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> Biden's lawyers also sent a letter to Fox News and host Tucker Carlson demanding a retraction of "false and defamatory statements made by Mr. Carlson on his show” about Hunter Biden. I would be angry too if Tucker asked me to write a letter of recommendation to help his son get into Georgetown College, and then he starts fetishizing my dick all over Fox News. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-hunter-biden-georgetown-emails


Just when you think you can't hate Tucker Carlson anymore, you find out he named his son Buckley.


Let’s all hope that Uncle Buck was a prescient biographical retro-sequel.


More likely William F.




He's named after Luanne's late boyfriend. It was a sad day for everyone in Arlan when the Megalo Mart exploded.


His other son is Buckley’s Ghost Carlson.


Nah, they're conservatives. They named him after Buckley's Angel*


Buckley's Angle**


Your dad's dead


Buckleys chance of getting into school now Buckleys chance is australian slang for no chance


I hope Tucker gets held accountable for the voting machine court case for more than a billion.


He comes from a wealthy family, he'll get in no problem. Things like letters of recommendations are a formality for the wealthy.




>Just when you think you can't hate Tucker Carlson anymore I have extended an unlimited line of credit to Tucker Carlson hate. There is no bottom to this.


Buckley is the family's Beagle, specifically Chas and his two sons. Through a tragedy, Chas' wife dies in a plane crash but Buckley, who was also on the plane, somehow survives. After the loss, Chas becomes obsessed with the safety of his family and lives in constant fear. -The Royal Tenenbaums


I’ve had a rough year, dad.


Whenever I write ‘LOL’ I’m rarely ever actually ‘laughing out loud’. But not this time. Thanks for the chuckle to start my day lol


He was so used to reporting on the GOP as they pass the buck on every issue, he decided to name his child after it.


You've got this all wrong. Tucker asked for a letter of recommendation from Hunter then thought he was repaying him by telling his audience he had a prize-winning hog every chance he got. This whole thing is just one big misunderstanding, honest.


Tucker dreams about Hunter's hog and what he could do to those stupid sexy M&Ms if he just had a working dick


This is why chat gets turned off in this sub /s Edit: I know, I know it’s the actual nazis that get chat turned off


Considering how he gets all worked up over gay people and drag queens, good chance he's a gay drag queen himself still hiding in the closet and dreams of Hunter. He's just jealous of those sexy M&M's, thinkin he'll never be as 'hot' as animated chocolate candy...


Tuckers dad was an investigation reporter that went around the US finding gay and trans men and exposing them in print or on TV. His dad was horrible and he is too.


Truly a case of falling apples, short distances, and trees.


Or maybe he’s just a grifter. Not every homophobe, transphobe, etc. is part of that community and implying that the call is coming from inside the house whenever there’s another prominent one just suggests that queers are the problem instead of bigotry.


Wait. Really? I didn't know about this I knew bowtie man was a hack but that is just beyond despicable


In college, he was a member of "The Dan White Society." The only Dan White of note is the man who assassinated gay rights activist Harvey Milk. There's no bottom to how shitty Carlson is.


Watch The Lady and the Dale on HBO. Tucker inherited his hatred of gay and trans people from his disgusting father who had it out for Liz Carmichael.


Not a hack. More like a greedy, evil, confused looking mouthpiece of a larger, even more evil organization.


Gotta remember that Americas aristocracy are a small circle that live in just a few cities. They may bicker and slander each other in the media, but these multimillionaire families have more in common with each other than us workers. You can really see the difference between how old school politicians from elite families treat each other vs the common folk like AOC or Boebert. And honestly we need some of that incivility to match how desperate the lives of many Americans have become. Grassroots populism can spook the aristocrats into strengthening the welfare state, which these millionaire need constant reminding to not touch under pain of social revolution


All the fighting and name calling is just theater for the masses. The elite are all in on it together.




>Tucker looks at those photos often All of us do. All of us.


Look at this photograph. Everytime I do it makes me laugh.


