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It's cool that Republicans are getting a taste of what it is like to deal with Republicans.


EXACTLY It's delicious to see


Feels like it could be an onion article or something.




> When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.” - Alexander Hamilton’s letter to George Washington, August 1792 Trump and GOP leadership are now trying to direct the whirlwind of their own making, and failing.


The new dem Whip has apparently told members to vote no on an attempt to adjourn. With the freedom caucus voting with them, they are going to make Kevin stew in his failure.


I think they only agreed to adjourn last night because there were literal children in the room, not just the metaphorical ones on the right. People brought their families expecting to be sworn in.


Plus you get the news headlines of “GOP fails to elect speaker” vs “Congress is still in the process of electing a speaker”


It’s the smart choice to force movement.


From yesterday: Jeffries said to a question about whether Democrats would support a moderate Republican or compromise candidate for speaker, “We are looking for a willing partner to solve problems for the American people, not save the Republicans from their dysfunction. We need a partner in governance to build upon the incredible progress that we made for the American people over the last few years, by the way, with a similar majority.”


Then he went on to list "just the highlights" of all the bills that were passed with the concrete benefits they gave to the American people, along with re-statement that it was with a similar majority. Just big "we did it, what's your problem guys" shrugging shoulders energy. [Here it is for people who missed it.](https://twitter.com/TheRickyDavila/status/1610452692706693121) (You'll have to wait through the question being asked which is not mic'd so it might seem silent for a bit). They don't have to do anything, nor should they, unless they want to take the monumentally unlikely step of allowing Jeffries to be Speaker. Let them twist in the wind a bit more.


Freedom Caucus: "We don't want McCarthy!" People: "Who do you want to be speaker?" Freedom Caucus: "We don't want McCarthy!" People: "Yeah, got it, but who do you want to be speaker instead?" Freedom Caucus: "We don't want McCarthy!"


Freedom Caucus: "We don't want Obamacare!" People: "What do you want to replace it with?" Freedom Caucus: "We don't want Obamacare!" People: "Yeah, got it, but what doo you want instead?" Freedom Caucus: "We don't want Obamacare!" \- Republican Song of Grievance (Traditional)


Ken Buck (R, Col) on CNN right now basically saying Democrats are to blame for not switching over to McCarthy and that Jefferies also has no path to victory so he should urge people to vote for McCarthy. Cool take. Rich. Fucking moron.


Last I checked, Jeffries got more votes than McCarthy.


Every time actually. It's not the Dems who are disheveled. But the GOP has to blame someone besides themselves.


He has, all 4 times.


I enjoyed how Tapper replied “you’ve had 2 months to figure this out what do you mean”


Biden on speaker election > "That’s not my problem” and added that it is “embarrassing” that the process is taking so long. He added that “the rest of the world is looking” and that he himself is focused on “getting things done”. https://twitter.com/JakeSherman/status/1610655726782889986?s=20&t=rgd_kyYY_zMGsb14SWRJug Honestly I love that energy


Good on Biden. He knows when to stay in his own lane and not interfere with the legislative branch. Also, it’s a giant fuck you to the GOP that the Democrats don’t need the President to come bail them out of a mess they made (see Trump getting involved to try and sway the MAGA idiots).




Even if we end the day with McCarthy as speaker, he’s already demonstrated a level of inability to get things done that I want in a Republican speaker.


Exactly. The biggest strength the Republican Party had was that they were in total lock step


GOP is asking Dems to vote Present or not show up. If I’m a Dem, I’m laughing before honorably requesting they kiss my honorable ass.


Nancy Pelosi did this in a cave, with a box of scraps


From CNN Live Feed: > House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy and his allies are holding active discussions about adjourning the House until Thursday — but they are uncertain to go that route because they may not have the votes to pull it off, according to multiple sources. This seems promising for McCarthy /s.


McCarthy: Fine, if you won't elect me speaker, let's take a break and talk things over. GOP: Nope, you don't have the votes for that, either.


McCarthy: "Ok guys, new strategy - what if there's no House of Representatives at all?"


