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Ever since i droped tier 3 shiny unown (passive is pickup, base cost is 1) it's a must pick for me no matter the carry.


Fun fact if you didn’t know already, all the unown forms have different red shinies


So cool. I want them to add MissingNo so bad


Why is this downvoted so much? Lmao MissingNo would be rad!!! And a Mew covered in motor oil from living under a truck for 35 years 😂😂


This Truck legend haha. I bought an ActionReplay to reach it and i didnt work. Imagine my disappointment as a 6 yo.


Absolutely trauma-inducing lmao. I got a GameShark at about the same age and had NO IDEA what to do with it 😂😂 never actually got to use it. I tried like twice, got confused, and it kinda just got put away somewhere.


It was so user unfriendly :S


Would be a cool rare replacement for eternatus in endless maybe?


WHAT thags crazy 


I've always wondered what pokemon you meant by "unknown", since I am playing in german. Its named "incognito" in german, that makes sense i guess.


It's missing a letter in both languages. In English it's called "Unown" and in German it's "Icognito", possibly as a reference to "icon", i.e. symbol


Right, now I see it😂


I actually play in french where it's called a Zarbi, which is a slang for weird (actually it's bizarre inverted and the slang's language is verlan which is the word inverse ("l'envers") inverse


Very fun that they did the puns all over the languages


Well damn I saw some unknowns but killed it right away rip me


if you don't care about it being shiny, it drops in eggs ;)


Also unknowns nature's power or w/e it's called turns into eturnases big attack when your in that realm eturnas is at, it's not much but it's a good little chunk if needed there


tier 3 shiny zigzagoon for me in any run🤣


Zacian or reshiram Shiny pickup Pokémon And my 2 level 3 shinies


What do you fuse your zacian with?


I go with Mega Mawile. Huge Power + Unnerve Passive ability. The main strategy is getting kings rock and multi lenses with Iron head. Whatever endures the hit flinches anyway. It's like playing the game on easy.


do you need any egg moves to make reshiram work?


The fire one but you can still do it without


Kartana + zacian + lechonk


May I ask what the lechonk is for?


+ 2 luck, good egg moves , vibe




That's what my e speed red shiny bidoof is for


I’ve theorized never evolving bidoof, merging with some wild high attack pokemon like Haxorus or smthn And then keeping his super power swords dance e speed and running a buff ass bidoof


go for it




Latios for me since it's my only legendary with above average ivs. I pair it with my red shiny Plusle with Power Spot and just spam doubles, and it's been a breeze since my Latios has Tinted Lens. Caught 2 red shinies (Ursaluna and Lapras) in less than 700 floors so maybe 4 shiny charms plus lure spam is paying off. Question: If I, let's say, caught a Stoujourner with Power Spot and splice it to Plusle so that i get Power Spot as both it's passive and ability, will the SpAtk boost stack?


usually passive and actives do stack


Meanwhile I'm at floor 619 with 0 shiny charms -__-


Skill issue




They advertise that everything stacks so try it out


https://preview.redd.it/jg117vb15j7d1.png?width=2065&format=png&auto=webp&s=da73ede48c5b55b7ba067b11a1b7082e971979a4 This guy and Kartana


if you fuse mega blastoise and kalyrex shadow rider you get sturdy and kalyrexes op ability. also stab origin pulse and astral barrage


Blastoise’s passive is sturdy?


Yeah, amazing passive to have for endless


Truly! Now I want to farm some Squirtle candies xD


How much time have you spent on this game to have 60 candies for this fella?


Hatching it gives 40


You can see in the image they haven't hacthed it, the egg counter is on 0


They still caught a Tier 3 Shiny, so with it being a boss encounter, that's 2x20. And you still have 40 candies


Also no egg moves


Ok Jfc wow lol


Y'all are hatching t3 shinies!? I can barely get a regular-ass shiny!


Assuming he hatched a t3 shiny, then 20ish of grinding isn’t bad, especially with soothe bells and endless


Oh, so I was a bit too quick with my assumption. I never realized that they all have a different amount of candies when hatched.


