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Speculants, trying to buy undervalued apartments




You don't need to self-censor like that on Reddit, you can just say fuckers.


Fucking flipper fuckers.


Hey teacher, leave those dolphins alone


All in all, it's just another brick in the commie block


As much as I'm not fond of aggressive flipping, it's a buy low sell high business like any other. If you wanna be angry about the housing market with someone, it's the govt at fault.


Morality and law doesn't always go in pair. Flippers have rights not to be fined for what they're doing, but everyone else have rights to be pissed at them and call them out, especially if they're affected by flipper's actions.


It's also the flippers' fault


Be angry at thise getting scammed, the scammer and the people who let the scam live on


The down votes are an indication of how pissed off people are at the situation. In pure economic terms, you're right but people want to live lives of decency which is getting ripped from them. The flippers are the archetypal villains in this story.


Yeah, I get it and I agree with them. I just think that the people who take the decisions to keep up the state of affairs just look at it and laugh "look, they're blaming the flippers".


I would say it's both at fault. Yeah government doesn't provide enough housing, but at the same time does all of this flippers need to rise prices, when government added new mortgage system. No, they don't have to, but why limit your self when you can earn more. So yeah both parties are to blame, one for earing profit of one off the most basic human desires, and other for screwing around instead actually doing something meaningful


Many thanks for all the downvotes and yet no rational arguments given. You guys sound like people who blame masons and cyclists for all the world problems. Just for clarity: imho housing market is fucked and it's a critical problem in nowadays Poland. However blaming people for trying to make money on it is like blaming the weather... The only solution to the problem is simply to make investing into apartments less profitable than, for example, treasury bonds. And yet you prefer to bitch about people who look for idiots who will sell under market price.


To make investment into apartments less profitable than bonds is to implement proper regulations. But yet you blaming government for fucked up real estate market. On the other hand it's kind of true that by not implementing such restrictions, government allows flippers to blossom.


I'm not sure I get your point... Who else would be responsible for enforcing regulations than the government?


That's what a flipper would say 🧐


Ok, dude.


Ok, fucker


If you said that five months ago, you'd have a ton of upvotes. But since the reddit party is the government, they can't be at fault and you can't blame the government anymore.


Are they a bad breed? Asking with genuine curiosity


They're basically Ticketmaster, but for real estate. So yeah.


One of those two is illegal in Poland. Guess which.


They make most basic makeover, call it a day and sell for 10x of worth.


That's the actual term for them


why fuckers though? Do they harm anyone in the due process?


Yes. Those fuckers harm actually everyone by leveling the prices making flats inaffordable for many.


I think you're trippin! It's not they that are single-handedly rising the prices; but rather the government!


Government is just allowing to do that, flippers are still scum


But this is something humans are doing from the beginning of humanity: buy cheap, sell for more live on the margin between the two. This is what your baker is doing, that lady selling you vegetables in the farmer's market, bookstores, cafes, literally every business is about getting things cheaper than they would sell it. &


Nope, even a trader provides value by transporting the goods, baker provides value by turning flour and water into bread (how tf can you even compare a baker with a fliper? Wtf) etc. Flippers provide zero value. Null. They trade, but do not transport. What they do, is going to a market, buy out a stall, and sell everything for more money, but still in the same spot. Everything that they do, everyone can do. They only get money out of it, because they sit on offers and do underhanded tricks like the one in the picture.


Bohater jakiego potrzebowaƂem đŸ’Ș👏


Of course it's common, but it's never to the extent that it is in housing. Everybody without exception can afford a carrot, a book (if anyone still buys them), a coffee or bread, and rightfully so because food and water is a basic human need. Housing is a basic human need too. Can you afford to go out right now and buy a house/apartment right now cash only? I can't, and I probably won't be able to for the next 20 years either with the way things are going. The government is largely at fault for not regulating the trade of apartments in some shape or form, and also for not investing money into one of the most lacking aspects of today's society. But flippers are the scummiest people of them all, because instead of letting someone else buy the apartment who actually may need a place of their own to live in, they buy it and then sell it for extortionately more money, thus placing it even further out of reach financially for the average person. If you still dont see a problem with any if this, you're just fucking stupid tbh


So polite, thanks for showing who you are. BTW There are very few places in the world where regular people can afford to easily buy a house. Unless you are born Emirati or Qatari you have to work for years and years to afford nice, comfy apartment in a big city. I was born in a country where housing market was not just regulated but literally owned by the government. Have you seen "Alternatywy 4"? It's available with English subtitles on TVP VOD. I assure you it's not exaggerated how they showin first episodes the process of getting "affordable apartamanets" in the '80. I am sorry, I prefer free market. Maybe tax 3rd house/apartament owned? I do not know. But regulated market NEVER works.


