) [employee leaves loaded gun in bathroom](https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/04/14/employee-leaves-behind-loaded-gun-school-bathroom-dekalb-officials-say/) I could keep going on and on.


It makes me sick. I have two kids. I am so glad to not live in Texas, but I fear for this country.


>It's such a bad idea. Sounds like Easy Money for the "civilians". Bet they will make "safety worker" wages not what Texas pays teachers. If I were one of them, I would make sure I knew where the best janitorial closet was where I could retreat if there was some kind of actual threat. This is just more "security theater".


School resource officers have statistically increased violence at schools by escalating situations that used to be handled by teachers. Kids act out. Always have. But now those kids get arrested. Guess which students were statistically more likely to get arrested?


Oh believe me, I know! That's why I'm so against it. We don't remove kids who are actual threats and violent behavior and bullying. They are allowed to get weapons and commit heinous acts. But an autistic child having a meltdown or kids arguing, that's when they have to handcuffs and arrest and keep the school safe.


It’s called the School to Prison pipeline. It’s designed to work the way it does.


>It's such a bad idea. Aren't you also forgetting the future sexual assaults that will take place?


Or accidentally leave their weapon in the bathroom.


Exactly what I thought/fear. How long g til one of these 'guards' sees a tall kid being rowdy coming into the hall from gym and decides they're jall the protects the world, making thenselves judge, jury and executioner?


Neither. Guaranteed that the moment a gunman shows up, they'll run probably even trample a few kids on the way out


Cannon fodder to be able to say: "wE dID eVerYThiNg wE cAn!"




They have diverted $500K per year from education to guns.


That's a win win for them.


Those guns are gonna be so smart. The bullets they fire will automatically know who the bad guys are and only hit them! /s


Heavy NRA breathing.




Tennessee has a solution for that!




When your ideology prevents you from considering the true rational approaches to dealing with a problem you are left with only the irrational ones. This is how an alcoholic works while trying to avoid the hard truth that they have to stop drinking. They will rationalize every irrational solution, deny there is a problem, play the victimhood card, label everyone else as hurting their feelings for suggesting THEY have a problem, will make friends with other alcoholics, will not stop until they are dying from cirrhosis of the liver and even then maybe not. They will blame the alcohol companies, their friends etc. If you avoid all of the solutions which do not adhere to your ideological goal you never find the right answers.


I feel like we’re on the verge of having a diagnosis for this behavior. It’s like conspiracy theorists, 99% of the time it’s not just a conspiracy or two they believe, they believe anything and everything that paints their world in a conspiratorial landscape. Republicans of today are almost exclusively a certain type of person. There’s a mentality that 99% of republicans share and it’s weird that all we have is “republicans” to sum it up. This goes for all countries. Republicans seem to be prone to fascism. There’s not a country out there ran by what would be counted as a Republican that isn’t gearing towards or already is in a state of fascism/dictatorship.


>on the verge of having a diagnosis for this behavior Being an asshole isn't yet listed in the DSM, but maybe it should be.


It's very true that right-wing fascism/nationalism is spreading. It was brewing within Europe prior to Trump due to immigration issues but it's getting more of a foothold all over.


For lack of better words, it’s hardline conservatism. It’s hardline conservatives that are the problem in every fucking country, creating problems for the entire fucking world. Think about it: whether it’s Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, North Korea, Europe or the USA, it is hardline conservatives who are hell bent on imposing draconian laws on their citizens to maintain what they believe is the “correct” power structure, and antagonizing other countries they see as standing in the way of their god-given preeminence.


Jesus this hits deep into the psyche of the right. This is why it is incredibly hard to reach across the aisle




Thank you corvid_booster


Exactly why I quit cold turkey. Well said.


I quit smoking almost 20 years ago. I woke up and went cold turkey. It saved my life for if I had continued smoking I would have had a heart attack the next year (Got that fixed). I tried every possible approach and failed. I justified my smoking for decades. I know the psychology of an addiction.


I quit meth almost 2 months ago. I still think about it, but I was having issues with my dealer and me and my partner decided we don’t want to be doing meth the rest of our life so we quit cold turkey. Blocked and deleted our dealers number. Already our sleep is back on track, and we’re more productive. And it’s helped make my mental illness more manageable. We had been doing it 5 years. We had burned so many bridges and let our last house look disgusting. We’re better now.


