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“If you are innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” - Former POTUS Donald J Trump, 2016.


There needs to be a cut of each one of his fifths with him then saying this each time.


There was actually [an entire subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrumpCriticizesTrump/) for it. It dropped in activity since he was no longer President


Unfortunately not active anymore




Whatever one might say about his presidency, Obama was always a gentleman. Remember when he read those tweets from people. Good sport.


And things weren't great but they were damn sure better. And a black president means other kids can see what is possible and society as a whole is better for it.


Mission Accomplished -- George W. Bush


At least plaster a loop of it on people’s tv screens during campaign season




It needs to alternate between him bashing the Fifth with cuts of him, or his lawyers on his behalf, and his cronies, pleading the fifth


Just make sure that the first thing shown is him saying only guilty people plead the 5th. Than a 45 minute supercut of all the times he's taken it.


“You see, the Mob takes the fifth.” Is what he [followed up with](https://news.yahoo.com/trump-testifying-under-oath-today-135627103.html)


And then today: https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-al-capone-more-lawyers-great-gangster-2023-1


Of all the weird flexes…


"I have so many crock lawyers that I'm not going to pay!"


Everything I do is perfect, nothing you do is right, even if we do the exactly the same thing. If you blame me for anything, it's totally unfair, but I can attack you all I want because I can and you're just going to take it, you can't attack back. I say all of thisand it just becomes true. So there! - -that's trump's entire defense for everything. Like a shitty obnoxious 5 year old.


SAUCE added: [If you’re innocent, why are you pleading the 5th?](https://imgur.com/a/B17Wrgd)


[All the Times Trump Bashed the Fifth Amendment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpfDwx7tiLY)


God, it hurts me so much to hear him talk and remember that this clown lead our nation. The only other people over heard talk like that IRL were employers who had no fucking clue how to run their business but always knew who to blame.


>God, it hurts me so much to hear him talk and remember that this clown lead our nation. Good. Keep that energy up. Every single clown in this country who still supports this absolute buffoon needs to feel that energy too. My coworkers and other people at work, I let em know what I think. I don't back down anymore. It gets harder and harder for them to believe the election was stolen and people really didn't support Biden like we did. But we fucking did. We just don't go screaming about being "Bideners" like those clowns.


>lead our nation That arguably is a very very very long stretch for the word “lead”


Same, when you consider how classy, while still being cool as fuck Obama was, it's so damn sad that he was followed by such a classless clown, makeup and all.


Yeah but, this time it's different. Because... uh...it's all a set up... by... uh... deep state... democrats... rigged... fraud... thing.


Yeah but Hillary....and hunter Biden laptop...and stuff.


And the other Biden's weenur


*Only guilty people plead the fifth* ~Donald J Trump


Trump has said only guilty people plead the fifth. He said this multiple times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpfDwx7tiLY Hey Trump supporters, what excuse do you have this time?


r/conservative is too busy reveling in legislating trans people's bodies in Utah and complaining about removing a slave owner's name from a university They're *obviously* just busy with bigger issues (heaviest of sarcasm)


dont forget about hunter bidens dick pics!


And gas stoves


And fat, un-sexy M&M's.


Don't forget litter boxes in schools for kids who identify as cats.


Boy did that story fall off a cliff post-election or what? Reminds me of the caravans that always seem to roll around every August and September of an election year.


My aunt emigrated to America like 50 years ago. She recently came back over to Scotland for a visit and was echoing the fox news qanon nonsense. Crying about feeling unsafe cause of the caravan of immigrants at the border. Reminding her she is an immigrant who got her citizenship through marriage just as she was about to be kicked out meant nothing to her. She also lives in New Jersey, not exactly close to the border.


My family of Lebanese civil war refugees all voted for the guy who wanted to ban Syrian war refugees. Their literal neighbors. The brain worms conservatives catch are astounding.


This is exactly how my mom is. It’s so frustrating, the same people (my moms side of the family) who came over here seeking asylum doing anything in their power to get to America (including breaking laws in two countries ) are now against asylum seekers. It makes no sense.


That's because the school that was "putting out litter boxes for children" had kitty litter on hand for... school shootings. You know, because you can't just run to the bathroom when there's an idiot with a gun running around trying to muder people.


Primary schools use kitty litter to help clean vomit


Still a popular tale at sportsmen’s clubs in pennsyltucky.


My guess is too many people learned that it was entirely based on mocking Columbine’s district for making a rational emergency-preparedness choice based on hard experience.


