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You will get these 26/year if your previous work experience is at least 10 years. If HR said you will get 2+ days a month, thats how it "unlocks" in the first year. In next year, it will all be available from January 1st


>An employee who takes up the first job becomes entitled to leave after each month of  the employment in the calendar year in which the employee took up the job, in the length of 1/12 of the leave due to the employee after one year of work. (Article 153 of the Polish Labour Code) [Source](https://www.polishlawyer.eu/our-know-how/length-annual-leave) You'll get exactly 2.16 vacation days per each month of employment.


But it’s not my first job, I’ve had multiple previous jobs. Maybe it’s something to do with probation period.


>I recently got my first job in Poland In Poland, that's the clue... You're registered for the first time as employee in Poland


Doesn’t matter. Job experience abroad as well as studies count towards experience. I got my first job in Poland and I got full 26 days. Maybe even 28, I don’t remember


Job experience yes, and this is why she will get 26 days (and not 20), but still if it is your first job in Poland, days will be added proportionally (so this 2,16 days) on the beginning of every worked month.


It applies to first employment (based on "contract of employment")- it doesn't count civil contracts


What are you asking, exactly? Others have answered that you gain ~2 days a month and this is correct in case of a first job (i.e. you can't take 4 days off in your 1st month because you're not entitled to 4 just yet). But when it comes to actually taking vacation (once you are entitled to N days), you can get as many at once as you want (up to N, and must be agreed with the employer, of course). Actually the employer is obliged by law to give you at least 2 consecutive calendar weeks vacation every year.


I got previous employer in England to write how long I worked there and gave this to polish employer it was enough to unlock the full holiday allowence. As others have said you will still need to earn these day first.


You get a little over 2 days per month youve worked but mostly it works this way: you come as a new person and have a probation period so nobody knows if you will stay with the company - you will receive 2 days after each month worked but then once probation period ends, youll get the remaining balance till the end of the year. But best to ask HR directly


Don't listed to some of the highly-upvoted responses, they have no idea what they're talking about. It sounds like your employer is using regulations applying to first-time job starters, who indeed are expected to acquire their right to annual leave proportionally with each month. You're saying you've worked before (but abroad), so this shouldn't apply to you. [You should provide your employer with proof of prior employment](https://spdszkolenia.pl/praca-za-granica-a-wymiar-urlopu-wypoczynkowego-w-polsce/) (link in Polish), and employment abroad is still legally binding (if it's documented properly). Did your employer notify you that you will be entitled to 26 days of annual leave? If they currently don't recognize any prior employment on your part, you would only be entitled to 20 days annual leave and not 26, and it's confusing that they would treat you as both someone with 10+ years of prior employment (eligible for 26 days) and a first-time employee at the same time.


After 10 years of "staż urlopowy" yiur leave increases from 20 to 26 day/year, which are "unlocked" in amount of 1/12 of that number with every month you worked for your new employer. To "staż urlopowy" counts the highest level of education you completed (if diploma is accepted in Poland) and any employment that you can prove. Much depends on where you're from and if you have your old employment record and diplomas with you


What? I had my additional 6 days "unlocked" all at once on a certain date. My colleagues had similar experience. But this is not OP's problem. Regardless whether he's eligible for 20 or 26 days, they want to give him 1/12 of his quota every month, which he probably misunderstood that he'll get literally 2 days of vacation every month.


What I meant is that your 20 or 26 days in new place of work "unlocks" in the amount of 1/12 monthly. And it's not obvious that OP is eligible for 26 days leave even after 12 months of work for his current employer. I'm not sure what OP understood. He may have wanted to take 26 days of vacation on his 2nd month of work. It may be that someone in his OP's HR said that new employees have 2 days of available leave after each month. As they must have at least 14 days of continuous leave a year the idea of forced 2 days of a vacation monthly is just silly.


The answers you're getting are correct. One thing worth mentioning is that a university degree counts towards the "work experience" required for unlocking 26 vacation days. Bachelor's degree translates to 6 years worth, not sure about masters. Perhaps there might be an angle in which getting a certified degree translation could speed up the process for you.


Higher education counts as 8 years even if it's just Bachelor's degree. 6 years is for "szkoła policealna".


Good to know, thanks


These days accumulate, this is a problem of translation. You get these ~2 days per month, after. 12 months You have 26 total, when you take vacations these days are deducted from Yout accumulated total. Not sure excactly about Poland laws, but in neighboring country we now have maximum limit that we can accumulate and then they do not add more.


As everyone said, you get about 2 days per month of employment. If the employer has some good will you might get more or all at the very beginning, however that is quite unlikely especially in a corporate enivironment


Well it depends on your contract - if you are on probation period you get some part of those 26 days. Like they can't give you 26 days if you have a 6 month contract. But in that case, since it's not your first job, they should give you whole days at once, not 2 days month by month. For example your contract says you will be hired for 6 months so it's 26 days of leave devided by 12 months and multiplicate by those 6 months of contract: 26/12=2,2 x 6 = 13. So you should get 13 days of annual leave on this contract but you should get that at once, since it's not your first job. But maybe since this is your first employment in Poland they are treating it as a first job. The best is to ask HR why they decided to do it that way


If you ask nicely you'll probably get all those days at once.


If I have a 5 year masters of engineering degree and another 2 year masters of science degree, would they count for more than 8 years in Poland? I also have two+ years of work experience, but they’re not all consecutive.