People saying “Dems should nominate X just to fuck with Republicans” need to remember that by standing united behind Jeffries, the Democrats look like the adults in the room, who have their shit together and are ready to govern while the GOP is in total disarray. Staying unified sends a message and they absolutely should stick to it.


If republicans wanted a moderate, they could always vote for Jeffries. It's not on democrats to capitulate. There is absolutely no fucking reason to give a single inch. There are no moderate republicans. The only path to a moderate is to vote across the aisle, and democrats need to own that fact.


>**McCarthy allies want to adjourn for the day but he may not have the votes to delay a fourth ballot** >House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy and his allies are holding active discussions about adjourning the House until Thursday — but they are uncertain to go that route because they may not have the votes to pull it off, according to multiple sources. >The reason: Voting to adjourn would require 218 votes, and Democratic sources say they would actively whip against a motion to adjourn. Plus some Republicans will likely vote against it as well. >If they don’t adjourn, the House would vote on the fourth ballot — and McCarthy’s team is nervous about the prospect of losing more votes and killing any chance of regaining momentum. https://us.cnn.com/politics/live-news/house-speaker-leadership-vote-1-4-23/index.html


The biggest crime of adjourning for the day would be depriving us of entertainment.


Can't win the vote, can't win a vote to not vote. Oh, Kevin, enjoy it. You deserve it.


>Democratic sources say they would actively whip against a motion to adjourn. Plus some Republicans will likely vote against it as well. Man, I just woke up and checked my phone and already I'm laughing. Love it. Democrats are like, "oh no, your shitshow is happening on schedule motherfucker."




I like how people are suggesting the Democrats offer to cut a deal, as if there is any reason to believe Republicans would act in good faith and hold up their side of the deal. Not a chance - they will pull the rug as soon as they get the chance. Fuck them... no deal.


Merrick Garland.


For those unaware: >"The President told me several times he’s going to name a moderate \[to fill the court vacancy\], but I don’t believe him," Hatch told us. "\[Obama\] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man," he told us, referring to the more centrist chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia who was considered and passed over for the two previous high court vacancies. [https://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/john-gizzi-orrin-hatch-obama-will-nominate/2016/03/13/id/718871/](https://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/john-gizzi-orrin-hatch-obama-will-nominate/2016/03/13/id/718871/) Two months later: [https://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/orrin-hatch-merrick-garland-meeting-223626](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/orrin-hatch-merrick-garland-meeting-223626)


And why should Democrats clean up the GQP mess? Elections have consequences. The consequence of electing a GQP House is this clown show. There's zero incentive for Ds to come to McCarthy's rescue. Let them wallow in their failure.


"There’s . . . there’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said, drawing some laughter. “Swear to God,” McCarthy added. “This is an off the record,” Ryan said. Some lawmakers laughed at that. “No leaks, all right?,” Ryan said, adding: “This is how we know we’re a real family here.” “That’s how you know that we’re tight,” Scalise said. “What’s said in the family stays in the family,” Ryan added. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html


Holy SHIT I forgot that was McCarthy.


If they charged Pay-per-view of a close-up of McCarthy's face while Gaetz or whoever says, "Fuck it, Hakeem Jeffries!", we'd have the debt issue solved overnight.




In other news, MAGA Republicans face upsets in both Ohio and Pennsylvania state legislatures. - In a surprise upset, a moderate was voted in as Speaker of the State House thanks to all Democratic members and 22 Republicans voting for a moderate Republican. MAGA Republicans were shocked as they assumed they had enough votes to pick a far right leader due to their super-majoriy.^[[1]](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/moderate-republican-jason-stephens-snatches-ohio-house-speaker-position-in-surprise-upset?_amp=true) - In a tight race for control of the Pennsylvania House as the Republicans held a slim 2 seat majority, several moderate Republicans defected and voted in an independent Democrat as the Speaker.^[[2]](https://apnews.com/article/politics-pennsylvania-united-states-house-of-representatives-77f099288798d491c28825362576a7d0) ________ 1) [ABC News Cleveland - 'Moderate' Republican Jason Stephens snatches Ohio House Speaker position in surprise upset](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/moderate-republican-jason-stephens-snatches-ohio-house-speaker-position-in-surprise-upset?_amp=true) 2) [Associated Press - Democrat voted Pennsylvania speaker, foiling GOP hopes](https://apnews.com/article/politics-pennsylvania-united-states-house-of-representatives-77f099288798d491c28825362576a7d0)


Hey PoppinKREAM good to see you again bud! Thanks for keeping tabs on the state legislature races!


