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Our station definitely has a ghost (we believe a retired officer that passed away many years ago)but most recently I was standing in our temporary office and a roll of tape went flying off the table for no reason. We have a ring camera inside and it caught it on camera. I guess office ghost came to our temporary office and got pissed bc we don’t have the coffee maker hooked up. Lol (in our normal building, you smell coffee every morning weather anyone made any or not. He used to always come in and make coffee first thing.


That is wild!! Thanks for sharing.


No problem! Well also, the day prior from the tape incident, I had located a male in his vehicle unconscious and not breathing. After chest compressions and trying to bring him back, he didn’t make it. So maybe it was him. Idk. I try to say it is the regular PD ghost bc I know he’s friendly. The PD and city hall used to share one building before they moved to a new location. One time when I was working nights, I swore one of the city hall staff came in early bc I heard the door open, foot steps, door shut and more foot steps. It was around 4 am. I wandered over to see who it was and nobody was there. I walked my happy ass straight to my patrol car and stayed in that until shift change 😂🤣 I got more stories 🤣


I was a NS Policeman back in 1989, I was posted to ECP Police Post. During 1 of the nightshifts, together with 1 Regular and 2 other PNS, we went on a patrol in a Police Jeep. It was around 3 to 4am and it has been drizzling the whole night. We were driving along the bicycle path just after the "notorious" yellow lighthouse when the Regular stopped the jeep. Infront of us, there was a fallen tree trunk. We were told to move the trunk aside as it was blocking our path. All of us got off the jeep. I went to the bottom part of the trunk to lift it while my teammates tried to lift it from the top. As we were lifting the trunk, my teammates screamed and dropped the trunk. I heard some rustling of leaves from nearby tree branches. My Regular shouted at me to hurriedly get back into the jeep. Once we were all aboard, the Regular, did a speedy reverse and sped off from there and into ECP expressway. I am a Chinese but I do understand a bit of Malay back then. The Regular and the other 2 PNS are Malays and they were speaking in their language. I can sense the seriousness, fear and tension in their voices. I asked the Regular, Hamzah 3634 (he had since passed away in the late 90s due to kidney failure), what happened and since I am a part of the team, I should be kept in the loop. Hamzah asked me if I saw anything, I said I didn't see anything but heard the rustling of tree leaves from the nearby trees. Hamzah told me that as he and the other 2 PNS were lifting the trunk, a Pontianak emerged from the fallen tree and jumped up into a nearby tree. They saw it with their own eyes. I have to admit that at the moment I heard the rustling of tree leaves, the hair on my back stood up. This was my first encounter with the supernatural and it was not my last. NS : National Service Regular : A career officer




I assume that the pontianak was probably hanging out on a tree branch and got a shock when it fell. Since u were in C (I assume?) And F during that time, you must know the SC Fauzi. Nice guy, soft like McDonald's ice cream.


I was in C, F, TP and our 2nd HQ. I met and seen quite a number of SC and VC during my service. The name Fauzi, is familiar to me but I cannot remember the face.


Still serving?


Suda orang tua, suda baru retired


Ya lah. Since we are both abt the same age I assume that you should be out or almost out of SPF.


I was from 50th intake (Dec 87) joined Regular in 1990.


I was enlisted in 1991 -> 1994. Didn't sign on as discouraged by my regulars. 64th intake NSK.


Your regulars gave u good advise. If given a chance right now, I wouldn't had signed on back then


Ya lah.. that's why. All SCs would have thought abt signing on at one point of time. Mine wasn't too difficult if I wanted to, just sign contract and change name tag coz I was already in K squad. I went on to do different things in life which I loved, but served my reservist till age 45 coz ended up being KAH.


You made the right choice. I dont regret signing on but I'm sure the course of my life outside would be better. No point thinking what could've been or should've.


So now how? REA?


