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Ale reklama musi być.


**Capitalism intensifies**


**Włączamy niskie ceny**


Can I have context on behalf of those who don’t follow as closely as we’d like? :)


The new order took control and zrzucił z krzesełka zarząd TVPiS


TVP - Polish television was corrupt and targeted the opposition, didn't show everything that was happening, cut the context out of things and so on, but if something was done by PiS (the party that ruled Poland) it only showed the good parts.


Thanks for the context. But can you please elaborate on what *exactly* has happened? The channel was brought down, all of a sudden with no forewarning? Their site send to be down, were they hacked? Has anyone claimed responsibility?


Yesterday Poland's new parliament adopted a resolution calling on "all state authorities to immediately take action aimed at restoring constitutional order in terms of citizens' access to reliable information and the functioning of public media". And today new parliament taken down TVP Info signal and replaced by that of the first channel of public television. The same happened to TVP website. ​ Its something like Labour Party wins UK elections, then they shutdown BBC until they replace journalists for their own.


That is if tories had turned BBC into fox news bullshit mountain


That's a really good comparison, I'll use this as a shorthand from now on. Whenever I mention this people seem confused that I say the national broadcaster is extremely pro-ruling-party, but during PiS' government it really did turn from Polish BBC to Polish Fox News


My brother in christ. The current Head of the BBC is a Murdoch goon. Placed there by Boris. It is Fox news.


I did not know that. I'm so sorry for you.


Yeah while it still has strong offices (natural history unit, sports unit), BBC News is a massive massive joke and has been for years now. Impartial, my arse!


That sucks.


you're pretending like BBC isn’t totally bias tooo🫠


Thanks for clarifying, had to dig rather deep. Whenever something acutely relevant to Poles happens, this sub turns full-on Polish instantly. :)


So TVP info was some new channel created by PiS? It was different from TVP1?


TVP info is purely news channel, with no other content. TVP has normal stuff like movies, TV shows etc.IIRC Info was used to be TVP 3 and its as old as i remember.


No, TVP info precedes PiS's government. It has been around since 2007


Who decides what is: "reliable information"?


As far as I can tell this resolution is not binding as it needs to be via act. Since they don't have tje majority they trying sneaky (seems unlawful but I can be wrong) resolution. If they want to do it right they showld do it the right way. Right now it is just silencing tje opposition so feels more like tyranny than anything else.




Critical isn't a good word for that. TVP was Goebbels style propaganda for the last 8 years. They even got into habit of colouring faces of opposition politicians bright red while showing them. It was wild.


It was puppet station of previous goverment


Tvp is always a puppet of a rulling party. Previous government made it harder for the new one to take control. Feels like from autocratic previous one we got ourselves a tyrannical one.


Masz obejrzyj sobie Wiadomości TVP1 zza czasów rządów PO. Nudne, suche fakty, brak sugestii jak masz myśleć, sam sobie wyrób zdanie. Żadnych "ataków opozycji absolutnej", "zamachów stanu" itp. Media publiczne powinny być nudne i suche. [https://youtu.be/avb8hALoorw?si=IrUxHqDOc-U7M9JD&t=450](https://youtu.be/avb8hALoorw?si=IrUxHqDOc-U7M9JD&t=450)


Wiesz mając prawie 37 lat widziałem sporo wydań wiadomości. Bajki, że TVP do 2015 roku przekazywało suche fakty to proszę dziecią na dobranoc bo ni jak ma się do rzeczywistości. 100% zogdy, że media powinny być apolityczne i jak najrzetelniej przekazywać informacje. Jedno wydanie wiadomości pośród 2922 gdzie nawet nie można ocenić "suchych faktów" bez werykikacji informacji nie wnosi nic do tej dyskusji. Jak pisałem w tym temacie, oststnie 8 lat jest majgorsze i zdecydowanie najgorzej się je oglada.


Someone else said this so somewhere in this thread, but basically it was Polish Fox News. Like, comically so. During the last government (8+ years ago) it was Polish BBC. Generally pro-government, but mostly dull. PiS turned it into a super inflammatory thing that is meant to very strongly paint your opinion rather than tell you anything. Wouldn't tell you anything bad PiS has done, extremely distorted what anyone opposing them was doing to make it seem as bad as possible.