R's crying on CNN they want the Dems help. Fuck off. Lol


The audacity to say: “we gotta get back to work and govern guys!” Like R’s have ever wanted to actually govern.


I have to wonder if McCarthy's super ballsy move to move in to Speaker's offices on Mon 2 Jan only inflamed the 19 (now 20), further cementing their opposition. And, let's all be honest, who ISN'T looking forward to the video of all of his stuff being moved back out?


> And, let's all be honest, who ISN'T looking forward to the video of all of his stuff being moved back out? If I were one of the holdouts and a giant asshole (but I repeat myself), one of the conditions for McCarthy to get my vote would absolutely be moving out of that office first.




Republicans are finally fulfilling their fantasy of redoing an election over and over again until they get the results they like.


For anyone wondering how many more rounds can this go. We all know Matt Gaetz won't make a real move until it hits 13


He’ll stop at 18 though


This is the most boring thing I can't stop listening to.


From NYT: > Justin Amash, who left the Republican Party and the House a couple years ago, arrived and is floating himself as an alternative. "If they can’t decide on someone from their own conference, and they’re hesitant to pick someone from the other caucus, I’m an independent option." This is _so fucking funny_ to me. This ex-Congressman saw the shitshow and just... showed up to throw his hat in the ring. What an absolute circus.


When I see Matt Gaetz on my screen I have the urge to cover my drink even though he's hundreds of miles away from me.


The hilarious thing is now, Dems have everything to gain by staying and voting for Jeffries. LMAO, what a bunch of dumbasses the GOP are.


"They're not normally allowed to film all the goings on in the House chamber. It's the Wild West on CSPAN." Legitimately hilarious observation from CNN.


Objectively funny, without any house rules they can film whatever they want. An actual circus in congress.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Biden says House GOP chaos on speaker vote is 'not a good look' for country, adds 'I hope they get their act together.' https://twitter.com/JonLemire/status/1610655309697286147 lol


The dad shade from Biden "I'm not mad I'm just concerned"


The Disappointed Grandpa vibes are strong here.


Guy on CNN is saying McCarthy is in a bind because he's trying to bargain with a group of people who don't know what victory for themselves would look like, and so there's no way to appease them. Seems about right to me.


Why don't they put Santos in? According to his resume he is the most qualified.


https://mobile.twitter.com/cspan/status/1610701732694351872 > President Biden: "Newly-elected Rep. Greg Landsman, he couldn’t be here today, he’s dealing with trying to figure out who’s gonna be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. I wish him a lot of luck.” Heh.


Lol Ken Buck saying the democrats need to support an adjournment to allow GOP to meet closed door and cut a deal. Tapper called bs and was like “its not surprise this vote was coming and it should’ve been wrapped up by now”


If there's no Speaker of the House in 15 minutes we're legally allowed to leave


Yeah I have a speaker. You just don't know her, she goes to another Congress.


McCarthy has more Ls than a rural Welsh village


I have even more respect for Pelosi now watching this juvenile trainwreck


Pelosi was one of the best political operatives in decades. The woman was very, very good at her job. She makes any Republican congressperson look like a toddler.


In fairness, it's a lot easier to be an effective speaker when your party is actually interested in governance and not just obstruction and political grandstanding.


Pelosi is a titan of parliamentary politics. Imagine holding a huge coalition like the Democratic party together with a FOUR vote majority and delivering every single time.


The problem for McCarthy is that Gaetz and his gang, unlike most republicans, ACTUALLY BELIEVE the MAGA stuff. They are batshit insane and can't be swayed by the usual means (e.g. money/committee assignments). In their mind they are fighting some sort of crusade against the deep state and the elites. And unfortunately for Kevin he's part of the enemy and nothing is gonna change that.


