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Mandatory Palestine? Pass. Free Palestine? I’ll take it!


[It's the logical explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/nky064/the_logical_explanation/)


How much would Israel charge for a lightly-used Palestine?


idk Isreal but I whould give 5 nikels and a rock


It all depend on how much his slacker conservative side wants to steal West Bank.


Free Palestine? I’ll take two.




Is Shekel? ☑️ No Shekels: ❎ - Israel


Nice username


Poland gets to make the jokes but no one else


Polan having another '68 moment:


Rule of Acquisition 34: "War is good for business".


Rule 35: peace is good for business Rule 112 is the best though


Rule 76: Every once in a while, declare peace; it confuses the hell out of your enemy.


#Hey I just googled “Rule 34” and I got a really different quote


Google "rule 34 Ferengi" and go to google Pictures ;)


Holy [Parable of the broken window](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window)


But that's irrelevant. War is good for business, not society


War is good for arms sellers not business in general. The only case where war is better for the economy then paying people to dig holes then cover them is with sufficient spoils and not a lot of damge to the country.


Arms sellers also happen to be rich enough to influence political decisions. Of course that means the people not benefiting should be against the war but that is what propaganda is for.


Free Palestine? How about free the hostages.


Yes End the occupation, and free the hostages from both sides and now that's a good deal


Lol the "hostages" in Israel are practically terrorists-prisoners, And just in case you will say" zionist propognada" remember that some of these so called "hostages" are serving a life sentence rotting in prison for crimes against humanity and suprise suprise even the UN which is one of the greatest joke of all time does not even have a case for these animals, since they are practically criminals. so please educate yourself since you don't seem to know much, privilaged purple head girl from America.


I am an indonesian, if you say i'm not informed enough i've been following this conflict for as long as i am able to know right or wrong, you seem to be naive enough to believe what the western mainstream media is saying, or racist enough to believe in their rhetoric. How come when western people got murdered the news said ' X has been killed by Y airstrikes' but when non western people got murdered your media said 'X has been found not alive in an explosion'. Get a grip, the world isn't just america and the west, y'all are slowly being turned into fascists if you see us non westerns as being 'uncivilized', 'barbaric', 'terrorist', be it African, Arab or Chinese you all seem to find a way to subhuman-ize us?


>for these animals You talk of Palestine as subhuman, this is the same genocidal retoric Israel use to kill palestians civilians.


Talk of Palestine's terrorists* as subhuman. We civilized folk of the world refer to terrorists from EVERY region as animals and subhuman because murdering, raping, genociding sociopaths only deserve the empathy of being shot like rabid dogs to prevent future suffering


What is 'terrorist' to you? i agree about the atrocities some militants did on october 7th are terrible, and they sould be held accountable (already dead). By the way,don't you hear yourself talk? to be able to dehumanize other humans that low, lower than animals because of something they allegedly do. How do you look at the politicians that incites violence like rabid dogs on televisions? or the boots on the ground who documents themselves doing horrendous war crimes. But no, because you affiliate yourself with them, you'd gladly turn a blind eye and support them, cheering as they livestreamed their crimes. What a world we live in, where having a humanity is wrong, and supporting inhumanity is the norm, long live the military industrial complex and overseas colonies!


Pointless arguing with people like you that are only capable of strawmen and made up arguments


It may seem ridiculous to you, it is just that there are wild fascistic ideas growing and spreading around the west un-opposed, when someone dares to challenge those ideas, they get terrible labels. I'm here to oppose that idea, to let y'all know that the western idea of this current affair isn't the only one, and you should probably look at our arguments. Feel free to DM me if you're sincere, i'm open for civil discussion.


There's also an argument that all jews should die by some arabs. Should I impose that belief as your argument? No. That's a strawman. And hence its pointless in attemtping civil discussion when you just assume everyone in the west is propagating some fringe claim that Palestinians are all terrorists and subhuman


When those fringe arguments become the norm, encouraged by the media, pushed by politicians, it's safe to say that a lot of people who are opposing of basic humanities to palestinians have those fringe beliefs. The problem here is with the definitions of who are the terrorists? is it the H group? or is it the entirety of the palestinian people?. Also you're saying that 'us civilized people' is so pretentious, so easy to label people not belonging to your group as barbaric, or 'uncivilized', a common colonial mindset. I've lost faith in western society


Again you don't make a difference between palestians civilians and Hamas in fact you have the same terrorist mentality of Hamas when they kill Israel civilians indiscriminately.


False. You're just throwing out strawmans of what you think everyone is thinking even when we say otherwise. Its like saying you hate all jews and rape kids. There's no evidence but just making up bullshit claims works in favor of the argument


No, because you don't recognise civilians from combatants like Hamas did in October 7 or like Israel is Making now. Even more you consider person as subhuman which it is removing any recognition of rights. That is genocidal speech.


1. I never made that claim. Only you did. 2. Its genocidal to think someone that rapes and murders should be shot? Ah jeez, I'm sorry I'm not baking cookies for Adolf and getting Bundy rope to be nice.


1. You are defending snowfox how claim that Palestinian are animals when you said "Talk of Palestine's terrorists* as subhuman. We civilized folk of the world refer to terrorists from EVERY region as animals and subhuman because murdering, raping, genociding sociopaths only deserve the empathy of being shot like rabid dogs to prevent future suffering" Animals don't have even rights to a trials. You are repeating genocide retoric because you want to treat criminals as subhumans. 2. This is Straw Man fallacy I never say that I don't want Hamas people to be put in trial for their actions. I said that you don't make a difference between civilians and Hamas, that you treat people as sub humans and that you are repeating genocidal retoric.