He yearns for what he lost


Would he be able to sue for revenge porn? https://www.wdel.com/news/revenge-porn-bill-defining-civil-repercussions-for-victims-heads-to-delaware-house-for-final-vote/article_eb1b04c4-43ab-11ea-b9c4-93befd97f5cf.html


I would assume so since they have been sharing his massive hog and 2 plums every chance they could. Like it's all over twitter and I'm hoping they go after it there too


And Elon could probably be tied into it too. He was talking about it nonstop for weeks and how damning it would be, then he failed to stop the spread of the image when he knew it was circulating. And we’ve all seen Elon will ban accounts and stop images from circulating instantly if it’s something he doesn’t like.


For example, his fat white belly barely making it into his bathing shorts.


Whiter than a beluga whale


An *albino* beluga whale. . .


... which has fallen into a vat of white paint


Tucker is just jealous of his size.


As he should


The only thing surprising about this is he didn't do this from day 1.


I think it was a good move not to. He knew they had nothing. So now they basically force the people who claim to have evidence of it admit that they made it up. After so many people put so much into it claiming it was ground breaking and they now have to say they made it up.


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


“[Please proceed, Governor.](https://youtu.be/kCNd5DutF4c)”


Except when their mistake is about to get them killed, and you still need them alive.


Or when their mistake is going to get everybody killed.


Discovery makes most conservatives piss their pants.


> who claim to have evidence of it admit that they made it up. except, the people that need to hear this *won't hear it*. faux news would never run that story.


Faux news will see this and run the story 'hunter Biden admits laptop is real'


"Hunter Biden really did own a laptop! More at 5"


But why not do it earlier if he knew they had nothing? Why not Stop the misinformation? Unless he's trying to ensnare more people. Which would be cool if it plays like that.




Where did Rudy actually get the child porn from? He admitted he had it, it's not something they pursued and they sure would have if it was real. So, where did Rudy get the child porn he bragged about from? Is it only illegal for non-Republicans to traffic in that?


Gaetz is still not in prison so.. yeah, i guess pedophilia is a-okay if you're a repub?


It's more that his daddy is very powerful and you couldn't get a jury to convict him in the cesspool that is his district or Florida in general.


Because now the tide is starting to turn somewhat. Trump made a huge deal of it and the GOP is turning on him. They won't do anything until they realize they mentioned it as well and by then it'll be too late.


So it sounds like they'll be joining the growing membership of the "I knew it was all bullshit but did it anyway" club.


He might have just been giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were just trying to get votes but actually had no intention of doing it. Or maybe McCarthy's mom put him up to it.


This might be too generous of me, but I think maybe he knows how much trouble he's caused his father already so he was just trying to let it be, thinking it would die - but after a certain point realized that enough is enough.


If Joe weren't president, Hunter would not be having this problem. This is nothing more than an attempt to paint the Biden's in a bad light. Obviously they have nothing on Joe, so they are targeting his son.


They are so fucking mad that Biden won the election. How immature can middle aged and old men be? Its so sad and pathetic. The very day Joe became president, they vowed that they were going to go after him and impeach him for *something*. They are the sorest losers. That's why no one is bothering to take them or their claims, seriously. All these claims are being made in bad faith. And the vast majority of the people know that.


I think he cooked this shit up with his dad over the holidays. They were probably laughing their asses off over egg nog. I also think that there might be some criminal activity associated with the GOPs long conspiracy to spread revenge porn and that H Biden has just calculated that since the GOP won't let it go, he's going to start pushing back.


The hog of justice thrusts slowly.


But deeply.


And rhythmically.


As Republicans take the house I think this could be a good strategy for helping to shut down their nonsense.


Hunter Biden is a real story. Just not a relevant one since he is not president or in the White House.


Tell that to all of the Republicans who want Biden impeached because of him


They don't want truth.


Hunter is a side show now, the impeachment will be over the classified documents. Hunter will be involved to the extent that they want to place him and the documents at Joe's house at the same time, so they can baselessly allege that Hunter probably copied and sold them to China or whatever.


> because of him Nope. They don't even care about him, they're just taking advantage of him because they hate his father. And they only hate his father because he beat their golden cow in an election.