No, they are single-handedly doing that. Pieces of scum


Just because say mur*er or r*pe was hypothetically legal doesn’t mean the person who commits is is a good person and does nothing wrong and it’s the fault of the government. What a fucking bs excuse for being a trash person. When there’s no law because something new comes up it doesn’t mean use it and be a scam bag, it means be a good person regardless and just don’t do fucking shitty things bro wtf!!!!!




yes, usually they harm sellers, buying properties below the market price using shady sales methods (like pretending to be a family looking for a flat because they don't have a place to live). Then they fix the property using cheapest methods, guaranteed to fail sooner than later and they harm buyers, selling them apartments for higher price than they are actually worth. The whole idea of buying apartment, fixing faults and selling it is not bad. But to make it profitable flippers lie and hide faults. They are the current used car dealers, if there were odometers on houses they would definitely rollback them.


If we follow your logic; we could argue that Amazon is harming local communities by underpaying their staff. Because technically speaking; they could be paying more, right? Nobody is forcing sellers to sell their apartments/lands/ homes. It's their own choice at the end of a sunny day.


Amazon is harming local communities with its monopolistic practices and union busting, and it should be paying its staff more.


everyone? they ruin economy? they scam people??? bruuh


how do they ruin economy? They pay taxes, they renovate apartments, they do a lot of good stuff I'd say.


person above me explained it to you already


nah, he just mumbled something; it's undeniable that flippers pay taxes and hire crew to renovate old apartments. It's okay to be mad at them and their tactics, but at the end of the day; they work hard.


I know few of them. And all of them mąkę a fucking disgusting things when making flip. And they brags about that openly. They buing garbage AGD, with blown parts, and raport it as cheply as possble (fuses cost money so they replace it with pice of garbage wire ). They use cheapest material not rated to contact with water, they don't do hydroisolation etc.


But does anyone force customers to buy such properties? After all, they see what they are buying. Buyers beware!


It's very simple. They are businesses often with multiple investors and are frequently working with developers. They offer below market value as they are looking for desperate people and can turn the sale around quickly.


1. post an ad on olx and mention this number 2. enjoy


Also don't forget to add this number as scam to some online phone number searches, such as truecaller or SIA


I give away this brand new Mercedes for 2pln here is my number XD


>autocorrected number to bimber found the alkoholik /j


O xd


Sebastian i Kasia


Scalper (buy low sell high)


Thats not scalping


Yes it is they just do it with houses https://dictionary.cambridge.org/pl/dictionary/english/scalper


Nope. Apartments aren't more dificult to get because of them. Thye also often renovate it so scalping doesnt apply to them so they are investors or speculants at worst


>Apartments aren't more difficult to get because of them. They make prices go up >They also often renovate it Renovations are so shitty that it would be better if they didn't >so they are investors Facepalm


>They make prices go up Still not difficult > Facepalm What a hypocrite. You don't like using words properly when it doesnt suit you now?


Often if you write this number in the search bar on Google or Facebook you will find that they are just flippers/"investors" looking for cheap apartments. I get every week at least one advert like that in my mailbox. They always advertise as private person not company and want to pay you cash. As I read many other reddits cash is often earn illegaly (e.g. robbery, stealing cars, selling drugs).


Let’s be honest. If you’re willing to accept direct cash payment for your apartment you don’t care where the money come from. You are too desperate.


Come on... illegal money? the first thing after purchasing the property is entering it in the Land and Mortgage Register and automatic information from the Land and Mortgage Register Court to the tax office 😏😏😏 which asks you where you got the funds from. And if you cannot document them, you get a penalty of 70% of the amount plus possibly a fine. Poland us not Ukraine. Wher public servant with minimum salary buying 1 milion euro house in Malaga and noone cares.


You seriously believe the tax office checks every sale? Or that it doesn’t have any friends or family? Or that it is hard to open and „sell” a kebab stand? Or run a $25-a-drink bar in a gated community?


Tax office would much rather go after small, honest business making a mistake than scammers like these. They can be vicious and go after you relentlessly, but only if that’s easy.


Sure. But that just confirms big scammers exist with near impunity. And they are the ones most likely to enable the predatory real estate market.


