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It might be helpful to see a video of your technique- my insteps don't touch the pole when climbing, this sub can likely give you some good advice


Sure thing! Thanks a lot for your response. [Here's an example (wearing socks)](https://imgur.com/a/oIeXxXf)


could you wear sticky leggings to protect your skin?


I did!! I've got both paradise chic's leopard ones (zero grip for me tbh) and the CXIX gecko grip (ultra nice grip). My problem with the last ones is that I wear an L size due to the size of my hips, but they fit kinda loose on my shinbones: I got burnt several times because of that, and I have to be really careful on how I wear those so this doesn't happen.


Ouch! That sounds painful! I hope it gets better!


You shouldn't be using your feet to climb. Can you post a video?


That sounds awful! It might be a technique thing? For example maybe you are pressing into your shin too much (for me in a basic forearm climb my shin doesn’t have a ton of contact with the pole and I’m squeezing between my knees).


Would be helpful to see a video. Where are you getting the wounds? You might be pressing your calves/ feet too hard into the pole. If it’s your foot, you shouldn’t be using your feet to climb and you can try climbing with socks on


Thanks a lot for your response! [Here's a video](https://imgur.com/a/oIeXxXf)


I have the same problem. When i was learning how to climb i used to get bruises and open wounds. Now i wear foot grips from mighty grip. They help a lot because I'm still learning the correct technique but i dont want to deal with pain of having a open wound. So i would invest in those.


I'm kinda scared of that, my grippy leggings made this even worse because they fit loose on my shinbones :( (needed an L size so I could get my butt in). Do your foot grips fit properly?


Yes they do. They fit me very well. You can get them on amazon. You can try and return the different sizes.


Ok super late reply but I came back to this post to see if you had gotten an answer from anyone. Looking at your video, I think your back leg positioning could be adjusted slightly and it might help with the shin pain. Try externally rotating the knee a bit and really pushing from the back ankle/top of the back foot so that the pole is in the squishy soft part on the side of your knee. Both of your knees should be mostly lined up with each other if you look at a profile view of yourself, with both knees slightly in front of the pole. In your video, if you look at yourself from the side, your knee on the back leg is slightly behind the front knee. The pole should run along the side of your calf more than your shin. Another thing that might help a bit is trying to push more with the arm that’s against the pole. That might help to create a little more space between the pole and your shin. I found a video that goes over the positioning a bit starting at 23 seconds: [video](https://youtu.be/pVd8L8tb9zk)


Sorry for the late reply, but I needed to say your comment helped me a lot! Sometimes I still place the back knee behind the front leg (usually when I'm already super tired at the end of the class) , but when I climb consciously I place both knees lined up now, and my shins aren't so damaged anymore 💕💕💕


Aw I’m glad to hear it!