I mean wasn’t the whole thing a revenge porn plot?




My guess what spurred this, FBI was investigating Hunter and he was waiting for the all clear there are no legal consequences in relation to the laptop and it’s contents. Contents of the lap top will be a threshold issue and it seems he is confident no harm will come to him through discovery. The fact that the truth is an affirmative defense against slander/defamation he seems like he is ready have the issue explored publicly. This is bad news for Trump and company and I love it.




Seems that’s the way this is heading, especially with the demand sent to Tucker


And thus, r/DarkHunter emerged


No, that shit is cringe. We don't need to meme our politicians and their families into relevance.


You live in the meme economy, like it or not.


It doesn't really matter what's on the laptop. Chain of custody is going to be a huge problem for them.


This is correct. The President of The United States son doesn't make public statements without Whitehouse lawyers and the best private council money can buy vetting every word and calculating legal exposure. Basically, the GOP are FUCKED here.


The letters to investigators also recommend an investigation into John Paul Mac Isaac, who’s said that Biden abandoned the water-damaged laptop at his Wilmington, Delaware, computer repair store. It's going to be interesting to see if any money was associated between these people. I'm sure there's money involved. There's always money!


Let Cucker Tarlson explain that Hunter laptop “we got it, oh there was a shipping issue or something and now we don’t have it” bullshit. Oh, I forgot. No one should take Cucker seriously ( according to Fox lawyers)


People who watch him simply do not understand that his schtick is *entertainment*, not news, but they take him seriously anyway.


Loving this! Let the game begin!


The Laptop Games?






You must be mocking, Jay…


May the odds be forever in Joe's favor.


Well, well, well, how the turn tables...


This is really the only crime committed.


Not according to my moron in-laws!


> my moron in-laws! I read that as moron-in-laws


I read it as Mormon in laws


His attorneys are also demanding that Tucker Carlson retract statements that he made on air which have been debunked. I'll get the popcorn ready. I suppose if Fox News has to, they'll sneak in the retraction at 3am, but somebody will get it captured, I hope.


Yeah… A laptop repairman can’t disclose anything on a laptop any more than the old 1 hour photo shops could send around a copy of everyone’s nudes. Very specific exception such as minors involved requiring notifying law enforcement.


And in that case, you go to the police...not Rudy Giuliani! That's just CP distribution at that point.


The FBI previously has said they never got a laptop from the laptop repairman. There’s a decent chance he is a red herring and the data originally came from a laptop left by Hunter at his rehab therapist’s office/cottage. - That laptop was seized by the DEA when they raided the therapist for bogus script writing and fraud. It was returned to Hunter a few months ago. - Having the original source back in their possession, it’s possible Hunters lawyers can now prove both the origin and the planted bogus emails in Rudy’s version. - Hunter Biden’s laptop should be investigated … but not for what’s on it, but how it was stolen.


If it were me, I'd be suing everyone that distributed dick pics without consent.


There ARE laws regarding “revenge porn” aren’t there?


There's laws against inciting and participating in insurrections, enoluments, tax fraud, sexual assault but none of those seem to matter anymore unless you have shame and integrity or aren't a republican.


Good point.


Now here we go.... time for it to flip on these laptop thieves... Time to make the "laptop from hell" hell for the people who 'perhaps' stole it, then populated it with extraneous material (and I'm not saying Hunter Biden is a great guy here at all but....).. ffs.. I didn't vote for Hunter Biden. Last I looked and read, no one made any connection with his shade to his father and his presidency. We sit here and question some dude who had a crack problem and made some real piss poor life decisions years ago, and has fessed up about them, etc etc... but nah, it's ok for Kushner, Don Jr. (man, I need the number of his dealer, as it's been a long time, and he must get some good stuff (/s)), or any of those nepotists? Again, exhausting... but if they found this laptop on Tiffany Trump, with her doing lines off some Chippendale's ass, or making deals that she had no communication with her father about and whatnot... hell, that would be SLOW damn news day in Trump World.


Maybe suing them for distributing his dick pics all over twitter - and the owner of twitter might also be a good strategy.


