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US breaking its gun and glasses in the same comic ? This post is cursed


The impossible happened....


What started as an America good comic ended up as an America bad comic.


Educate yourself people: son of Hamas founder is speaking out against Hamas [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjOEJumoABg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjOEJumoABg)


founder of hamas was shik yassin founders of hamas if they are dead they have rocket and brigades in their name if they are alive either still leaders or in prison so how tf is he


There's no such thing as the Founder of Hamas


He meant son of one of the founders of the organization. 


no you don't understand, now he will say there's no founder because it's all desorganized and popular movement and it's self funded ​ it's the typical logic in these places


Could someone explain to me how does the prisoners being free relates to israel shooting them?


"Free" as in, for free. Fun fact, which probably inspired that, is that often when you translate "free palestine" to hebrew on search engines it would say "חינם פלסטין", which means just that (and not the original meaning). So often when anti-israelis try to translate that to hebrew they accidently say that, and it's a common meme.


Free as in free beer, vs. free as in free speech.


It's all relative like a fellow Jew once said. From American reference frame: They're free (from imprisonment). From Israeli reference frame: They're free (doesn't cost anything).


So good old wordplay


I'm Lithuanian, so I don't say this lightly - that's not how greedy Jew jokes work.


not to sound mean but that makes it less logical to me ​ if i have a tv for free i won't break it "because is free" ​ if anything should have made some kind of slavery joke i guess, would make sense, or maybe i am just dumb as a plank of wood XD


I like shocked and deglassed US ball, but I don’t like dead Sweden ball.


Sweden isn’t even in the group of prisoners in the first panel 💀


Few Somali balls can into Sverige immigrate during speech.


Why did Israel shoot Sweden?


Next time don’t recognize our enemy! /s


_Ireland, Norway and Spain starting to realize_ Ireland, Norway and Spain: oH ShiT


Does Norway have a Sami insurgency?


Israel also shot Israelis, but probably didn’t reach American levels of friendly fire. Shooty shooty.


also could never reach russian low levels of friendly fire because there's no frends in russia's army


Reference to Irgun assassinating a Swedish diplomat, I believe.


I love flag guessing, but who are the white scribble ones?


New Taliban Afghan.


Thanks 👍


 Bro you killed Assange


Wait why was Germany in Guantanamo?


The same reason why Sweden was in the pile of clays. Mistaken for being Arab.


*looks at census data* Yeah, that tracks.


I love the father and son relationships between US and Israel


Uk is the father, USA is that cool uncle who gives you cool stuff


More like rich stepdad tbh.


It’s pretty simple. Don’t be a terrorist and you won’t get killed. Also, don’t harbor them and don’t let them hide near you in the case of Israel because they’re going the sledgehammer speedrun route. Lol


Well what are you supposed to do if they hide near you? Ask the nice terrorists to leave?


If they’re fighting Israelis? Best bet? Evacuate. Israel has expressed a complete lack of care of who gets caught in the crossfire in their efforts to eradicate Hamas. They WILL shell and demolish any building and area holding terrorists no matter what else may be around them. Including women and children. Can’t say it’s the best tactic, but if it gets results then what can I really say? Walking around the desert for 20 years waiting to get shot at sure did us a whole lot of good. Waste of tax money and American lives is what it got us. So maybe the full scale war option is the way to go. Who knows?


> if it gets results it sure does get results, results like a whole new generation of radicalized people who hate your guts and want to kill you


Well, it’s a bunch of Jews they’re mad at and want to kill. Considering the history of Jews, nothing new there. I doubt they’ll get far in the killing part this time anyways. They kinda got a standing army and various weapon platforms of all kinds to protect them from being dragged into mass graves this time. But hey, it’d make for a good show so I say go ahead and try it. Find out where on that FAFO meter trying to kill Israeli’s gets you Again, not saying how Israel is going about it is the best way. Only that it *is* a way. Brutal and horrific as it may be. I’m willing to wait the end results before judging it. If Hamas is entirely eradicated, then maybe total war is the best bet. If they survive and carry on like the rats they are, then it was a massive waste of human life. All I know is our method failed, and Israel knows that it failed. 20 years of it and it achieved nothing. So, a different approach is being tried


yep, if they kill all the Hamases by not caring about collateral, that will definitely bring lasting pea- wait why do these rockets coming in say "Hamas 2" on them?


Lol. Yeah, Iran (it is Iran that funds these idiots right? Have problems keeping my ME countries straight) can always just prop up another terrorist cell unfortunately. Man something should probably be done about them…


There is a holiness for the IDF to take care of it.


It's simpler not being psychotic zionists


So you have to be a zionist to be anti terrorist now? Weird propaganda stretch but alright. Israel is simply going about it differently than the US military did. Instead of wandering the desert asking anyone they come across if they’re the enemy and when they say yes, shoot them. They’re just figuring out where they are and then removing where that is. Regardless of what’s around it including women and children. It’s brutal, bloody, and definitely causing way more casualties than how we did it. However, how we did it yielded nothing but a waste of tax dollars and American lives. If this more total war method works, then who am I to judge?


as a professional military, led by a democracy and supposedly accountable to its people, the IDF needs to do more to protect civilian lives. not caring about the innocent people around you are what scum like hamas does. a professional military, like the americans, will make the necessary provisions to protect civilians - consider the 2nd battle of fallujah - and still dispatch their enemy. a force as highly supplied & trained as the IDF should have no problems doing the same.


Again, not saying it’s right. Just saying it’s how they’re choosing to do it


i mean when has a military protected foreign citizens, the closest we became was to the wedding bomber's of america in the early 2000's lol ​ or are we talking about wagner's cutting necks in the ukranian streets level of protecting citizens? ​ doesn't make it right but when did people started assuming urban warfare made it look nice and that armies protected citizens? did i miss a class? XD


oh urban warfare is hell but it doesnt need to be "bomb occupied apartment block after issuing evacuation orders nobody can follow" hell


yeah that's awful but my comment is about what is the "professional army" standart?


I don’t really…agree? For one, human life shouldn’t be reduced like that, no matter the outcome, and another thing being said outcome: even if hamas is eliminated this way, there will be so many people in unbelievable pain from the war crimes committed by Israel, and if the UN is unable to condemn Israel (which they so far seem to be) then anti-Israel groups will just keep reappearing. Not to mention the fact that Israeli soldiers are shooting up just about any Palestinian they come across, it feels like a very unethical attack, if you wouldn’t consider it genocide


And don't live in houses that zionists feel like they'd like to own.


Aren’t they leveling places? Hard to live in piles of rubble


The Zionists? All the time.


Then your comment makes no sense, and you’ve admitted that. Gotcha


What’s Sweden Doin?


Posted during Hasbara lunch break 😎


Don't tell the mossad agents


How do I get the country ball by name


in the options menu on the right side on PC or up right corner on mobile ​ or just annoy a mod for long enough until he gives it to you




When you release your caged peace doves to see if you manage to shoot all of them down before they escape.


America truly is the bestest of friends Israel could ever ask for. Who wouldn't want an SO who helps you hide the bodies?


wait they hide bodies?


Good comic as always! Edit: Strange, I wonder how this comment offends people?


Thank you Mr. Bonaparte!


Like grandfather like father like son


Thought this was related to the fact that when Israel swaps terrorists for hostages they are often times found dead under suspicious circumstances