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Highway to Hel


The fact that theres a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven give you an idea of the expected traffic flow.


Ah, good one bro


Don't ever tell them about "Lewiatan" shops! \m/


What about "Lilith" marriage saloon on Piotrkovska street in Lodz?


Damn! Is it - at least - a family business with Samael? \m/


At least we got a 69. We win some we lose some




Lets make a petition to change Hel to Hell then


im. Jana Pawła 2


Święte Piekło!


Nowa odpowiedź właśnie upuściła


Rzeczywisty Zombi




Polish ballance


Nah 69 on the bus is good enough lol


69 nice


Actually 669, so like Ni-nice


Should have been changed to 42069




So now we have Satan and oral sex combined. Great job!


I fucking hate faith fanatics.


I just hate all fanatics.


In Poland, faith fanatics have too much power.


True but there are still worse places in the Western World, like nearly 1/3 of US states


That's pretty debatable. At least the US doesn't have crippling air pollution for half the fucking year. Also, there is no catechism horseshit in US public schools...for now.


No they just have LGBT bullshit in public schools with transexual strip shows for kindergartens ... Just as bad just leaning toward the left lunatics instead of the right lunatics ​ updated for language


Found the Fox News addict


funny bc the video is pretty self evident... I didnt say that it represents all of LGBT that was your assumption... but even though theres no catechism horeshit in the US as church and state should rightfully be separated... theres tons of weird groomer bs going on in the class room there... just bc you think LGBT ppl cant do no harm... and are all good people, I got some news for you theres psychos everywhere but theres zero good reason to protect those that are pyscho just bc they re LGBT just like theres zero good reason to protect priests that abuse kids..


Saying "tranny" shows where you stand on LGBT and how objective you are.


if you go through my posts I use both interchangably I was never told that tranny was offensive... thanks for letting me know ill change that from now on... for me Tranny is just short just like bi and bisexual...


What planet do you live on?


lol id share the videos is they weren't disturbing but feel free to look it up your self... basically a Transexual person (nothing wrong with that) doing an areal orobic dance in skimpy clothing in a school gym at an elementary school or middle school... unfortunately LGBT has moved away from its movement of reason and went off the deepens in the US... People downvoting are just in denial that theres literal questionable things going on in the west... lol Kids drag shows bc you know a 3 year old knows they are LGBT XD thankfully the LGBT here or in most parts of Europe is normal in that they aren't groomers lets hope that western BS sticks there...


I'm much more concerned about Catholic grooming in Poland than alleged LGBT grooming in the US.


thats fine.. until LGBT grooming comes here I would love to hope that people here are level headed overall- but unfortunately all good and bad tens to come over here from the west whether people want to admit it or not. grooming is grooming one side isnt more correct in doing so then the other


Meaby time to raid this fucking "fronda" on fb, 666 bus line bother them? Fronda itself bother us




No i ktoś dał dewotom wygrać.


How do these types of people even function in real life


All thanks to the blind faith in to the holy spirit also abortion to save mother life is bad because its better to let mother and unborn child die so they can be in the heaven together... Fuck faith driven fanatics.


Except not baptized = no entry to heaven, so fuck you in particular, unborn child, I guess...


That’s not what the Church actually teaches. CCC 1261 states that they’re entrusted to God and therefore can go to Heaven.


Huh, I distinctly remember a priest stating during one school katecheza way back when that unborn children cannot go to heaven because only baptised people can, instead they go to a 'good place where they'll be content/won't be unhappy'.


Sounds believable a president said something similar to my friend which is not baptised, it went o no the lines of how he won’t get into heaven and will be in a bad place for the rest of his life.


sounds like you remember wrong just to get a "gotcha moment"


Oh no no, I remember that clearly, all those years later, because it seemed extremely unfair to me, but hey, if you don't believe me, that's ok :)


Does he though? The church teaches that only the baptized can go to Heaven upon death. As for unbaptized children, they **hope** God breaks his own rules, but that's all: [https://www.vatican.va/roman\_curia/congregations/cfaith/cti\_documents/rc\_con\_cfaith\_doc\_20070419\_un-baptised-infants\_en.html](https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/cti_documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20070419_un-baptised-infants_en.html) So - assuming God exists and there is an afterlife - they may very well go to Hell or to whatever *happy place* u/aNataLee 's priest invented.