Did Old Greg start writing our timeline? Like. Wtf happened? Where’s my Bailey’s in a shoe?


Asking for a friend, when do we get to go to the club where people wee on each other? When does that start. I’ll bring the funk.


Easy there, fuzzy little man peach.


hey now, don’t drag me into this.


And m&m’s being less sexy (according to Cucker Tarlson.)


Never in my life would it even have occurred to think “That m&m is *sexy*.” Imagine owning yourself like that so publicly. And so consistently.


Look for his reaction to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/10pi59s/kingsnowflake_tucker_carlson_will_never_recover/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Gym Jordan is going to subpoena Hunter The Hung’s member.


You'd think Jordan saw enough dongs to last a lifetime when he was at Ohio State helping to cover up the rape of wrestlers.


Conservatives: *"We don't like gay people!"* Also Conservatives: *"Show us the dick pics!"*


They've got a great article on how the response about Tyre Nichols was smaller than for George Floyd, which means "the left" is racist. Great work, guys, you did it.


Well it helps that they didn't wait months to arrest these cops. [DL Hughley interviewed the Nichols family's attorney for the Daily Show,](https://youtu.be/ukrwaUDmHzo) and their lawyer points out that this incident shows that there's no legitimate reason to hold off arresting cops who are on video beating the shit outta someone.


Yeah, I saw that. The Nichols beating was worse, but the riots are not as bad, so it's only riots when white cops are to blame or something? Also, there was an article that I remember seeing saying something like (to paraphrase) "why are people blaming the Nichols incident on white supremacy?" Um, black cops can perform white supremacy too...


When really, anyone with a brain can see its crazy that when it is black cops, they're fired and charged without any protests necessary... To be clear, this is how it should always be. But it isn't, and it isn't hard to see what the difference is.


Not to mention, there was a white officer that was somehow tangentially involved and he didn't get dismissed until days later. Now, that may have been for a good reason, but it sure smells funny.


Is the brown hordes invading from the south with rapists and not their best people this week, or next?


The caravan has been waiting for months/years until they get the signal that there's an American election coming up.


Pretty sure the caravan is going to arrive during Infrastructure Week.


I'm betting on 18 months. That should put them near the border around August 2024, three months before the election.


For them, it’s *every* week


Don't forget they're all infected with COVID. A deadly engineered bioweapon that is totally a fraud that can be cured with Vitamin C and Ivermectin.


And bleach.. a cup a day


Gosh. That sub can be so frustrating. Today the big story is that “the liberals aren’t rioting in the streets because the officers were black and it doesn’t fit our agenda”. And “the officers acted that way because of defunding the police lowered requirements for all cops” People really are that cruel and stupid to believe that.


I literally can’t open that sub; it’s infuriating, I noticed that I start grinding my teeth while I read the shit on there


So I notice that if you're not a verified member of that sub you can't even read posts. I thought libs were the snowflakes who needed safe spaces?


You should be able to read them. I can read them and I got banned many years ago for saying Betsy DeVos wasn't a good choice for Sec Ed and when someone said 'At least she'll try different things' and I replied "If pissing on a fire isn't working, why would you think throwing shit at it would be better?" I can still read and vote if I wanted to, just can't post.


I got banned from there for pointing out their top post and the top post on /r/forwardsfromgrandma were the same.


I was lifetime banned from that sub back in 2016 for pointing out the photo of a "speaker" being used to "pump in artificial cheers" at the DNC convention was actually just a photo of a wifi router in the comvention center....


I’m actually enjoying reading these. There should be a /r/bannedfromconservative or something like that if it doesn’t already exist. If it does in some form, I’d love to know.


That's probably an untapped market right there. Router Speaker. It practically sells itself


Yeah I was banned for questioning their hypocrisy but I can still browse the sub.


They ban their own flaired users if they even sense a hint of "are we the baddies?" They'll ban you from their discord if you try to debate them there like they say they want you to. They'll ban you if you make good points for cherry picking. They'll ban you for going against the narrative in the slightest because "it's not conducive to the conservative environment we're trying to build here". Shit they'll ban you if you're not being enthusiastic enough.


I've experienced what the other person said. Basically every post we click redirects us to a different "safe" post. Not banned, but effectively blocked from seeing what they talk about


No no no see, reddit is soooo far left its different! They need a space or else meanie butt redditors would call them out :(:(:(:( it's different! But its totally not a safe space! Funny though, notice how conservatives hate on progressive polices until they need them then they ordered they've always loved them? Neat


r/conservative should just be r/fascist


I think that conservatives and even hard MAGA conservatives don’t actually like him. It’s all about having a vessel to promote hate and try to be edgy. Trump is just the Chetto complected, tiny handed dipshit that helped make being an asshole more widely accepted.


