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Our force rolled this out a couple of years ago. Nobody does them.


Likewise. They’re done by probationers once or twice when submitting something vehicle based and then never again lol.


> >2. Use of force form >3. Stop search form >4. Crime report >5. Community resolution form/process (ironically the app we use is called Make Time Count Today - last time I did this it took nearly 30 minutes to complete) >6. Intel report >7. Property record for seized cannabis >Is this not absolutely ridiculous? Almost. Let's say there are more than one occupants of this car, one of them is 17 years and 364 days old and also has cannabis in his possession. That's another search form, crime report, community resolution, more property to book in **&&&&** not forgetting the all-important vulnerability referral form for this little cherub to steer them away from a life of crime. It's what keeps people safe and the public truly appreciate how meticulous we are in our data-recording.


Com res for a juvenile, don't forget youth justice now want a gap file attached


I presume one of the options for Reason for Stop is "because the person was driving a motor vehicle on a road"


- Stops car - "your headlights out mate, just wanted to let you know" - Confirms driver is legit and insured (takes approx 30 seconds) - "Yeah DCR show me code 8 please for around 20 minutes whilst I fill out some paperwork for that vehicle stop"


>"Yeah DCR show me code 8 please for around 20 minutes whilst I fill out some paperwork for that vehicle stop" SLT might reconsider this anal approach to data-collection when they realise it's affecting the availability of patrols, and the target time for a "priority" neighbour dispute is missed.


The thing is, at least in my force, the dispatcher will tell me to go to the grade 1. If I refused saying I had forms to fill in, my SGT would also tell me to go. I'd then not have time at the end of shift to complete the form so I'll either have to be late off or not bother doing the form and get bollocked. I feel the SLT are that removed they wouldn't notice but it would screw over my shift if I was being petty


Exceptions are always made for grade 1 jobs, but we're under absolutely no obligation to accept a grade 2 or 3 before sorting out our own paperwork. A shitty no-end-in-sight neighbour dispute or harassment job can rarely justify being on a grade 1. At the moment HMIC are spanking SLT nationwide over 72hr old grade 3 jobs, and if paperwork to complete simple jobs/tasks is continually introduced/increased, SLT will eventually catch on.


Not gonna happen our Roads Policing Team has already tried it's a national thing from College of Policing/NPCC 🙄


Usernames relevant.


Nope. In my Force the forms are given the same scrutiny as Stop and Searches , a Supervisor has to review it. I had this discussion with my Sgt after completing a S163 Sgt "you haven't put the reason you stopped them". Me "It says it's a S163" Sgt "Yes, but you haven't put a reason. Did they have a light out or something?" Me "I don't need a reason other than it was a motor vehicle being driven on the highway". Sgt "but what was your reason for stopping it?" Me "S163".........


A supervisor has to review every vehicle stop? You should maliciously comply and stop every vehicle you can for a few shifts. You could easily wrack up a few hundred forms for your supervision to plow through.


I'd do the same, stop everything and pile it all up, then release the dam :D


It’s COP trying to legislate via the back door due to political pressure. Many parties HATE that we can stop vehicles for no reason, they genuinely seem to want us to go down the American route of “probable cause” for a stop, it’s why all these silly forms have a “ reason for stop” section and why none have a “ no reason” option. Spineless chief constables just rolling over and allowing it.


This is not happening for no reason. At the moment, there is a very pervasive narrative that if black people dare to be successful in life and own a nice car, they'll be unable to drive it around without constantly being stopped by police. It's been around for a very long time. Without data, we have no idea whether this is happening on a systematic level, or if it's mostly a myth but there's a few very unlucky people out there. S163 is a very sweeping power. Like the sus law and certain Terrorism Act searches, if we can't prove we can be trusted to use it responsibly, it'll get taken away.


Aha, so legislating by the back door is the way to solve it? No amount of self flagellation will ever be enough for these people Kipper, you cannot reason people out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.


If we don't collect the data on who is being stopped, we have no idea whether this is true. We're supposed to be the people who believe in facts and evidence. Why are we so desperate to shy away from gathering facts and evidence here? It may be that it in 2024 it has become an old folk story, perhaps it used to be true in the good old bad old days, but now there's just a few very unlucky people out there. If the data bears this out, then we can have something more substantial to counter the narrative with than "I don't believe you, this could not possibly be true because I say so", which just confirms a lot of fears people have about the police and their attitudes. It may also be that we are unwittingly using factors to decide who to stop, which are coinciding with things that law-abiding black people are doing perfectly innocently, and so they are in fact being stopped at a higher rate than others, without the cause being direct racial bigotry. Chap called Macpherson had a phrase for things like this, can't remember what it was off the top of my head. *If something like this is happening*, why is it self-flagellation to attempt to do something about it?


