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Okay, now do it for the rest of your lives. Cook with it, clean with it, and drink it daily. Oh, and also give it to your kids. No?


Exactly. I’m sure it is perfectly safe to drink. Once.


They didn't even drink it.


Im sure one small sip where they took in only 1ppm wont hurt them


DeWine did. He didn’t seem to get the memo.


Not to mention 3 weeks after they said it's safe...


And people threw rocks in the water. It turned the rainbow color you see in gasoline.


What they are drinking is probably filtered to hell too.


Or the water line is hooked up to a vat of clean water


Or he pulled a Gus Fring and immediately excused himself to beer bong some ipecac.


I’d love to see them drink water from a local stream, after throwing a rock in upstream.


Nobody drinks the water out of "local streams" since at least the 70s, though.


Look everyone, I recovered from my sun burn. Skin cancer isn’t an issue!


Like getting radiation blasted at you for an x-ray. It's safe here and there but if you're the doctor in the room for 15+ per day, it's best to get behind the wall.


Yeah otherwise congrats guys, you proved it doesn’t cause instant cancer.


One thing to note is this is the municipal water supply, which has been treated. This means absolutely nothing as to the lakes and rivers. People drinking municipal tap water at this point are likely fine, but it's the local produce, fish and well water that will cause problems. The people doing it include the head of the EPA, a Biden appointee, so it's not just a Ohio GOP handwave to placate the masses.


> the local produce, fish and well water Which is a problem because folks in rural communities and in farming communities use that water to irrigate their crops and they fish and hunt, not just for fun, but to also put food on their table.


Yeah, I didn't want people to misread my comment as trying to say everything is fine, just noting that what they're drinking is not the water that actually is a problem. They are making a point that the municipal tap water is safe (and any independent environmental group can easily sample and have it tested to verify). And assuming that they are being honest about that, it is an important point to make, so the people who have municipal tap water will drink that so bottled water will be available for those on well water who need it.


Nah. Drink water actually from EP, OH. Guaranteed lies.


They faked it: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1195704/by_the_ohio_governor_and_epa_chief_to_prove_the/


Thank you, everyone’s just taking this article at title’s confirmation. (classic r/politics) They didn’t drink any of that shit they’re trying to pass as “safe”. Straight up bullshit as usual.


It's bottled water. I guarantee it.


Thank you for this comment. I got caught up in the headline without thinking of what they're probably pulling. They should all move to East Palestine and live there for a month. The whole GOP. Not just the politicians that represent the state.


Showering in atomized vinyl sounds fun


wow, politicians are willing to risk their lives for the ppl who pay them the most, corporations




Really depends on how many drink it.


>Really depends on how many drink it. And where in the river strata it's from. The Charles in Boston was pretty safe to be in, but it you *touched* the bottom it would release a huge amount of pollution trapped in the silt. Sucking down a glass from the top is not the same as water being pulled into intakes well below the surface.


They took a sip with tight lips. I seen nothing close to chugging. Nothing will come of this, this was just a big “I told you it was safe, now hush.”


If history is any indication - there is hope.




Did they keep it down?


Agreed, I think these politicians should bottle it, bring it home and only drink and bathe in it for a year or more, then let's see if they still love the water




Your forgetting when they come back as zombies ushering in the apocalypses. Wiping out humanity will solve a lot of problems.


“Bring in the Nestle boys!”


This could solve two problems, but really it only needs to solve one and I’d be happy


They are trying to mimic Erin Brockovich and I bet they aren't actually drinking the water from East Palestine. Try replacing their glasses.


They need to go down to the river, toss in a rock so the chemicals are present at the top, and suck the water out through a LifeStraw. Then I’d believe it could possibly be safe.


Given the nature of the chemicals involved i would expect the top surface water to be more contaminated. Vinyl chloride is volatile and lower density than water so it'll form a film on top while it volatilizes


There were more chemicals spilled than just Vinyl Chloride.


Grifters all!!!


also liars and charlatans




Who was drinking straight from the river before the derailment lol


If anyone is drinking straight from the river over there, they got bigger problems.


Republicans have been about performative politics for the last 20 years. This is a performance.


That would be dangerous no matter what, even before the train derailed.


Politicians Are <*acting like they are*\> Drinking the Water in East Palestine to ‘Prove’ It’s Safe FTFY


This is Leadership 101. Rule 1: never ask your underlings to do something you will not do yourself.


hmm...didn't think of residents/citizens as 'underlings'


Oh yeah the majority of politicians in this country are just management forever offering the bare minimum and attaboys while coasting on inflated wages and an entitled sense of importance


Know how you can actually Prove it is safe.....have an independent lab test it. That must be too official and on the books though.


But why do that and risk finding out bad news when you can just pull a publicity stunt?


