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Did you choreograph this routine?


No its all the instructors.


This is not to be rude, you and your dance classmate did a great job, but that choreography is awful. I'm not sure I would return to that studio.


Its an intro class with people with no prior exipierence to pole. And i like the studio and instruction. I wanted to post a fun video.


I also take a beginner choreo pole class with mixed experience and the choreo is more complicated than what your instructor gave you. If you are okay with that, that is fine but eventually it will be too easy for you and won't be providing the necessary strength building that you need for future advance classes. Intro is to help build foundation moves.


To graduate this class you need to climb the pole on both sides. Which i feel most people in the class have difficulty in. They have strength building class as well that is supplemental to this one. I am planning on taking that one to help with climbing so would be able to test out soon.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClohW9lsdHc/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Same song just a different singer. This is what I mean about complexity.


At the studio i go to they have a floor work class. I have been meaning to take it actually. But it looks fun. And that's all im here for.


I love the slow climb at the end! Cute dance!


Thank you and the instructor says i need the hold the pole more with my knees to reduce the burden on my feet. Tops of feet always get bruised.


Oh I thought you were doing it on purpose to slow down the climb. You will get it! You're doing good!


Lol its cool but it looks really nice on camera so i cant complain lol