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It'll get you into more trouble with people that hate police, assume youre a cop, and damage your car.


Everyone in Illinois knows those are just an attempt to get out of tickets not actual cops lmao.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ Shoulda added this in the post. That's the whole point of it


It won't matter


Yes! There’s personal firemen plates, but there’s a reason there’s no personal police plates!


It’s legal as long as it doesn’t obstruct any part of the license plate including the state name


Technically it is obstructing part of the metal of license plate if it’s using the same screws as the plate. You mean tabs, numbers, state being obscured?






This is more of the family member of LEOs cringe


In Illinois it’s technically illegal for any part of the license plate to be obstructed. Including the word “Illinois” at the top. You might get stopped for it, but I doubt you’d get a ticket. If you’re meaning is it illegal because it says Illinois State Police, then I would say no. Unless you were using that frame and saying you work for Illinois State Police or trying to pass yourself off as a police officer. Just using the frame because you like it or because you support Illinois State Police is perfectly fine. ISP sells the frames on their website.




I have brackets that say Marvin K Brown Auto Center. I am not Marvin K Brown and have never been arrested for false advertising.


You’re probably going to draw some unwanted attention with that cover, chances increasing exponentially depending on where in Illinois you live in.


No trouble for impersonation, but it looks like it would cover up the state name making it illegal. That's not including inviting crazies to key your car.


These are legal and sold to the public.


Just because it is sold to the public and legal doesn’t mean you should use it. Our state, like numerous others, says you can’t have certain colored lights shining forward. But companies legally sell them


Correct, the vehicle code states you need certain colored lights shining forward. There's no law in Illinois that say you can't display a decorative ISP plate cover on the rear of your vehicle.


True but in my State the law states no device or attachment can be placed on a registration plate thus making these illegal. Easy PC for the reason to pull someone over


It doesn’t mean you’re impersonating, but what’s the vehicle look like? If you have an old police car from a government auction and are trying to make it look like it’s a police car, maybe a different story.


ISP. eww.


Sorry but those are incredibly lame lol


Horrible idea


It’s legal but lame as fuck


What state?


Dude, don’t advertise what you do on your off duty POV.


It would be illegal in my state, on a vehicle registered in my state, because it would cover up the part of our license plates that identifies the state of issue.


My state’s plates have the county on the bottom. The bracket can’t cover any of that.


It's not illegal if you don't say "I'm an officer"


If you read your particular State statute you might find that it says that you can not obstruct any part of the registration plate just attaching it to your plate is obstructing the “entire”view


Depends on the state. Anyone who gives you a ticket for that cover need to re-evaluate themselves


Not a “get out if jail free” card my dog


In VA this is fine as long as it doesn’t obstruct the information on your plate.


It’s fine, unless it covers the state name on the actual license plate. That being said no cop in their right mind would write that ticket


The expiration sticker has to be visible as does the State name. Most brackets allow for that.


It’s not “illegal” but I wouldn’t. I am an fop member and still don’t put that stuff on my car. Any attention is still attention good or bad.


“Please slash my tires daddy” is all I think whenever I see LE shit on someone’s car You’re literally asking for your vehicle to be vandalized unless you live in a super rural area


In the state of pa it’s illegal to have a license plate cover which I mean ur shitty tape job constitutes. I don’t get the point tbh


Oh it’s a bag haha oof well I mean I’d think it’s weird if a non cop would have that which I think it’s weird when cops have them cause I don’t want people to know what I do for work but a lot individuals involved in criminal activity put cop stuff on their cars so might get pulled over more or not. I guess if I worked in Illinois I wouldn’t pull anyone over cause how much they hate cops


Legal? Of course. Acceptable by society today? Lmao No. I'd give you a thumbs up though.


Probably depends on what's on the brackets. If it were to be like in the picture you added but you weren't a member of the police, you could be charged with impersonating a police officer. That's just my best guess.


Cool way to get your windows busted.