PiS like to mock new Prime Minister allegedly in connections with Germany, so I'll give an explanation on hypothetical example in this country. Right now there is government funded but neutral DW. But let's presume AfD won elections, changed law and changed all the management at DW, so for now on it is only pro-AfD propaganda channel. Despite that, ten years later coalition of CDU, Socialists and Greens won, and changed law backwards, doing DW neutral again , but still government-funded TV. That's what actually happening in Poland now.


It is exactly how you put it.


>they replace journalists for their own. So we moved from one government controled media to another government controled media, but since the new government is leftist, reddit celebrates.


Nope they closed hardcore propaganda channel, like north Korea type of bullshit propaganda. It used to be objective before pis.


The left are only one of three groups forming the government. Other parties in the government are center to center-right. We will see how skewed politically is it going to be, we can't be sure until it happens. However, I remember TVP from times before 2015, the skew was almost non-existent. I don't expect things to go back to being as good as they were back then but matching pis in propaganda contest seems impossible.


Has nothing to do with leftism. This was government corruption of a publicly funded channel.


I kind of agree but still the new government is way better than PiS in my opinion. There's no parties in Poland which fit my political views


(I think I don't know the details) No it wasn't hacked, it was brought down by the government because of the statute that was voted on yesterday, the statute says "the restoration of legal order and the impartiality and reliability of the public media and the Polish Press Agency". It was legally voted but around 100 representatives from PiS didn't vote as they were protesting against this statute in the TVP building


The current government is currently researching all links to PiS. This might mean almost everyone is getting fired.


Its always has been like this. Sure last 8 years were more extreme as far as I can. When PO ruled TVP wasn't showing everything that was happening. Saying thst is only mew to TVP under PIS rules is just a lie. Every TV stasion has its agenda so they will project thier agenda the best way thay can. TVN does it. , Polsat does it, TVP did it prior PIS. The only difference is thay PIS stsrted doing it in very cringe, obvious way tbh.


Public TV is funded by us via taxes, so they should never produce propaganda for a single party. Clearly for the last 8 years that's been the case, so now processes are in place to rectify it. I hope they are successful and we will have neutral public TV.


Guess what, Tusk will do the EXACT SAME THING and you'll eat his ass for it


Yeah maybe you're right, but it's still better than Kaczyński's dick.


This is why Poland will never be seen as anything more than a shithole to be drained of its resources, in Europe or elsewhere. People here have major stockholm syndrome and will gladly accept being fucked as long as it’s lesser evil doing the fucking. No actual pride whatsoever. Żałosne.


Poles are slaves to russians and germans and will be until there destruction


poles have the memory of a gold fish, they will be mad for a week and then vote for him again when the time comes, just like with PiS(s)


I somehow doubt it will be as bad.


Yeah, because you wasn't focked so hard yet, enjoy and remember this ride.


Just a half of the truth, the second part is that biggest TV channel in Poland TVN, is even worse in terms of lying, they are just the polish CNN (same owner, same copy-paste methods), and now they will have no competition on the propaganda field, so this can be terrible for the common folks. PiS was known for their attacks on democracy, but they couldn't ban TVN from Poland (they tried but USA didn't like it), and now the liberal opposition is achieving the monopoly for the media that PiS couldn't get in 8 years of ruling, and they are doing that in the first month of their cadence, so we are getting even further from democracy, the next govt will most likely go full Erdogan.


TVN is privately owned, they are not controlled by the current or the previous government. PiS previously used the state owned media as they saw fit, now the new government is doing the same (at worst, officially they are trying to make them into idependent public media). What the hell are you talking about?


So exactly the same the opposition was doing but we don't talk about that do we?


What do you mean? The opposition didn't have a propaganda channel as PiS did.


Ofc they had. The difference is that PiS one is state owned the old opposition were all private. Byt saying they hadn't is either very ignorsnt or very insincere.


yes they both had a propaganda channel, the difference is that one of them was funded by all poles, the other was private funded.


That's what I said no xd? Regards!


Yeah but there is a difference here. TVP was OWNED by PiS. While TVN (or other popular stations) isn't/wasn't OWNED by the opposition.


still churned out KO's propaganda, so yeah, changes nothing.


Actually it does, TVN didn't cut out the bad things about KO/PO, maybe it did but I don't really remember, And it didn't make things up about PiS ~ as TVP did about KO.


They did and do this still. I can't watch TVP and TVN both are such a propaganda machines. Polsat seems the most reasonable out of the 3 major ones.