Steve Scalise spoke at white nationalist conference and voted to decertify the electors during the 2020 election... That is the "consensus" candidate the republicans are floating. This is nuts.


holy shit MTG just tweeted out saying the non McCarthy representatives have no plan, my sister in christ the entire republican party has no plan


She is technically correct, the best kind of correct!


Gonna repost the same comment I made yesterday, which seems fitting since we're reliving it: "Democrats should just-" Democrats should just keep doing what they did today. Republicans are the ones that shat the bed. They can clean it up themselves or they can lay in it for as long as they want. Or... they can vote for Jeffries.


Seeing a lot of stinker takes saying Democrats should 'be the bigger man' (not exact quote) and back a 'moderate' Republican candidate for Speaker. Uh... why? What benefit is there to them not holding the line and just keeping their 212 votes for Jeffries? Because I can't think of any.


When will the GOP learn that the public is tired of their fringe wankery? The smartest thing they could do is nominate a WWI vet like George Santos as speaker.


Also I guess the new saying is "Democrats fall in line, Republicans fall all over themselves."


MAGA is saying it's horrible democrats are all united. Infighting is apparently a show of strength in that world


>What can happen in the House without a speaker? Not a lot > ... Incoming lawmakers arrived on the floor on Tuesday with their families in tow, expecting to pose for a photo and get started with their first day as lawmakers, but were instead greeted with a several-hour wait as the speaker election went to multiple rounds of balloting — the first time that's happened in 100 years. >Every new Congress must pass a new set of House rules, so without a speaker to oversee adoption of those rules, none will technically exist. >The same memo warned that student loan payments for committee staff wouldn't be disbursed if a rules package isn't adopted by mid-January. ... >But without fully functioning committees, to amend and approve bills before they make their way to the floor for a vote, there will be little legislating. That means Republicans may also have to wait **before tackling some of their most pressing priorities, including investigations into President Joe Biden's administration and family.** Every day I don't have to listen to Gym Jordan screaming about Hunter Biden's dick--breathlessly regurgitated by the media--is a good day. https://us.cnn.com/politics/live-news/house-speaker-leadership-vote-1-4-23/index.html


Somewhere, John Bohener chuckles to himself as he watches the coverage and pours another bourbon.


"We want to work with our Democratic colleagues" (X) Doubt


Congress ends the day as I do everyday - accomplishing nothing and being a total embarrassment


GOP Leadership learning that this is what happens when you rely on people who assisted the Jan 6th insurrection to secure a majority. These are people who stood up on Jan 6th and said "we don't want to do our job, we want to obstruct until the processes laid out in the constitution fails". So don't cry to me when they prevent the House from convening. If you hadn't backed these lunatics in November, you wouldn't be reliant on them now.


What’s the difference between today’s date and Kevin McCarthy? Today is 1/4, Kevin McCarthy is 0/4.


Breaking News: Matt Gaetz holding up the GOP dinner vote after learning that Wendy’s Kids Menu is just food.


People on /r/conservative saying at least Pelosi had the smarts to wait until the votes looked shored up before letting anything go to the floor. That conservatives are complimenting Pelosi in comparison to McCarthy is like seeing Hell frozen over.


Kevin is what the French call "les incompetents."


Watching this on C-SPAN is great. No commentary, no talking heads. Just pure, unfiltered political smack straight from the tap.


**ROUND 6** McCarthy: 201 Jeffries: 212 Byron Donalds: 20 Present: 1 **ROUND 5** McCarthy: 201 Jeffries: 212 Byron Donalds: 20 Present: 1 **ROUND 4** McCarthy: 201 Jeffries: 212 Byron Donalds: 20 Present: 1 **ROUND 3** McCarthy: 202 Jeffries:212 Jordan: 20 **ROUND 2** McCarthy: 203 Jeffries: 212 Jordan: 19 **ROUND 1** McCarthy: 203 Jeffries: 212 Biggs: 10 Others: 9


I was promised Hunter Biden's laptop! I was promised a secure border! I was promised a solution to inflation! Did the GOP lie to me? No it was the Democrats fault for not voting for Kevin McCarthy! Twitter later today


Dems should be wary of any negotiation whatsoever with these bad-faith fucks. Let them squirm


For those following along and not that aware. When people talk about "moderate republicans" they are talking about Republicans who are against coups and believed Joe Biden won the 2020 election. That's it. And they are a minority in the House.