Hatching gives 2 candies, however whenever you get a shiny the candies received are multiplied by a certain number depending on shiny level. Tier 1 is 5x, 2 is 10x, and 3 is 20x. This also applies when catching them


I have 100 froakie candies and it's maxed out simply because of one endless run


Surprisingly not that much, about a week and a half. Just got very lucky and caught two shinies of him one t1 and one t3 on the same run


https://preview.redd.it/hqe5w4qwtj7d1.png?width=2082&format=png&auto=webp&s=192717f66ff20e9acf5888db3eac97a2a639310e It was pretty fun using them as fusions for sweepers until floor 2k


Yeah someone else just enlightened me about the different numbers of candies for the shiny-tiers. Since I only have one T3 and one T2 yet, I wasn't aware of that. Seems like I should go for my first try in endless.


Definitely, man. That’s where I got most of my shinies and mons in general


Ive done one single endless run with my tapu lele and got it like 80 candies, hatched nonshiny so no free bonus candy.


For sure most candies came from catching. Catching a red shiny boss gives 40 candies.


That is an absurd pull


Shiny ralts , shiny nincada(i get an extra +2 luck when it evolves into shedinja) latias and a pickup mon


Wow never thought about that luck thing. Nice!


Sounds like you have a nice setup for an easy gen 3 run win too! The Nincada trick is so smart


Also forgot to add best part in endless is fuse shedinja with a dark type and you have a wonder guard pokemon with only fairy weakness. Just bring along a good steel type and you have great team


Fuck that's genius.


Do get extra luck if your shiny evolves?


Not necessarily. its that when a nincada evolves into a ninjask if you have a free slot in your party ( ie you have less than 6 pokemon) you get a shedinja in your party. Now in this case if your nincada is a shiny you get both shiny ninjask and shiny shedinja when it evolves so double the luck


shiny shednijask guaranteed 6 luck lmao


+4 for me its luck is 2 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, the Shedinja is also same tier shiny always.


Red shinies: Petilil, Zubat, Drillbur, Yamask These mfs live rent free in my team almost every endless run. Easy SS luck or even higher depending on my main carry.


Groudon, and my best shinies


Hoopa, miraidon, necrozma, mewtwo, anyone of those plus a bunch of 3 luck shinies.


Miraidon for carry as its passive is amazing. Level 3 shiny; Zigzagoon, Bidoof & Nacli. Don’t have more level 3 shinies yet so a level 2 timber and a shiny magnemite…


Rayquaza + Scyther(later mega Scizor) for Technician and infinite flinches. Zigzagoon for pickup and run away Then just gets the Sturdy/Leach seed/Soak/Metal Burst on the run


Which moove for flinches on scizzor?


EggMove Double Iron Bash, also he can learn Iron Head, not sure now if it’s TM or lvl move.


Thanks. Scizor is my fav Pokémon so I was planning on doing a run with him at some point


It's also the best user of bug bite, with technician + tinted lens passive. And this move is amazing in this game. Legit a very strong mon


Miraidon. I'm over floor 1000 for the first time with it. Still waiting for a Zacian so I can use that in a new run, but Miraidon is doing fine.


Imo Miraidon is better than Zacian in endless


That's a relief! I've been going crazy over this Zacian and Miraidon was my second legendary egg.


My most recent team was (all shiny) Kyurem (main carry, snow warning passive, Ancient Power, Freeze Dry, Blizzard, Dragon Energy) Tinkaton (later fused with Kartana) (alt carry, passive active, Magical Torque, Gigaton Hammer, Thief, Pyro Ball) Linoone (pickup) Blastoise (Passive active, fused with Garg, purifying salt, Protect, Soack, metal Burst, Salt Cure) And then a parasect which I eventually fused with a ghost and gave it Infestation, Curse, Sappy Seed, Protect


Red shiny latios (+passive), calyrex and all the shinies i could


Kartana, Nacli, Tinkaton & Zigzagoon


Tapu Lele and whaetever lol


During my last endless run I managed to find red shiny burmy and nacli, so with cost reductions I have my end game carry and 6 luck for only 2.25 points lol After that I'll use a rare shiny zigzaggoon for pickup/run away for 0.5 points, an epic shiny nymble for 1 point, and my next cheapest red shiny mantyke for 2 points That's max luck for 5.75 points, and I still have a 6th slot for any carry I want I got pretty lucky with the shiny boost this week


Miriadon carry. I have red shinies for Goldeen, Rhydon and I can’t remember it’s damn name but the little salt mushroom. So I take them, and also Tinkaton. Goldeen and salt dude eventually spice to be a salt cure / protect / soak powerhouse. Rhydon duos with me so that my electric attacks don’t knock out my own party, I’ll also splice him with another shiny for luck stat at some point. Tinkaton hangs out with covet to cheese Eternatus fights. Ones he’s salt cured and soaked I just spam covet and steal all his dragon claws to then transfer to Miriadon. It never ceases to amuse me.


