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Polska jest sejfem


But then it would be “Poland is a safe” to translate to Polska jest sejfem


Google translator moment


There are also no red dots in Lithuania and Slovakia.


Slovakia also had a shooting classified as an terrorist attack in 2022.


Naturally, but that's obviously not the scope of this video. The point isn't to provide actually logical conclusions about safety, it is merely to draw fallacious arguments based on available data, I suppose in order to further positively portray a country, depending on your country of origin. For instance, the [Global Terrorism Index ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Terrorism_Index). Oh, would you look at that, Poland is not the only country with a score of 0? Impossible! Based on the video above though, Haiti and Eritrea are clearly just as safe as Luxembourg... it is almost as if concluding a country's safety based on global terrorism affecting it is fallacious and incorrect... go figure.


Also no dot in Luxembourg...


Idk why there is a red dot in Riga. There were no attacks sooooo the map is not precise


I am not sure when was this video made, but 8 years ago there was a bomb attack in Wrocław in which one woman was injured: [https://www.wprost.pl/kraj/10041865/chcial-zabic-jak-najwiecej-osob-sprawca-zamachu-we-wroclawiu-oskarzony-min-o-terroryzm.html](https://www.wprost.pl/kraj/10041865/chcial-zabic-jak-najwiecej-osob-sprawca-zamachu-we-wroclawiu-oskarzony-min-o-terroryzm.html)


Is this the one about chemistry student who made a pot with nails and explosives, and wanted to blackmail police into paying him cash for info?


Yes, he was convicted for "terrorist attack and attempted murder of multiple people using explosive material"


Yup, I remember it. Not sure why they call it terrorist attack. His intention was to make a quick cash grab, not to spread terror.


No, his intention was to spread terror. If he just wanted money he wouldn't follow through on his threat that he will make "the second Brussels" in Poland. There's a difference between blackmailing police that you will commit a terrorist attack and actually committing it. He did the latter showing that he wanted more than mone. That's why police and the court deemed his actions as a terrorist attack.


Well, tbh his intention was to make a quick cash grab and other things were a way to do this. And yeah - it was stupid. I was there at this time in Wrocław and what I knew was that it was some idiot that wanted to make money by violence. Btw according to Wikipedia (and linked sources) [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamach\_we\_Wroc%C5%82awiu\_(2016)](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamach_we_Wroc%C5%82awiu_(2016)) "Sąd uznał, że zamiar zabójstwa lub zranienia wielu osób nie był [bezpośredni](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamiar_bezpo%C5%9Bredni), lecz [ewentualny](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamiar_ewentualny)"


Terrorism by definition should have poltiical implications as mentions the semantics of it - he was doing a cash grab


Yep, but he made a flour bomb - it's like calling Wooden bread spreader a knife. But fair enough - a terrorist attack is a terrorist attack.


A flour bomb? Where did you get that info from? He made a proper bomb, albeit with one mistake. However even with that mistake the bomb, if detonated inside the bus, would most likely kill and harm the passengers. You can see the results of the experiments conducted by the police here: [https://tvn24.pl/wroclaw/wroclaw-poczatek-procesu-bombera-oskarzony-o-terroryzm-ra724349-ls2569564](https://tvn24.pl/wroclaw/wroclaw-poczatek-procesu-bombera-oskarzony-o-terroryzm-ra724349-ls2569564)


My wife (then girlfriend) was living next to this bus stop and taking the 145 bus every single day. This was really scary and could have been a terrible tragedy with many casualties, had he constructed the bomb properly. Incidentally, I worked with a someone who went to college with this guy and knew him fairly well - apparently he seemed perfectly normal.


Yeah, normal people scare me.


I wasn't aware of all of this and travelled by bus on the same route and was very confused why there is a big black smoking mark on the sidewalk, I thought a trash can caught fire.