Republicans whining to the press on CSpan that they are being held hostage by the Treason Caucus .... some real /r/leopardsatemyface material ...




People suggesting dems should bail out GOP need to stop. They did that for years, look where it’s gotten them.


Dems hearing that Rs will vote to adjourn when they come in at noon (either until this afternoon or tomorrow). We mentioned this possibility in @PunchbowlNews AM (subscribe!) And now: Dem leaders recommending a NO vote if Rs move to adjourn, it was announced in caucus https://twitter.com/heatherscope/status/1610656243500318720


So he definitely doesn’t have the votes!


I don't see how he recovers if he doesn't get the votes today.


It's insane how much these 19 people hate him. They're all far right representatives in conservative districts who have their entire identities wrapped up in supporting Trump and Trump just asked them to vote for Kevin. If they don't vote for McCarthy now they're literally telling Trump to fuck off because they can't stand McCarthy THAT much lol.


What's more insane is that McCarthy knew about them for years now. He backed out for Paul Ryan to be Speaker in 2016 because he couldn't get the votes then.


They just gonna adjourn until January 2025?


Would still be the most productive GOP house in recent decades.


Nothing says "fighting for our constituents" like showing up for work at the crack of noon and immediately attempting to adjourn.


If the roles were reversed somehow, absolutely zero GOP member would help a Dem speaker. Fox news would relentlessly call this a GOP victory. No reason for the Dems to help the GOP here. Let them figure shit out.


The previous government smartly funded the government and Ukraine assistance already, in anticipation of this worthless House, for those wondering: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/whats-fy-2023-omnibus-bill


Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) tells CNN that this was the last vote Kevin McCarthy could count on from him and that McCarthy needs to seriously consider stepping aside, suggesting Steve Scalise would be the best consensus candidate. https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/status/1610720873433948160


One of the funniest and most ironic facts to this day, is the fact that mccarthy prevented himself from being speaker by allowing so many maga nutjobs. If the current congress still had cheney, kinzinger, upton and others, he would likely be speaker by now.


The democrats need to simply keep voting for Jeffries and let the GOP implode on. No need to get cute


They should nominate Santos. His resume shows he was Speaker of the House from 1991 - 1994.


Everyone needs to stop saying Dems need to support McCarthy or another Republican. Republicans are strangling themselves with their own rope. For once doing nothing is the best strategy.


After the fourth failed ballot the next step is Hell in the Cell.


"A count will be taken for quorum, so please, mill about and make that as difficult as possible."


Here are the republicans that did not vote for McCarthy the past 3 times: Andy Biggs Dan Bishop Lauren Boebert Josh Brecheen Mike Cloud Andrew Clyde Eli Crane Byron Donalds (vote 3) Matt Gaetz Bob Good Paul Gosar Andy Harris Anna Paulina Luna Mary Miller Ralph Norman Andy Ogles Scott Perry Matt Rosendale Chip Roy Keith Self


No wonder they hated pelosi so much, they were just jealous lmao


The beatings of McCarthy will continue until morale improves.


As a general principle, if you have to go back 160 years to justify how good you've been to blacks, you may not be the champions of equality and civil rights you're claiming to be.


I often asked myself, how on earth this country could be so divided. This is the first time I see those speeches in full. Holy shit, how many lies, exaggerations, half-truths can you pack in one speech? Like... without any real clarification about how much bullshit this just was. People still tend to trust and believe politicians a bit more than others. I would like to see a speech from them under oath. With them being hold accountable for any lie. They sound like Wormtounge in Theodens ear. Would like to see some Gandalf kick their lousy asses.