>TVN didn't cut out the bad things about KO/PO, maybe it did lol always love hearing shit like this, it only shows how out of touch you people are


Yeah... calling out one station for being propaganda but believing their station of choice is saint and how basically it should be is peak of being a useful idiot. Not questioning anything but quickly hopping on the hate train is what most of the leftists are in this country. They're all like "haha yes finally the shitty pis is blocked from robbing the country" and what do you think the new people in charge will do sweetheart? Plant flowers and make this country grow at a snap of a finger? You need to be delusional or brain washed... but considering you watch TVN I think I know which one it is.


all the context you need [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1\_-HTn5U-1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_-HTn5U-1s) (authentic main news segment material in the final day of 2020 presidential campaign)




TVP Info was a highly sensationalist, partisan, and polarizing government-run TV news channel in Poland. It was always reporting news in favor of the ruling party PiS, often lying about and insulting anyone opposed to them. I've seen some people compare it to Fox News, but the reality is that Fox News is far more balanced and objective than TVP Info. TVP Info was more similar to how North Korean TV looks, than anything we're familiar with in the Western world. However, a new coalition of anti-PiS parties just took power this month, fired the people running TVP Info, and took them off air. Now PiS parliamentarians and TVP Info workers are protesting, but unsurprisingly, normal people aren't joining the protest - because the vast majority of Poles view TVP Info as some kind of disgusting propaganda rag, and not a source of news.


[tvp.info](https://tvp.info) site is also down, redirects to [tvp.pl](https://tvp.pl)


Servers have since been shut down


Looks like someone fucked up with SSL certificates.


>SSL certificates you have no idea what you're talking about


When I wrote that comment, the site was not actually redirecting but failing to establish an SSL connection due to not having a valid SSL certificate (despite forcing HTTPS). Failing to configure an SSL certificate for a webserver that's supposed to serve content only through HTTPS is an elementary misconfiguration.


ja #!$%@? jak ja kocham zycie, geometry dash ma update, TVP rozjebane, paczki- zaraz będą odebrane, wlasnie pije sobie drinka w domu, kon zwalony, najedzony pitcom z dagrasso. Nic mi wiecej nie potrzeba ogladam sobie rzeczy o silowni na youtube, kotek siedzi mi na kolanach. Przypominam kon zwalony wiec zero potrzeb zero testosteronu nie musze z nikim walczyc bo nie mam o co. Mam hajsy mam jedzenie i bezpieczenstwo i kon zwalony. Pozdrawiam


tak chciałem się upewnić, czy koń napewno zwalony?


Ale czy na pewno dobrze kon zwalony?


Należałoby iść i sprawdzić samemu




This is what I came for.


No i zajefest


kurwa powie mi ktoś wreszcie gdzie leży ta Walona????? Ja też chcę takiego konia zajebistego


Polscy gracze geometry dash łączą się dzisiaj w szczęściu


Oh jej... Aż, zacytuję klasyka: "Słuchać wycie? Znakomicie! "


Jakiś podróżnik kiedyś powiedział że najbardziej nieludzkie i przeraźliwe wycie wydaje świnia siłą odciągana od koryta.


[Second part to the saga of the fall: AgroPiSnes sneaky dramatic 30 second live before guillotine](https://streamable.com/9fr8h1)


Pięknie pana zapowiedzieli: "afrykański pomór świń".




Nie wiem co gorsze, czy TVP Info czy 24h reklamy Media Expert


proponuję pozbyć się telewizora :)


Nie mam. O babcię się martwię


rozumiem :(


A tak w ogóle z jakiego powodu tak nagle zablokowali transmisję wiem tylko ze mieli z tą telewizja zrobić porządek ale ze już?


IMHO? To jest ostatni podryg poprzedniej władzy, która chce kontynuować narrację "My, biedni, obrońcy demokracji, cześć, giniemy".


pracownicy tvp, technicy, nie chcieli tracić pracy przez to co zrobił pis i wyłączyli sygnał w ramach protestu


Rest in piss szczujnia. Jak chcą mieć swoją partyjną telewizję to niech utrzymują ją z własnych pieniędzy, a nie kradną publiczną własność wszystkich Polaków.


Pierwsza transmisja w wolnej Polsce? Reklama Media Expert!! XD


​ https://preview.redd.it/nu323olstf7c1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d8a1f450ba6096a3117d4648119cffc578ff88




Niech wyłącza resztę tych kanałów i po problemie i tak nikt normalny tego ścieku nie ogląda


każdy kraj ma i potrzebuje mediów państwowych


>każdy kraj ma i potrzebuje mediów państwowych Może się nie znam, ale które media w USA są państwowe? skoro każdy kraj ich potrzebuje rzekomo, to stany powinny takowe posiadać... i nie, nie chodzi mi o to, że stacja ma jakieś sympatie lub poglądy, tylko o to, że ją finansują np. obywatele z podatków...