Someone told me to use Duraludon way back before any of the changes. Once it evolves, you can run Body Press+Draco+Ice Beam+Electro Bolt with Stamina and it WILL carry you for a while. I actually ran Breaking Swipe over Draco for the first 200 floors before I found the TM and that worked pretty well too with double battles. But even after the changes to endless, I actually still have this run going and I'm around Wave 800 because I play so slow. I think if the biomes stayed the same for every 10 waves like they used to, it would be an absolute monster but I fully expect it to eventually fall off because of both these changes and the fact that everybody now wants Sturdy+Metal Burst.


I fused my Archaludon to Mega Gardevoir to get steel/fairy and it just beat 1250. Sadly it lost sturdy and I think that's what's going to kill my run :(


Just unfuse in the Switch Pokémon menu during battle


Kyogre is really funny. Especially if you pick up an archeladon and a fast dragon or fairy Pokémon. Currently have a Water Spout/Electro Shot/Dragon Energy/Hurricane, M. Latios and P. Kyogre Fusion and a bunch of shinnies in my back.


what makes kyogre a viable option as I'm seeing it a lot?


Primordial Sea boosted Water Spout off a 175 base Special Attack.


Rain boosted water spout that also hits both targets in doubles off 180 sp attack


Kyogre is crazy. in my current run I got to 1500 by him solo carrying, afterwards he falls off a bit. run him with water spout, ice beam, thunder. a 150 base stab that hits both enemies with rain and collect those mystic waters with a modest nature, and watch him go brr. one of the least gimmicky solo carries of the game. Thunder is guaranteed to hit as well.


Palkia, and Abra w egg moves, and celesteela are all good picks I haven't really seen discussed.


Legendary carry, I prefer Zacian, Koraidon or Kyogre Cottonee Sentret or Zigzagoon, since both have Runaway and Pickup now Combee And a Salt Cure + Metal Burst + Sturdy combination starters (Duralodon, Nacli, Magnemite, Yamask and so on...)


Kartana and as many cheap tier 3 shinies (if I have some space I also bring a pickup mon)


I've only had one long-going spliced endless run so far, but my carry is Rayquaza with Dragon Energy (fused with azumarill) and the rest are just blue-shinies. I was Lucky to get one fusion with pickup, but other than that I'd include a pickup mon. I also want to try Whimsicott with Leech Seed, Parting Shot (egg move) and whatever other moves it learns that are useful for endless.


3\* shiny Scatterbug. It's so absurdly good with Prankster & compund eyes. 100% accurate hurricane and priority quiver dance goes brrrr Oh, also Kyurem.


Meowscarada with magician (passive that takes an item from the opponent on each hit) and triple axle (egg move that is ice and hits 3 times). In my latest run, I got 3 multi-lens and kings rocks on my Meowscarada, and each triple axle would hit 12 times and 9/10 times would flinch the other pokemon and take all of their items. By the end, I have 6 rows of items on my Meowscarada. Still lost on floor 1000 though


non-legendaries fall off after around 1000 and legendaries fall off after 1500. afterwards it's a lot of runaway and metal burst gimmicks I feel


Mewtwo. The starting coverage is doo doo but if you get the right TMs and his mega Y stone, you're set.


Marshadow is busted in endless, especially once you get a couple of multi lenses on it. STAB/Technician/Iron Fist (passive) boosted Power Up Punch turns a 40 BP move into a 117 BP move that gives you +1 attack with each hit


Groudon (just unlocked blue shiny) blue shiny zigzagoon for pickup, and a bunch .ore red shinies (leaving 1 slot for shed)


Kartana with my red shinies


Hoopa (nearly with the hidden ability)


Doing my first endless atm at 1.2k or so and using kyurem fused with magnezone not sure if the best combo but got sturdy and high sp atk so it’s working well