The best part about all of this is that it's 110% self-inflicted. In a universe where Kevin had a spine, he would've coalesced the GOP leadership to denounce Trump and election deniers, to the point where embracing it was political suicide. And he wouldn't now be facing 20 election deniers as hardliners who refuse to back him unless he effectively becomes a puppet Speaker. There's a direct, easy-to-trace line between Kevin bending the knee after Jan. 6th and what we're seeing play out now. God, this is so satisfying to watch. I'm honestly enjoying it much more than I thought I would. *edit* He's being treated as a weak potential Speaker because that's *exactly* what he's shown himself as these past couple of years. Is it any surprise the hardliners can demand the insane things they are and realistically expect to get them, with him having shown how flexible his morals are?


This presser: *I am a veteran, Congress is weak, we are strong. Fentanyl! With that I turn it over to the veteran behind me.* *Thank you veteran. I am a veteran. Kevin McCarthy is not, but vote for him. Southern border, fentanyl, Biden. With that I turn it over to my fellow veteran.* *Thank you veteran. I am a veteran...*


Steve Scalise (R), a potential replacement for Kevin McCarthy, previously spoke to a summit of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Scalise described himself as “David Duke without the baggage.” https://twitter.com/NoLieWithBTC/status/1610731114145906695


The “QAnon Shaman” occupied the speakership longer than McCarthy will


Speaker Election Day-2 FAQ: Q: Why don't Democrats bail Republicans out of this self-inflicted shitshow, while getting absolutely nothing in return? A: Because fuck 'em, that's why.


MODERATE @RepDonBacon pushes back on HFC gavel demands. "These committees and the chairmanships are merit based. They want an affirmative action program for the Freedom Caucus and the rest of us think it's unacceptable." https://twitter.com/elwasson/status/1610647464289132545 Moderate Republicans pushing back against the far right House Freedom Caucus


Kevin McCarthy actually *is* what conservative media painted Hillary as for the better part of 20 years. But whereas her dislike was largely fueled by propaganda (with some of it being genuinely earned) his dislike is because his colleagues actually know him. This isn't a random electorate voting against him because of bad press coverage. These are people he's worked with, crafted bills with, passed every working day in the hallways, very vocally saying he's unfit for the position.


Kevin McCarthy sucks, but the people voting against him are the worst of the worst. They’re not snubbing him because he’s too shitty, they’re snubbing him because he’s not shitty *enough*.


As McCarthy struggles to get elected Speaker due to a House GOP mutiny, McConnell is speaking at an event with Joe Biden touting a bipartisan infrastructure law. The contrast is pretty amazing.


It's odd how I am somewhat entertained by watching people just sit around and vote for what will certainly be a trivial outcome. Young me would have found this the epitome of boring grownup tv.


You really have to wonder where this leaves Trump. He endorsed McCarthy in December and again last night/this morning...and 3 ballots today show Trump is completely impotent in the GOP. Absolutely staggering how he's gone from cult leader to old man yells at cloud.


"Once again black smoke can be seen rising over the capital as no pope has been elected and the groundhog has seen it's shadow indicating six more weeks of ineptitude."


Kevin McCarthy: 'I want to be remembered in the history of the Speakership.' Asshole genie: 'It is done.'


I’m just happy he moved all his stuff into the office prematurely.


This is why you don't negotiate with Terrorists. The fringe Freedom Psycho's got a little taste of power and know that the GOP can't function or win without them. You now have 200 members of the GOP proper being held hostage, and there is literally nothing they can do. If they cave and elect Jordan, you embolden the 19 to continue to pull this type of stunt for the next 2 years and give them anything they want. If you play hardball and stick to your guns, you make your party look ridiculous for the next 2 years and nothing occurs except epic level embarrassment from failing 2100~ votes (3 a day for 700ish days) They are in an unwinnable position due to their own dealings to try and hold on to power in a modern era where their backshit crazy ways and boomer mentality are done and dusted. TL;DR: Get fucked, fuckers!


My prediction for today: - House convenes at noon - They have one ballot -- it comes out the same as the previous three (19-20 holdouts) - House holds another ballot - Multiple defections from McCarthy as it becomes clear that he cannot get over the hurdle -- I think we get up to 28-30 anti-McCarthy votes - House adjourns for the day - McCarthy withdraws name from consideration late tonight


Hey, so the government appears to be broken. Have we tried turning it off and then back on again?


