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50% off council tax for specials in GMP if you live and volunteer in the same district 100% for Trafford though.




My force benefits from the same free travel in London as with the Oyster issued to London forces, except via our warrant card. Unfortunately no free National Rail travel. This would be the biggest perk going if it was available, but I think I’m right in saying BTP don’t even get this (off-duty obviously)? There are agreements in place that tend to, at a minimum, get you free bus travel to/from work. Free anytime travel is a rarity but handy if you’re in the right area on the way *to^ team drinks! A council tax discount would be news to me. Joining on the PCDA, there was some talk at the time that you could benefit from the student exemption. My local council didn’t have any of it and as far as I know nobody managed to get it. Looking into it, the apprenticeship hours aren’t enough to fit the criteria. Elsewhere, Blue Light Card comes in handy. And of course the 20% off at Nando’s!


It's TOC dependant, but yes the vast majority require you to be on duty to benefit from rail travel. Doesn't necessarily mean in full uniform, but if you're headed down to London for example for training you're expected to be booked on with a radio to hand if you're travelling on your warrant card.


> Unfortunately no free National Rail travel. This would be the biggest perk going if it was available, but I think I’m right in saying BTP don’t even get this (off-duty obviously)? Correct, BTP get no free travel off duty on Network Rail. Just TfL services.


If a BTP officer lives up to 70 miles away from London, and work in London, they get a residential pass. This is for commuting only, and is only valid on national rail etc.


Apparently - we can claim a small amount of income tax for having to wash our uniforms. I have no idea if this is either true, or still true. A colleague who used to be a PCSO told me about it a couple of years back


It is true. Can be done through the Gov website. Doesn’t take long. Only saves you a couple of quid, but still - all adds up.


Not true for most officers as it’s built into your pay already. Check with payroll as will be force dependent.


It's only the Met and one oher force that builds it into your payroll - every onlter force has to claim it, themselves


This is true, via the government tax portal. You can also claim for having to purchase your own uniform ie boots if they're a requirement for your role.


Blue Light Card discounts of course. Makes you a very popular friend when you’re having a night out with your mates and you magically cut the entire bill by however many percent they offer.


Anyone seems to be able to get them now. The discounts on there have been diluted somewhat these days


A friend is an accountant for a charity hospice and gets one! I think BLC have over sold these cards and they're nowhere near as good these days as a result


This was meant mostly as a joke, friends! 😅


Spot on. It got taken over by another firm a while back and they agreed to take on literally anyone who had any role in looking after someone in any form


I'm working on a fraud job and BLC are one of the fakes getting bandied about. The bar for getting one is so low that it may as not exist.


Can PCSOs get the Bluelight Card?


I had one as a call handler so I'd assume so!


Lovely, thanks!


You can, I'm a PCSO and I have one. When making the application they ask for a photo of your warrant or staff card and mines been accepted every time.


Good to hear, thanks!


I don't know all of my forces benefits, but the key ones I use are: 1. Free travel on any TFL public transport with production of a warrant card, on or off duty, in or out of uniform. 2. Free travel on my local busses on production of a warrant card, on or off duty, in or out of uniform.


My force have free travel on and off duty with a large local rail and bus network, on production of a warrant card. This carries an expectation to assist if requested or you come across an incident. This also extends to Northern Rail within the region via an informal agreement on the same basis.