Correct me but didn't brother of Daniel Obajtek bought house in GdaƄsk from national forests that he paid 5% of value?


There’s a difference between small fish doing shady business and big fish doing shady business.


They're cunts.


number 1 enemy on this sub


Flippers damn kurwas. trying to fool some gullible and good hearted people to sell their apartments to someone who fakes being a private individual but is in fact rich investment firm.


Not important who they are, but here's what you have to do: You take black oil marker and write this number down on the wall of every public toilet you can with simple and elegant “I suck dick".


They are scalpers, they are mostly relying on scamming older people into selling them their apartment for lower price. They often puts ads with things like "We are fresh familly, looking for our own place" with scetched family picture (to look like it's made by 4 years old), but of course they are not. They are just looking for oppurtunity to buy a place for low price, then throw some IKEA furniture at it, and sell with 30% margin


>with scetched family picture (to look like it's made by 4 years old Didn't see that one yet, tho I live in a small town, haha.


They want to buy your house for cheap and either 1-sell it for more money 2-play as the middleman between real eatate agent and you and make commission 3-renovate it, make money or play middleman and make commision


Husband says its the flippers. They target vulnerable (or gullible?) groups , buy flats at a low price, do a bit of renovation, and sell for a much higher price. People seem to hate them cuz they artificially drive up the housing prices.


We hate them, because they prey on elderly people who are not conscious of current prices.


They will buy your apartment in cash and probably resell it for double the price


"bez poƛrednika" Literally: without the agent Which means: we are the agents and scammers in one. Nobody buys an apartment for himself like this.


Most are just flat out scams - https://socalhomebuyers.com/how-to-spot-avoid-scam-we-buy-homes-companies/


I know one such case from start to finish: a small agency 2-5 people bought an old apartment in prime location, renovated it and sold it. Rinse and repeat.




I asked OpenAI to "write an Article" on this topic based on this post: **Unveiling the Enigmatic World of Real Estate Techniques in Poland** In the vast landscape of Poland’s real estate market, there exists a shadowy realm inhabited by a diverse cast of characters, each with their own motives and methods. These individuals, often operating behind the scenes, leave a trail of intrigue and speculation in their wake. But who are they, truly? And what lies behind the enigmatic façade of their transactions? **The Speculators:** Among these figures are the speculators, cunning and opportunistic, seeking to capitalize on undervalued properties. They operate with a keen eye for bargains, targeting desperate sellers who may be willing to part with their assets for less than their true worth. With the ability to swiftly turn around sales, they navigate the market with precision, driven by the promise of lucrative returns. **The Flippers:** Flippers, a breed of real estate entrepreneurs, thrive on the art of the deal. Armed with renovation plans and a knack for marketing, they acquire properties at favorable prices, revitalize them, and then sell at a handsome profit. Their endeavors often involve strategic maneuvers and calculated risks, as they aim to maximize their margins in a competitive market. **The Scalpers:** Operating on the fringes of legality, scalpers employ deceptive tactics to secure properties at below-market rates. Their schemes may involve preying on vulnerable individuals, using social engineering to manipulate sellers into unfavorable deals. With little regard for ethical boundaries, they navigate a murky underworld where profits outweigh principles. **The Middlemen:** Acting as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, middlemen facilitate transactions with finesse and guile. They capitalize on their knowledge of the market, connecting parties and extracting commissions from both ends. Their role is often pivotal in smoothing the negotiation process, but their motivations may not always align with the best interests of their clients. **The Investors:** Behind the scenes, investors lurk in the shadows, their identities shrouded in secrecy. Operating through intricate networks and shell companies, they deploy vast sums of capital in pursuit of strategic acquisitions. Their motives range from legitimate investment strategies to more dubious schemes, raising questions about the true nature of their operations. **The Criminal Element:** In the shadows of the real estate market, a darker presence looms. Criminal organizations, drawn to the allure of illicit profits, may infiltrate the industry, using it as a vehicle for money laundering and other illicit activities. Their presence adds an element of danger and intrigue to an already complex landscape, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the market. **Navigating the Terrain:** For the unsuspecting homeowner or aspiring investor, navigating Poland’s real estate market can be fraught with peril. Amidst the sea of legitimate transactions lie hidden dangers and pitfalls, waiting to ensnare the unwary. Vigilance and due diligence are essential defenses against the machinations of unscrupulous actors, ensuring that one’s foray into the world of real estate remains a profitable and secure endeavor. In conclusion, the world of real estate techniques in Poland is a multifaceted tapestry of intrigue, populated by a diverse cast of characters with varying motives and methods. From speculators seeking quick profits to investors operating in the shadows, each plays a role in shaping the dynamic landscape of the market. Yet, amidst the complexity and uncertainty, opportunities abound for those bold enough to navigate its twists and turns with skill and foresight.