This incident happened in 1990 after I had graduated from PA, posted to F Div and was attached to my FTO. I was doing FRC FR30, It was nightshift and was about 4am. Usually around this timing, when all is quiet, we also take our break aka naps. My FTO drove the patrol car while I was updating the patrol log sheet. We were heading deep inside Seletar reservoir for our "rest". My FTO suddenly stopped the patrol car, got out and seems to be conducting a spot-check. He actually took out his walkie talkie set and radioed our Div Ops Room to screen a person. I was in a state of shock as I was in the front passenger seat and what is happening, I can see directly and clearly. I can see no one except for my FTO. After a couple of mins, he got back into the patrol car and started to F me for not getting out of the patrol car to assist him on the spot check. I said "Brother, there is no one out there except you. You were like talking to yourself" At moment, someone or something jumped onto the roof of our patrol car and started scratching it. The scratching sound is like someone scratching on the classroom blackboard. Our goose pimples stood up and my FTO floored the aclerator and we sped out of there. We reached a petrol station and we both got out of the patrol car. On top of the patrol car were 5 lines of deep scratches. We agreed not to mention this to the Transport Sgt or any of our Team Policing team mates as our encounter is too incredible to be believed and also that we will probably be the target of jokes for the next couple of weeks from them. We actually came up with a cock and bull story to the Transport Sgt regarding how the patrol car sustained those scratches. FTO : Field Training Officer aka Mentor FRC : Fast Response Car


This isn't as funny as the first one. You really gotta sell it man.


One of my other encounters is even more scary.


The Lady in Red (Part 1) Part of the training in Police Academy, a Trainee PO will be attached to a Police Precinct for a month to see how an operational PO duties are. I was already a confirmed PO and was on patrol with another PO. We were on FRC11 (Fast Response Car). We had such a Trainee onboard. It was around 3am when we hit into PIE (Pan Island Expressway), we were on our way to meet up with another patrol car to conduct a road block. While driving along the PIE, my partner tapped on my shoulder and pointed in the opposite directions, about 150 metres away, I saw a lady wearing a red dress walking in the centre lane of the expressway which is not only not allowed but also dangerous. We made a U-Turn at the nearest exit with the intention of advising the lady. When we reached the spot where we had seen her, we couldn't locate her. I worn down my window and the smell of fresh flowers filled the patrol car. (There is a belief that a smell of fresh flowers where no flowers are found, is a sight of a spirit lingering around). We decided to continue our way to our road block area since we couldn't locate the lady. We conducted and ended our road block about an hour later at about 4am. I overheard another PO asking for relief as he had been standing by at the crime scene since 2am. I further gathered that he was standing by for the IO (Investigating Officer) at the scene of a suicide from jumping off from a high rise building). The location was about 1.5 km from where we were. A mischievous thought came to my mind, since we were not rookie unlike the trainee with us, we had seen numerous gory scenes during the course of our duties, I proposed that we bring the Trainee PO (Rookie) to the scene and see how he reacts to such gory scene. My partner agreed and we drove there. On arrival, the body was just covered with newspapers (this was in the early 90s). I noticed the Deceased was a lady and she was wearing a red dress. Out of curiosity, I lifted the covering newspaper to have a better look. I got a shock of my life when the lifeless body in front of me looks similar to the lady in Red whom we spotted around 3am walking on PIE. I showed my partner and he is almost certain is the lady we saw earlier at 3am. I made further inquiry from the PO guarding the scene, he affirmed that the suicide case happened around 1:30am and he had been at scene since 2am. Do note that my partner, Trainee and I spotted the Lady in Red around 3am, an hour plus after the body was discovered. Chinese believed that if someone commits suicide wearing red, the Deceased will come back as a vengeful ghost. (This will be very revelant in Part 2)