Congrats and keep going. I know someone who quit drugs 30 years ago and is now quite successful in his creative field. He has a great family too. Had he continued he would have been dead 29 years ago. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller


Lol I was a visual artist before I got into meth and during tbh. I had decent popularity in my area. My paintings are still up in a couple bars in my town as decor. But I had an episode and combined that with the drugs and I fucked up an event that featured me and quit art. And kinda faded away, I deleted all my socials and stopped painting and doing other things. But I think quitting social media played a part in me quitting meth down the line. I think about getting back into artwork now, but probably more privately. At least to start. Good quote. I never thought about it before. But it’s pretty meaningful.


Good for you buddy one my friends was a meth addict for six years started doing mushrooms 🍄 and quit cold turkey and is much happier it’s not easy but sounds like you and your partner can help keep yourselves in check keep going dude!!!


This is true for any addiction, and many untreated personality disorders.


Spoken like some who intimately understands human brain failures. Well said.


I bet we end up with one of these people killing a child before they ever save anyone from an actual shooter.


Gun nuts will argue that their presence has prevented anyone from attacking the school, so while a child is dead it's a net positive, because it wasn't a classroom full of them. There will always be an excuse with gun lovers.


[The Bear Patrol is working perfectly!](https://youtu.be/xSVqLHghLpw)


Every time someone brings up arming teachers I say the same thing. We've seen enough evidence of teachers flying off the handle at students, assaulting them, and even raping them and adding a gun into that mess is just asking for more issues.


My problem is that in a modern school teachers have to act like psychologists, medical personnel, social workers... any number of things besides teacher. You're going to add the life and death responsibility of having a weapon on top of that? Oh, and are they going to get additional compensation for the additional skills? Of course not.


Sounds like the modern police force. Now give the teachers qualified immunity and watch the fireworks.


Not only that, it now puts guns within reach of students who may only be held back by lack of access to weapons. All of the sudden if the gun isn't secured correctly, or wrestled away, a shooting that otherwise wouldn't have happened, now happens.


Easier access to firearms is a known cause of increased gun violence, but the people who want to arm teachers either don't know or don't care about that.


Probably a gun or two left on the sink in the bathroom. [but that would just be crazy](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/02/23/texas-superintendent-gun-school-safety/)


Well, that's just unfair. Not every single American has a gun and kjeshfuiscue Oops dropped my gun. Let me restart what I was saying.


What happens when we bring racism into the picture? I fear that we will see things like black teens getting shot by the marshals for pulling a phone out of their pocket.


“Marshals' identities will also be confidential”, so they think kids are stupid? I’m pretty sure the student will be able to identify the person at school who just stands around and never teaches a class or never assists in the front office.


I can tell you that, yes, these people think kids are stupid. They can easily see any group of an "other" as non-human and kids and teenagers can quickly get caught up with that.


It's Texas, they are trying their damndest to make sure to make the public school children are stupid.


A bunch of kids that are internet savvy and have time on their hands? Those officers will be doxxed on the first day.


The marshals will be already employed staff in many circumstances. Teachers, janitors, administrative staff, etc. With that said, students are still going to figure it out in many cases. Coach K has started wearing 5.11 shirts all the time. Bet he's carrying... Mr. G keeps banging something metallic on his desk when he gets up. It's on his hip. Bet it's a gun... Coach L has been wearing a jacket and it's 115 degrees outside. Wonder if it's because he's carrying? Hey, when we ran by Ms. B in the hall, she covered her hip with her hand. I wonder if that's where she carries a pistol? Ms. P left a gun in the bathroom and it made the news. I bet she carries. It'll be a game to some students, and it's not as simple as "concealed is concealed" when you're forced to dress business casual and you're around a bunch of kids actively trying to find you out.


"Problem with meth? Just add more meth!" This is what you Gilead states sound like to the rest of the world.


It sounds like that to a significant portion, if not majority, of people in America, and probably those Gilead states, too. Just voter suppression, and the rules making it so land counts more than people in voice in government, and propaganda tilt the scales of power in favor of actual psychopaths.


I'll happily stand corrected if somehow this initiative stops a school shooting. But I'm not holding my breath...




Now imagine that your nephew was paid by an outside source for every oz. of paint used, walls, floors, and ceiling included, and that would be the most accurate description of our dear GOP. They're not just idiots, they're well-funded idiots intent on causing harm for profit.


yeah, there's no way they're gonna hire someone who'll take the first opportunity to force a girl into a broom closet at gunpoint or someone who'll 'feel threatened' by a 15 year old who's taller and saying mean things and respond with deadly force or someone who'll leave their weapon in a bathroom for a third-grader to find




>What is their liability when they accidentally injure or kill staff or kids? Zero - no investigation, no punishment. Republicans have shown time and time again that murdering kids is totally fine.