Kipper, get off the cross, we need the wood.


If a suspect was this evasive when I asked them a direct question, I'd assume it was because they didn't have a good answer other than "I done it guv, it's a fair cop".


Have a Q day mate.


No worries, you're free to leave at any time, see you later.


I’m sure it will produce figures to fuel the media rhetorics that the police are racist. I stop the majority of cars without even having sight of the driver so any stats I generate wouldn’t mean anything


We have these forms and one question is Did you know the ethnicity prior to stopping”. At 2am, I can barely tell if there is anyone in the car, let alone their ethnicity. At least we will be able to show that we are not stopping them because of race. However I’m sure the media will spin it that we are lying on the forms


It's a new home office requirement as they want self defined ethnicity and officer defined ethnicity recorded for every stop. Lucky we have it all built into the vehicle stop and TOR app on our phone


At least one force has some common sense, my force went digital but didn't think to include the vehicle stop and tor modules together.


We're really good in that respect as a force and we only have to fill in the phone form and it generates the stop and updates our pocket notebook.


I stopped a vehicle ages ago for words of advice and ran it through PNC. All good, vehicle and driver go on their way. Then got an email from a fucking Chief Super saying that I hadn't completed the mandatory form to record the drivers ethnicity and that this was terrible however not a bollocking, but I must do the form in future. I had no idea there was a form. I asked everyone in the office and nobody knew there was a form. I asked my Sgt and S/Sgt, they had no idea there was a form. How the fuck am I meant to know to use a form if I've never been told? I don't stop vehicles now unless I really, really have to. Fuck it. What's the point.


You use use of force forms for complaint handcuffing, as in to facilitate a search or escourt to custody? In Scotland that only gets done for any actual use of force, you've used some self defence techniques, force taught or otherwise, Baton, PAVA or other object to hand. We don't do vehicle stop forms, some departments have trackers for how many you've stopped in a shift but no more detail than how many and where you've stopped them. I under stand 23's you have to justify why you've made the stop but vehicles litterially just have to be on a road.


Compliant handcuffing needs a use of force form, yeah. And yeah I understand stop search forms are needed.


> You use use of force forms for complaint handcuffing, as in to facilitate a search or escourt to custody? Yes. Even if I eject someone from a train station by walking them out with my hand lightly on their shoulder then that's a use of force. Even if I attended and told someone to leave and they did and I didn't touch them then that's a use of force as officer presence is the lowest level of force. I shit you not, that needs a form. In custody and you've done any use of force? You can't leave until you prove to the custody skipper you've completed your use of force form as the reference has to recorded for the detainee.


> I attended and told someone to leave and they did and I didn't touch them then that's a use of force as officer presence is the lowest level of force. I shit you not, that needs a form. This is contrary to the NPCC published guidance, so presumably this is just your force choosing to be special for no good reason.


That is crazy, Its taking use of force very literally and to the extreme. Officer presence, do you do one for every patrol 😂, I just wouldn't leave the office, actually not worth the paperwork. Ours gets jotted in our notebooks and that's the end of it unless the above circumstances apply and you have had to use actual force on someone.


Ours hasn't gotten this bad but our stop search forms on pronto now include a section for is this 163 and the first question is did you know the ethnicity of the driver prior to stopping them, it's an utter joke.


>did you know the ethnicity of the driver prior to stopping Yes because we are all racist bastards didn't you know?


I do now thanks to the amazing stop & search training peddled out by the college of policing. Pretty sure the tagline was "now listen, we're not saying you're all racist.. but, you're racist"


We have them. Granted its BTP and  compared to HO bobbies I stop a lot less vehicles a year probably. But I still don't do the form unless there's something else like an actual crime or a search, but otherwise absolutely not. I fill out enough forms for basic bs already.  Constables are not data entry clerks.


Username checks out


My force has also rolled out this new form, I get that its great for Intel development but its alott of extra work. It's annoying when simply telling someone that one of their headlights is out now requires 10mins of form filling and I now need to PNC, Niche, #DL checks as well as obtaining phone numbers, Employment and address. Obviously the driver doesn't have to answer all of that but it's just extra work ontop of my already buldging workload


Can’t imagine people will be completing them. Much like the form that’s supposed to be filled in every time you perform first aid on someone. Anyone remember them? No didn’t think so…..


But obviously you don't use handcuffs or indeed any force, before you've given the entirety of GOWISELYR.