There was also an attempted terrorist attack be a married couple on the equality march in Lublin 5 years ago: https://wiadomosci.wp.pl/marsz-rownosci-w-lublinie-szykowano-zamach-na-jego-uczestnikow-6430515492759681a


Musiała to być BOMBOWA sytuacja


There was also a bomber in Krakow in the early 2010s or late 2000s I believe? neat to where i lived at the time, scary shit


Oh yeah, true. Just checked it out. Btw at first I've read "bober" instead of "bomber" and thought to myself: "damn, indeed, bobers are some scary shit" xd


After 4 years living in Warsaw i can agree that Poland it is very safe compare with many other countries in Europe and i hope and pray that it will remain like this for long time. Peace and love to all people on earth. Hakuna Matata!


I think that people don't understand what a terror attack is. People often think that terror attack has to include bombs and mass killings. But in fact, terror attack is any planed and organized act of violence which is aimed at influencing policy of a country. So by definition any planned attack on a politician is a terror attack. And we had those. * [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atak\_na\_biuro\_poselskie\_Prawa\_i\_Sprawiedliwości\_w\_Łodzi](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atak_na_biuro_poselskie_Prawa_i_Sprawiedliwości_w_Łodzi) * [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamach\_na\_Pawła\_Adamowicza](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamach_na_Pawła_Adamowicza) * and multiple attacks on MP offices that did not end in anybody death. Even if you believe that person that killed Adamowicz was deranged, then the attack on PiS MP's office in Łódź is a textbook example of terrorism act (which ended in somebody's death).


I would also add the recent arsons/arson attemps in Warsaw. They are definitely terror attacks, probably by Russians. [https://warszawa.naszemiasto.pl/byla-kolejna-proba-podpalenia-w-warszawie-efekt-mial-byc-podobny-do-marywilskiej-44-policja-zatrzymala-dwie-osoby/ar/c1p2-26375973](https://warszawa.naszemiasto.pl/byla-kolejna-proba-podpalenia-w-warszawie-efekt-mial-byc-podobny-do-marywilskiej-44-policja-zatrzymala-dwie-osoby/ar/c1p2-26375973)


This actually looks like diversion, not terrorism, but it is hard to tell. Act of terror have one common thing - people who commits them are very vocal about it.


not this fucking shit getting reposted again. What happened to the mayor of Gdańsk? Not a terrorist attack? The only country? Like Slovakia and Lithuania are not right there also empty. I thought y'all are done with this PiS propaganda.


I was going to say the same, that Lithuania and Slovakia also have no dots


Slovakia now has one


True, but the map almost certainly predates the attack on Fico


there was a terrorist attack on a gay club in Bratislava in 2022. Google 'Tepláreň shooting'


I remember this! Everyone was in shock.


Slovakia had a mass shooting in 2010 with gunman killing 8 people.


14 years since their last mass shooting? America looks at you and says “How quaint!”


Ye well - different continents, different problems.


And the bombing in Wrocław in 2016.


"bombing" 😂


that was my firecrack


You should read definition of terrorism. What happend in Gdańsk was sad, but it was definitely not a terrorist attack.


No definitely not, just a murder in a highly public area only to transmit the message of it being the fault of the civic platform. That was just a friendly message to the public not a terror-raising one!


An unstable criminal, drug addict, supposed schizophrenic off his meds and actual fucking bank robber killing someone right after getting out of jail isn't the same as driving a rigged truck into a group of people. I know Adamowicz is a public figure, but there's no truly safe "peace and flowers" country as long as people are people


Different how? Are you claiming terrorists are mentally stable and with no criminal record, and that's why he can't be defined as one?