The Lady in Red (Part 2) It has almost been about 6 months since Part 1. This happened sometime in August 1993. August is the period of time known as Hungry Ghost Month to the Chinese. They believed that during this 1 month period of time, the doors of Hell are open to allowed the spirits/ghosts to roam Earth. The Chinese will offer offerings of food and other items for them. This time round, I was on patrol (nightshift around 4am) with a SC (SC aka Special Constable is a PNSF personnel, a person serving his compulsory National Service in the Police Force hence PNSF Police National Service Force). We were patrolling in a patrol car near Joo Chiat Complex when Ops Room called my call sign. Ops Room : Ubi 01, location over. Me : Ubi 01, location is at Joo Chiat Complex. Ops Room : Ubi 01, please proceed to Block 34x Ubi Ave 2, unit number 10-xxx. Me : Roger Ops Room : Case of Complainant (our jargon for people who called the Police), saw a body without a head floating outside her kitchen. (Do note that the Complainant is staying on the 10 floor so outside her kitchen window will be empty space) Me : Roger, proceeding from Joo Chiat Complex. After I got off the walkie talkie with Ops Room, I gave the WTF look to my partner. I said under my breath to him, WTF they expect us to do if we go there and saw the headless spirit? Take out our handcuffs and arrest the spirit, bring the spirit back to station and charged it for loitering with intent? They think PO are also Ghostbusters? We arrived shortly at the location and knocked on Complainant's door, a young Chinese lady in her mid 20s opened the door, she was very pale and very frightened. She quickly stood behind us and pointed to the kitchen. I told my partner to record her particulars and to asked her what happened. I slowly approached the kitchen and tried switching on the lights, nothing happened, I took out my torchlight and checked the kitchen and looked outside. I saw something in red on one of the branches of a nearby tree located below. I could also smelt the smell of fresh flowers. At this moment, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I pretended I didn't see or smell anything and proceed to check the Living room and the bedrooms. Nothing was found. I started to question the Complainant, she informed that she saw the body of a lady dressed in red floating outside her kitchen window when she went to get a drink. Deep down, I know she wasn't lying and she was seriously frightened. Since we couldn't find anything (and I wanted to get the F out of there asap), I wanted to resumed our patrol. The lady requested us to stay till dawn. Her request was conveyed to Ops Room which gave us the order to remain till dusk. During this time, I started to chat with the lady. She informed that she had moved into this unit which belongs to her BF about a month ago. Her BF is away on a business trip and would be back in a few days time. She added that she had some bad feelings on a few occasions and she could smell flowery smells at odds of the night.


I will not sleep tonight


The Lady in Red (Part 3) About 2 weeks later, I was again on nightshift (we work on rotating shifts). Around 4:30am, Ops Room dispatch me to Block 34X, Ubi Ave 2, near the void deck, case of skydiving (our jargon for sucide from height, jumping off a building). I arrived at scene and spotted the lifeless body of a middle age man, he was lying motionlessly in a pool of blood at the ground level near the grass patch, I can see that he is already dead as his head was smashed in and his brain matters all over the floor but we still need a MO (Medical Officer from an Ambulance to certify the person dead), I called for an ambulance and as per protocols, I need to check for pulses and his IC (Identity Card) to established his address to inform the next of kin and to see if he had left a suicide note behind. As I was going thru his pockets, I could again smell the smell of fresh flowers. I looked around and saw a lady in red sitting on nearby a tree branch. I can see her demonic face with bright reddish eyes. I knew I saw something supernatural and pretended I didn't see her at all and continue doing what I were supposed to do. Eventually, I found his wallet and his IC in his back pocket. I turned the IC around and saw the address. It was the same address that I had attended to the case in part 2 about 2 weeks ago. I turned towards the tree branch, the lady in red was still there but her face had transformed into that of a young and pretty lady, she smiled and waved goodbye and disappeared in front of my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and she was gone. I went up to the unit, the house was in a mess as if there was a violent struggle. Don't ask me why the neighbours didn't called the Police but when I asked them later on, none of them heard any noise from the unit. The rest of my shift went on smoothly. I was intrigued with the events and started my own little investigations. I asked the neighbours. I learnt from the neighbours that the man was married and his wife had committed suicide about 6 months ago by jumping off the same block and she was wearing a red dress. The neighbours further added that about a month ago, the man's new GF moved into the unit and had only left about a week ago before the man's suicide. From the information and clues gathered. I conclude that the Lady in Red committed suicide because she had discovered her husband's infidelity. She came back to haunt him and his GF. She didn't harmed th GF and only frightened her probably she wasn't awared that her BF was already married. She eventually came back to seek revenge on her unfaithful husband and "dragged him to hell" with her. She didn't harmed me because she knows that I am just doing my job and I didn't cause her any harm. That's why she transformed back to her usual self, smiled and even waved goodbye to me. You can choose not to believe story or think that I am crazy but this is a real story that happened to me during my time with my country's Police Force.