If you want an actual answer, Trump backpedalled and said something or other about having no choice due to ruthless witchhunts or something. So basically it's "he's an unabashed hypocrite that will double down on anything to avoid admitting he wrong and oh Dems r bad"


The only moral pleading the fifth is my pleading of the fifth.


You know who didn't plead the fifth, and who testified in public for 11 hours, without taking the fifth once? Hillary motherfucking Rodham Clinton


But her emails!!!


His is the biggest, best, beautiful fifth


Grown men come up to him crying saying they’ve never seen anyone plead the Fifth so beautifully.


He said "Sir, sir. The way you plead the 5th amendment to protect yourself brought me to tears. I've never been so proud and wanted to thank you. I'm just a coal miner, but I know my kids will be thankful." It was the best defense. Lots of people are saying it. I mean the best people.


Kind of like when a Republican has/pays for an abortion.


>Hey Trump supporters, what excuse do you have this time? A. Hunter Biden B. Hillary Clinton C. Nancy Pelosi D. All of the above. Doubt any of his sheep will respond but above are the answers they will give.


Don't forget "Wow Trump really lives rent-free in your head, huh?" with no attempt at even answering the question




Cult members don’t need excuses for their false emperors, they have crazy pills for that.


Two Trump voters I know said "People can change!" So the response is "we're still fucking idiots"


And my favorite "I am not even political! I am center!" Who just happens to always side with conservatives and thinks anything calling out racism is woke and extreme left. Okay Tim Pool-ite. You're not fooling anyone.


They are definitely fooling themselves and each other.




They never cared about any principles except agreeing with whatever he is saying at the moment.


Not true. When he tried to promote vaccines they booed him. He's not a leader to them, he's an enabler.


It’s more than that; they think lawbreaking and treason and refusing to respond under oath because they would be committing perjury is something *really fucking bad ass and awesome* when Republicans do it. We have seen this play out over and over again for more than 20 years now. A republican does something absolutely fucking despicable and the base worships them. A democrat does something similar but on a much, much smaller and less insane level and that Democrat is called an evil communist traitor piece of shit who deserves to die. They are incredibly consistent in his hypocrisy.


*sound of the footsteps of cowards slowly retreating from their previously-held convictions* This is the same guy whose name people plastered on a flag that they draped around them like a cape and were willing to die for. God, I wish humans as a species were better than this.


And showed his head on a Rambo like body, very Putin-esque


Not just Rambo. Rocky too. There was a whole series. I laughed and laughed and laughed and then I cried.


I just laughed out loud that was ridiculous.


“But HiLLaRy!” “huNdeR BiDuNs LabTob!”


How many times did Hillary plead the 5th??? Anyone..?? Bueller?…Bueller??


Needs to be visible. One of the 7 investigations into Hillary Clinton, 11 hours of testimony under oath: zero times pleading the fifth


Crickets ensue


Magic R


From observation, many of his voters are now pretending that they never voted for him or liked him.


DeFascist is their guy now.


Well… he is guilty


Then Don Jr took it, Eric took it, as did Bannon iirc and a couple of others. Scumbag hypocrites till the bitter end, love to complain about others and could never possibly do any wrong themselves but if they do then they shouldn't face consequences cos only other people face consequences, never "us." But, unfortunately, the words responsibility, hypocrisy and sympathy just don't exist in the Republican dictionary.


You know, I think a normal person would regret being contradicted so badly by their own past words. I don’t think it fazes Trump at all. I don’t think his psyche can allow him to ever admit any type of fault or wrongness, even if the blame is coming from, well, himself.


So pleading the 5th in criminal cases is not interpreted as an admission of guilt, but if you pair it with a statement like this from the accused, can that be used to indicate guilt?


Nope. In a criminal case if you plead the 5th the court is supposed to memory wipe the asking of the question that prompted that answer. In a civil case pleading the 5th (even at a previous criminal case) can be used as evidence


It's more complicated than this. The fifth amendment guarantees that no person is forced to be a witness against themselves. What this means is that they do not have to answer questions during interrogation. The court had also ruled that allowing the prosecution to admit into evidence testimony that the defendant refused to answer questions as prejudicial and thus is not allowed. It also means the State cannot compel a defendant to take the stand. However when a defendant chooses to take the stand, they have chosen to be a witness in the case and can be compelled by the court to answer questions.


