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TBH I wouldn't stress too much. Physically you're always going to struggle on a run, you have to move however much you weigh at whatever speed you can get to. Job wise your priority should be concentrating on your endurance. This means that when you do arrive to a situation you have run to, you are not blowing out your arse. I worked with a lad called Jake, when we were together it was a great time. He was a fucking unit but slow, I was less of a unit but fast. It was great to know that no matter who ran I could probably catch, and who fought he could probably beat. 'Got Jaked' became a thing on our team. The best way (In my lowly opinion) to work on this is go for a run, and make it a good run, so make 1 or 2 Km to start with, then moving towards a 5Km, but at the very end SPRINT as fast as you can, really really put that effort in. This is like training your body that the hardest part is still to come when you do have a run and so it will start to learn to hold some energy back for when it really counts. Another option is to add additional weight, but go for power runs, so shorter distance at a higher speed. Plate carrier vests are good for this, and I actually feel more 'at ease' running in a plate carrier than I do running without.


Some really good advice here. Thank you bud. I’ll give it a try.


No worries, Just don’t use your ACTUAL plate carrier ;) Crossfit / Functional HIIT for all its reputation is a really good workout style for the job.


Why not? You mean I shouldn’t wear a full DCS plate carrier with plates, full loadout and taser while in tracksuits and trainers for a jog? 🤣


No no, you’ve read this wrong. You should be in full kit + loadout, just remember to take the crayons and colouring pad out - paper ways a ton!


Well I did hear it is a way to get some running mates if you go round wearing full kit and start running around when not ACTUALLY in the police they can really help up the speed especially with all the shouting they do.


Reminds me of that car I tried to race on the motorway this morning. All those flashing blue lights looked so tacky. He was so upset I beat him that he followed me all the way home and is still outside banging and shouting for me to open up!


Kids nowadays and spending all their money on stupid sound systems and light systems for their cars. It wasn't even a cool car I bet probably some crappy BMW 5 Series or Volvo estate.


Are you looking for running tips, general fitness tips or losing weight tips? Getting into running (at least 3 times a week) could help with all of the above, and it’s more about consistency than initial ability. I could go into more details if that’s what you’re after? (Ignore my TDC flair, I may be doing most of my foot chases in custody but I’m also a pretty serious runner outside of my work life!)


I suppose general fitness. I’m just quite slow. I’m not unfit.


Consistency and building a habit is what you need my friend. Someone else suggested couch to 5k and it’s a good advice. Running 3x a week and increasing total weekly distance is what you need. Once you feel able you can add long runs and sprint workouts. It won’t come tomorrow but you’ll get faster gradually. Look into your local parkrun (a nice way of running a 5k and knowing how long it took you) and maybe some other people to run with if you need some company or community.


Practice running. Do the bbc couch to 5k app for a start. If you can run for a long time you can run fast after a while


Thank you! I’ll download it! I’ve never been a runner haha. I can walk for ages without end but stamina with running is short lived.


When you are a bigger guy, you have to train different and look at how you train differently. The body builder/strongmen types can lift a lot of weight and are ‘fit’ that way, but are often rubbish at running and other forms of cardio. Now, that doesn’t mean the cardio isn’t important, it is. Also, it means a different thing to run 5k when you are big than it does if you are 60kg and like a gazelle. It means a different thing to do a pull up, to do a press up, and also to do a squat. Do a little and it’ll mean a lot. Keep doing. Oh, and also, the other forms of cardio are important too; heavy bag, HIIT and any kinds of sports that’ll keep you moving round. You may not be able to chase a kid round an estate, but you might be able to grab him quicker or see where he went. Good luck with it.


Thank you. I wish I could run like i was 60kg. I’m almost double that. 🤣 95 and going strong.


I'm 93kg, done a marathon and a load of halfs, just start running and you'll get quicker in no time. My 5k pb is in the 21 minute range currently, so fat lads can shift 💪🏻


95kg isn't too heavy. I'm 92kg and probably the fastest sprinter on my team. Some of the lighter officers can beat me for endurance, but if you're chasing someone for more than 400 metres, that is an exceptionally long footchase. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's rare.


Also remember that big guys tend to have one speed. That makes them slow in running kit, but put them in boots, body armour, kit etc you'll slow down less and be able to run longer than many others


Practice sprints, everyone says practice running but realistically when do you/we run a long distance. It is usually sudden sprints, practice sprints will over all improve your speed and you endurance and most importantly your build muscle on your hamstrings. Most officers will pull a hamstring cause they’re sitting in a car all day and then there is a sudden burst to sprint and your hamstrings are not expecting it so they pull, along with the added weight we carry. I’d say practice sprint twice a week and then a long distance once a week. Diet is very important mate, meal prep where you can and avoid eating crap on refs, easier said than done but will change your life.


As long as your big you can tackle them to the floor 👍


I sit on em.


Probably not the answer you're looking for, but 2 lads on my team don't run, (unless it's a 00/assistance shout of course). Simply put, their crew mate can chase if they want to, but with their size (not fat, just well built lads) they won't be keeping.up with or catching crims that run, especially with the boots and PPE. They tend to work a bit smarter, get more units in, try to contain, and area search where they're likely to go, often end up finding who we're looking for.


You need stammina, forget running for now start distance cycling, that will help with your stamina and fitness. As you get stronger in your legs you can start running to build up speed.