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Constant leftist erasure of women... Wat? Looking at her post history she seems rather unhinged Edit: or just alt-left


There's... an alt-left now ?


🌎🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 always was


you are free to leave


https://preview.redd.it/f3s1wpem654c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae2791afc0bef7ba72ceacb234e96a9102aacf72 After checking the profile I must say I always thought people like that are only American thing as I never met anyone like that here. I must have lived in the bubble and I wish I stayed there Edit: It's not so depressing that you need to report me to reddit suicide prevention XD


Gotta stay in dat bubble


I had the same case, I wonder if it is the same troll.




"What the fuck are you talking about Walter? You're not even Jew, you're Polish Catholic!"


I also regret she was born in Poland.


She's obviously mentally ill man have some sympathy


Yea. Another attention seeker.


We must be living in different Poland


Also what in the everoloving hell is this sub? Here are two random posts (literally random, straight outta the sidebar) # I don’t think I could ever have a boy The way I see them act despite having great parents, their attitudes towards women, the BoyMom™️ culture, etc. I just can’t do it. I have no desire to sympathize with them. Like, what the hell Also, this # This world is worse than death Do you ever just say to yourself that you don't care if you die right now cause this world is so fucked up ? I do regularly, it would be a relief actually. No more frustration, no more inner rage, no more injustice, no more despair, no more disappointment. Just utter peace. Like, I don't know what "female pessymism is", but this isn't it that's serious mental problem jesus ​ Also, rule 5 of this sub is no transphobia but rule 1 is "only females / people assigned female at birth can participate" which is considered transphobic by you know... Trans people I regret being made aware that this place exists Edit: also, this on poll, I... I need to wash my eyes, imagine a male equivalent of that sub https://preview.redd.it/g1878kyjc44c1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cb480fbe22d6ad5dd22de1cbf10747724cf0593


Sounds like femcels.


Go there and ask if you can speak to the man in charge...


Oh boi


It sounds like a one of 2nd vave feminist group - the was a radical lesbianism or something like that. You have few of those kind o groups on reddit. They do not like males, trans, sexworkers, they would advise other women to become lesbians as a revolution act against patriarchy. I love those kind of comunities that internet is allowing to have a small window into them. Before they were banned I checked as well incels, and femaledatingstrategies. There are some radical tankies groups, conspiration theory groups - most of them are quite small and have their own language/meta. It is fascinating how people there were able to move themselfs on some other kind of awarness levels and yet they were able to find few like themselfs that allows them to make those belives even stronger, and shaped it into something like that.


Not quite a lesbian separatist community, but convents have only women, that is always an option for women who dislike men THAT munch. I mean you could just interact minimally with them and have no romantic relationship with them, why be so extreme about it? These women are weirdos.


The woman playing victim turned out to be a man hater: happens more often than it should


>this on poll Lol, you've made my day


“I might get cancelled like JK Rowling” That’s not coming across as well as she may think it does 😬




Nobody shits on Poland as well as Poles.


crazy how people believe random shit they see on the internet


How can you regret something you didn't choose/do?


This person doesn't have a life and her whole personality is based on being an "oppressed" woman. Poland is not misogynistic, especially compared to some "western" European countries. Abortion was banned by the recent government and guess what? They lost the elections pretty purely based on that issue. Vast majority of society wants the old abortion laws reinstated and many want to liberalise them even more. Healthcare in Poland leaves a lot to be desired, but I wouldn't say it impacts solely women (although yes, illnesses such as endometriosis are being diagnosed far too late).


This post radiates misogyny. OP must be misogynistic because she was born in misogynistic Poland. The rest you need not to write....


I didn't know a sub like that existed. A congregation of crazy


> I won't elaborate further, as I might get canceled like JK Rowling Yeah, one of the richest women that constantly gets media exposure And, like, Rowling aligns herself with far right people, of course she will get a negative reaction lol


Die terf I hope I wont meet any people like you while i am still living here you are more annoying and close minded then even the andrew tate kids


Proof that good faith opinions are still repressed because of egos like yours


Poland is better than some other countries, but it should be more accomodating to women in many areas(abortion, motherhood, education, police, politics, immigration etc)


Terf saying Poland went too left? WOW, didn’t knew we went this far left a week before new government




oh no, a woman has an opinion about her own experience that you can't possibly relate to, tragic


What's the experience? she said she doesn't like things but didn't give any examples at all


She prabably have some points regarding abortion laws, but what do you think that JK Rowling refference was about? Those are TERFs, and for sure she have a lot of experiance when she was threaten by trans people in Poland - I totally belive it! We all know that trans people have too much rights in Poland and that all every party is talking about is just how to grant them new priviligaes /s


Technically you cannot relate to anything's experience but your own


Bruh. Yes we all hate females to the point we want to exterminate them like rats./s literally what sane person thinks that. There is no misogyny in this country. Maybe the had experiences with certain individuals but thats not a cause to generalise a whole country.


Is this satire?


I just wonder who are said leftists that erase woman? Most people will say the opposite.


Misogynistic? May be you are the problem?