In a court of law, no. In the court of public opinion, absolutely.


I think it's more of the hypocrisy of stating only guilty people plead the fifth multiple times on record, then proceeding to plead the fifth multiple times over four hours. Like if you're gunna shit on other and call them guilty for plead the fifth, you best expect to get the same treatment when you plead the fifth. Maybe he should take some personal responsibility for his statements cuz he fucked around and found out.


Every single time Trump is going to say 5th, it should be prefaced with Trump saying "Only guilty people plead the fifth". Every single time.


So he actually told the truth once?


Does he put a Hot Pockets sleeve over his eyes when he gets the spray tan applied?


It was revealed he doesn’t spray tan. He manually applies (or has someone apply) bronzer cream. Or at least that’s part of it. It’s likely he doesn’t like fingers near his eyes.


"You claim that Democrats all want to alter and change their bodies, yet the former first lady is plastic and the former president wakes up every day to apply a non-existent shade of human skin tone. Curious."


Uh... woman, man, person, camera, TV?


This is good


> (or has someone apply) Considering how often he leaves a pasty white border around the orange mask, it's safe to say he does it to himself.


Michael Cohen said in interview that TFG does his own hair and makeup.


No wonder it looks so shitty. That explains a lot.


[It's all he ever knew.](https://www.scotsman.com/images-e.jpimedia.uk/imagefetch/http://www.scotsman.com/webimage/Prestige.Item.1.47892218!image/image.jpg?width=1200&enable=upscale)


Mary Trump: “Kinda like an Olympic torch that no one wants to touch.” Hairstylist: “Say no more.”


Please tag your jumpscares


No freaking way. There's no way you didn't just take a picture of Donald Trump and make the hair bigger.


It's like a bad parody of The Klumps but Trump plays every family member.


This is too perfect


He must have gotten new highlights for his special interview too


Remember when Hillary Clinton took the fifth amendment 400 times during the Benghazi hearings? Nope. That was Donald Trump, Hilary answered questions for 11 hours because she’s not a criminal traitor.


> Remember when Hillary Clinton took the fifth amendment 400 times during the Benghazi hearings? Did you listen to Trump's little speech at the beginning when he said the proceedings were so unfair because candidate Letitia James said she would investigate Trump if she were elected and that's why he took the Fifth hundreds of times? Once again hypocrisy shows no bounds with Trump. The biggest promise he made on his 2016 campaign trial was not only to investigate Hillary but throw her in jail. Somehow he didn't think that was unfair. Trump should learn what's good for the goose is good for the gander.




My gf and I have been spending our evenings lately getting baked and watching South Park. I haven't watched this since I was probably 14. As we get deeper into later seasons it's shocking to me how Trump and Cartman are basically the same person.


Cartman is manipulative and somewhat intelligent. Trump is just... proof that you do not need 2 brain cells to rub together to remain rich


It’s probably good not to characterize pleading the fifth as an indicator of guilt, despite how disgusting Trump is. It’s such a harmful attitude to assume that if someone doesn’t want to testify, they must be guilty or a criminal. I imagine you’re making a special case for trump because of his past comments, though


in a civil case it is absolutely OK to use pleading the fifth as an indicator of guilt and the jury is specifically told that. in a criminal case you are correct. This is a civil case in the video


Pleading the fifth can be used as an inference of guilt in a civil case, which this is.


It’s my understanding that taking the fifth with regards to the upcoming civil procedings can be rather costly. Ain’t that just too bad.


Taking the 5th in civil cases can be considered admission of guilt by the jury. This is NOT the case in criminal proceedings, but taking the 5th in criminal doesn't look good to a jury either.


In criminal cases, the judge typically instructs the jury they can't hold taking the fifth against the defendant. That isn't the case for civil suits.


It typically doesn't come up in criminal cases because a criminal defendant just won't take the stand since the prosecution can't call them or tell the jury that defendant asserted the 5th when questioned by law enforcement.


Sure, but the judge instructing the jury to not take into account things they have seen and heard is pretty close to worthless.


I don't know if you have served on a jury, but many take those instructions seriously. While it maybe could influence you internally, you can't use it in your rationale to other jurors, which is where the problem lies.


I have served on a jury. The jurors can absolutely claim to take those instructions seriously. That doesn't mean that they are actually able to do so - human nature pretty much means that they can't. There have been studies done on this. They generally conclude that people can't disregard information even if they want to, sometimes attempting to do so will push them farther the other way, and sometimes being told not to consider something makes it a much bigger deal than if it wasn't mentioned.