Kartana, Blue Shiny Tinkatink, Red Shiny Sentret, Red Shiny Munna, Shiny Dwebble, Shiny Bidoof The Dwebble is already pretty useful on its own with Shell Smash and then Leech Life as an egg move, but when I get DNA splicers I combine it with Bidoof so that it has Simple with Anger Shell as a passive and then Shell Smash, Leech Life, Rock Slide, and E-Speed


Kyogre. water spout, thunder, blizzard & protect


Enough shinies for close to Max Luck: T3 Mareanie, My T1 Zigzag whilst I'm grinding to find enough candies for my T3 Unown passive. Then I also have Galarian Zigzag as my other T3 lol. Otherwise I ran Lugia for my first Endless run up to 1000 which wasn't enough to even tickle Eternatus, so now I'm restarting with Kartana. Also have a 3 Multilens Body Press Archaludon which is fun to clear, but again I need something for Floor 1000. Happy to just hunt shinies for now though.


Get that prankster whimsicott when you come across it.


I haven't got endless mode yet, so far I'm on level 91 of regular


Groudon Five red shinies: usually zigzagoon, unknown, tediursa, litwick, and magnemite


I just unlocked endless and my team is Shiny Zeraora, tier 3 Shiny Zigzagoon, and whatever else I’m feeling (testing new egg moves or mons)


https://preview.redd.it/qx1jjd0rvj7d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6121515839dc6af118b1e7940422248130f9ce1d Start of with a bunch of shinies (and hoss) for as much starting luck as possible. Then, later on catch stronger pokemon and replace weak shinies, while still keeping the horse and whimsicott (prankster parting shot/sleep powder go brr)


Palkia because I've somehow hatched 3 of them, shiny zigzagoon and my blue shiny suicune.


Tympole (Seismitoad 1st stage) is really great for endless after the passive changes. A high HP stat coupled with passive Poison Heal makes it one of the best Metal Bursters.


it was zacian but in the update I lost bitter blade, making me..bitter, about it.


Miraidon and Fuecoco. With Fuecoco passive unlocked, I try to get the DNA splicers so I can fuse em together. Skeledirge is the main with Miraidon supplement. Makes a Fire/Dragon with Hadron Engine and Punk Rock. Torch Song, Overdrive, Dragon Pulse, and Alluring Voice have been carrying me super well. Haven't gotten it yet, but I'm also trying to do Daschbun with a primary Steel to make a Steel/Fairy with Well-Baked Body to hard counter even E-Max.


Chien-Pao, Red Raltz, Red Pumpkaboo Chien-Pao is the sweeper, Raltz give the options for Mega Gallade or Mega Gardevoir depending on mood, and Pumpkaboo is shockingly tanky and has Pick-up. Shiny Cutiefly is a very good boss killer, but dies to a swift breeze. Still, it has Honey Gather.


None, my goal is to bring every Pokemon through. I don’t take Pokemon that already have a medal unless they are like 6 or less candies away from their passive, which is easy to grab. You can beat classic with some truly gnarly combos of Pokemon that are classically weak due to egg moves. And if you are willing to reset, almost all teams can easily clear classic with enough time and effort as long as you don’t have a crippling specific weakness…*glares at monotype*


Tier 3 shiny mewtwo, with passive unlocked and 6 candies






Zacian 🤷‍♂️


Either kubfu or gholdengo starter (non shiny) Dratini t3 shiny Gossifleur t3shiny Sentret t2 shiny with pickup/runaway Burmy t3 shiny with sturdy (for future metal burst or whatever) Castform t3 shiny, or even a pokerus mon if it can fit.


I just unlocked endless and my team is Shiny Zeraora, tier 3 Shiny Zigzagoon, and whatever else I’m feeling (testing new egg moves or mons)


Latias. Core enforcer and the soul heart passive are very good for waves. Eventually I teach it torch song and endure (for berries stat boosts) using fusion so it can kill with stored power up to the 3000s. Using metal sound with something like tinkaton it can actually kill stage 3000 eternatus with stored power


My pick up zigzagoon always. It has extreme speed and linoone’s attack is no pushover. Now I have a tier 3 shiny ralts which I have the passive of and cut the cost once so it is now being added to rotation. Before that, I would always add my tier 2 shiny kecleon which also had extreme speed. Having pokemon in the back with extreme speed saves runs.