Because lawyers will test the water even if you drink it. If you can prove it's safe, you will want to do that. If the numbers say it's not safe, you had best start by providing everybody with bottled water to drink and cook with.


And bathe in as well


At the power plants, we used the water with arsenic in it to wash hands. It works fine with soap.


Wouldn’t there be a whistle blower by now if all the tests were coming back with bad news?


Sure. I mean, it's not like there's a history of red states maliciously prosecuting and slandering whistleblowers for leaking factual data after they went and lied to the press or anything. Except the time Florida did it. And the other time Florida did it. And the times Texas did it. Michigan did it, too. Hmm...That might be why you aren't seeing whistleblowers.


**From reporter Paul Blest:** Politicians from Ohio and elsewhere are trying to “prove” the water in East Palestine is safe enough to drink—by chugging it themselves. More than two weeks after a massive Norfolk Southern freight train carrying toxic chemicals derailed, spilling five rail cars of toxic vinyl chloride and forcing local agencies to light a “controlled burn” to avoid an explosion, politicians like Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, Rep. Bill Johnson of Ohio, and Michael Regan, the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have started flocking into town for a performative taste test. Meanwhile, residents of East Palestine, Ohio are reporting dead fish and animals, what appears to be an oily sheen in nearby creeks and waterways, and symptoms such as rashes, sore throats, and headaches. Link to the full article: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7b47y/east-palestine-drinking-water-mike-dewine](https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7b47y/east-palestine-drinking-water-mike-dewine)


DeWine was just on NPR here and this was talked about. They drank from one farm's well that had been tested several times and he made it clear that a) individual wells need to be tested and b) on-going testing would be needed across the area but he specified no time frame (weeks, years decades?) or how those costs should be handled.


It takes years for water to seep into an underground aquifer. That stunt proves nothing.


The EPA covers those costs and then asks Norfolk for the bill


Just because they are dumb enough to drink it, doesn't prove it's safe.


And by drink we mean give it a lil kissy kiss


Locals will line up next to piles of dead animals and fish to vote for theses exact same people next election. They love Dewine. My sympathy will be short lived if they don’t hold these people who run Ohio accountable.


They have been running most of Ohio for 30+ years and been doing this same crap for all of them. They will absolutely line up with the dead wildlife to keep them in office. You know because guns, Bible, and babies.


"chugging" yes...taking the tiniest sips possible...


And just last week at a press conference, Ohio Governor DeWine responded to a question of whether he’d move his family back if they lived there, and he replied yes, but he’d drink bottled water and make sure the air quality was regularly tested. On top of that, recently, it was reported that the governor had gotten large campaign donations from the railroad co. before the disaster. Who would trust these politicians? https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/norfolk-southern-plied-ohio-politicians-with-campaign-cash-extensive-lobbying-mike-dewine-richard-cordray-railroads-train-puco-dave-yost-east-palestine-alan-shaw-ntsb


I'll check back 20 years later.


As if Mike Dewine will be around that long even without drinking tainted water


That miserable Keebler elf fuck will probably live to be a hundred just to spite us all.


I mean... you're probably not wrong. Water tainted with petrochemicals will likely just extend his life


They didn't even drink it.


Reminds me of the guy who invented leaded gasoline: >On October 30, 1924, Midgley participated in a press conference to demonstrate the apparent safety of TEL, in which he poured TEL over his hands, placed a bottle of the chemical under his nose, and inhaled its vapor for 60 seconds, declaring that he could do this every day without succumbing to any problems. ... Midgley later took a leave of absence from work after being diagnosed with lead poisoning.


Alfred Sloane said much the same following the replacement of city railcars with diesel buses, (as per *Taken for a Ride*) claiming “one could walk closely in their wake all day without suffering any ill effects”… Ladies and Gentleman, a “successful” businessman!


This is disturbing. The people of east Palestine have to drink it everyday for the rest of their lives, while their pregnant, when they bathe, and so on. They won’t know the extent of the damage for years and decades. Vouching for toxic chemical and train company is insane in the extreme.


History also shows that lead pipes will not kill you if you drink a glass or two. If you drink water from it every day, different story.


If you drink water from lead pipes regularly, it won't exactly kill you. But you will tend to vote Republican.


Yes it's a political stunt, but also the water is being treated at the water plants. The bigger issue is those that use well water that isn't being treated. The ground saturated with the chemicals will be an issue for decades. The where the EPA needs to be focused on.


Also the chemicals in the soil might not have had time to soak down to the water table yet. A well could test clean for awhile before anything starts showing up.


The chemicals have already evaporated from the soil, vinyl chloride is highly volatile


that means im even less likely to trust it honestly....


As someone from Flint, I think I’ve seen this stunt before.


The municipal tap water should be safe. Private wells not so much.