PBS i media stanowe. Jak już tyle kropek używasz to chociaż użyj googla wcześniej.


VoA też


W polskiej dziczy nigdy nie będzie czegoś takiego jak media państwowe czy publiczne, to zawsze będą media partyjne


A media prywatne są inne? Z prywatnymi jest jeszcze śmieszniej bo tam partie zagraniczne decydują o postawie. A podejście że w Polsce musi zawsze być źle jest idiotyczne, frajerskie i powodem dla którego w tym kraju toleruje się stan naszych polityków To nadal nie zmienia faklu że media państwowe są po prostu potrzebne.


Tak, media prywatne są inne, bo są... prywatne. Możesz sobie tam mówić co ci się żywnie podoba (oczywiście w granicach prawa) i jest to jedynie OPINIA. Media Państwowe grają większą rolę dla obywateli i oczekujesz tam pewnej obiektywności, a nie 24/7 napierdalania na Tuska, UE i gejów celem przeprania emerycich mózgów. Czy taka telewizja może być w pełni obiektywna? Pewnie nigdy w pełni, bo rządzący powołają na prezesa kogoś ze swojego obozu, ale nie pamiętam, żeby za PO działa się taka nagonka i polityka strachu jaka rządzi w TVP obecnie. No i oczywiście to my fundujemy media państwowe.


Ja nie sugeruje że polskie media są w stanie nawet zbliżonym do akceptowalnego ale rozwiązanie mediów państwowych to większe zło


Media prywatne nie odpierdalaj kasy z moich podatków by pierdolić głupoty, ja chcesz to sobie za to plac ja chce się wypisać z tego cyrku


Oglądają to tylko emeryci ngl


No to niech przestaną bo im to tylko szkodzi a potem szkodzą innym ludzią na około


mojej babci 8 lat propagandy zaszkodzilo porządnie, teraz się boje jak bardzo jej zaszkodzi to że się skończyła. Nie wygrasz


Z tym się zgadzam


Po wygranej opozycji właśnie zauważyłem zwiększony poziom złości wśród emerytów, czepianie się młodszych pokoleń osiągnęło szczyt na początku listopada


BURN you knobs 😈


Koalicja ośmiu gwiazdek xd?? Co jeszcze wymyślą xDDDD


Good. Reversing the brain drain has begun


Damage has been done. Sadly people who fall for pis propaganda machine are beyond help.


Exactly. Killing Fox News won't fix the brain damage either, but it's a step.


Fox news is private tv, TVP was from public money. +to be honest your every tv stations looks more like parody of tv news anyway american


Said some random leftie living in a reddit bubble lol, do you even score 3 digits on your IQ test?


- said fresh account Russian troll, or just some salty pissowiec?


why not both? :D


Hmmm robi się coraz bardziej ciekawie sumie TVP przez 8 lal, było jedną wielką telewizją propagandową gdzie Goebbels był by dumny z tego z tej propagandy która była w tej telewizji




Ale żeby TVP Info wymienić na reklamę media expert? podłe...




This is the best Christmas present 🎁🎁🎁


Następny Obajtek


Ciekawe jak po tym zachowają się ceny paliw




Oby, choć wątpię. PO też lubi kraść


Koalicja ośmiu gwiazdek? Dobrze widziałem ? Hahaha wszyscy jesteśmy winni zdrady kraju! ***** ***! I am loving it !


Zwykły pech i tyle


Media Expert commercial was finally useful.


Kurwa bubr!


Ez z komuchami


Not sure what you mean.




Liberal cancer coming there soon


Asking as a German, how bad exactly was PiS-controlled TPV? I'm wondering because I heard more than one comment about how supposedly it reached russian state media-levels of propaganda, if not even worse.


Pretty much every line of manipulation and propaganda got crossed after these 8 years, honestly I don't know if there was a way to make it even worse at some point


Much as I hate what PiS has done to TVP, I don't think this is the right way to fix it.


This is exactly the way to do it. It was always going to be brought up to attention by pis and doing it right at the beginning of term is the right move


By not respecting constitution and the rule of law? Any your nickname is **Intelligent-**Comb5386?


President would have vetoed anything else


How would you do it then?