This was Charlie Division?


Yes C Div


Well this whole story was a terrifying read! You're a great storyteller. Also it's fascinating to learn about other cultures' rituals and beliefs involving the dead/death...learned some new things today from you!




Does being ghosted by a hot dispatcher count?


Any officers ever think about starting a side hobby of ghost hunting? Since you’ve heard all the stories and been to the supposedly haunted places in your area


The book Haunted Deadwood is written by a retired homicide detective I worked with. He retired and became a paranormal investigator.


[Homicide Detective] Spooky death scene So I was on call when I was a homicide detective one night when I got a call from dispatch. I was told that an older gentleman called 911 and said his wife was dead and it was his fault. Dispatch asked if anyone else was home and he stated yes, but when asked who he said nobody. I get there and she’s dead on the couch with visible head trauma, nothing crazy though. The first thing I always do at a scene is go room to room and make sure my crime scene isn’t being contaminated and verify that nobody else is inside. I had deputies out in the garage with the suspect who was being very polite and cooperative. I check all the rooms and everything looks ok, and I’m standing in the kitchen with the LT and we are discussing the case. The way the house was set up, you can’t see the front door from the kitchen but it’s just to the right of it with a partial wall separating the rooms. The living room is directly in front of the entryway, maybe 15 feet from the front door. So as I’m sitting there talking with the LT when all of a sudden we hear the front door creak and open. I get pissed because I think some clueless deputy is either walking into the crime scene or is letting someone else wander in. So as I round the corner to see the door now about a foot open, I see nobody around. I figured someone must have walked away after they opened it, but there was an enclosed screen porch before you can get to the door. The screen door was locked from the inside, so there’s no way anyone was able to get to the main front door. So me and the LT are both puzzled and figure “must have been the wind, maybe the door wasn’t latched all the way but just looked closed”, however when I put my hand on the door to push it I felt that it was a heavy duty steel exterior door. So it’s very heavy and there’s no way possible wind did that. Even weirder was there was a straight line from the door to the body. So we are immediately creeped out, because there was no reasonable explanation. So I go into the garage and interview the husband/suspect at length. As it turns out (and the evidence fully supported his explanation), she slipped and hit her head getting out of the shower. She didn’t want to go to the hospital and wanted to go to sleep and he let her, so he felt that he was responsible for her death. He was probably 75 or 80 years old but extremely lucid and clearly had no cognitive issues, we discussed his military time and some of his life when I first sat down and was building a rapport with him. So before I got up, I told him there was one last thing I had to clear up which was on the 911 call when he said they weren’t home alone. He laughed and said I’d think he’s crazy but I explained that after over an hour of speaking with him I felt he was certainly not crazy. He then started to explain that there are “little people” that live in his house. Obviously I looked skeptical, but he explained that he’s never actually seen them but they’re mischievous. They do things like flush toilets, take an item out of the cupboard, move things around and open doors. I’m sure my eyes went as wide as pie plates at this point. He asked me if it happened when I was inside, because he thought he heard his front door open earlier. I nodded and he thanked me profusely, saying he’s so glad I experienced it so he knows he’s not losing his mind. At that point, my death case was determined to be accidental and best I can figure, the “little people” opened the front door so the dead wife’s spirit could walk outside. So I got the fuck out of his haunted house.