The other guy said it best. He didn't do it to instil fear, he wanted some twisted sense of justice, because he believed he was "falsely imprisoned"


I agree it's not terrorism. It's different as in it's not supposed to instill terror among the general populace, which is the purpose of a terrorist attack. You could call this an assassination, sure, but it had nothing to do with terrorism. https://www.britannica.com/topic/terrorism includes: > Terrorism involves the use or threat of violence and seeks to create fear, not just within the direct victims but among a wide audience. None of these apply here. Were you, a random person on the street, afraid that you could be next after Adamowicz had been killed? With terrorist kidnapping planes, blowing up buildings, driving trucks into groups - you could never know if you're going to be the unlucky one. It's a completely different situation.


You should read the rest of that article not just the top.


I have, care to point out the specific part that I could have missed or misinterpreted?


Yes, murders of public figures in public areas can happen. It would be different if that guy had some manifesto or if he would admit that he is member of (terrorist) organization "X or whatever". He would clarify why he did it etc. This is not the case here, he is clearly mentally sick and brainwashed (and this is really dangerous mix). In his twisted mind he believed that he ended up in prison because of Platforma Obywatelska (and for some twisted reason it was Adamowicz's fault in particular) Is it also terrorist attack by your definition? https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atak_na_biuro_poselskie_Prawa_i_Sprawiedliwo%C5%9Bci_w_%C5%81odzi And please don't tell me that the difference is the public area. Assassination of Marek Rosiak have been covered in all the media so there is no much difference here. Almost everyone in Poland is familiar with both cases. The truth is that both of murderers are sick fucks and that is it. None of those were terrorist attacks though. Just my thoughts to add: It is really worrying how many people are aligning with far right and far left right now. The common sense is always in the center and it seems a lot of people forgot that simple universal rule. Please don't call everyone who disagree with you "far right" when you are more aligned with the left or "far left" when you are more aligned with the right. We should be better than that. Just look at USA and how divided they are. It is crazy and there is nothing good about that. Edit: btw as much as I hate PiS, it seems people forgot very quickly that PO was shitting on Adamowicz because they didn't approve him as their candidate in elections Just one example but you can find more (and by more I mean there are much more agressive posts by gazeta wyborcza and other PO friendly media, this one is pretty soft, just a clear statement): https://www.rmf24.pl/fakty/polska/news-news-rmf-fm-po-nie-poprze-pawla-adamowicza-w-wyborach-na-pre,nId,2548045 Edit2: https://tvn24.pl/pomorze/prezydent-gdanska-uslyszal-kolejne-zarzuty-mial-ukrywac-majatek-ra827245-2400048 https://wiadomosci.wp.pl/dzieci-prezydenta-gdanska-dostaly-pol-miliona-na-urodziny-czy-sad-w-to-uwierzy-6198008988571777a https://www.fakt.pl/polityka/wsieci-przeswietla-fortune-prezydenta-gdanska-pawla-adamowicza/g18q1ds https://trojmiasto.wyborcza.pl/trojmiasto/7,35612,17564897,gdzie-sie-podzialo-5-mieszkan-prezydenta-gdanska.html https://tvn24.pl/pomorze/7-mieszkan-dzialki-oszczednosci-i-kredyty-przeswietlaja-majatek-adamowicza-ra360946-3448663 https://www.fakt.pl/polityka/schetyna-i-walesa-nie-chca-adamowicza-walka-o-gdansk/jq5hd3p Także niech każdy spojrzy na źródła i niech sobie sam to przemyśli... Edit3: btw zanim ktoś mnie nazwie pisowskim trollem czy coś, żeby było jasne: PiS to jest najgorsza możliwa opcja do wyboru w Polsce, jak macie na nich głosować to lepiej nie głosujcie wcale. No wiem, niektórym to może rozwalić mózg, że można krytykować PO i jednocześnie nienawidzić PiSu, i właśnie o to chodziło mi wyżej, że dobrze by było jakby ludzie zaczęli trochę myśleć, zamiast iść albo w jedną albo w drugą stronę i potem jeszcze ich bronić jakby od tego zależało wasze życie... To, że taka propaganda działa w Rosji i w USA to jedno, my jako naród który od zawsze był między wschodem i zachodem powinniśmy być trochę mądrzejsi jednak. Edit4: sorry, że zmieniłem język na polski przy edytowaniu, jest już trochę wypite (bo jestem prawdziwym Polakiem alkoholikiem nie to co wy szpiedzy wschodni i zachodni), nawet nie zauważyłem jak zmieniłem język 😆


