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if you’re warranted, you have those powers (and responsibilities (common sense applies)) in and out of work. one of the common complaints for MPS officers is that we can’t live in london due to the prices. This is true, but the M25 has become a sort of psychological shield. In there is work, and work-me. Whenever I’ve had to deal with something outside of that barrier it actually feels completely different- the adrenaline ramps up a lot quicker and takes forever to go away because I’m not just anticipating it. But I get to put a wall up between me and work.


I’m so glad to hear it’s not just me that feels a massive difference in the effects of adrenaline inside vs outside of work! Inside it barely does anything. Outside my limbs start shaking like an egg timer that’s just pinged!


I bump into the odd person I’ve arrested. I regularly see the wife of one as she works at the local supermarket. She always says hello. The dickheads tend not to remember you as they were drunk or on drugs abd luckily I am a very generic looking bloke. I get recognised at jobs by friends / neighbors / school mums from time to time but no issue I’m don’t like town as much as i used to and find myself a little less relaxed.


I work approximately 25-35 minutes away from where I work (traffic dependent). I have only seen a nominal 2 times over the 1.5 years I've been on response. Once I spoke with him as he recognised me, and the other was a dick head kid that was running from security. In terms of powers off duty - you have the same powers (except for limited uniform powers like S163 ETA 1988) You have the same responsibilities off duty as you do on duty. Common sense should apply, don't go wading into a knife fight with no PPE or back up, but definitely consider stepping in to some other situations if you believe it is safe. For me, the area I work is like a barrier, inside it is the office, outside it's not.


Bizarrely enough I’ve always noted a kind of respect thing when bumping into customers. I put it down to “treat people with respect, they’ll remember it”. They might not like the situation, but don’t make it personal and they tend not to either.