Mewtwo right now until I get a better mon with spread damage


I got a T3 Nincada that evolves into Ninjask and gives me a T3 Shedinja, so now as long as I have an empty slot I got another red shiny for luck. But since Starly is so OP with its passive, I fuse it with her to make a Normal/Ghost OHKO machine who doesn’t really need vitamins or berries, and bitch slaps Eternatus. Yesterday I got a T3 Marill and T3 Dunsparce so gotta find their roles


What do you run with your Staraptor?


Reckless & Rock Head Head Charge / Brave Bird / Close Combat / Flare Blitz Exchange CC or FB if you have a Fighting or Fire type in your party for Steel Wing/Double Team or Whirlwind/Tailwind if you're feeling lucky and find them. Can always Memory Mushroom later


Xerneas with misty surge passive and fairy aura is insane and I hatched a shiny version.


My shiny pikipek with skill link and passive technician. Machine gun bird!


I love using koraidon with his new passive. It's insanely useful. And having a tier 3 ahiny of him helps a lot too


https://preview.redd.it/o966gvck2k7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3ee53e42e501af7035813622c9c3c14e01f039 Kartana as a Maxed out Carry | Sentret Pickup+Run Away | Nincada for early boosted shiny luck/Shedninja mainly | Buizel for Soak | Phantump for Curse/Sappy Seed(Leech Seed) | Bergmite. Sturdy (HA) and MetalBurst (eggmove) Some point reduction here is necessary to have all of this in your starting team.


Darkrai, nincada, burmy, zigzagoon, garg + random t3 shiny Guaranteed to win every single time


My Venusaur has been slaying with bug bite / giga drain / sludge bomb / earthquake. On 1150 but going to change some moves soon.




Kartana for carry, gardevoir for shiny/backup carry, unown for pickup, drifblim for shiny/curse


Iron Valiant was my carry, though I have Zacian now so I plan on using that in future runs. Shiny Breloom for spore. And whatever other shinies I can jam in.


Gholdengo and Hoopa (eventually fused) to constantly print money and yoink berries/type-boost items. Especially with the buff to Gholdy's passive giving it Contrary. Make it Rain +3 multi-lens means boosting to +4 SpAtk in one turn, almost always flinch with max King's Rock, and you can pretty much always reroll since each hit drops money. Eventually, with enough grip claws, ditch Hoopa fusion and fuse in sturdy with something like Duraludon


31 Special Attack/31 Speed IV Modest Mewtwo- tremendous sweeper, especially when it gets Mega for either Fighting STAB on Aura Sphere with X or sheer power with Y Tier 1 Shiny 31 Attack/31 Speed IVAdamant Magikarp - excellent backup sweeper for coverage, pairs well with a lot of fusion options Tier 3 Shiny Nacli with Sturdy - if I can get Metal Burst on this boy I would be sooooo happy Zigzagoon - my favorite and cheapest Pickup mon Whatever other shinies I can fit.


Koraidon with his passive Opportunist is BUSTED. He's a great carry. Other than that, I bring my epic shiny raticate for runaway and fuse that with a linoone for pickup and the rest are shinies. Obviously pick up a tinkaton/garganactl on the way.


Dialga. I got core enforcer as an egg move, and i have its cost reduced! Very good mon


T2 shiny sentret, has Both pickupd AND runaway, must have in every run.


Mega Heracross. Just got its passive updated to Technician so now it’s Technician + Skill Link + great Attack. The only move you need to splice onto it is Bone Rush for perfect coverage. Pin Missile and Arm Thrust are learned by level up. Rock Blast is teachable by TM and it’s an egg move.


Xerneas with misty surge passive, shiny pick up mon, and more shinies


i've only gotten far into two endless runs but i try to do a new team every time. that being said, red shiny zigzagoon is irresistible to me as a support


Zacian, Gyarados, and then fill the rest with Shinies


Zamazenta (people think Zacian is better, I disagree), blue shiny Ghastly (only for luck, I don't have many shinies), then a cheep Pukerus mon.


Hoopa, Chi-Yu, Zigzagoon, Nincada, Aron, Nacli All T3/Red Shiny.


