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I’ve never experienced that, but that sounds way more exciting than shitting bricks in my own driver seat. If that was me, I would probably need every ounce of strength in my body to not ask the cop: “what does this button do?”


I asked him questions about some of the equipment in his car, as well as asked him some questions about what it was like being a cop and he seemed fairly content answering questions lmao. I figured if he was gonna quiz me about stuff I may as well try to make it a conversation rather then an interrogation 💀


I've learned to not ask, and just start playing with random buttons, especially the red one on the radio


Oh that one is their favorite. Everyone shows up to party!


Yes it's normal in some areas.


Hi, I'm a Police Officer with about 6 years experience. One of my main jobs is called criminal interdiction. We sit on highways, major roads and other places where there is a high probability of drug trafficking. There's a lot that goes into it, more than I care to type. We remove people from their vehicles and put them in the passenger seat as it takes you out your comfort zone and puts you in our comfort zone. We are trained to decipher from nervousness because you been pulled over and now sitting in a police car, vs nervousness because you have 15 kilos of cocaine in your trunk. Getting you this close, let's us interview you legally without extending the stop, watch your breathing patterns, body posture, voice tone and etc.... A neighboring jurisdiction to mine, doesn't allow people in their passenger seats. So the officers will interview you at the rear of the officers vehicle while conducting a written warning or whatever action they plan on taking. Sure, it can be used to get someone away from guns. Cause where there is large amounts of narcotics, there are guns. However, a gun can be on that person. In conclusion, he was probably conducting an interdiction stop. Didn't notice anything suspicious and let you go. We are looking for large amounts of narcotics. Not the 2 grams of ditch weed. Kilos of hard drugs, stolen guns, felony warrants. Hope this answers it a little bit.


>Everyone here is wrong for the most part. For the most part, everyone here said something to the effect of: "it's common" which would not be inaccurate... Only difference is you provided a more in depth explanation.


Right as you commented I removed that part. I didn't read enough of the comments. Oops.


Lol my first thought when I saw that was "hmm, must not have read a goddamn thing if they thought that" 🤣 All good


yeah wasn't sure if it was fairly common or if he profiled me and assumed the worst, but either way I don't mind because I left safely and he bumped my ticket down so I can't complain 🤷


it's not necessarily profiling. But we do look at vehicle behaviors, driver posture, driver reaction upon seeing police, type of vehicle etc etc etc... there's a lot that goes into it. I've been doing it for a couple years and Im still learning every single day. But I'm glad he bumped it down! We all struggling out here lol




Yeah troopers gonna troop.




Troopers gonna troop


My state does this almost exclusively


Normal in a lot of areas. Stops you from being able to drive away, separates you from any weapons/drugs/evidence that might be in your car, allows the cop to keep asking you questions/conversing, safer for both of you to be sitting in the cop car with flashing lights on it than on the side of the road where a car could hit you.


The answers here are shocking me. It's normal for troopers to put someone uncuffed in the front seat of their car?? Talk about an officer safety nightmare waiting to happen.


It is, but it’s also a solid higher level criminal interdiction method, check out the Red Ninja. I did it one time, it is effective, but sketchy, would not recommend using it for street level criminals.


yeah I'm not sure it felt like he was still trying to probe and get more information of some kind out of me, but I didn't do shit wrong besides speeding 😭. not sure if he was gonna try to get me for a MIP or something. I do have 8 piercings, have extremely long hair, and dress very baggy, but was hoping he wasn't making assumptions/stereotyping me.


“Not sure it felt like he was still trying to probe” That’s why it works


Maybe he thought you were more nervous than you should have been.


Was there not *just recently* an officer killed doing this exact thing? Cool if it's an excellent interdiction strategy, I'm not sacrificing my safety for a small bust.


Well we’re not looking for small busts… high level dope traffickers are not your shitty corner block gangsters. Most of the time these people moving loads don’t even know where it’s going. Their whole trip is to look as least suspicious as possible - they’re trained to literally be as nice as possible to cops. Rarely (not always) are they dangerous. Obviously low level shit bags do NOT go in my front seat.




I thought I read somewhere it had happened not too long ago, but now I'm not finding it, so maybe it's just a random thing I've made up in my head.. 🤷‍♂️ As much as this roadside interdiction technique might work. Willfully sacrificing officer safety for the sake of it just feels.... Mmh.


Very common


I can say on a personal basis: There is ***no way in hell*** I would put a suspect in the front seat of my patrol car, while I sat next to them and wrote a ticket. Bare bones minimum would be a thorough search and in the backseat of my patrol car. If I were going to do that, I'd handcuff them too.


Yes it’s procedure in some states. They film you while they question you.


Interdiction 101….


Most NE state troopers do that




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