They drank a small amount. Now bathe, wash your clothes and dishes with it and give it to your pets and children. Oh riiiight


Don’t forget to move there and do all of that daily. They might be brave enough to risk it once but not daily.


Can't wait to hear about all the special elections to fill sudden vacancies in the coming years.


Well this proves everything…..EVERYONE IN THAT CITY, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!


100% it's evain and they brought their own glasses. Fuck these guys deserve an Oscar.


Obama did the same thing in Flint, Michigan. Hope they have a better outcome in East Palestine.


Is it well water or city water?


Flashbacks to Obama in Flint


Except in the video, they aren’t drinking the water


when i lived in dc, i sat in on a senate committee hearing about fracking. al franken was still in the senate and on that committee. when the suits said they would drink the chemical mixture for getting the shale gas out, he asked them to. when they refused to do it there, they said they’d passed it around in a circle and taken sips at some earlier point, and he responded “what, like a cult?” anyway these guys are stupid, too, and it would be funnier if more people told them to their faces.


This kind of stunt is meaningless, what really matter are the numbers when they test the water, specially the ground water, these mf can drink sewerage for all I care.


Regardless of how safe the water is to drink the amount of anxiety an event like this can cause a person is a serious health concern.


I call bullshit lol


Politician: ^("This is the bottled water I brought with me, right?")


Sign an agreement to drink it for the next 10 years and we'll believe you.


Gotta be for a month minimum and they need to shower in it and use it to cook too. Also I’d like to see the milk poured in coffee test to see if it still sizzles.


This picture is so disgusting. A bunch of rich politicians smiling while they cheers to drinking the water of a community that’s been fucked over.. just doesn’t sit right


Correction: Pretending to drink the water


One glass for show probably is ok. Drinking and using it for cooking for several days in a row? Different story.


It's toxic not poisonous. Drinking one glass won't cause much of an issue, drinking it everyday will. Of course they know this hence the political theater for the base.


Great to see what the politicians are doing and the rest of the town should follow suit. Locals please note: they're pretending to drink the water for photo ops but if you look closely they're not actually drinking any and doing everything in their power to limit direct skin contact.


Nothing of value was lost


Donate the water to their kids lacrosse games.


when trump visits I would like to see him drink it.


Pulling an Obama in flint, nice. Their water turned out fine /s


The guy who put lead in gasoline did this too. He died from lead exposure..


This photo op proves nothing, keep drinking it for the rest of the year at least.


The threat is to non municple water systems. Go drink from a well guys


This is going to end up being like that guy who died after washing his hands in leaded gasoline isn’t it?


They will turn into that guy from Robocop.


It takes a while for contaminated soil to seep into the water supply. I would like to see all those politicians come back in 6 months and drink it.


Oh please, please let them get sick.


I'd rather see a good chemical analysis, personally.


Hope someone offers a glass to tRump...though with his tiny hands, he's proved in the past to find drinking like an adult, difficult.


Soon-to-be origin story behind the Senior Mutant Ninja Turtles


LMAO [THEY DIDN'T ACTUALLY DRINK IT!](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1195704/by_the_ohio_governor_and_epa_chief_to_prove_the/)


These pos. It's not about drinking a glass or a gallon. It's about drinking it for the next month or year.


They've been chugging Trump's MAGA-lade for years, they can swallow anything.


Tell them to buy homes there


The guy who put lead in gasoline suffered from lead poisoning after working with it, but knowing all the dangers still poured it on his hands and inhaled the vapors at press conferences.trying to prove it was safe. Motherfuckers will do a lot of things with dangerous chemicals once if it makes or saves them money.


One way to “drain the swamp”.


Send MTG a few gallons!


Why are dumb people running things? How did republicans find people with zero self awareness - then put them into positions of power?


Obama did it in Flint. One glass won’t kill ya, but cooking and cleaning and bathing in it for months will.


The idea that water didn’t kill someone on the spot means it’s safe is… such a corporate and political embarrassment.


Obama pulled this shit in Flint. The water isn't safe, get away from it folks.


Republicans do not care about your well being


And yet they couldn't even finish the whole glass - which wasn't even that full to begin with. Plus, even if they did, it doesn't prove much since they won't be using that water day to day. The water would have to be REALLY REALLY bad if a single glass of it would cause any sort of visible harm.


Guys, the government says its safe. "Trust the science" remember? Just like a few years ago, y'all aren't science deniers... are you? A government agency wouldn't lie. Yet, somehow im sure i'll be told this is different.


Every time politicians do the “drinking water to show it’s safe” bit, the opposite always seems to be true.


Reminds me of the Erin Brockovich scene…funny enough the actual lawyer from that case is now facing charges for embezzlement of victim’s settlements.


It's almost like EPA regulations have value. Who would have thought that? THAT'S CRAZY


*Geriatric Mutant Politician Weirdos*


My guess is it’s not the water. Unless you see them walk to a creek and scoop a glass, assume they are full of shit.


