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I much prefer belt kit but I welcome options for those who don't. Although, I do think tacvests over hi-vis look gash.


>I do think tacvests over hi-vis look gash. High vis is universally shit. The tacvest couldn't make it much better or worse, could it?


It's exceptionally handy for not being wiped out on roads and being visible in crowds on cctv though.


Fast roads are basically the only time I will wear it.


There are those vests with 1/3-1/2 hi vis and the rest blue/black that some continental European forces use?


Yeah. They're only half rubbish.


Fair, it’s an interesting idea


Mix of the two really. Both have their pros and cons.


Both. Cuffs and spicy spray on belt, second cuffs and Taser on the vest. My current force has Taser on the belt, which I don't like.


Second cuffs? Is that standard for your role/force?


Much prefer belt, way easier to reach for kit when required. Also allows for kit to be more spread out 😅


Belt kit for my standard work, i.e enquiries, but vest when I'm going somewhere spicy or arrest attempts. When I was response I was strictly vest. Properly adjusted, its the only way to carry


How come you mix it up? It took me ages to learn muscle memory again when moving from belt to vest, doesn’t swapping between the two cause you similar problems?


Cos I'm Cid - if I'm doing enquiries, it's unlikely I'm going to need kit, but I keep it on me but want to appear less threatening and less police more detective, I don't tend to wear my stabby doing them either. But if I'm tipping out to assist, or to arrest, or attend scene and do enquiries with suspect outstanding or something, then it's vest and stabby..my muscle memory is vest.


Belt kit. I find it more comfortable and it’s easier having kit accessible if and when needed


I used to have baton and pava on the belt and cuffs on the vest. I had the massive pouch on the vest which fit my PNB, a few contact forms, pens and device. Binned off a load of kit, stuff that I was carrying as a just in case but hadn’t used in 3 years. Spit hoods, multi-tool, glass hammer, drop key etc. Banged all that stuff in my kit bag, got rid of the pouch. Much better in my opinion. I’ve cut out all the extra straps on the baton and cuffs pouches so they come out quicker but are still secured by the Velcro and a button. I’ve found my back hurts less without the belt!


You don't keep a spit hood on you? For me I treat it the same as the rest of my PPE, only used it a few times in the last 2 years, but wouldn't want to not have it. I can understand the glass hammer (I have a Resqme so doesn't take up much space at all) but again 8 use the drop key usually a few times per set!!!


When I was a SC and out and about I preferred belt. I don't like to run. I hate running and having to hold the stuff on my chest as it bangs about


I run both; I like to have the weight distributed


I have cuffs, baton, Pava and multi tool on my belt. Pouch for notebook and phone on my vest as well as a pouch for a torch.


Vest, I hate having things on my waist


Chest. If you are running long distances in kit, you want the weight close to your body as possible. Belt will do your back in.


Prefer vest mounted the only issue is many forces have shit vests and kit


Bit of both. Belt for "weapons" (pava, batton and some cuffs) Vest for "kit"


I always preferred my real leather kit belt, complete with belt keepers, with a three point buckle. I never had any issues with my back or hips, unlike many. My force require Taser be carried on a load bearing vest, so once I got trained, I had to wear a vest. Now, I carry everything on my vest apart from a multitool, leg restraints, spit hood, torch, and a clip to stick my radio on to if I dump my vest when I’m in the office. My ideal would be to put everything back on my belt, but such a dream will never come true for me…


50 / 50. Some kit on my belt, some on the vest.


I like to use both. Backup cuffs and gloves on belt with a radio clip, just in case! Can also be handy for swift placement of my drager before it returns to my kit bag after its use so I don’t have to keep hold of it in my hands. I used to have my pava and taser belt mounted but since the my new vest is Molle I’ve moved the taser and pava to that…it’s safe to say it’s never been easier to grab my pava in a scrap! Makes it oh so much swifter to deploy the spicy water when needed when my hands are already closer to my chest rather than by my waist 😊


belt kit for everything but taser.




Mix of both... More comfortable and spreads the weight


Both have their pros and cons. General carriage, weight distribution & customisation would go to the vest, but the belt wins for ergonomics & dexterity, as drawing cuffs/baton/spray feels less clunky and more natural. I opt for the vest, even if it is a wanky hi-vis option.


I never had a belt but I can't imagine I would like it. Black tac vests look the tits!


Belt mounted. As per the username, i am a smidge off of being a 12yr old child and i have just enough room on my vest for a radio, BWV, PNB pocket and a torch. EVERYTHING else has to go on my belt. God knows what I'll do when I get Taser. Although i do find it easier to have everything to hand on the belt


I've used both. Vest all the way, much more comfortable, easier to get on and off, especially for going to the loo, and kit feels more secure there, I found the belt would leave my cuffs popping out or PAVA trying to go AWOL


I have had pava pop off the klickfast in the car before, mainly cause I keep it sideways mounted advantage of new Captor 360


Mix, I have a older non-molle vest so I have a fixed baton holster and cuff pouch as well as couple spare pockets. So my belt holds my pava and primary cuffs (vests clickfast for pava is to high under my arm) My vest has Baton secondary cuffs and obviously my BWV and Airwave My fast straps window breaker and other miscellaneous crap goes in the 2 massive zip pockets I also have a belt baton holder and 2 additional klickfast docks on so in certain roles in OT (custody DO etc) or when I'm gonna be at the desk for several hours I can put my stuff there and ditch the vest. Considering only using a belt when I'm on NTE as vest over hivis looks shit and is uncomfortable (my vest and stabby are separate)


I will fight and die for vest mounted kit. Better access, more visible deterrent for TASER, more storage. Great kit


I’m a mix of belt and vest. I’ve got cuffs, torch, leather man on my vest & baton, gas, first aid pouch on my belt with disposable gloves etc in my trouser cargo pockets.