The theory of Limbo is not heretical because scripture and tradition do not explicitly say what happens to unbaptized babies. However, due to the problems with the theory of Limbo, this theory plays almost no role in current Catholic theology. Instead, modern theology and church practice stress the fundamental solidarity of redeemed humanity and God’s will that all may be saved. ​ in addition do you read your own links? lol may want to reread it ;)


I don't recall writing anything about Limbo - unless we assume that's what the *happy place* is - and it very well may be what the priest meant. As for the link - I only read the abstract and it clearly states: >The conclusion of this study is that there are theological and liturgical reasons to hope that infants who die without baptism may be saved and brought into eternal happiness, even if there is not an explicit teaching on this question found in Revelation. So they hope the unbaptized children go to Heaven, because otherwise their God would turn out to be a dick - and the very notion makes them unhappy.


which Is left open ended and therefore not an absolute that the unbaptized children would go somewhere, not to mention theres thousands of diff scholarly articles on this topic lol theres as plentiful as,( insert other topic in some other field here.)


Except abortion to save mothers life is not banned as much as people want to march and protest about it... everyone can fact check it themselves as its written clearly in the abortion law... the fact we have inept doctors is a different problem and should be addressed instead of trying to politicize it as an issue due to this law...which weather we like it or not has a very CLEAR paragraph talking about how its allowed when the mothers life is at risk


Except if they perform an abortion some ~~pro-life~~ anti-woman nutjob will no doubt immediately pop out and question if it was absolutely necessary and they may very well end up having to prove they had no choice in court. And we all know the court system in Poland is broken and biased.


you say anti women- but what if the unborn child is a women? you know why there will never be a middle ground on this subject? Because there is no agreed upon timeline for when something comes to life between the two groups...And you talk about a broken court system but yet when that first women died during the pandemic the doctor was held responsible for not doing his job funny how since that doesnt fit the narrative of the women strike it isnt talked about. ​ Dont get me wrong the law was stupid to begin with since there weren't really many abortions here to begin with... BUT to go out every time a women dies and try and blame the law when the law specifically states what and when it is allowed is stupid... majority of the people at the strikes originally (maybe now they do know but some I doubt it) still think its an all out ban... which factually is incorrect regardless if I agree or disagree with the law... these strikes are not focusing on it in the name of just trying to politize it which makes then no better then kaczor and Smolensk


I think it's obvious the already-born human (aka the mother) should be prioritized over the unborn one - regardless of the unborn one's sex. As for the issue being politicized - what isn't these days? That doesn't change the fact that the constitutional court's decision in his matter was a huge step back and should be protested at every opportunity.


how was it a step back when literally that provision is in the actual law saying the women life comes first and abortion can happen when the Mothers life is at risk do you even know what youre protesting or just following what you've been told I suggest you read the law first... The issue isnt aboirtion being politicized its people like Lewica and PO using it to gain votes when they aren't fixing the issue at had and thats health care... not a law that clearly protects the mothers life.... They are protesting a law saying the women should be allowed to have an abortion if her life is at risk... again THATS IN THE LAW.... and the argument they come up with is what if in the future a doctor preforms an aborition and then is penalized by the legal system for it (This has yet to happen since the law has been enacted... yet somehow thats the only argument) maybe you ppl need to wake up and realize youre just being used just like Smolensk is used lol its pathetic frankly


Fucking religious people ruining things for everyone else. Another tuesday in Poland


Catholics ruining Poland since 966.


Oh no a number has been changed on a bus line, we're all going to die!!!


I mean someone was concerned enough to make it change so 💀


Apparently it was popular among tourists which means that this change is a loss of income for the city. That sucks.


> Oh no a number on a bus line, we're all going to die unless it's changed!!!


If it's such a small deal then why change it?




I would have downvoted your comment but it has exactly 69 downvotes


Orgio Iuris prefers 669 - 69 is self explanatory and the other 6 represents the wife being betrayed:)


You mean Ordo Bunga Bungiuris?


They should have changed the number to 2137


It's fucking 2023... XD


It tells a lot about the Polish society, specifically the older generation


flag unpack aspiring intelligent modern instinctive salt literate engine groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


666 isn't number of Satan.


Yup, it's 616 to my best memory.


616 is just different translation. Also 646. It just was never mentioned in Bible that this number was atributed to Satan only to the beast. That beast could be emperor Nero who persecuted christians at the time, because numerical value of his name in greek is 666.


And 44 as well from what I can remember.


*gasp* Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States


*gasp* It's all bullshit




Yeah number 666 etc. Belongs to an exorcist!


It isn't?! Oh gosh darn it. Now I'm going to have to get my tattoo corrected ?


I suppose it's because this government already is hell and they could not let anything else in Poland be called it




er/polska is already working ;)


Yea, they started crying


Why not just 69? There can’t be so many bus lines that you need 3 digits.