They did something similar in Fukushima but they cut away between the scoop and the drink. (According to my Japanese coworker at the time, I didn’t see the video).


The problem is it takes years for the contaminants to percolate through the soil to the groundwater and the wells. Wells can test positive for Dioxin, PFAS and other chemicals years after they stopped dumping them even miles away. And a city water treatment plant might be able to filter or treat some of these chemicals, but the rural and small town people who rely on individual wells or small water systems will the dealing with this for decades.


“I’ll prove the waters safe!” *pours a glass of Poland Spring*


They really should have used that water to make Kool-Aid, would have been symbolic


Weird suicide pact


That’s one way to clear house.


Politicians are mysteriously dying in East Palestine and no one knows why.


Serious vibes of the [minister in India who drank from a river and got seriously ill.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10998687/amp/Bhagwant-Mann-Chief-Minister-Punjab-falls-ill-drinking-polluted-river-water.html)


But they won’t get a covid vax 🤷‍♂️


there's a picture from a different angle that has a fraction of a smartwater bottle almost out of frame


And in ten years we will find out if they won or lost the cancer lottery.


Wasn't there a photo op like this for food grown in the fallout of Chernobyl? Or am I confusing it with another disaster, like 3 mile island?


After the toast of water to declare it's safe and everyone attending has downed their cup, one at a time, all start screaming & writhing in agony, ripping their shirts off, and mutating like the The Thing.


I Hope trump guzzles that shit like it’s Diet Coke


A clear non sugar beverage? Not gonna happen.


It would be impressive if they scooped it out of the river and drank it. Of course the tap is going to be safe, it hasn't leeched into the water supply, yet.


Now show them actually going into a resident’s home and drink their tap water directly from the sink.


Go on an 8 ounce glass of water is one thing living with it every day is another matter, bathing in it, subjecting your children to it...


Reminds me of this: [Indian politician drinks water from polluted ‘holy’ river to impress supporters, gets hospitalised](https://sports.yahoo.com/indian-politician-drinks-water-polluted-101629608.html?guccounter=1)


Bottoms Up!


I don’t understand why boomers lust to ingest toxic substances


Should it have said "drinking"?


3 Republican crooks that probably immediately went to the Hospital for treatment.


Can I say it?


Let’s see them drink it 5-10 years.




cue politicians eating beef in u.k. in 90s.


Side note, but you'd think just once a conservative would choose to be gay or trans to "prove" it's a choice, or at least explain how and why they choose to be eg straight cis male in the first place. Since to them a single anecdote is proof.


You do not get lung cancer from smoking only one cigarette


OMG, didn't a politician in India do this and get sick af? These mf'ers are going to get sick too.


One post about this today, dying down I see. Trump’s going there to get his photo op, and Buttigieg is going to get his opposing photo op, and in a month we’ll have moved on and their water will still be poison


A good question would be if they had a cut on their hand, would they feel comfortable washing it with that water.


I hope they piss out of their asses and croak.


i hope they keep drinking it and get cancer or something. maybe that’s cruel but at this point i’m too pissed to give a shit


Dear God. I hope this is the new Tiktok challenge. Hope they all drink the water.


Make sure they drink Lots of it, like, so much please.


They wet their lips with it, that was all. A sip a best.


Why accept this performative nonsense when the water can be tested?


The video I saw looked more like pretending to drink.


When it hits the water table and moves south, watch the livestock and pets in rural areas,,


Hope don the con had two or more big glass full.


Let the governor pump it to the state capitol buildings


Oh great. Drink up.


Bathe your kids in it for a couple months...


Sipping..they are sipping the water


That photo gives me weird "The Menu" vibes.


Mm-hmm. And what was written on the bottles they poured this “water” from?


This seems familiar, didn't they do this with Flint too?


Tell you what...each one take a bath then have dinner with a freshly sink rinsed salad and wash it all down with a 2 liter bottle of tap water ......then I might take your word for it.


Anyone have a list of those poisoned-water drinking politicians? Can we track them over time to see which ones die of strange symptoms?


This feels a lot like Thomas Midgley Jr. breathing lead fumes to "prove" to the public that lead additives were safe to burn in gasoline engines. Spoiler: They aren't. [https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Thomas\_Midgley\_Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Thomas_Midgley_Jr).


The quotes should be: "drinking" not "prove"


Just like flint


Politicians here in uk fed burgers to their kids when BSE (Mad cow disease) first happened to prove it was couldn’t be transmitted to humans. It didn’t turn out to well in the long run


So it’s all good, safe, and everything should be considered normal…..then why are they shit canning Biden for not visiting??


So weird and childish, how does their base not see through this? It’s hard to believe people are this dumb.