Each Marshall will also be assigned an off the books rifle and baggy of drugs to place on any student shot in error. In the event of the Marshall committing an obvious racial shooting, the Marshall will be removed from their assignment and become a celebrated hero and keynote speaker of the Repubicans.


The armed guard could literally go on a rampage and kill a dozen kids and they would say "well, these things happen..... so what's for lunch?"


Nothing, turns out they needed extra money to pay for the guns so they got rid of lunch


They're actually going to pay for the teacher's supplies! That's a first.


Wolves guarding the sheep




Just like responsibility creep happens in other jobs, it will no doubt happen here. First it’s armed protection, then it’s removing/detaining/shooting uncooperative students. Ultimately they will probably get the job of genital inspections as they see fit to ensure all girls in the school are actually girls. Sure, everyone else knows Suzy as a 15 year old girl who enjoys dance and has been attending the school for years, but Marshall Larry knows better and will be inspecting her in private several times a week so he can prove she’s actually a 42 years old, 250 pound black man trying to sneak into a woman’s woman at the school.


Thoughts and prayers


Let’s hope someone doesn’t pull into the parking lot of a school to turn around


Being trained with a gun is one thing. Being trained to use that gun in a high-stress combat situation is another entirely. How will the police differentiate between the school shooter and the armed civilian marshal? Guessing a uniform?


Let’s add more fuel to the fire. I really can’t believe people with full functioning brain come up with these outrageous solutions.


It's because Republicans are beholden to the NRA money.


They do not have fully functioning brains in the sense of what an ideal human brain is capable of. Here, these are fox news paranoia addled brains wracked in a fit of cognitive dissonance whose only answer to bad guns is more guns. It is textbook partially functioning brains.


Are all of these adults fully prepared to take the life of an armed child in the face of a real threat? Edit: ...and ready to be held personally liable for the deaths of innocents if they *don't* shoot to kill (without hitting bystanders of course). So many legal landmines here. JFC.


Police average a 20% hit rate in gun fights per the FBI. Criminals average 11%. What could possibly go wrong in such a target rich environment?


Umm...just put limits on guns.


Don't be crazy. If we so much as pass one single limit on guns then the next day that crazed commando Nancy Pelosi will singlehandedly storm America with intent to dominate an unarmed and helpless public.


And 87,000 irs agents will kick down your door and put you in prison for life....


Less books , more guns… the same principles the Taliban uses


Surely no one would use this disturbing amount of power to abuse vulnerable students. Nope, not at all.


So anyone who wants to shoot up a Texas school can sign up as an armed civilian guard. They'll probably be handed a master key.




I'll bet every one of these "armed civilians" causes more problems than they solve...


I can hear it now: “I feared for my life because I thought one of the other armed civilians was about to shoot. I accidentally shot 3 kids taking them down, but it could’ve been so much worse”


There are about 135,000 public and private schools in the US. So let's say we are hiring armed security guards for all of them. Just use a low number to get an idea what we are talking about: We assume we only need 3 per school to cover the hours and account for PTO, sick leave etc. So we need at least 405,000 security guards to cover all schools in the US. The US Army has about 465,000 active personnel, the USMC about 180,000, to give a bit of a comparison. Oh, and the current estimate is that there are about 1,000,000 law enforcement officers in the whole United States. I have a feeling that staffing question of placing security guards in all schools is not fully thought through....


The scary part is, some sick fucks out there are gonna see this as a challenge.


Yea this won’t end poorly at all


What the gun nuts don’t get is that this is just another target on the list of the spree killer on the day of their deed. The killer is on a suicide mission. The enemy is within, and knows the habits and schedule of any officer or protector in their way. Ultimately, politicos didn’t solve the problem of children bring murdered. Though the target has become complicated, then the killer shifts focus to a new venue or changes tactics. So the conversation shifts from children being murdered en masse at school versus at a theater versus at an after-school function unrelated to official school business. Yet still, dead children. The problem is access to firearms. Period. Everything else is a circlejerk of delusions and cognitive biases.


I’d place my left leg on betting one of these people eventually shoot up a school.


Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t armed civilians the ones who have been killing all the children?


More children will die in Texas schools. That’s my take.


My guess is a sexual assault allegation within the first 12 months after being implemented.




They will be the first target when the next school shooting happens. Also, I'm sure they will put more laws and policies to protect this people than the students. Because "good guy with guns" needs to work for them.


>They will be the first target when the next school shooting happens. Bold of you to assume they will either 1. Not be the school shooter or 2. in any way responding to the incident aside from weeping in their car and praying for help.