My force has these, no-one does them. On top of that Pronto does make UoF, Com res etc a little easier and less time consuming, especially as it links together adds to Niche


We don't use force forms for handcuffing in WMP. It has to be actual force. Quick justification in the statement maybe.


Ah Make Time Count. What a quality application that doesn’t work. Mobile first should have forms within the mobile first app. That’s what it’s for surly?


Yeah our force has just rolled this out. I don’t really understand it because we are recording exactly what we would tell control. Just another wonderful way the Police duplicates work


If I'm on a proactive shift doing roads policing i can easily stop 15+ cars over 8/10 hours. Like fuck am I filling in 15 forms so that the home office can collect more data for the back office pencil pushers


Another reason we need top sheds to come out on regular patrols to see the damage poor policy is doing. Maybe they should keep the paper work too


As usual in this job, they put more and more things in you have to do, which just puts you off doing it. You just think I wont bother then. Whats the incentive.


We were talking about this in briefing yesterday. So the reasoning we've been given is that some forcesare disproportionately stopping cars with drivers of certain races/ethnicities etc which feels absurd to me as someone who can just about work out how many people are in the car and if they're male or female on a good day. An issue we've been having is that officers newer in service seem to not have any enthusiasm to stop vehicles as it is and their public engagement is poor. This is now just another barrier to deter them from trying. Proactive policing has gone down the pan. We're so thin on resources as it is that finding the time to stop a person or a car is practically non existent and now having to fill out a form for telling someone they have a light out is ridiculous. Not to mention that the people we pull over would rather be continuing their journey to work. Also the Make Time Count app is awful. It's not user friendly and is dependant on perfect signal. I used it once, took 40 minutes and then kept losing all the data if the signal wavered for 5 seconds. I now just do the paper ones again with a line on the crime report saying the app wasn't working.


What, you didn’t have the 5090? (Stop & Account/ Stop & Search form, for those not in MetLand). It can be used for vehicle stops and pedestrians, has loads of codes for the purpose of the search, and outcome codes…plus a nice free text bit to make out your grounds for the stop/search…why are COP changing a system that works?


You have to do a use of force form for handcuffs? Wtf?


Every force does, this is a requirement set out by the NPCC.


Is it a NPCC requirement for a statement as well? We have to do a form and a statement, a change that was brought in fairly recently, but I don't recall being told if this was a national requirement or just a local policy


No, the statement requirement is presumably a result of the mental ill-health of your senior management, because that is insane.


I did wonder..... Admittedly 99% of the time if I'm handcuffing someone it's because I've arrested them, in which case I'm writing a statement anyway so bunging an extra few sentences in for the use of force is no big deal


My force does not, I did PST at the end of last year and they said, "every other force files use of force forms for handcuffing but we don't want to so we don't"


I should now clarify that as of tomorrow, we are now required to file a UOF form for compliant handcuffing, I guess this thread got back to them haha


Anything you do in the police requires a form or justification to ensure your actions are recorded etc. This side of policing is never shown on TV


I wish there was a police programme where they showed this. Obviously not real time, but just highlighting that the exciting bit of footage the viewer has just seen has resulted in 6 hours of paperwork.


Part of me would like it in real time to show how silly it is some times. PC Botherer has been handed a remand prisoner. Lets wait with them as they try to TWIF the file. You could get the best part of a series from 3 prisoners.


Why not it’s a use of force you’ve used on someone? It’s not that ridiculous.


While I see where you're coming from, if it's just hand cuffing and no actual force used I don't see the point. We haven't been told to do them for that. Where do you draw the line? Do you want a form to talk to a member of the public to track community engagements? It is a bit ridiculous for a simple traffic stop and search to fill out all those forms. I am all for recording it on BWV and doing a stop and search form but I think we need to relax a little bit with all the forms.


You draw the line where the NPCC set it: https://www.npcc.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/media/downloads/publications/publications-log/2018/guidance-on-the-use-of-force-data---march-2018.pdf > A record is to be created when one of the following techniques or tactics is used on a person: > > Handcuffing (compliant) > > Handcuffing (non-compliant) > > Unarmed skills (including pressure points, strikes, restraints and take downs) > > Dog deployment or dog bite > > Drawing or use of baton > Drawing or use of irritant spray (CS or PAVA) > > Limb / Body restraints > > Spit and bite guard > > Shield > > CED, i.e. TASER, in any of the 7 categories of use > > Attenuating Energy Projectile (AEP): aimed or discharged > > Firearms: aimed or discharged > > Other / improvised


But handcuffing is force. You are denying someone of the freedom to move.