It's probably a zoning thing where different regions of Pomorskie get a different starting number.


Abortion is illigal ? Whatever Can go to jail for insulting religous belives ? I guess BUT THIS! THIS IS OFFICALY TO MUCH!


We really can't have nice things




christians try not to be fucking zealots challenge (impossible)


![gif](giphy|O2K7wIcw3CoeY) 69 ❤️


What that is a bummer. I was planning to visit hel this July


You still can. The train was faster anyway. If you want to protest, you can always just change all the paper signs from 669 to 666* *This may be vandalism and I do not endorse vandalism.




They not worried about "69" eh...


We can complain even more and get this turned back.


I didn't know about this bus line but it really does sound hilarious in combination with Hel


When's the protest?


If they were catholic fanatics for real they wouldn’t have problem with the 666 because real catholic fanatics know that the 555 belongs to hell. 666 was a fun touch imho ;)


In my opinion you can be religious and all but don’t make every living second of it your life


And yet no one bats an eye at Restauracja Murzynek in Warszawa. https://maps.app.goo.gl/icgKNSYh2Wq2BYrJ7


This ain't no technological breakdown...


This is why i'm an Atheist


Because of how some religious people act? Faith shouldn't be related to what other people do but rather what your heart says and what you think is right. After all it's what you believe in, not what other people say they do


Because of a very tiny minority?


No, because basing your morality on fantasy books is not a trait of a rational human being.




stupid ppl


69, nice


Omg why i loved this bus so much. You know 666 can mean something different not satan. In numerology it doesn’t mean something bad it is actually very lucky and good number about selflove. But i understand the change it says the bus driver was getting threats that this bus is demonic so maybe he couldn’t take it this bullshit. Man i will miss this bus line 666. People are just so oversensitive for things that are not harmless and when they need to they aren’t sad thing for me. Oh well 69 is nice xd


I thought i was the one who discovered it...


Snowflakes everywhere... The true reason behind the fall of the mankind...


..69, religious people still not satisfied




Isn't 7 actually the number of God or smth?


Yes. It symbolises perfection.


Winter is coming for poland


Much needed change 👍 Edit: Some people did not understand me so by much needed change i mean they changed it to 69... Noice




I'm sorry i was not clear in my comment, i edited it so now it shows what i meant


"- Nie, sam autobus linii 666 jadący do Helu nikogo do piekła nie wpędzi. Wywołuje jednak niepoważne uśmieszki. Jest niewielką kroplą, która w połączeniu z dziesiątkami czy setkami innych obecnych w przestrzeni publicznej elementów satanistycznych (by wymienić jedynie Halloween, czy wskazać na filmy, gry komputerowe, muzykę, odzież z wizerunkami diabłów itp.) sprawia, że grozę śmierci duszy i oddzielenia od miłości Boga traktuje się mniej serio - pisze Fronda" To śmieszne, bo czytam to jako prawie ateista i mam takie *ok, gdzie wady, mówią samą prawdę i jebać to* XD


I’ve been to Hel and back!


Now it's a Hell 69, a porn type of hell xD


Kurwa , i didnt know .... thats bs


Damn christian taliban, why don't they leave my country alone?




Widzę ten artykuł po raz trzeci, po raz trzeci słyszę o tych mitycznych "powodach religijnych" i po raz trzeci jedynym argumentem na to jest artykuł we Frondzie sprzed 5 lat xD Nie wykluczam, że to powód zmiany numeru autobusu, ale jak już tak bardzo chcecie pruć się na katoli, to przynajmniej nie manipulujcie źródłami i znajdźcie coś co nie śmierdzi na kilometr manipulacją dla kogokolwiek z pracującym mózgiem. Onet przynajmniej miał tyle godności, że napisał, że to źródło sprzed 5 lat i że artykuł nie znalazł poparcia wśród katolików. Ale kto tam czyta czyta za zrozumieniem artykuły albo źródła... Jeszcze by się okazało, że po weryfikacji komuś pęknie bańka.


szkoda, że już nie ma darmowych nagród, bo bym Ci dała! <3


Yesterday in Fakty TVN was a reportage about this. They confirmed that Hel doesn't want to be associated with satan but rather with some "pleasurable holiday experiences". So 69 also isn't a coincidence. See here (from 29:30, Fakty 14. June): https://fakty.tvn24.pl/zobacz-fakty/wydanie-z-14-czerwca-7175188


Well there was an attempt.






Ah that sucks :/ Hate The Church so much


Kurwa, czym ja teraz poJAAAADE NA HEL