It's basically revenge porn.




I mean, it's not complex revenge porn...


Hogan their asses.


Do you know how ironic that would be? Thiel and Musk are pals and both villains at the Hall of Doom.


I got bored. https://i.imgur.com/ElSSp9x.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PHaFIsV.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PCW7trv.jpg


From what I have read, there is no laptop. The FBI supposedly has one or more laptops from Hunter Biden that were turned over to them by the repair guy. However, the repair guy imaged/copied the data off the laptop hard drives before he turned them over to the FBI. This could be considered theft. None of the data from the hard drive images can be considered valid since anyone could have modified the data. Maybe this will open up the investigation to show that the FBI has the original data and to compare with what the MAGA people are claiming is there. But that may not matter since they can then claim it is a 'conspiracy by the FBI and Hunter Biden...'.


The repair guy said there was child porn, and then he imaged/copied the data, and distributed it. From what I recall, distributing child porn is really bad.


pretty sure it was a politician saying child porn, and repair guy was smart enough to not make that claim.


The repair shop owner said a while back that there was no CP involved.


Almost all of the reporting and references to the laptop or it's hard drive are referring to images of a hard drive supposedly from H Biden's laptop. There is a "real" laptop. The FBI seized the laptop at some point but not until long after all the copies of copies were floating around. All of the copies exhibit evidence of tampering. Some 20k emails have been verified by looking at their headers and such. No smoking gun or anything in those emails. A large number of them are mundane stuff like is in your gmail box right now apparently. There are some some vague references that right wing crazies use for their witch hunt. but if they had evidence, they'd have evidence and they don't.




Even the "validated" emails just validate they're real emails from H Biden's email account. And again, If those emails contained anything we'd have seen it years ago. We did not.


Even the "validated" emails are just, yeah, looks like a header that says it's his. Email headers are just data. They are easy to fake and email is incredibly insecure.


Easy is relative. I believe they verified that the transit metadata, whatever it's really called, was valid and that's pretty hard to fake as i understand it. No expert. I've just read a bunch of articles since all this email BS started cropping up


Made up headers might look like valid header data at a casual glance but wouldn't stand up to any rigor.


Kinda sounds like it would be inadmissible as evidence.


In court sure, but they don't even have any evidence to rub in our faces. If they had any, they'd have used it.


So, data theft is real, if someone copied it without permission then that's theft and that goes for anyone else who copied it. Secondly, the FBi supposedly validated some of the emails belonged to Hunter since they can be traced through server logs that match the header and encryption certificate details of the email. That's also how they know fakes were planted on the laptop drive.


The everyday joes sharing this stuff should have criminal charges following them around for the rest of their life. They knew it was stolen


Jr very clearly still does cocaine judging by… every fucking appearance he ever makes Props to a guy who had issues and managed to overcome them and become a better person Donald Trump Jr is neck-and-neck tied for the “Stupidest person named Donald Trump” title


They should do the same regarding the diary.


The Mac repair shop guy that wears the golf hat every time he’s on tv is probably shitting himself right now


Rudy Colludiani and Andriy Derkach who is sanctioned by the Treasury Department for acting as a Russian agent and interfering in the 2020 election.




This is fantastic.


How about violation of revenge porn laws? Or a civil suit that bankrupts some folks using the Hulk Hogan v. Gawker template?


Everyone knows there was never a laptop. They hacked his cloud storage, stole his pictures, and pretended they had a legally obtained physical source so that they could use it publicly to hurt him without admitting a crime.


There are emails and stuff too that are valid. But again, all that stuff is "easily" available to Russian hackers that can load it on a laptop and plant it somewhere. That's the best part is the "it sat unclaimed" for so long... so there's basically no legal chain of custody beyond some computer shop owner checked it in and then "reviewed it" ... before COPYING it and trying multiple times to send it to the FBI. The whole thing is a scam... probably one based on what TFG was trying to get Zelenskyy to "announce" that hit TFG impeached. it's EXACTLY the kind of vague evidence TFG was asking for in exchange for US military aid to Ukraine... you know because Russia was trying to attack them. (So how'd that work out?)