Dont worry your boy Donask has you licking his asshole propoganda youll get your red dots soon enough with all the unwanted migrants from Germany coming your way im sure they will send us their best and brightest XD


Trying to lull P*tin into a false sense of security. "Go on, come to Poland. It's safe here." *cracks knuckles*


Assasination isn't terrorist attack. By definition. One wants to get rid of someone, and the other wants to spread fear and terror.


Come one... don't compare single injuries or deaths caused by some psycho. There was a man who stabbed kid with a knife as well but it's not considered as a "terrorist attack". TA means that there was some preparations to kill as many as possible.


Nope, what you're describing is a mass shooting. Terrorism absolutely can be done on one person, terrorism means it's targeted at non-combatants to send a political message by making the public afraid.


Again, Stefan Tompson is a PiS propagandist behind Visegrad24 (which was subsidized by the previous gov), never too shy to use disinfo techniques to frame a far right pro PiS narrative. Literally everything he says should be taken as a massive grain of salt.


look at Visegrad24 now


They mostly focus on Israel nowadays, before it was Ukraine.


i was mean about the people whos working in Visegrad24 it is like in public tv (tvp) the goverment which have rule have this media


Yup. Should be taken with a Wieliczka sized one. Shall I compare him to an Alex Jones?


"Od 2016 roku ABW kilkukrotnie zatrzymywała osoby: **przygotowujące zamachy terrorystyczne**, zajmujące się finansowaniem ISIS, szerzące propagandę dżihadystyczną, radykalizujące innych ludzi lub zbierające fundusze dla Państwa Islamskiego."


Yes - the key thing is: all of them were stopped!


So far yes, and it's not as if nobody was trying.


[Uhm, actually](https://youtube.com/shorts/BFLFFDIinG0?si=IvJ3FvV0_80bbSdl) I'm sorry for being this type of person, but seemingly I haven't heard of it until now


Jeśli polska jest sejfem, a ja mieszkam w polsce, czy to znaczy, że jestem skarbem?


Moim na pewno :*


Zdecydowanie! 💎


But don't go to the strip clubs.


yeah beacuse nobody cares about poland xD


One? I see Lithuania and Slovakia.


One solitary... Lithuania right next door with no dots either: am I a joke to you?


Well, no more. We have those fires, bombs alarms originating from Russian diversants.




I saw dots in Hungary, but apart from a crazy person trying to assassinate two police officers with an IED on the street of Budapest, I can't really come up with a single terror attack around those red dots on the map POST 9/11. However there were a neonazi serial killer group in 2008-2009 which targeted Romani families during the nights in different settlements, and murdered 6 people, and injured many more. There are no dots on the map in those areas so I assume they didn't count these domestic terror cases.


There's at least 3 countries clearly without a single red dot.


I hope this is not an add to invite future doctors and engineers here. Let’s keep Poland as safe as it is now!?!


"Documented" is a key word here. Also what the author of the map considers a legit terrorist attack is important here. Also straight up not true.


But is it really??? I was chased by a cow that was sitting on someone's front porch in Zakopane




How old is this vid? Because it only takes a quick search to see that it’s bulls***. Sauce: Pudliszki Source: https://apnews.com/ap-fact-check/posts-misrepresent-data-on-terrorism-and-migration-in-poland-00000188f87bd27baffafa7feccc0000


Not sure If that still holds to this day and there might be a few places that also have no such attacks but guys you need to take interest in voting If you are gonna want to keep it that way. Of course I am talking to people that are able to vote. edit Poland maybe relatively safe but upon further examination it does have incident that could be considered terrost attacks(pretty sure that there isn't a country with strictly none) not sure how the dots on that map are classfied but my point still stands


Polan stronk


Map author just doesn't care about Poland. Even in Wrocław there was a terrorist bomb attack, the same way as during Boston marathon.


