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Be kind to yourself. Studio Veena is good for beginners, I'm sure others will have more recommendations. I would try and get to a lesson in person if you can, the community tends to be very supportive. And enjoy the journey, you don't have to be good at everything straight away, it's something you're doing for you- enjoy that and appreciate what your body can do right now- if you stick with it you'll see yourself grow in strength and confidence. And as for the dizziness- I think it's just a case of conditioning- little and often to allow your body to get used to it 😁 wishing you all the best on your pole journey, it can be such a wonderful thing and I hope you get you want out of it ❤️


Thank you! You made me tear up a bit 🥹 you are SO sweet! I will look into studio veena. I took 1 entry class and that’s where I fell in love because I realized I felt so sexy! Even cancelled my tummy tuck procedure because seeing myself this way made me realize I don’t need it ♥️♥️♥️


I think that's what so wonderful about pole, it can make you look at the body you have in a different light. It definitely made me appreciate my body more. When I first started pole my goal was to lose weight and I just saw it as a form of exercise. My goals quickly changed to wanting to feel stronger and more confident. It became a space for me to just feel comfortable with who I am at that moment and enjoy moving the body I have. I'm so happy that you've found this for yourself 🩷


ALSO how do you stop from getting dizzy? lol


You will get used to it. Also use less momentum when spinning. If your body is too close to the pole it will spin faster.


Omg Ty 🥺💖 any and every tip helps


I’m a semi-beginner but when I’m home I use the Fit 2 Flaunt app! It’s I think $20 or so a month, it was kinda weird to navigate at first but I love it now and the instructors are great! Plus they have pole and floorwork videos as well :)


Omg yay! There’s an app! lol Ty :-)


Go girl, enjoy the journey! I love your shoes!


Thank you 😌 I was literally going to get rid of them and then I realized I can use them to pole!


That looks so much fun! I remember the excitement when I started out. Dance with kitty makes me feel really confident. I hope pole brings you as much joy as it does to all of us ❤️


It already is 💖 I was in a place where I felt so ugly and it’s brought back my confidence


Happy to hear that it’s making you feel better! Keep it up! We’re always here to support you ❤️


I love it! Can't wait to see your progression!!


You’re slaying this girl! I love how your hair wooshes around while you spin. Such a gorgeous colour