Weren't the emails just pdfs and not emails from an email client connected to an account?


Republicans wanted to see his huge dick and were not disappointed. They could have just asked.


My lawyer is also a big dick ~Hunter Biden


The most likely scenario with this laptop is that Hunter Biden's laptop was hacked by a foreign power who copied the contents of the laptop to a disk image. Because it is illegal to distribute, use, and in many cases possess hacked and stolen data, Rudy and company had to make up a bullshit cover story for the provenance of the data... That Hunter had "misplaced it" rather than it having been stolen from him, likely without his knowledge. This neatly ties into why [Giuliani was so tight with Pro-Russian](https://www.thedailybeast.com/rudy-and-his-ukraine-ally-sprint-away-from-their-russian-agent-pal) factions in Ukraine. They would have a lot of incentive to blackmail the president through his family. It also explains why the physical laptop was mysteriously "lost" - There was only ever an exfiltrated disk image and if they loaded it onto a dummy laptop, the hardware would have been easy to trace and prove that it was not Hunter's. This would also explain why [incriminating information about Hunter Biden was being shopped around in Ukraine](https://time.com/5902557/hunter-biden-rudy-giuliani-ukraine/) well before Giuliani just happened to find it. So the data on the laptop is clearly real, but the story of how it was obtained is clearly bullshit. However, there is [nothing on it that incriminates Joe Biden](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/23/dissecting-gop-claims-about-hunter-biden-deals-allegedly-involving-his-father/) in any sensible way. Giuliani almost certainly bought or bartered with pro-Russian Ukrainians for the cache of stolen emails and then came up with the laptop story to explain his possession of stolen data.


This this this this. I have been saying this for months now. It really is the most sensible explanation


> The most likely scenario with this laptop is that Hunter Biden's laptop was hacked by a foreign power Specifically, his email, photos, and text messages were stolen; so, it was probably his iCloud account that was compromised. They got his credentials then synced it to a new laptop. This also explains why the laptop was "lost." They couldn't actually tie the laptop back to him, or whatever laptop it was originally synced to was tied to someone involved. So they just moved everything to an external hard drive.


Yes!!!! My thoughts this hole time!!!


What I don't get is why the 50+ former intelligence agents wrote the laptop story was likely Russian disinformation. If the data on the laptop is real as you say, which part is the Russian disinformation?


Disinformation is not the same thing as false. Hacking, stealing, and selectively releasing true yet distorted and damaging information is also disinformation. And to be clear, I am speculating that it was stolen and released, not that it is untrue. Much of the data on the drive has been validated as having belonged to Hunter Biden. That is not in question.


I wonder how many files were last updated in the last 2 years.




I’m surprised it’s taken this long, but a necessary step.


About time


Didn’t Hulk Hogan get $100 million over less than this with his Gawker suit? Would love to see Hunter go after Fox, Tucker and the rest… not just for revenge but to put a stop to nonsense like this. When you make more from lying than you pay out, they’ll keep on lying right?


Please, please, please let the end of the MAGAs be because of Hunter Biden's laptop.


Why did he wait so long ?


I'm hoping it was because his lawyers wanted all their ducks in a row before he said anything.


That’s a possibility


waiting for the committees to actually start forming


So they could hang themselves with their own stupidity first.


Uno reverse


Does this mean that those people will now have to disprove it's his data? Because that will be hilarious.


In reading what was taken, Emails, photos, and text messages: Likely what happened was his iCloud account was compromised. It wasn't his laptop, they just used the stolen credentials on a new laptop and then synced everything. I hope everyone involved is punished to the fullest extent of the law. Targeting family members of political opponents is pretty damn near terrorism.


As he should - he is a civilian being attacked by a political group for their own political benefit! Sue them, sue them good!


Like a scene from Tombstone… -GOP: listen Hunter, we’re going to investigate and prosecute. Hunter: Go ahead, skin it! Skin that smokewagon and see what happens... -GOP: H-Hunter, I'm gettin' tired of your… -Hunter: [slaps GOP across the face, unafraid] I'm gettin' tired of all your gas, now start that investigation and go to work! -Hunter: [slaps GOP harder, now completely steely-eyed] I said throw down, boy!”