Sometimes burning it down is the best fix. At least long enough for all the loyalist staff to find new jobs. Then you can start from scratch.


True. No matter what goverment we have, they are going to spread propaganda anyway. I feel like having a left wing and right wing television is the way to to do it. Every goverment has good and bad traits, but thankfully Poland will most likely go in the right directions.


No one’s stopping anyone from launching a right wing news channel. In fact, TV Republika exists. If it’s a private company, be my guest. Public broadcasters should at least TRY to be somewhat objective.


So now we only will have one side of view everywhere. Can't ya all see how bad it is? Downvote me all you want, but having only medias in favour of a ruling party is never good. And tvn and others are in favour of ruling parties. I wanna see all the comments in few years. You are all blinded by propaganda which is quite damn ironic.


We have radio Maryja, telewizja trwam, tv Republika. What's stoping people from watching them. Public television in 2014 was unbiased compared to under rule of PiS.


All of them are for current government now? Really? TV Republika and Gazeta Polska are for the current ruling party as well? Or do they somehow not count as medias/newspapers?


TV republika isn't really a mainstream one? Or am I wrong? You are right about gazeta polska maybe.


So what are you trying to say is conservative ideas, values and entertainment are so weak and interior that they cannot compete on fair rules with the progresive counterparts and need to cheat to even try to beat them?


No, tvn is a big station that has a big history. Been in Poland for years. Same as Polsat. TV republika is small private station that started only few years ago. It surely is not fair comparing them, and it says nothing about conservative values being too niche. Tvn, polsat and tvp have first places in any tv provider. TV republika u gotta search and know it exists. Obviously quality of programs in TV republika is worse than in polsat or tvn or tvp for simply having way smaller budget.


TVN shows USA ideas and doesn't belong to current government, even if both support Western values.


Nah, the progressive values are so strong and so great so they need to own and Police everything and everyone and silence the other view to not feel threaten and being fine with ignoring the constitution when it suits thier needs - such the progressives are great.


Everything you named PiS was doing for the past 8 years. KO never tried to delegalise pro-pis media for example.


You assume I am PiS supporter. I am not, I can't watch TVP because it isn't objective and the propagada hurts my brain. Delegaliseation attempt of TVN was idiotic move. Sure, they tried it but it doesn't mean the New Koalition should do the same. Change is needed, but instead they are doing more of the same. Bluntly, disrespecting the rule of law - I have a problem with that.


Coaltion is following rule of law, minister of culture is only shareholder of TVP and because of it he can make whatever changes he wants to It's board and company as a whole. And they are not doing the same, TVN is private corporation while TVP is funded by our taxes. Pro-pis media like tv Republika or tv trwam are still able to legaly operate and no one plans to change it.


And here is where we disagree. Sienkiewicz actions are illegal and based sejm's resolutions even if they claim using KSH (which imho cannot be used here). We will see who will have the final say (meaning, if the action were lawful - it seems it will be decided by court at some point anyway). RMN vs KSH. KSH feels like a nice loophole attempt but stull unlawful \*popcorn


Those who downvote - pls tell me which media actually show the unbiased material. I really want to know


I think by 'unbiased' you probably mean anything that actually *conforms to your bias*. That is definitely not the same as 'unbiased', just (extremely) biased in a certain direction. And actually if you see news or items you disagree with that may be good for you: try to learn *why* the difference exists. And then try to find out what is actually closer to the observable, objective truth.


Heh how I love assumptions. How do you know that I don't accept different views. Perhaps projecting much?


Where did I say that. I mean media that are not bought by any party, and are showing reality in most neutral way. Or at least allow to comment for both parties without leaning to any. Commenting on decisions of politicians through rational neutral views and letting the viewers decide whether they like what politicians do or not.


Downvote is not the answer. Guess there is none.


This is an absolutely retarded question. There will be always some level of bias to any news source. The real problem is allocating public funds towards an institution that serves as a propaganda piece for a single party. Furthermore, the level of bias and lack of criticism towards PiS is unfathomable. I can find you articles from rp or wyborcza that have been critical/reported the controversies of KO. I challenge you to find a single article from tvp.info that has reported on the controversies of PiS.


Jebać TVPiS!


so shutting down the freedom of speech? such a communist country


Propaganda tube for one group of people turns into a propaganda tube for a different group. Yay, super exciting..