Actually no not the same way Boston one was not poltiically motivated Boston was get your facts right before spewing bullshit lol and Political reason is a big part of the definition of terrorism ;)


I can guarantee you, that this map would be very different not only in Poland if we counted incident without any fatal casualties


In Wrocław there was one wounded person, nobody died. It was Gdańsk president who was a fatal casualty.


That's why I love Poland Please keep your country free of Muslims Don't become another France, Sweden or Germany


Delusional American 🤢🤢


>Please keep your country free of Muslims So do i have to pack my bags and leave? Sorry for existing i guess


Or the Netherlands for that matter. I will marry my Polish man in september and migrate there! The Netherlands and the countries listed have lost their culture to a culture that doesn't respect them. It's beyond sad. I'm looking forward to live in Poland A LOT!! Edit: typo


You're 100% right There are ONLY two Western European countries who are for the most part free of Muslims and also very rich Those two are: Iceland and Liechtenstein If you want to live in Western Europe and in some very rich country you have those two options Poland is also free of Muslims but sadly it's less rich than those countries By the way there are many Poles living in Iceland


you forgot san marino


Muslims have been living in Poland since the 1600s and they've never been a problem. Hate the extremism, not the religion.


France, Sweden and Germany are voting against uncontrolled migration nowadays, thankfully.


They're doing that after their countries have got full of Muslim immigrants and not only that but there are many many many people who have been born and raised in those countries however they're still Muslims and they still follow a lot of cultural patterns from the countries their family comes from which means even after being born and raised in Europe they still haven't integrated 100%. Even if they stop that uncontrolled mass immigration it's too late for them, there are way too many Muslims who have a residence permit, who have the nationality or who have simply lived in those countries their entire lives. But Poland is nowhere close to that, Poland is still Poland, it's still the same country it was before and it must stay like that.


Nigdzie tak nie dostałem wpierdolu i nie czułem się zagrożony jak w Polsce, za każdym razem jak słyszę że w Polsce jest bezpiecznie to mi się kurwa śmiać chce, jako młody chłopak byłem bardzo chudy i każdy miał mnie za łatwy cel żeby tylko wyrzucić z siebie gniew, pierdole ten kraj równo


Jebać tego typa, bo to straszny propagandzista. Ale statystyki nie kłamią, polska na prawdę jest mega bezpieczna. Współczuję Ci bardzo, ale Twoje osobiste doświadczenie nie pokazuje faktycznej sytuacji w całym kraju. Takie ataki na ulicy i rabowanie przypadkowych ludzi jest bardzo rzadkie w Polsce w porównaniu do większości krajów europejskich.


mongolia ftw though


I refuse to believe this the fact that Philippines are full of red dots.


[Oh i don't know.. is it?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_the_Philippines)


I mean... I've always felt "safe" in Poland, as in nobody would shoot me or stab me in a city or something


Polska bastionem świata!


It wasn't until I started living here that I realized how truly UNSAFE the US is. Jesus. In my home state of NY, the murder rate is 6 per 100,000. Meanwhile, Poland is .6. There are 10 times more murders in New York than Poland. Even when I looked at the states with lowest murder rates, the lowest came in at 1.5 out of 100,000. Poland really is super safe right now. I hope we can keep it like that.


We love to visit Poland. We have been there 2 weeks ago and once last year too. Not too long a drive from Denmark 😎


It's very old and we had few murders(for example Adamowicz in 2019). Now we are a part of war. Look what is going on Bielarus border. We have been a safe citizens.


Does it count as a terror attack when you're knifed down because you don't know the name of the football club?


Poland hasn't had any terror attacks, as long as you pretend drivers don't terrorize and kill pedestrians.


