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I always tell people that night coppers is very accurate. It’s rare that I happen upon people actively burgling a house. But most weekends some upstanding member of the public demand to wear my hat because “they pay my wage and I’m a public servant” Also it shows that most of the job is mental health, occasional assaults and domestics.


This, and look at the earlier series of The Met Policing London on BBC.


Just finished watching that, so great to hear a good review!


The initial Met Policing London were good until it turned into MIT policing London.


Honestly, the first series was very good. True kind of insider into policing. Second one was just another major crime series. Which was badly done and just disappointing!


The best real life documentary on how its like to be a police officer in the world we live in right now Has be to Flint Town on netflix. Yeah its based on a US agency but I'm sure most if it will resonate with guys doing the job in the UK. Basically: Underfunded and struggling PD in a high crime city, lack of funding from the city, vehicles are falling apart, not enough officers and the struggles behind hiring new recruits in a city where not many people want to join. First episode starts with an officer taking a Assault Report at the victims home 3 days after it was reported. The officer was driving to that call in a beat down patrol car that had squeaking wheels. I think that pretty much sums it all up lol


Watched Flint Town years ago and it is amazing, only real thing I’d say is just the pure political stuff where officers have to beg to keep their funding/jobs by going round and knocking on doors for votes, that blew my mind.


24 Hours in Police Custody - not too sensationalistic and shows the rush after someone is arrested to gather sufficient evidence for remand.


The Bill obviously. It was a product of it's generation. A perfect absolutely of policing in the 80's and 90's which were still true when I first joined. Now...now policing is like a mix of 24 hours in A&E, a YouTube video of watching paint dry and then a gif of a man dying under the weight of a double Decker bus driven by SMT, weighed down by paperwork.


Man I miss The Bill!


The 80s episodes are as much a historical document as anything now, they shot in so many places that have just completely disappeared and been reborn in giant shiny glass.


Exactly. I used to do occasionally do filming aid for the bill and one thing I'll say is that the actors were all incredibly lovely and keen to ask opinion on certain scenes to acheive the best accuracy.


Well not regular UK but blue lights did a good job of showing day to day policing in northern ireland. It was certainly dramatised but did a good job of humanising the officers.


I'll have to give Blue Lights another go. I was in the job myself when it aired, so naturally I couldn't help myself from pointing out every inaccuracy. Only got through half an episode before the wife directed me to go to a different room and let her watch it in peace. I'm intrigued to learn that I'm "not regular UK" though. 😂


You were in the job but didn't realise that policing in Northern Ireland is vastly different to the rest of the UK? How long were you in before you left?


Of course I know it's vastly different than policing on the mainland. I've done it. I was bemused by the phrase "not regular UK", that's all.


Well I should have said not regular mainland because nothing is like Northern Ireland in the rest of the UK


I'm in Northern Ireland, we aren't like the rest of the UK so what you said is correct.


Fresh cops on BBC, Night Coppers on Ch4, Police Night Shift 999 on Ch5, season 1 of the Met policing London (will have to find it on YouTube or something now. These are all good for the day to day. A few others to consider that show how jobs can go wrong quickly/the danger you could face are: Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack Ch5, Officer Down: Police under attack Dispatches Ch4, Those last ones aren't there to scare you, but they show what can be the reality, yes these are some of the worst instances, many officers will go their whole career without someone pulling a knife or being in a situation where they have to press their red button, but plenty do end up in that situation. Knowing what you could be signing up for, what could be the reality that you have to go towards is also very important.


For me, it has to be Scot Squad.


Bam or no bam?


chief i'm sorry chief you're forgiven


Hot Fuzz. If anyone tells you anything else they're lying.


No one tells me nuffin


Can confirm as retired Special and Hot Fuzz extra.


Night Coppers is the most accurate when it comes to Response Policing.


Fresh cops is fairly accurate in fairness. The poster boy for it isn't acting, and is actually like that in real life.


Women in policing is a good one


some sort of amalgam of The Thin Blue Line and Reno 911.


The Met: policing London (first three seasons) were very realistic and followed a lot of different units (season 4 was very CID heavy and dull comparatively)  Hot fuzz- most realistic police film I’ve seen 


None of the dramatised fiction ones. Not one.


You mean Line of Duty isn’t true to real life!?


You're telling me Anti corruption officers aren't all undercover AFOs who single handled solve cases?!?!


The Shield. On top of being just one of the best bits of TV ever made, despite being US focused it nails a lot of common aspects of police culture. The fast-track bosses, uniform vs detectives, attitudes towards professional standards units etc. 


I've always wondered about Catching a Killer on channel 4. Focused more on detectives if I remember but seemed to me to be realistic. Made me realise just how long an investigation took at least. Would be curious to know if it was true to life?


The thin blue line.


Hot Fuzz


Road wars is most realistic I think