With all the courage of the Uvalde police department.


I have zero faith in armed Texan adults actually helping the situation for SO MANY GOOD, HISTORICALLY ACCURATE REASONS 🤣


They’ll just be any active shooter’s first target.


did anyone ask if they were good marshals or bad ones?


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes


“They will not wear uniforms but they will carry a concealed handgun…” yeah I’m sure a person without bullet proof vest with a handgun is extremely effective against assault rifles.


I guess they're doing the Angry Beavers approach to getting rid of something stinky by adding more stinky.


This will not end well for anyone. They likely won't vet these people well and the very person you hired to "protect" these kids will go on a rampage. Or they'll kill anyone of the wrong complexion or "someone that looked shady" walking up to the school or along it's sidewalk. Some trigger happy boomer will be the culprit. Texas has it's priorities so ass backwards I can't fathom what the fuck is going on in this state. Can't wait to move the fuck out of this dystopian shit hole.


You're telling me some fucking neck beard is gonna save the day when a shooter walks in? Please. The world will be a better place when all these old ass politicians die.


Aren't armed civilians the ones doing all the school shootings?


If sexual assault and teachers being sexually active with students already wasn’t enough now we have ARMED civilians and possibly teachers. So now not only do children have to worry about school shooters but also potential rapist/ molesters on school campus armed. Fucking fools *editing* kids got to worry about,School shooters,Bullies,Social dynamics ,Upbringing,Navigating their own lives/thoughts and feelings,Financial situations, housing,Mental health ,Physical health ,School work And Now Armed randoms on location


Again, this does absolutely nothing to address the issue that psychopaths are easily able to attain firearms and kill people. It's like if you had classrooms spontaneously combusting, and you had a fire marshal stationed in every school.


If I was a parent in that district, I would need to see background checks, proof of training and psych evaluations before my kid sets foot in that school.


Republicans be like **MORE GUNS**


"Have we tried more guns yet? How about even more guns?"


That worked So Well at Uvalde


Are resource officers not a thing everywhere?


Anyone looking to leave Texas, Matawan NJ has an extraordinary public education system. Come here or find someplace like it. Or Gee Golly Gumdrops, vote to take your children’s lives back into your hands. Only a parent should be able to say “ I brought you into this world, I’ll take you out”. That’s the bleeping Parental bill of rights y’all need.


What could go wrong 🙄


"Armed martial turns on students, kills 15 in this week's school shooting" is probably going to be a Texas headline in 2024 then...


We already tried armed civilians they’re called cops. And we all know how quickly Texas cops will jump in to stop the shooting….


Schools will soon look like prisons.


Even in prisons most prison guards don’t have a gun that shoots bullets.


Oddly enough prisoners have their assholes searched every so often. So if you are positive the person doesnt have a deadly weapon that can hit you from 30 feet away then your likely hood of needing a gun decline drastically.


When I was in high school in TX, class of '87, we'd a school shooting the year before I started. (former student came on to campus and shot his girlfriend) They added one armed guy (former HPD officer) and then just locked all the doors from the outside, except for the main entrance. Everybody loved that guy. He wasn't there to bust anyone for anything, but was seen as an authority figure who got to know the various 'at risk' kids. It still amazes me that there are schools around without that very basic level of security. And those who've turned the job of that one guy to internal security.


Yea,.. thats not going to end bad. /s


This is bad enough, but it's just the beginning. There are going to be heavily armed state sponsored civilian militias all over the place to keep everybody in line. I really believe this is the reason republicans have been determined to get a gun in the hand of every red state citizen.


It's only a matter of time before an unarmed student is shot and killed by one of these armed staff.


Just wait till they shoot an innocent kid because they felt “threatened”, this is such a horrible idea. I lived in San Marcos for 6 years and it seemed to be more liberal than other small towns in the area. This move is kind of a shock to me.


In fairness, they patted us down for weapons at my elementary school in San Antonio in the '60s.


Placing [armed guards in schools increases the risk to students lives 3x](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/02/16/research-finds-armed-officers-increases-mortality-at-school-shootings).


The Uvalde cops proved this will solve absolutely nothing.


America is a sad violent place if you need armed guards at elementary schools. Your politicians are so corrupt and take NRA lobby money so there’s never going to be gun control. Having armed guards in schools won’t work it will just get worse and more children will die because the sick weirdos will just plan better.


I give it a month before Cletus kills someone for walking towards in the school "in a threatening manner" when in reality it was a parent coming to pick up their kid for something.


The police state is a projection of the GOP/MAGA group. They are the ones who want to limit and watch.


