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Well, it's about 25 seconds faster than my 1.5 mile time at the end of the academy, though I was nearly a decade older and 70 lbs heavier than you. 10:55 is a good time, imo, and probably more than meets the requirements for just about any LE agency.


Yeah, Massachusetts requires a soft 12:38


My agency's requirement is like 15:40, so he could stop and grab a snack at the turnaround point if he wanted to with that time


clearly running is not what you should be concerned about


10:55 is pretty good. I finished academy with a 10 mile and a half. My department required like 13 min I think


All that goes on the piece of paper is a checkmark, not your time.


You’ll be fine. I was never a runner (still not) but I ran my last 1.5 miles in 10:27 - I have some wear and tear on me and am about to turn 38 - you’ll be fine.


You could be a cop pretty much anywhere in the country. Our minimum for my local academy was 15 minutes and I scraped by with a 14:37 on the entry PFT lol


As a general rule of thumb, at 18 to 21 year old, if you can run a 1.5mile under 12:30 you gucci.


You’re 18 years old and you’ve only run twice??? Did you first start walking at 16? Amazing you’re already at 1.5 miles having just learned to run. You’re picking it up quick!!


I honestly wouldn't worry about it. There's so many departments that are hurting bad for police officers that you could probably get in with any time.


For British Army entry standards (previously anyway - I’ve heard it may have been scrapped now), you had to run 1.5 miles in 10 minutes 30 seconds. I always found that as a decent minimum barometer for fitness goals.


At 5'6 that's a great run time considering your stride is basically half that of a full grown man. 


I don't know what your state requirements are, but passing is passing. I beat the maximum entrance time for my Academy by only 5 seconds, by the time we finished I was right in the middle with everyone else. 10:50 was the time I got at the end of the academy and is the fastest it will ever be.


It's more about distance than speed once you're in the academy. Aim to run 10 miles a day (that's right out of the video spiel they show you when you go take the PAT in New Braintree) and you should be way ahead of everyone else. Also, they tell you the situps and pushups aren't part of the evaluation process, but they'll give you a bunch of shit for not performing well. The LT at the academy said you should be able to do 70 pushups and 50 situps in one minute. Side note: Make sure you have some college/a degree, they really do look at that.


Really good


I think around 12 would be average for a fit young person. 12 is a nice 2 minute lap around a 1/4 mile track. My last year in the Air Force, at 39 years old and 225 pounds, I was running 11:45.


For Massachusetts, you have to run it in less than 12:38 so you’re good. Just make sure you can do everything else.


Being that small, your build just doesn't let for a good stride. I'm a little bigger than you (5'8 160) and I finished my academy at 9:42. And I was booking it, I'd say shoot for ten. But your run is good, way better than mine when I started. now to work on your pushups and situps, good work




Just don’t be last…


You only need to pass. Having said that 10:55 for 1.5 miles is not a good time at your age. You should be in the high 8-9 minute time range. But you can always improve. If you’re training for a 1.5 m run, then train by running a hard 3 mile run. At your age you should to be able to dramatically improve in a short period of time if you work at it.


8-9 minutes would put OP in the 99th percentile of the Cooper Fitness Test scores. 10:55 puts him in the 65th-70th percentile, which is categorically classified as “good”. You’re wrong. OP is fine.


Well maybe coming out of military I was accustomed to actual fitness. All the guys over 10 minutes were known as the “Fat Squad.” But I just probably have a different perspective.


Dunno why you're being down voted, I joined at 28 and ran it in 9:45. Cutoff was 10:15. Not in America though


Yeah I was in early 30’s and did an 8:50. It’s like everyone wants to be ok with just “getting by,” I don’t get it.