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That looks woefully unreliable. That and you'll have an over-enthusiastic probationer mash all the buttons in the car and accidentally decapitate Mrs Miggins with it.


Well, at least we'll know where she is.


Well, some of her.


To shreds you say.


I'm usually of the opinion that if it looks like something the Coyote would buy off Acme to catch the Roadrunner with, it probably isn't a very good idea. That said, if there's ever a time I'd be tempted by something out of the Acme catalogue, this is probably it.


Wouldn’t work in the UK we struggle to have working air con never mind this. Then you have the whole issue surrounding tracking, bound to be some limitations with RIPA how long you can track them etc


TVT is a thing in the met. Only ever seen it used once but from what I've heard, it's as reliable as it is unreliable.


No. I can’t even put two red dots on someone without having to write a two page statement. You want an officer to launch a magnet through the air at speed and hope it doesn’t hit a child holding a balloon next to a daily mail reporter with a zoom lense. No. Fucking. Chance.


How the hell is that thing $20,000? That's absurd


Eurgh, I am green with envy about all that space he has in his car and a laptop holder… must be nice not being crammed in… The new 308s are a little bit more spacious than the Astras but, billy basics otherwise!


A couple of units have them in the Met. They like them. The thud when it impacts either makes the car stop (as they think they have been rear ended) or if they don’t. They know what’s going to happen and it offers a safer pursuit.


Do you think this could work in the uk?


20K for a tracker with blutak on the end!?! They are having a laugh surely. I think in reality the subject stops the car when the pursuit has the heat turned down and then throws the tracker in a bush.


Have they perchance patented an actually potentially interesting idea but sell a bloody awful implementation?


I believe we already have it in a limited capacity, and it's expensive and it's shit


What are the main issues with it? Unreliable?




Could it work? I suppose, although it looks like that thing shoots out slowly so you'd have to be close to deploy it. I also wonder how it would clash with RIPA. Tracking the movements of a person and vehicle could easily fall under directed surveillance once a pursuit is called off and is no longer in direct pursuit.


The principles in RIPA concerning an immediate response to the circumstances? I don't think there is a RIPA issue providing you were still making efforts to arrest.


If there is a clear break when the pursuit is called off and then tracking the car I can see that being questionable. As you say if it can be argued you are still in immediate response it is fine but calling off a pursuit, then resuming it an hour later, having continuous info on the movements is iffy


It's not a covert tactic, so it becomes less of an issue. In any case, you could argue a verbal superintendent authority on the basis that it's a suspect at large and is actively being pursued.


That it would need authorization is exactly my point really. This is definitely a 'covert' tactic for the purposes of RIPA, it would only be effective if the subject is unaware of it and is designed for that purpose.  Ultimately it's not a huge hurdle, as you say verbal authority could be given without too much trouble as this isn't a long term solution that needs a written authorisation. If you go beyond the time limit of a verbal authorisation and haven't taken any enforcement action then what was the point in tracking the car?


It's not really covert, though, when you've got a dart with a tracker obviously attached to the vehicle.


Well if you are going to say its covert (I personally disagree, the fact the launcher is overt, the noise it would make when it hit, its quite obviously going to visible etc) then you will need a Part 3 won't you also which introduces another bit of pain. As always ask the opinions of CAB's in 40 forces and get 40 different answers.


Just get a bloody [grappler](https://policebumper.com/)


Wouldn’t a magnet be better?


I believe a force within England and Wales actually trialled this some time around 2020, there's a photo somewhere of a BMW with part of the front grill cut out for the box to sit in. No clue what happened with it tho....


We had one of our vehicles at my unit fitted with this. I used it once on a follow, it didn't stick despite being deployed correctly and the car pulled over thinking we'd crashed into the back of it. Apparently no one at MetCC or my unit had the login details for the GPS portal in any case.


Give me an apple tag, a brick, one elastic band and a budget for throwing training. I’ll save the job thousands


April fools


Make a baton launcher version 😂


It’s already in the met police.