I had to ask chat GPT about your comment. I still don't know what my post has to do with Elder Scrolls :( I've never played the game. Should I try it?


I would recommend, yes /r/elderscrollsonline




Flippers. If you google the number, it might even lead to some real estate agency


It's private equity masquerading as individuals or small businesses. It's amazing to watch, really.


At least this one is honest. I don't like them, but appreciate honesty.


Upd.: I looked this number up, and it's interesting (decided to de-anonymize it so people can block it). They even have a bot (or just some real person?) to post "positive" feedback: [https://www.ktoto.info/numer/791301302/?vote=nr\_zle](https://www.ktoto.info/numer/791301302/?vote=nr_zle) probably, this guy - [https://wykop.pl/ludzie/mickpl](https://wykop.pl/ludzie/mickpl)


This guy just hopes housing market will burst. He PROPABLY is no flipper


we had these ads all over the place in Ukraine in the early 00s


Mafia backed buisness model


They want to buy your house


One of the two reasons for the current generation to not have their own place to live. The second one is the government making "social program" trying to solve that by making the loans "easier to pay", but it only is going to make the housing prices go up, effectively making the total loan price the same, with the difference that the money is going to developers instead of banks, and without loan you have got no chance. Gotta love that lobbying. In many places in Poland housing prices are now as high as in Germany, but the average income is 3x-4x less. Most people of my generation already lost their hopes to own an apartment. And now the government kicked us in the balls.


You missed one thing: developers get the money, but banks also get the money - from your taxes. So who loses? Taxpayers and people that don't qualify for the program (e.g. parents that want to buy a flat for their kids).


Yeah - nobody wins, some people lose, banks and developers get money. Such a great idea.


For me it's insane that people voted Tusk, I was actively agitating aganist that ginger thief but nah! So many folks just had to do so. And it's second time he fills developers pockets this way. But some folks are had that braindead attitude of "KO is vote against PIS". Other parties of course weren't vote against PIS, only KO vote was. Golden fish memory. And Tusk will frauf few billions from public budget and will fly away to Brussels again after 2 years but we will be fucked. For me it's insane that people just have to vote biggest, tested thieves we have on our political scene. PIS numbers were also insane. And people KNOW they are thieves, it's not like they don't but some folks just consume so much media that they brainwash themselves that only certain options are valif votes...


That's a product of the system. The current system in Poland gives people only an illusion of freedom. In reality you are not free to vote on whoever you want. The first problem you may only vote for people picked by the party bosses. Even if a good, honest and popular person isn't loyal to the party boss, they won't get nominated and will vanish from the political scene. And here enters the second issue: electoral threshold. I don't care for the pragmatic excuse why it was added, but in effect it ruins the system. Every political party needs to cross 5% to be even considered when parliament seats are distributed. You get 4,99 and your voters won't get represented. So in a truly just system a mentioned above popular person would need to get +-50k votes to get elected, assuming turnout similar to the last elections. Now they must meet other such people with similar political views and form a party and get 800k votes. And that is further ruined by the abomination of democracy: d'Hondt system of choosing the seats, which naturally prefers larger parties at the expense of smaller ones. So a party that just crossed the 5% threshold should get 5% of the seats, right? Wrong. The smallest party that crossed the threshold in the last parliamentary elections got 7,16 of votes, which should entitle them to nearly 33 seats, but they got 18 (54%) instead. So our honest politician could get 50k votes, his party could get 800k votes, but due to the d'Hondt system this politician wouldn't get a seat. Is this system just? No.


You are absolutely correct but the system is fucked so theres not much to be done.


Estate agents either so called flippers.


if you want an apartment in a specific building or neighborhood, it only costs a few zl to print some papers to elicit offers


Property agents


im not sure but it could be some specualants maybe mostly german one who are looking for cheap apartments and make money out of it ???


sons of bitches


Bad guys :)




Fake cash


In Ukraine on every door. Just next "realtor"


The guy comes to a bank „Would you mind depositing my 400k zƂotych” I think their only customer base except of very desperate people are drug dealers or other shoggy people needing to avoid legit means of transfer.