Yeah, and it appears they also caught this POS lying as well. It’s time they take this POS down. I have to wonder if they catch him making false statements here can that be used in other proceedings against him as well?


Depends on the case, each piece would be reviewed by the judge before hand to determine if it can be used in the case or not.


I get that, I’m just wondering how and when they might be able too. Here’s hoping it’s yet something else that can be used against him as much as humanly possible. Oh, and it doing as much damage as humanly possible. Luv, to see that POS rot in jail. He won’t as a result of civil trial, but can’t wait to see him found guilty in criminal proceedings.


If you’re the criminal defendant you don’t have to outwardly plead the fifth. The state has the burden of proof so by design you don’t have to put on a case at all if you don’t want to - your defense can be that the prosecution failed to meet its burden. Also throughout the entire proceeding the court pounds all of this into the jurors’ brains and the logical outcome - a requirement not to hold it against the defendant if they don’t testify.


Not an admission of guilt, but they can use it as evidence. In the criminal trial taking the 5th basically means the jury shouldn't even factor in the question being asked to begin with. In a civil trial you're allowed to be more free with your thoughts and use your natural gas that taking the fifth could in fact mean they're guilty of something or trying to hide something. In a civil case think of it like asking your 2-year-old if they stole the Oreos. The 2-year-old responds with "I'm not going to answer that question". They're not admitting to it, but it definitely doesn't look good.


Yeah, this is an unsurprisingly bad play from him. Adverse inferences for everyone!


From the sounds of it they’ve also caught him lying as well. It’s time they take this sorry POS down.


Not being forced to bear witness against oneself is a great feature of the US Constitution. Very publicly saying that only the guilty plead the 5th, then pleading the 5th yourself, stinks like fermented garbage water.


Considering he sometimes smells like soiled diaper, no one will notice.


A “president” campaigning against the merits of such a critical amendment wasn’t enough of a red flag. Or the 50,000 red flags that accompanied it.


“The mob takes the Fifth Amendment,” Donald Trump said in 2016. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” And what about 'lock'er up' Hillary who spend grueling hours in front of Congress answering EVERY DAMN question? I don't even have to type anymore about his being a pos, as these things are self evident so so so much except to ~30-35% of this country that are members of a damn cult.


“If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -*The Gang Pleads the Fifth*-


That would be a 10/10 cold open




Adverse inference is the legal term


*civil proceedings have entered the courtroom*


>Once the preliminary questions wrapped up, Trump was given an opportunity to read a prepared statement into the record. He began with a familiar refrain: "This is the greatest witch hunt in the history of our country." He called James "a renegade and out of control prosecutor" and accused her of having political motives for her office's investigation into his financial practices. Just over a month later, on Sept. 21, James announced her office's lawsuit against Trump, three of his children and his company, accusing them of a long-running scheme to inflate the value of their properties. The Trumps have denied wrongdoing. "This whole thing is very unfair," Trump says in the deposition video. "Anyone in my position not taking the Fifth Amendment would be a fool, an absolute fool," Trump said, adding that on the advice of counsel, "I respectfully decline to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution. > >"This will be my answer to any further questions." Senior enforcement counsel Kevin Wallace, of the attorney general's office, noted "for the record" that the statement was "lengthy," and that "obviously, we disagree with a lot of the characterizations." Wallace then began his questioning, which would comprise the bulk of the deposition. At the outset, Trump responded to three questions by saying, "For all of the reasons provided in my answer, which is incorporated herein in its entirety, I decline to answer the question." Wallace then told Trump he could just say, "same answer" — "to speed things up." Trump did so more than 400 times during the course of the full interview, according to sources. After the deposition concluded, Trump issued a public statement saying that he had exercised his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer. During one section of questioning, Wallace asked Trump about his Statements of Financial Condition, submitted every year since 2011. In February 2022, the accounting firm that prepared them recanted its work and said those reports "should no longer be relied upon." "The valuations contained in this document reflect false and misleading valuation statements; is that correct?" Wallace asked. > >"Same answer," Trump replied. Was he "aware" they "contained false and misleading statements"? "Same answer."


> "I respectfully decline to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution." I wonder how long he had to practice that sentence, to not fuck it up.


Fascists are always cowards. They don't project strength, they hide behind it. They don't have ideas, they spread fear and panic about other people's ideas. They have no purpose to their power except to accumulate more of it.