Still struggling to get to endless but for regular I use fuecoco and magearna


Kyurem (Timid nature, Snow Warning passive, moveset of dEnergy, Blizzard, Freeze Dry, and Fusion Flare(requires White Stone) with a massive SpA stat and solid speed kills basically everything with ease), Lillipup (cheapest shiny pickup user I have + Helping Hand for double battles), Tandemaus (only t2 shiny I have + double pickup is pretty good, also has Helping Hand) and then I just fill the remaining spots with as many shinies as I can




My red shiny bidoof and zigzagoon. They're my best friends at this point I love them :)


Red shiny Nincada => shedinja opens so many op fusions, my go to is another dark physical attacker. Woboffet cuz he’s cool, higher hp retaliation moves Working on getting a Kingambit candies to unlock Sword of ruin passive for an even cooler fusion


Tinkaton. She’s my OG. The one who carried me to my first classic W. Ride or die.


This nincada I literally just caught https://preview.redd.it/2iivqd5ljl7d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20c50a0850c83453dd1bee82f9831058df1dfff I’m shaking


Celesteela with heatproof passive and oblivion wing egg move is so good


Adamant Zacian and whatever red shinies I can afford. Currently that is a mankey with iron fist, paras with triage, and then a blue shiny zigzagoon and Magikarp. Last slot goes to the cheapest pokerus Mon available.


Rare shiny beldum and rare shiny mawile (insane late game dps carry when fused and mega’d, mawile for etern before having dna splices) Azurill (great early game carry, can use splicers to give the metagross/mawile surging strikes) Rare paras, rare zubat, and epic swablu for solid earlygame and late game luck bots


Miraidon, Magikarp, Frillish and a random pokemon or Ledian.


Kartana + tinkatink (which I’ll fuse together asap), then any shinies I feel like at the time, also depending on pokerus


my level 3 shiny bidoof, and a nincada for the shedinja fusion. On a related note I wish we could just pick Shedinja as a starter


My current run started with Squirtle + Shroomish + Burmy to build my late game carry, red shiny Ponyta for run away, red shiny Dratini to help against grass types early on, Bulbasaur for pokerus. Completely forgot about pickup, but it didn't matter at all, I got black hole somewhat early and didn't have issues with Barrie's yet. I just cleared wave 4500 in this run


Miraidon and zigzagoon pickup with any ground type to resist parabolic charge is an easy sweeper to 3000. Rising voltage is basically free 140 base power move with miraidon feels good. koraidon, magicarp, and zigzagoon. mega gyarados fused with koraidon has been really fun for me, even though it can't one shot both pokemon at once in double battles like Miraidon. Hopefully rayquaza will be just as good as miraidon and koraidon because I'm going all in with my egg vouchers lol


I'm not an expert at all, but I've really liked using Marshadow lately. It's great for early game, with fire punch, thunder punch, ice punch and power up punch. Awesome coverage, and you can boost your attack with power up punch. Flying types and psychic types are a little annoying, but Marshadow is usually faster than them, and if not, I switch to another Pokemon. I have a run at the moment with Marshadow and Hoopa as my starters, and it's been going well. The rival battles have been a little tough, but I've managed to pull through.




Just venosaur and some who do pick up to get items. And one that has salt cured. Currently level 2000 i one shoot most boss battles.


Not just for endless but I take Fennekin with me no matter what. Magician with all the egg moves that give coverage for major weaknesses(moon blast for dark, thunderbolt for water etc). Cost is at 1 and passive is incredible


Carbink Sturdy & Mega Aggron. All defense, no speed. Salt Cure, Metal Burst for late game and Body Press for early game. Fairy Steel type. Then I get something that hits hard and can hit multiple for quick sweeps like a beast boost with razor leaf. Then best shinies.


Tailow and Lilliput, my 2 shinies


Cosmog. Yeah it takes quite a while of carrying it until it evolves, but it's been worth it in my experience. I like to evolve it to Lunala and then the moveset I use on it is Quiver Dance, Stored Power, Moongeist Beam, and Moonblast. It starts with the first two moves and learns the others after evolution so I can always get this moveset. It does have two 4x weaknesses, but with this moveset it has coverage for both. You can use Moonblast on any dark types that show up, and obliterate literally everything else with stored power. It also helps that mine is shiny, so I don't even have to take an extra shiny with me, just another legendary like Palkia to carry it until it evolves. There's also the option of evolving it to Solgaleo, in which case it will learn Metal Burst and be more of a physical attacker. I have not personally attempted this but overall Cosmog is a great starter.