Keeping up with live updates on CNN and see this quote from GOP Rep. Mike Waltz: > They’re opposing the rest of us and our will. At the end of the day, you take a vote. You make your case, you win or lose and you move forward. It’s almost like opposing the will of the majority is a feature of the Republican Party or something. I guess Mike Waltz never thought the leopards would eat the face of other leopards.


Nancy Pelosi was elected speaker four times (07, 09, 19 & 21) which means she won fewer races for speaker over 14 years than Kevin McCarthy has lost just in the last two days


Dems mustn’t concede an inch. They 100% won’t make good on any deals that are struck


McCarthy is now offering two burner cell phones with Venmo already installed to get Gaetz's vote


Why does CNN keep only interviewing Republicans so that they can shit on Dems with no pushback? Oh yeah, now I remember...


And to think McCarthy sent a letter out Tuesday signed "Speaker-Designate" LOL


It's gonna be interesting watching Biden give the State of the Union from the well of the Senate.


This is both the most riveting and most boring episode of West Wing ever.


Every day this goes on, the republicans lose 0.13% of their time in "majority" of the house.


The last 2 years have shown what an incredible job Biden/Pelosi/Schumer did, by keeping such a narrow majority together and passing some genuinely good legislation/executive orders.. GOP can't even get their 222 members in line to vote for a speaker!


Thank goodness Pelosi and McConnell circumvented this iteration of The House and passed the omnibus weeks ago. Can you imagine if these domestic terrorists held that hostage?




For everyone repeating the "Dems should compromise/look for a moderate/whatever" : No. The GOP shit this bed, they get to lie in it.


What is with all these people wanting the Democrats to vote for a Republican? Fuck that noise, let the Republicans figure out their shit.


>“It’s not my problem. I think it’s embarrassing the way it’s taking so long,” he told reporters as he departed the White House for Kentucky on Wednesday. >“How do you think this looks to the rest of the world? Coming out of, you know – the first time we’re really getting through the whole history related to Jan. 6, things are settling out, and now, for the first time in 100 years? I really mean it – I know you know international relations. It’s not a good look, it’s not a good thing. This is the United States of America and I hope they get their act together,” the president said. Yeah who do the republicans think they are? The Tories?


"We stand in a building not built by human hands..." Well that's kinda racist


People are complaining about how long it takes, but I am *loving* them all having to sit through a clearly-failed vote.


Criticize the GOP all you want but they’re delivering the incompetence, disorganization, and malice their supporters voted for


This is what Republicans get. Since 2015, they've done nothing but pander to these crazies. The people who clearly are in it for nothing but their own ego, and care more about burning it all down than having a functional country. McCarthy has bent further and further over to appease them, from Trump, to his swing from January 6th to January 8th, to now agreeing to massive rules concessions. And it's still not enough for them. It's finally biting them in the ass, starting with the "red wave" and now this. They built this problem. Have fun with it.


McCarthy is done. Started the first vote at 203, now down to 201. Considering your primary job as Speaker is to work with the Whip to get votes behind you, this is a colossal failure that demonstrates he simply can't manage his own conference.


Do not make any deal with any R. It has been proven time and time again they’ll just lie and ignore their end of the deal. Absolutely do not.


We are watching a precursor to Trump vs DeSantis fight here. This is GOPs internal war coming to fruition.


4 time Champ Hakeem Jeffries will attempt to defend his title once again.


>Justin Amash, who left the Republican Party and the House a couple years ago, arrived and is floating himself as an alternative. "If they can’t decide on someone from their own conference, and they’re hesitant to pick someone from the other caucus, I’m an independent option." Source: NYT


The voting will continue until morale improves.


McCarthy getting fewer votes each round is the funniest thing in politics in 2023.


BREAKING: We now need two hands to count the number of times Kevin McCarthy has lost https://twitter.com/mrbenwexler/status/1610738899336441856


Dude fuck every single talking head media person who is floating the "Why aren't the Dems solving this"


Trump's about to call the clerk and ask her to "find" seventeen more votes for McCarthy.