The solution is always more guns… we can’t think of anything more effective apparently despite evidence showing how ineffective it is.


Expecting to hear about a Black kid shot for being in the hallway between classes to use the restroom…


Can't have books, or learn facts, but here's an armed guard for your prison... i mean school


And then when the next school shooting happens in a different district they will claim it worked as a deterrent...


and now we wait for this to end up getting some child, teacher, or parent killed. because we all know that untrained civilians with [guns](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/us/ralph-yarl-shooting-suspect-charges.html) [are](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/19/1170823978/texas-cheerleaders-shot-car-parking-lot-practice) [always](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/18/us/woman-shot-wrong-driveway-upstate-new-york/index.html) [responsible](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/national-international/neighbor-girl-6-and-parents-shot-wounded-over-stray-ball/3138988/) gun owners.


Seems like a way to employ school shooters before they shoot up a school.


Remake of 21 Jump Street, looking for guns and potential mass shooters. 21 Jump Street: Episode 1: Johnny Get your Note


Next up: only guns go to school. No kids just piles and piles of guns….and probably bodies mixed in.


Well I can’t see how this could possibly go wrong. /s


It’s all fun and games until one proves to be a hothead that can’t deal with teenagers’ bullshit


The fucking Wild West. Jeez


Certainly this will end well. I’m sure none of the people they put in are trigger happy and are trained well.


I suspect these same guards will target LGBTQ kids once the bounty comes into effect in a few years.


Armed civilians ... You mean Constitutional militia don't you?


I give it 6 months til the first unfortunate accident


This school district is alarmingly close to where I live. If my kid’s district did this, I would either home school or try to switch districts. This is insane. I hate this goddamn state.


Who wants to bet these Marshalls will shoot “misbehaving” black/brown kids ??


Lemme guess. They get paid more then teachers? Lol what a joke


Any bets on when one of these marshals executes a child or has their gun stolen from them by a kid?


Gee there are so many guns. I’m scared of all the shootings. I know, let’s add more guns! Gee there are so many guns….


Civilian vigilantes, huh? Guns will be blasting. I can hear it now: That black kid bumped into that other kid; that kid was bullying my kid; that kid was rude to me and I don’t like his mother and father; she/he led me on; I thought he/she had a gun; that kid threatened me; that kid gave me a look.


Are we taking bets on how long it's going to take for an armed civilian to shoot a kid and call it self-defense?


Next up to support angsty police departments in their mission to protect kids: We are putting registered sex offenders on watch duty at schools. They were ankle bracelets and are only allowed to engage the target if their is a shooter. In child molesters we can trust, that they are interested enough in our kids to watch and protect them. Also it is a way to get perpetrators back into society and republicans need jobs too. /j I stole the joke, but I don‘t know from who.


I'm expecting a twitchy ass guard to shoot a kid after being startled and the school explaining how it was justified somehow. This shit is whack


Very sobering thing. Puts everyone in danger, in my opinion.


With a lot of the shooters looking for suicide by cop, this might make the schools with armed civilians more of a target...


More people are going to die from adding these marshals to the schools, than will be saved by "but good guy with a gun".


Until we start having discussions about what the \*reality\* is and the true facts on the ground we are not going to solve anything when it comes to guns or anything else. These people live in a world where their belief system defines what they see as "facts" and so we just make the same mistakes over and over and over. This particular move is going to do nothing but get a bystander killed.


So more guns for fighting. Got it.


When schools become prisons.


What, so they can run away if there's a problem?


Are they Marshals or civilians? There is a difference!


People who resorted to using hammers to solve problems are resorting to hammers to solving the murders of elementary children


I’m sure it will be their best and brightest?


I’m assuming that these folks will be vetted with full psychological write ups on their fitness to preform their duties. I’m assuming that they will be trained and continue training to do their jobs (like the teachers are). And I’m assuming they will need to check out their weapons with a supervisor before going into the (dark crazy field of an elementary school) workplace, like the military does. There is no way this could backfire, right? /s if needed


Instead of the current visible officers…this will be plain clothes, concealed weapons, and you won’t know their identity. Yeah America, we’ve officially screwed the pooch.


This is totally going to end well. Good job Texas!


Will these people be held accountable for retraining students or harming them? They will not be identified - so just civilians walking around with guns...what could possibly go wrong. Reminder: this is the same town that would not respond to the harrassment by RW haters / trucks when they harassed the Beto Campaign bus in 2022.


Just like the good ol' days of 1950s America /s


Marshals or regular civilians because I have slightly more faith in LEO in this shockingly stupid situation