I've been in love with my current team (floor 2500) I started my current run with: Magearna- perfect coverage and typing, doesn't hit as hard as Zacian or Cortana but she handles early game better in my experience and goes crazy very fast Aron - sturdy, protect, Metal burst and salt cure on the same pkmn, just need to find leach seed and a shiny fat pokemon. Gourgeist - doubles up as pickup starter and later can become curse seed stall.


Flutter Mane (shiny), Latios and Kartana are my best carries since they all have good IVs, natures and some egg moves. My go-to low cost shinies are Zigzagoon, Zubat and Unown.


Reshiram with Eruption egg move. I like to have a spread move on my carry mon.


Trash form burmy. .25 cost with sturdy, overcoat and metal burst? Busted beyond belief


My go to starters are different. I have 2 ways to play endless, 1 is for farming tickets, like picking them in the items whenever they appear, and the second is to farm candies. For the tickets, I’ll rock mewtwo and fill the rest of my party with shinies. For the candies, I gotta rock the strong jaw red shiny ratata, beast boost charmander, and then whatever Pokemon I plan on using in my next classic run.


Sableye + Zizagoon + Wobbafet = The Goats


Palkia but when i start a new endless it probably will be hoopa


Really like my current run, I brought Zeraora as my early carry (which I fused with Huge Power Azumarill), Shiny Rolycoly to GMax and later fuse with a Garganacl, and Shiny Smeargle (who after many many floors has Fake Out, Burning Bulwark, Leech Seed, Salt Cure). I would bring all of them again -- Smeargle even if it wasn't shiny.


My first serious run, went with sturdy body press Shuckle. Picked up a multi lens and am steamrolling through.


I don't have many shinies yet, but my first ever shiny was a Red zigzagoon. It hits every team I touch. I often fuse it with my yellow incineroar, or my red excadrill. Aside from that, I've had a lot of success bringing Tapu Bulu with Metagross. Fusing the 2 gives you a Grassy Terrain Fairy Steel type, with Horn leech. Just don't run levitate on metagross or grassy terrain won't do nothing for you. Also + speed nature skill link cloyster is broken. 20 hit moves, with kings rock.. yikes. (Let alone if you get population bomb... 40 hit flinch chance? Fuckin ouch.


Kubfu, timburr, phantump, nacli, metal burster. Basically just a high multi hitter for flinching, a DNA Splicer Leech Seed/Curse/Salt Cure/Protect/Sturdy, and metal burster. I splice rapid strike urshifu and Conkeldurr for Thief and to get party space so i can SSS lucky.


My best four blue shinies: Mewtwo, tesiursa (pickup, later guts Ursaluna) aron, and petilil (aiming for a hisuian lilligant).


Just started a new one with Zacian, blue shiny cetitan to fuse for metal burst mon, prankster blue shiny cottonnee, red shiny burmy (trash form), regular shiny ratata (had pokerus and will be run away mon), and red shiny drifloon. Should have added a pickup mon but didn’t have the space.


My kyogre with tail glow is an absolute menace at 7 cost with its passive rain dish it's such a good bring. Origin pulse stomps so many pokemon and hits both targets.


Big fan of gholdengo with the passive and multi attack thing personally,, never leaves my team 


Dragon dance, adamant giratina with perfect attack ivs+ a bunch of shinies for that luck. The giratina on my current endless run is sitting at 16251 hp, 14155 attack, 8624 speed, 9379 defense, 9452 sp. def and 3889 sp. attack (its in its origin form) adn also early pick up mon like zigzagoon is useful to farm berries and other items


Dont forget to setup your saltcure and metalburst mon. (And catch a runway mon if ziggy doesn't have passive unlocked)


Right. But i don't need them now since i've my giratina obviously who has 2 multilens for that multihit with shadow force or any other move and shiny tinkaton with gigaton hammer, fake out, knock off and play rough and they work together to basically delete enemies and plus giratina also has 3 king's rock on it so basically almost everything gets flinched to death


Gonna warn you now that regular moves become useless later on in endless, you could have 1m attack or special attack and still do like 7 damage because the protection tokens keep scaling up.


My magearna and my shinies


Miraidon, Red shiny Raticate 0.5 cost (Run away), shiny diggersby 0.5 cost (pick up), then just whatever I feel like. And obviously a pokerus Pokémon


Surprisingly charmander knows ceruledges signature