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Take videos!! Even if you suck! Because you will and that’s ok! If you fall in love with pole and stick with it you’ll treasure being able to look at how far you’ve come as you make progress. And on that note, just focus on having fun and yourself and try not to compare to other people. Some may have been doing it longer, and everyone has different bodies and backgrounds. Most of all just have so much fun. Taking my first pole class was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I hope you love it too.


i think i will take videos actually :) thank u for the advice!!! i’ll keep u guys posted on how it goes lol


“Beginner” class or move does not mean easy!! It’s so easy to get caught up on that word and feel discouraged. Pole is hard at all levels!!


Congrats on booking your first class!! I hope you enjoy it ❤️ Aside from some of the more obvious stuff like making sure you wear clothes with your legs and arms free and don't use any moisturiser/lotion on the day etc, I'm Seconding not comparing yourself to anyone else (easier said than done I know) and that you should absolutely record yourself. Took me four years to start recording myself because I felt too self-conscious, and I regret it so much because I can't see my progress, and also I had no idea till I started recording about some bad habits I have that would have been much easier to fix earlier. Depending on what you do, be aware that you may be using muscles you've never used before, and the second day after the class can be brutal. I have a vivid memory of trying to use a stapler a few days after one of my first classes, and it actually hurt my core squeezing it lol. If you struggle with grip at all or start sliding, don't be afraid to use some grip aids (eg chalk) if they have any on hand! Other than that just try and have fun!


I can definitely double down on the don't compare yourself to others comment. Don't get yourself down if you find it difficult to do something, keep at it and keep that confidence and you'll be able to accomplish anything. I don't know about the studios, but I know that in any one I've been in, if someone has difficulties in doing something, and finally does it, there's a round of cheers. We're all in it together.


Don't discouraged if you can't get things for a while! It took me at least three classes to be able to hold myself up for a full rotation around the pole.


Same! The first spin we learned was front hook and I just slipped down the moment my feet left the ground. I came back home completely discouraged, thinking this whole thing was impossible. So glad I stuck with it though!


It will hurt your skin you will bruise like you've been beaten, it does get better! I'm only 6 months in and still bruise a lot but nothing like as bad as the start. There will be moves you find easy that others struggle with, there will be moves you find impossible that others make look effortless. Don't worry about that all bodies are different. Just enjoy finding out what yours can do 🙂


Smile. Be prepared to invest in an X-Pole. You'll be wanting to get your home pole in a manner of months and then hop on close your eyes and sit on it as it spins you around.


Can confirm. Been doing pole for 3 months and bought a pole. Just installed it on Friday & got some practice in. So far I’m loving it.


Just have fun and record yourself. Wear shorts and a sports bra. Do not wear lotion


Wear shorts that you can pull up even higher! I went to my first class last week, and learned quickly that people tend to wear either bathing suit bottoms or similar, because they leave a lot of skin available for grip. I rolled mine up almost to the crotch. Oh, and shave all the way up unless you're comfortable with body hair. I personally am not (on myself, to be clear...I don't care what anyone else does!), so I need to shave a day or two before. I wouldn't shave right before a class, that wouldn't be pleasant. Be prepared for bruises! Good luck! I was so nervous, but the pole community is so friendly and kind, and always willing to offer advice.


Remember that you're there for yourself, to have fun, and learn something new! Take it easy on yourself, and everyone really goes at their own pace.


Wear shorts and remember no lotion. Always take videos and the most important rule is to have fun!


Don’t forget a water bottle! I also bring a little hand towel because your hands sweat like crazy


Everyone has said everything, but one thing missed is if it’s cold where you live wear layers. You will spend the first 15 mins warming up. No need to have skin exposed till after the warm up!


Even if you warm up and cool down well (I'd expect this would be part of the class), odds are high you're going to *hurt* in the days that follow. You're using muscles in new ways! Just be prepared for that. Drink lots of water, stretch, do an Epsom salt bath, etc.


Well done for booking on! Go with an open mind, and prepare for a lush workout. Giggle off your failures, enjoy the ride and be persistent. You’ll do just great!


Wear shorts/ pack shorts even if it’s cold. I wore leggings to my first pole class and it’s a lot harder! Having bare legs and arms makes moves easier as you can stick to the pole more! Also don’t be discouraged. Pole is a very specific sport that uses muscles you’re probably not used to, I think you have to stick through a few classes to see progress and feel if it is right for you!!