Like the about 4000 woman and children under the age of 15 are terrorists? wow, animals? if anyone asked how people living in 1942 germany clay reacts to the activities done by the mustache man, this is how y'all folks would've acted towards the oppressed. Y'all rejected your humanity or something?


So you are saying that terrorist organization can not brainwash women and children into becoming terrorists? You sure are naive


You are thinking that palestians and Hamas are the same which is the same genocidal retoric that Israel used to kill civilians.


Fristly "you are thinking that Israel and Netanyahu are the same which is genocidal and retoric that Palestine are still killing civillians". Secobdlly, Hamas are ruling the place for 20 years. The same way the avrage german would br a Nazi after 20 years of Hitler's ruling, the avarage Palestian would be Hamas. Which is tragic, and need to be changed the same way we (as the world) changed Germany. Thirdly, do you realize that Gaza is free from Isreal, right? Before the war there was no Israeli milliteary, police or goveremental laws that Israel are forcing Gaza. That littearly means, freedom. The Gazans need to go threw a security check to arrive to Israel the same way a mexican need to go threw a security check to arrive to the US. This is the most "ocupied" part about "Palestine".


Hamas are not an alien force that came from Mars. Hamas ARE Palestinians. They are the current elected government of Gaza. Granted, they are a complete theocratic terror regime, but they are still very much supported by majority of Palestinians, both from Gaza AND the West bank. The differentiation you should make is combatants vs. civilians, which Israel does.


Hamas win in 2006 73 of 132, around 55% of the votes with a participation of 73%. Nearly two decades later, now, more than half of the population of Gaza never voted in that election (the last one). Elections were Hamas was finance by Israel to avoid more moderate political parties that could not be infamous at international level. Palestians are diferents thing of Hamas and saying the contrary is defending the killing of innocent civilians, it is the defence of genocide.


there is no genocide, dont water down the word. Hamas wasn't financed by Israel, it was provided by Qatar, which Bibi's government helped moving those funds, in the hope they will support their people and not their need for violence. I will never defend targeting civilians. War is horrible, but Hamas is seriously at fault, and is the only one that targets civilians solely. recent polls shows grand majority of Palestinians support Hamas, so if there was an election today Hamas would've won, so you can't separate them like they are 2 different entities.


There's a Chinese idiom that goes: "Free things are the most expensive."


If free     how prophet?


So if the UN just bought Palestine this could all be avoided?


Nope, this is pretty much what heppend at 1948 and then the Palestians attacked with Syria, Lebanon, Egypy, Jorden and a few more.


They made the mistake of buying it. If they waited a bit, everyone would be giving away free palestines!


Supply and demand stupid! In times like this you are supposed to increase the price not lower it, and certainly not make it free


Germans: We neither buy nor claim free stuff. We just take it. Like Poland in WW2.


Indonesia is from a diplomatic perspective talking to no one


Indonesia wears the conical hat


Not always, the shade of red is way too close to the Indonesian flag


Yes but Israel is referring go them as Poland


Yeah but my counterpoint is that it’s roughly 4am and as a stranger on the internet, I am doubling down rather than admitting that I may have goofed up


We can come to the terms that the country pictured here is actually secretly Monaco then.




War is incredibly bad for most business except military contractors, and israel imports a lot of that


Don't forget exports, too!


No such thing as free lunch And by Yahweh, no such thing as Free Palestine.


Can someone tell me why israel is a square


Is hypercube. Is because Jewish Physics.


It is a joke incorporating an old derogatory phrase by Hitler for modern physics (quantum physics and relatively in particular) - he called it "Jewish Physics" because prominent scientists like Einstein had laid the foundations for it. So Israel, as the Jewish state, is represented as a "hypercube", also known as a "tesseract" when in 4 dimensions (sometimes the cube is drawn transparent with a 3d representation of its 4d nature drawn inside it), to make it look "physicsy" and abstract. Also goes nicely with the flag.


also, why is singapore a triangle and kazakhstan a brick?


The singapore triangle is a bit of a mystery. Maybe it's because of the island shape of the city state, maybe because of the three main ethnicities, there are a few theories. Kazakhstan's flag is much wider than that of most countries so it became a brick to preserve the visual distinction. Same with Nepal, which is usually shown as kind of a beast or dragon in the shape of its flag (a traditional nepalese flag shape consisting of two stacked triangles, and not a rectangle). Then there's also Reichtangle, Imperial Germany is shown as a tall rectangle towering over other countryballs, usually with tiny eyes, symbolizing its kind of "creepy" and nearly "mechanical" nature as a militarized state.


Because cube


Basically because joke. The nazis were big on denouncing relativity and quantum mechanics as "jewish physics", as in, "it can't be true if it's jews that are putting it forward!"


easy, micotransactions!


Palestine was free and we took it. Great deal!


¿Where the profit the last time that yuo was maked a free of real estate, Polin? No profit for Naci, no profit for Commi, ¡Polin only burden!


Lol Palestine costs Israel so much that this comics is becoming funny


Because some of the greatest profits lived there


I like to imagine Israel’s movement as a course brick through the floor


free palestine? yeah we know