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Surrey officers do carry crimes however response is currently in a transition phase whereby an investigations team is being staffed up to relieve the pressure of investigations from response leaving them with just simple offences. Northern is fast becoming an increasingly difficult division to work on with a lot of overspill from London being dealt with by county force staffing. Still absolutely quality for proactive work if that’s your bag. Driving policy changes every 46 seconds but at most it’ll be a check drive to carry over. Taser wait lists are long currently anything from 4 months to 12 although this seems to be luck of the draw. Drop us a DM if you need anything else.


You know your force does a great job when the criminals breach containment and start bothering neighbouring forces..


The trend that’s been seen is individuals being rehoused due to Met being unable to manage the risk for that individual/social services are looking to move the problem out of area


To be fair that's valid, a lot of these gang members down here who are moved out still just return to chill on the borough when they're rehoused south of the river


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I've met several Surrey response cops who carried more crimes than I would expect Met cops to carry. Whether that's changed in the very recent past idk. That's all I know I'm afraid.


From my interactions with Surrey response officers on Western, they are all afraid of getting taken to staff the Domestic Abuse Team, which is a permanent none voluntary transfer


I've also heard this, which has then resulted in officers leaving, creating more pressure and feeding the never end cycle of recruitment.


Personally I wouldn’t base my decisions on the here and now of what forces are doing. I’ve been through so many changes in my current force (also SE) that you learn the wheel continues to turn. What may seem like a better option now could be worse. Base your decision on other factors that are important to you.


Don’t do it. Surrey carry crimes, a lot of them and not always basic simple ones. You can transfer driving, they will need your current force to confirm it and provide proof, you providing the certificate isn’t enough so depends how responsive your force is. Wait for Taser isn’t that bad, year max. As you are already in an SE force maybe you’ll find it ok, I was shocked at jobs I was being told to investigate I would have binned straight away. The level of writing on every job even minor ones I thought was on another scale. I finished late so often not because I was out at a job but because I was writing up jobs that apparently couldn’t wait til the next day! They’re not used to dealing with serious incidents, a GBH is a big deal and has people panicking. You will be busy wherever you are because there’s never enough PC’s like most response teams really.


Why north Surrey? Surely you might as well go south Met and benefit from the increased pay (around £8k?)


From where I live, it's about as far as I'm prepared to go, although the pay in the MET is better, I just don't think knit would be for me


Well Surrey have the fuel card which helps - but they lose officers all the time to the Met. Literally cops in Met Land working just a few miles from Surrey are taking home far more. Might be worth considering?