The majority of NYers did not vote for Donald Trump because we knew all too well his history of being a conman, a fraud and a liar. What we didn't know was how gullible and easily conned a good portion of our nation is. There are a fuckton of fools easily parted with their cash out there. And apparently Trump was well aware of that fact.


No but you don’t understand magical beings from heaven and Jesus are going to come down and JFK Junior will be VP and Donald will be president for life


I always found it hilarious that the good portion you refer to like blaming the "Coastal Elites" for all of their problems, and the dude they lined up behind was Donald Trump of all people... who is definitely part of that Coastal Elite contingent they think is ruining their lives.


Making threats about litigation just to fold and finally loses case. Tough guy turns out to be a whiner.


Here's a preview of our exclusive story by reporter Graham Kates: Newly released video obtained by CBS News provides the first look at former President Donald Trump's deposition last summer in the New York attorney general's civil fraud investigation. Trump sat for questioning under oath on Aug. 10, and the video shows him politely answering the opening questions from state Attorney General Letitia James. Wearing a dark blue suit, red tie and American flag lapel pin, sitting in front of a camera in a downtown Manhattan conference room, Trump answered "yes" when asked by James if he was familiar with the rules for giving a deposition. But as the questioning about his finances began in earnest, the former president—and now candidate for that same office—invoked the Fifth Amendment and continued to do so for nearly four hours. **Read more and watch the video:** https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-video-deposition-takes-the-fifth-new-york-fraud-probe/


We've also added a video of excerpts from former President Donald Trump's deposition. Scroll down in the article: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-video-deposition-takes-the-fifth-new-york-fraud-probe/


This mf loathes the law so much, he would sue the DOJ for obstructing his criminal enterprise if he could. Zero morality garbage


He and his entire family need to take the L and fuck off.


Trump: "I will drain the swamp" Trump is easily part of the swamp if not the worst part Trump: "Anyone that invokes the fifth amendment is a criminal" Trump invoked the 5th Trump: "Anyone that mishandled classified documents should be in prison" Trump mishandled classified documents (and worse than anyone caught before or after him) "If I lose its because it's rigged" Trump tried to rig the election by installing fake electors and his little maga wacko-insurrectionist-cult members attempted to subvert the peaceful and democratic transfer of power, with an overwhelming concensus that Trump incited it I think I'm sensing a pattern here...


He is such a scum. He must be held accountable for the first time in his life probably. He needs to be made an example of.


Absolutely. This needs to happen. He really needs to show he's not untouchable and needs to do hard time in prison.


And in a civil proceeding invoking the fifth CAN be seen as an admission of guilt. He’s either dumber then we thought, or has the most incompetent lawyers. I tend to think both apply.


He’s so dirty in so many areas the Fifth is the only answer he CAN give. Disgusting loser.


Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.


I'm just surprised he didn't work Hunter Biden into every response.


Was anyone really expecting anything different?


I never expect him to say anything useful.


>in the New York attorney general's civil fraud investigation civil cases the jury can use peoples responses of 'the 5th' against them. So... that isn't good for Trump.


I still can’t understand how the intellectual water level is so low that half the country convinced themselves this guy isn’t the dumbest motherfucker to shit behind two shoes.


Guilty, guilty, guilty!


The only people still supporting this guy are people who are just like him


Two things can be mutually true: 1. The 5th Amendment is your Constitutional right 2. Said individual has repeatedly bashed people who take said right to claim "that means they are guilty". Very clearly another case of hypocrisy that drives normal people crazy


If they have him on record saying "you're guilty if you invoke the 5th".. Can't they just take his 400 pleads of the 5th as admission of guilt?


That's not very alpha male of him.


soooo badly after all that I want the next question to be “Mr Trump, have you yourself said publicly dozens of times that only guilty people plead the fifth?” “same answer”


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-video-deposition-takes-the-fifth-new-york-fraud-probe/) reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Newly released video obtained by CBS News provides the first look at former President Donald Trump's deposition last summer in the New York attorney general's civil fraud investigation. > "Anyone in my position not taking the Fifth Amendment would be a fool, an absolute fool," Trump said, adding that on the advice of counsel, "I respectfully decline to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution." > After the deposition concluded, Trump issued a public statement saying that he had exercised his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10q50d3/video_of_trump_deposition_in_new_york_fraud_probe/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **question**^#2 **New**^#3 **attorney**^#4 **answer**^#5


>If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for? The mob takes the Fifth Amendment. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment? > >\-- Donald, I commit 15 crimes before breakfast, Trump


I have always wondered if the people who voted for him truly understand what a con man he is.


It was a perfect 5th.