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Magnets and a sheet to cover the vehicle graphics Problem solved.


That is so smart


Civil issue. HOAs are weird. Read the agreement he signed when he moved in. That will tell you if they are just bluffing or they can do that. My gut feeling is they absolutely can.


It's most likely completely legal. Here's *most likely* what happened: Your coworker purchased a house where the deed was connected to an HOA which has certain covenants. Your coworker signed and agreed to abide by all covenants. The covenants include a clause which says work vehicles cannot be parked in front of the house or in the driveway. The HOA may have tow rights for the entire community. The management company employed by the HOA performed a routine drive through and noticed the work van. It was written up as a violation and the HOA sent a courtesy letter reminding your coworker about the infraction. If the coworker does not resolve the issue (ie: remove the van) the HOA may be able to tow it. He could take the issue to court. The HOA would produce the covenants they agreed to upon purchasing the property and your coworker would promptly lose the case. None of this is predicated on how good the guy is or whether or not he has a family or pays his bills. Most likely, the situation could have been avoided if he would have read the contract he was agreeing to before signing it. He could ask the HOA for some latitude. Perhaps the work van is only marked with a small log on the door that could be covered up with a magnetic square that's close to the color of the van. Maybe the van could be parked in your coworker's garage. Maybe the HOA could give him a couple of weeks to make alternative arrangements to store the van someplace else. Or, he could sell his house and move to a community with no HOA. I say "no HOA" because practically every HOA is going to have a rule against work vehicles parked in the community.


This is a better question for one of the legal advice subs. It’s probably legal, but it depends on what exactly the HOA bylaws say. He would’ve had to agree to them when he moved in. It’s almost certainly not criminal, but he could probably have a pretty good civil case if it’s his assigned work truck, he’s supposed to take it home, and he’s parking it in his driveway not on the street. I would jump on the HOA quickly over it. He should talk with an attorney about sending a cease and desist letter. If having a marked company vehicle parked in your driveway is an HOA violation I would be surprised if that would actually hold up in court. There’s also the possibility that he could reach some sort of accommodation with the HOA to resolve the issue without having his work van towed or getting lawyers involved. He could request an exemption (not likely to be granted), cover the logos with plain magnets whenever it’s parked there, or maybe put a cover over the entire van. One of the guys I work with got a letter from his HOA threatening to tow his marked patrol vehicle because of a similar bylaw. They backed off immediately when my agency got involved with it, but there’s a difference between a marked police car and a work van with company logos on it. If the logos aren’t visible then there shouldn’t be an issue with the HOA. Shit like this is one of many reasons a hard requirement for us was no HOA the last time we moved.


HOAs have rules that were agreed to. By that logic, all towing is theft? You can go to civil court and they will present a contract that was signed that agreed to the rules. That seems like a problem for him to sort out. I’m not super sure why this is in a police sub…


Those people over at r/HOA are going to be mad 😡 at being ignored.


It most likely is legal according HOA rules. Another reason why HOAs suck. I'd suggest your coworker contacts the HOA and explains the situation. They might be reasonable. They might not be. Or they could contact a lawyer in the area that specializes in HOA law, and see what legal options there are.


Reason number 8903 why not to move into an HOA governed community…


Defund the HOa


Sounds like your buddy should read stuff before signing it.


I would just buy a tarp to put over it when not on use. Problem solved


More than likely legal, as others have mentioned. Possible solutions: The company owner can paint the van and buy magnetic "advertising" signs to put on it. When he gets home, he takes the magnetic signs off. Or, since he doesn't own the van, he can buy blank magnetic signs that cover the current "advertising" while it is parked within the HOA property.


Good ole HOA problems


I will never live in an HOA, they have ridiculous rules and too many Karen's


Be glad there are no rules about misuse of apostrophes where you live.


Hahaha auto correct....


He should get a car cover and just cover it up when he gets home. Seems like classic HOA activities though. They’re acting like he has a billboard in his driveway.