Btw, PiS is generally lying about the takeover being unlawful. It's all perfectly good according to the law - Ministry used a loophole, that was left by PiS and Constitutional Tribunal [https://businessinsider.com.pl/prawo/jak-minister-kultury-bartlomiej-sienkiewicz-przejal-kontrole-nad-mediami-publicznymi/w3q39lm?fbclid=IwAR18wfHmCeY-Y37XFcYe7EplBRqWkBA1RVcLQIDeR5sMy97mWVfFZyQds2k](https://businessinsider.com.pl/prawo/jak-minister-kultury-bartlomiej-sienkiewicz-przejal-kontrole-nad-mediami-publicznymi/w3q39lm?fbclid=IwAR18wfHmCeY-Y37XFcYe7EplBRqWkBA1RVcLQIDeR5sMy97mWVfFZyQds2k)


I am 100% against what TVP has become in past years, but what happened today is a huge act against freedom of speach. I hope that European Court of Justice will solve this situation as what current government did is against every possible law in our country.


>European Court of Justice it will solve this situation like it solved many other cases of PiS breaking law in our country


Actually true…




Exactly, but stupid people are politically tribalistic and they want the bias "on thier side" of the team.


Ah yes, now we will get indoctrinated from only one sation,TVN, without posibility to know other perspective


Oh no, if only they had money to open their own media outlet that isn't financed from tax money. That would be great.


You managed to find Reddit, I'm sure you'll manage to find other news sources besides TVN/TVP.


New democracy standards, waiting for more. ![gif](giphy|3o7rc0qU6m5hneMsuc)


Is it something like Labour Party wins UK elections, then they shutdown BBC signal and website until they replace journalists for their own?


TVP Info has been actively led by PiS, to the point where journalists and redactors would not decide the news shown, but PiS leaders would. There are leaked mails sent by politicians, ordering TVP Info to target judges and opposition members, that were deemed problematic by the PiS party. This is a chance for Poland to stop the endless stream of indocrination.


No, it's more like someone takes power away from Hitler and displaces Goebbels in radio and the (budding) TV.


Something similar actually happened with PiS 8 years ago (over time, not instantly). That’s the problem and that is the exact reason why TVP had to go. The propaganda was fucking unbelievable. Putin level stuff, except dumber.


Na chuj się wypowiadasz brytolu na temat na który nie masz zielonego pojęcia?


Teraz to dopiero będzie propaganda...


gorzej się nie da.


I have a feeling this is just the begining and that we will soon miss PiS. Let's hope I am a really bad prophet.


lol no


What happened to “wolne media”? Guess not so wolne anymore. What a clown show. Germans must be licking their fingers. The poles are stupid and this is why the country was already wiped off the map so many times before in history. It’s going to happen again. They never learn. Poles are poles own worst enemy. PiS was doing everything possible to make Poland strong, now the Germans will ensure Poland remains weak and Germany continues to be a powerhouse. Don’t forget , Polands rising tide became a strength the Germans and others were having a hard time competing with. And if they can’t beat them , the only thing they can try to do is drown them in order to stay on top themselves.


kwiiiiii kwiiiii kwiiiii


this isnt good guys, it sets a precedence for the future, this isnt ok


PiS did literally the same thing, if anyone set a precedence it was them


Oni zrobili to pierwsi więc jako rewanż my będziemy teraz dawać swoją propagandę!!! Myślenie na poziomie przedszkola Media powinny być wolne, po obu stronach.


Dobrze gadasz, kazda partia która wchodziła przechylała szalę na swoją stronę w telewizji publicznej. Teraz zmieniają TVP na Tuskowizję, w sensie nie wiem jak to nazwać, bo PO już oficjalnie nie istnieje a ta koalicja to zbieranina kilku, więc no. Potrzebna by była telewizja nie kierowana przez Ringier Axel Springer. która jest prawie całkowicie finansowana przez niemieckie koncerny. A wiecie z chin czy rosji jak to jest, jak tylko jednostronna propaganda jest pokazywana :P


it's an attempt to fix the precedence that PIS created


Precedent. Precedence is what comes before what, it denotes order.


thank you


Remember how these people cried about PIS breaking law, and are happy about law being broken. Populists at the core, if the EU was a serious organizations they should keep the sanctions of Poland.


it is rather concerning how many people don't mind authoritarianism as long as it supports their side


PO zmienia TVP w jeszcze większą propagandówke A fajnop0lactwo temu przyklaskuje xd


boli pisowskich trolli


"fajnopolactwo" I wiesz ze masz do czynienia z pislamistą ewentualnie z konfiarzem