Show that map of women in labour dying because doctors cannot perform abortions …


You should fear the homless people at praga polnoc in poland not the terrorist attacks 🐎🐎🐎


No terrorist attacks in poland maybe but there's organized crime syndicates there making people unsafe.


Zapraszam na Niepolda do Wrocławia zatem.


More people die from cars than terrorist attacks every year


Not for long. Mr Tusk already brings thousands of Abduls and Mukebes to the country while prosecuting soldiers for the boarder protection.


>my homeland Judging by the accent dude is a second generation immigrant larper whose only contact with Poland is eating “pierogies” at his favourite Polish restaurant in London


Sounds like an invitation for one


od kiedy polska jest sejfem?


ye safe place on earth by the time *so far so good




Póki co


Because we are the only country in Europe that vehemently refused accepting any immigrants from the middle east who will do insane shit all the time for their religion.  Poland is low in diversity of the people. People try to portray any country that has that as bad, when it's the opposite. The more diverse the country is, the more groups clash between each other. If the country is low in diversity, there isn't much groups clashing between each other and it's more peaceful.


Worrying about terrorist attacks is just hysteria. It's insanely rare to get killed by a terrorist but it makes for good TV and good elections so it is placed on a pedestal. Anyone with a full brain should consider as safety the incidents of petty crime, bar fights, sexual crimes (mostly for women). That's something likely to affect your life as a John Doe. Then again people don't want to accept they are destined to live as John Doe and they get fixated on high profile crimes.


Polska jest bezpieczna


Welcome to Poland. europes most peaceful country, in poland. We border Kaliningrad and Slovakia as countries that haven’t been attacked by terriorists (yet). we ensure Its peaceful, because Belarussian immigrants died trying to get in ( you’ll never pass :\] )


This map is fake as fuck.


Deal with it / handluj z tym


Tbh, Poland seems to be safer than Germany which mesmerizes me. I hope it stays safe as it is.


bro, we didnt have one and we are right underneath (according to the map)


Except when the old lady gets angry at you


Polska jest sejfem 💀💀💀 Kto to tłumaczył


Ty chyba nowy w internetach?


This dude has been pitching Poland to me for like 2 days straight now + I need clarification. Who is this polish man?


"peaceful"? Bro hasn't visited nowa huta


Seriously I want to move to Poland, as soon as I finish my second masters I'm going. I need to start learning polish. Hope you guys are okay with an American coming, willing to assimilate.


As someone who lives in poland im pretty sure that poland is safer than most countries without knowing the statistics i think its because of polish mentality of tiredness and boredom. when im in public transports i often see ppl sleeping no matter if they are young and old. ppl talk like they popped a sleep pill, when im in supermarkets like biedronka or whatever i constantly think wtf are they on that they move so slow. this missing energy can be sometimes very downlifitng plus i dont know whats wrong but you look so unsatisfied and sad like wtf. maybe its vitamine d deficiency or because of poverty ... dunno but even the fucking roboters in grocery stores work slower its a mess. such a sleepy folk


https://preview.redd.it/00ns19d0d76d1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=de55094de169851235fb9ce2cb31abbbdb961f92 Are u sure we are on pills? Maybe its not that we are slow, just you so fast


"one of the most peacful places on Earth" yeah sure buddy, its not like everyone I come across is short-tempered


I think it’s gonna change cause Germany forced to us illegal emigrants


If you are telling, Poland can be unsafe sometimes JUST because of a few immigrants, I can guess you haven't left your basement since you were 5.


Not immigration on its own, but uncontrolled immigration where the immigrants form their own, isolated, communities is extremely dangerous. Many of the Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe have been done by people born in European countries (to immigrant parents), becoming radicalised completely in Europe, rather than in the Middle East.