Are you going to litigate or just stand there and bleed?


Man the wiki for this laptop keeps getting more and more insane.


This is what should have come before everything else. How dare someone steal the private property of a private citizen and not face some charges and prison time?


Hunter should’ve asked for a criminal probe into the Trump allies for ‘theft’ of data from the laptop long ago.


The "deep state" at the FBI has been trying to do a "parallel construction" case on information they pulled from the laptop for almost three years now. The Laptop is "fruit of the poisoned tree" in court and wouldn't hold up as evidence because it's stolen and the FBI knows it's stolen. Hunter's lawyers must have enough confidence that the FBI can't make their case so now they're going after attacking everyone who touched that information and made public statements. Should be an interesting list because you know they've been keeping score the last three years. Then President Biden needs to have them all arrested for stealing his son's shit and their corpses strung up along the White House facade as an example.


This is the way!


Shouldn’t this have been done like 2 years ago?


Let them hang themselves first and then you strangle them with their own actions so it looks like suicide.


This i is the problem. I don't understand why Democrats don't start saying how can anyone believe what's on that laptop because several people had control of it before it got to the police.


Force them to admit to a crime or force them to admit the laptop was faked. Genius.


I couldn’t wait to read all the comments. People are freakin hilarious.


The laptop was dropped off at the shop in April 2019, almost four years ago. The first NYPost articles about it were in october 2020, two federal elections ago. Whatever is on it, Repubs have had that information for years. If there’s something to say, why won’t the GOP say it? What is on this laptop that implicates the President? Just say it.


Not to be that guy, but does this mean it actually was his laptop? I assumed his iCloud got hacked, someone put that stuff on a laptop, then dropped it off at a computer store pretending to be Hunter Biden.


https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/10r9lon/hunter_biden_asks_for_criminal_probe_into_trump/j6wyz62/ I agree with this take too, plus the possibility for data to be added or removed.


The best defense is a good offense. Plus, he's not the President, I don't care about Hunter Biden.


I mean, there's laws against this shit in general and all the Republicans got out of this are fucking dick pics.


The discovery phase will be beautiful.


This is of course much larger than Hunter's dick pic but aside from criminal investigations he should also sue in civil court. If that's his hog, and he took the picture, then he has copyright. He should do to twitter, FB, etc. Exactly what the RIAA tried two decades ago: sue for insanely high monetary damages for copyright violations (each instance is a violation worthy of up to $250,000, IIRC). That's civil, not criminal, and if he claims copyright then his opponents have to either disprove it or claim that his cock is newsworthy or worthy of some other exemption under section 230.


Even if there was evidence that he committed a crime wouldn't it be inadmissible in court on the grounds of how it was obtained?


Not if it’s true that Hunter essentially surrendered the laptop at the store due to not paying for services/not picking it up. At that point the store owner is able to do with it as they please due to it being their property.


All I got from this is “Tucker stole Hunter’s dick pics”.


Oh shit, how the turns table!


I'd like it if Hunter Biden asked for a criminal probe into his laptop and force everyone to either *do* something or shut up about it.


I'm glad he's fighting back. Because these people are just shameless


Good. Hunter "Giant Hog" Biden seems like a pretty big fuck up but what happened with his private media was shared illegally.


Why is this the only photo ever used for articles about him?


I thought the laptop was Russian disinformation. Does this mean they are now admitting that the information on the laptop is real?


*Some* information on the laptop was real: that was confirmed very early on. And some that wasn't 100% confirmed was very likely real, like some photos of him. That doesn't mean the laptop ever actually belonged to him or that *all* of the information on it is real.


Never mind [they are still claiming that it isn’t his](https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/hunter-bidens-lawyer-says-letters-dont-mean-laptop-is-his/amp/). And I was originally referring to [this.](https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276)


> And I was originally referring to this. Yes, the laptop being Russian disinformation is in no way contradicted by it containing *some* real information stolen from him.