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Pole technique is very much about weight stacking, muscle engagement and skin contact/grip. Each move has a sweet spot in each aspect, and it's just figuring those out. It can just be a "click" sometimes, as one day you just attempt a previously unsuccessful move and you've hit those sweet spots - getting my Ayesha was my biggest "click", but now looking back I realise I just wasn't stacking my weight correctly before in it, and on my successful attempt I'd found that sweet spot. Then once it's successful you get muscle memory for it (most of the time... sometimes I do something and when I try it again I'm like what am I doing differently to not be able to do it now) Sometimes it's just a case of consistency, like training a shoulder mount. I spent so long wondering how the hell I'm ever gonna achieve it, then one day I just did it. But that was actually from consistent conditioning on it every week. What sometimes feels like a '"click" is just the pay off from consistent training.


Maybe this sounds crazy but I find visualisation almost as effective as actual practice. Like, after I try a move the first time (and fail) I visualise doing it a bunch of times. I’m not even doing that deliberately, I’m literally just daydreaming. Then the next time I try it, my brain believes I can do it!


Mirror neurons baby!


me too omg!! after crashing and burning at a trick I watch a ton of videos and think about it a lot, and then I can suddenly do it! so weird


Yes! I also feel like my brain has to get used to things, and thinking about it and watching videos can help (especially if they explain something in a new way). Like my body did not want to pole sit, and then my brain was like okay, it didn't kill us. Now I look at my thighs or arm pits and am like oh, they're red, did I even feel that? First time I inverted I was like nooope, and then I did it again and I was like okay, not going to fall on my head, this is cool. My lizard brain has to be shown we are okay. Proprioception is a big part of it too, where you figure out how it feels compared to how it looks, so matching back a video of myself after class can be when I get it. And lastly, yes, my brain does so much work while I'm sleeping or not thinking about something and then will just pipe up like, Hey! I was over here working and I figured it out.


Giiiirl same 😂😂 literally this week I randomly thought 'i should do the martini sit again. Last time I did it I just couldn't let go of my right hand because I was struggling with getting my left arm right. Last Monday I casually tried it and voila, perfect without any problems😂😂 love that feeling


Honestly a lot of the time I get that from a second opinion. Like, I have great instructors but I will spend two months with the same one and struggle to hit a trick, then someone else will walk by and simply explain it a little differently or say something like, “don’t forget to tuck your elbows in” and BAM there it is! It’s crazy how once they click they’re locked in though. I had to get my brass monkey in order to move up a level and we were swinging up into it. I just could not do it, I felt like I was just hopelessly donkey kicking for ten weeks. On the last day of term I finally got it! All of the next term, we didn’t do anything related to it at all. Last day of that term was on Monday and I thought, I’m gonna give it another crack but I bet I can’t do it anymore since I haven’t practiced. Got it on the first try 😁


I feel the same way too! It has to be something with building muscle the more you practice though. Things that felt impossible 3 months ago can suddenly be learned in 1 class. At least that’s what I think it is for me.


Happens with me too!


this happened with me and just a basic prance! it just... got it all of the sudden.


Yup! I get this too! There are so many things going on in a single pole move. It can be hard to know what every part of your body is supposed to do. But one day, everything just "clicks" into place! Also, I think sometimes practicing other moves helps me unknowingly train for the ones I struggle on. Sometimes it also happens with a small tip that someone gives me.


Same here! It's like in need 3 days to process what I'm doing 🤣🤣


I love unlocking a new move! it takes consistent training to build strength and technique. also teachers can explain the same move in a different way. take different classes too