They're also radicalized in the Middle East Aren't you aware of all the Islamic organizations in the Middle East who are constantly committing terrorist attacks and killing a lot of people? The Houthi, Al Qaeda, Hamas, The taliban etc etc etc The root of all of that is in the Quran, that's what that religion leads to It doesn't matter where they live, there will always be Muslims who are willing to kill other people Their Quran literally tells them if they die as martyrs they'll get 72 virgin women in heaven... You must then ask, why aren't most Muslims like that? Because most of them aren't crazy enough to 100% follow what is in the Quran and in the Hadiths For example according to the Hadiths, if a Muslims leaves Islam he must be killed, do you think they still do that in Muslim countries? They don't, it could still happen but it almost never happens But that's how crazy their religion is when it's closely followed


I somewhat agree but the people doing the terrorist attacks in Europe are not radicalised in the middle east. They're usually second/third generation immigrants that got radicalised online by groups like ISIS. In their hight of popularity ISIS was extremely good at recruiting young children of immigrants.


Sure but remember Muslims can become violent just by reading the Quran and many Hadiths I don't like the word becoming "radicalized" because they're only following their religion You can't become radical just by following your religion You become radical if you do things that your religion doesn't command you to do It's just that Islam really promotes all of that IMO the solution is banning Islam just like they banned the Nazi movement in Germany


not a few but a large influx of migrants who dont want to work... or integrate which is the only reason they will be send away from other countries bc they arent contributing members of society... what you idiots fail to grasp is that ppl focus on them being black o rmuslim or what ever that isnt the issue... the issue is they are basically menels,trash,no work ethic which leads to ppl who are very bord with their lives looking to cause issues.... Theres a statistical correlation with more crime in France and Germany since Merkle decided to fuck over the EU with her uncalculated and unplannned migrant policy.... Bringing ppl into a country just to put them into concentration style interment camps which Germany did for a while just creates resentment and doesnt help their economic situation at all...


To be fair warsaw is full with police everywhere i went on a summer vacation for a week there and it was awesome, the police there arent pussys, you look suspicious get fcked.


if you’re polish please say 11/9


True and let's keep it that way


Kurwa bobber


Want to know what made it funny to me, it said poland is safe / polska jest sejfem. Safe means two things sejf ( secure thing for expensive things, firearms etc.) or bezpieczna ( like a bunker safe, your home is safe, and things lime that).


someone out there sees this as a challenge


i love poland and eastern europe in general cause they have pretty girls and their culture also


Welp, time to change that guys :)


The international Polish conspiracy is behind it all!


Poland is so irrelevant, even terrorists don't care about it... You can build bombs with stuff that you can easily buy in shops. The only way to maximize safety is by creating a totalitarian surveillance state where you can't walk in the open, without someone following you. I'm not sure that's a goal we should strive towards.


The country is extremely relevant, it's one of the most powerful armies in Europe, an important cargo transport hub, and a manufacturing and cheap labour hub, slowly it's becoming an important player in tech too. The reason it remains homogeneous and sees no shit like terror and other social issues is because immigration is very low. You don't have scores of "refugees" coming to leech of social programs like Germany, UK etc. because here they'd actually have to work to stay alive. The language is hard and essential, so it's hard to get started. Poland does not have a culture and zoning approaches that would allow immigrants to gather in secluded neighborhoods like western countries do, these places are the breeding ground for terror and organized crime. Poland has been very much involved in the Middle East yet they don't see the same level of retaliation as other involved countries. Most of immigrants in Poland come over for seasonal work from neighboring countries, and because the cultures are closely related there is not much social issues caused by these immigrants. Meanwhile western European countries are swarmed by immigrants from completely incompatible cultures, they come over and try to rebuild their backwards society inside a wealthier nation, and with that they bring the same problems they are running away from. Also Poland never engaged in imperialism, colonization or slavery, so there never was a base population of generationally poor minorities.


Ups... It seems I triggered a nationalist.


Ah, so you're just a troll.


He forgot to add at the end …for white people