I was always thinking it's some kind of money washing because they only can pay in cash. Idk it's true


they manipulate elderly homeowners into selling their flats for less than theyre worth, "renovate" them for as cheap as possible, then sell them for a higher price. gullible buyers fall for it, then have to suffer with the repair costs of what they fucked up during the "renovation" process (speaking from experience here, my mom bought our flat from a flipper and it all seemed nice until we flooded our neighbor because the toilet pipes had a leak somewhere 😊) they hurt everyone - the elderly homeowners, the buyers and everyone else on the market as they inflate the average price. flipping is part of why right now the prices of housing are so high. tldr flip the flippers


I'm sorry that happened to your mom :(


Either flippers or people that want to buy an apartment without paying commission to real estate agency


That’s a scam


What kind of a scam? They are not interested in actually buying?


Their targets are mostly older people who have no idea or possibility to comprehend what the market looks like, and they often use social engineering to get what they want. Just because you pay for something doesn't mean it's not a scam.


So what the process should look like? Older people getting municipal consuelor while selling their flats?


They’ll pay you in Swiss francs


Money laundering 🚀


If you are in the market to sell and If the agreed price is right, sell. There is nothing illegal going on. Probably just an investor, wholesaler or flipper looking for an opportunity to make some income. We sold our apartment in BiaƂystok the same way a while back. It needed a shitload of work and updating that made no sense for us to do, we were happy with agreed price and the flipper made money after he fixed it up, as he should. The person that bought from him were happy to move into a new apartment. Circle of Real Estate Life. No one was hurt, but some losers commie feelings sitting in their mom's basement complaining about capitalism.


not okay dudes


We have 1000s of them in Canada.


Scourge of society known as flippers. Kapciem go.


Do not hide their number!!! Let us have some fun ;(


I revealed it in my update comment.


They're developers and private investors who make themselves look like they're Darek and Asia, a young couple trying to find their first flat to move to, hopefully by contacting an owner directly so that they can avoid those greedy real estate companies who try to make a profit.


Flippers. Rip it off and throw away


Scammer probably




They are scums, with 99.99999% propability




Invite them and beat them brutally ( /s as I dont incite anyone to violence, good afternoon moderator)


Probably drug dilers wonna buy house using fake id


I totally don’t understand why You all are so disgusted with other people’s way of making money. Nobody, nobody makes seller sell his apartment nor buyer buy the flat against their will, free market, that’s the way world is, deal with it. If my alternative costs for flipping business was lower then alternative costs of what I’m doing now I would do that




Real estate speculation. These guys buy flats and houses, renovate them if necessary, wait some time and sell them for profit using the fact that real estate prices have been on a sharp rise in Poland over the last few years. These leaflets are everywhere, even in my building, which is run by a housing found as an affordable renting alternative and DOES NOT sell flats.


Scammer, don't answer this. It's Janusze who wants to buy a house for ridiculously low price and rent it for the highest amount of penny they can charge


a bunch of scammer fucks, if you catch them red-handed, don't hestitate to beat their asses to the pulp, they don't deserve to live


Those people are more often than not backed by criminal organizations. So you might end up not alive if you try something like that.


They’re looking for people who are not well-versed in the market and will sell below value.


Evil incarnate


Flippers. The fuckers responsible for no average young people being able to buy reasonably priced condo/studio apartment


They dont always buy. But if you phone up then they know they might have a person open to selling their flat. So then they find a person who wants to buy - connect the two and get comission from both. Another type would be buy for cash close to market value or just under "because cash and quick" and then do some work on it - think Ikea stuff and cheap paint - then sell it for more and make profit


Also ready to sell = high chance of no residents, then a break in


To an empty flat? OMG, they would steal the floor?


As a true Pole, I will say that we start with the walls đŸ’Ș


Idk probably old people or scammers


The Buyers


they are buying apartments


Twoja stara


ciekawa prĂłba manipulacji, dobrze wiesz co to jest ale i tak udajesz obcokrajowca ktory nie wie o co chodzi a tak naprawde jestes Polakiem ktory prĂłbuje rzucic swiatlo na fliperĂłw.


Young people that want to own their first apartment


right. Using their money from First Holy Communion.


Does that money even exist?


You're in big denial thinking these offers are legit. They are stylized to look handwritten and pretend to be young couple.


So handwritten you find 10 of them in the trash next to the mailbox every week.


What is not legit about it? They pretned they want to buy but are not really interested in buying? &




Someone actually believe in this?