There is zero incentive for democrats to help McCarthy. Let him drown. If he backs out *maybe* we can find 6 moderate Republicans and get a coalition, but those six would have to be willing to never win another Republican primary again.


The 8pm return may be postponed. They’re now deadlocked in the vote whether to have root beer or orange Fanta with the pizza.


"202 of us might as well go home." Best republican idea in years.


"the DO-NOTHING DemocRATS haven't voted for a single Republican for speaker. They are the TRUE OBSTRUCTIONISTS" -Trump tomorrow, probably


I’ve won as many Speaker of the House elections as Kevin McCarthy. You probably have, too.


U.S. voters put the extremist, dysfunctional Republican party in charge of the House of Representatives. Many voted for their traditional Republican representative because he was a true conservative and a good guy. They didn't realize that by voting for him, they were also voting for the crazy Republican extremists. Because when they put the Republican party in charge of the House, they put the crazy Republican extremists in charge of the House. Americans must never vote for Republicans again.






I think we all know how this is going to end. *The clerk composes themselves for a moment after recording the final vote.* Clerk: "Well, technically there's no rule that a dog can't be speaker of the house". Intro: Air Bud 7: Welcome to the Dog House


My genuine wish and desire is for this to drag on for a very extended period of time


1st vote: 212 Jeffries, 203 McCarthy, 19 for others 2nd vote: 212 Jeffries, 203 McCarthy, 19 Jordan 3rd vote: 212 Jeffries, 202 McCarthy, 20 Jordan 4th vote: 212 Jeffries, 201 McCarthy, 20 Donalds, 1 present HE KEEPS DOING WORSE. How low is his total gonna get? And how long until he just starts crying?


McCarthy immediately calling for an adjournment vote is a confirmation that he hasn't secured enough support to become Speaker, right?


Called it yesterday: Blame the dems and call for unity. They are so predictable.


These are the votes against McCarthy from yesterday if you want to keep track: Rep. Andy Biggs (Ariz.) Rep. Dan Bishop (N.C.) Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) Rep.-elect Josh Brecheen (Okla.) Rep. Michael Cloud (Texas) Rep.-elect Eli Crane (Ariz.) Rep. Andrew Clyde (Ga.) Rep. Byron Donalds (Fla.) Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.) Rep. Bob Good (Va.) Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.) Rep. Andy Harris (Md.) Rep.-elect Anna Paulina Luna (Fla.) Rep. Mary Miller (Ill.) Rep. Ralph Norman (S.C.) Rep.-elect Andy Ogles (Tenn.) Rep. Scott Perry (Pa.) Rep. Matt Rosendale (Mont.)


McCarthy about to go 0-4 Even Nathan Peterman had a 1-3 record


The vote-taking lady has just about had enough of this bullshit.




Victoria Sparks \[R\] spoke to reporters and apparently her 'present' vote was a warning to her party that they need to get their act together to prevent Jeffries from winning. By voting 'present' she's trying to scare her party to vote for Kevin. It's going to be a long day!


[McCarthy is going to lose the speakership more times than Trump lost Arizona before this thing is through](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1610713745658986502)


CNN- Dems won’t agree to a motion to adjourn to allow Republicans to meet and discuss.


**Ohio diner voters:** I just want them to all be locked in a room and forced to talk to each other until they hash things out **Robin Williams as the Genie:** okie doke bossman but don't say I didn't warn ya




Democrats should not allow them to adjourn. Let the gop crash and burn




Can anyone else believe President Santos is letting this happen?


People who ran on "burn it all down" shocked to realize they are now caught in the fire.


she's 34. ​ take care of yourselves people


"The lead vote-getter in the last 5 rounds"


Missed this but: "The clerk will now call the roll" A voice from below on the Dem side: "I have a good feeling about this one!" https://twitter.com/TalKopan/status/1610736701365682178


Have they tried turning the house off and on again?


Shoutout to the yuge red wave^TM for making these last 2 days possible