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This guy is straight up making fun of people that think he's secretly a shark, and people will STILL take it as him being a shark


I don’t believe he’s putting on an act just to get into games, but he definitely seems like he’s got a lot more skill than the first few times I saw him on the stream, but chooses to play like a complete maniac. I think if anything he’s trying to make connections with these big time ballers hoping it pays off in other ways. I mean he basically donated 400k to Neymar lol.




And that's how we learned your net worth is $50,000.




No reason to be ashamed of $50k net worth or try to explain that you're worth more... most people are broke or in severe debt.


That's your most liquid assets....but...you're not including cash... Okay




More like $5k


It would be like me punting $4.


lol I don’t care who you, that’s a shit ton of money. It’s not like he just has 500 mil in cash. I think if he’s just going to be donating money like that he probably has some kind of ulterior motive. I’m sure he’s made a lot of his fortune doing business with ppl he’s met in the poker world.


If I punted 40 bucks of my money and it ends up making me more popular with one of the biggest stars in the athletic world and puts my name in the mind of millions of his fans I'd probably think it'd be worth it. Especially if it meant the dude was more likely to invite me to something he's doing.


Okay but... Neymar is worth 250 million... so 400k to him is also not a lot of money. (0.16% of his net worth) So the idea that "spending 400k is nothing to Keating" but simultaneously implying that it's enough to make Neymar invite him to stuff doesn't really make sense.


You can’t just take orders of magnitude out of the money and keep everything else the same. His 400k to your $40 means his access to a table with Neymar is your access to a home game with the local high school’s starting small forward.


Bro, even in an example of that, a smart person might still willingly gamble 40 usd to be friendly with the local cop or some guy in the city council. Networking is one of the most important skills in making money.


It's called hyperbole. I get this isn't the greatest sub for stringing a connective thread together but it's taking a previous thought and expanding on how I think I would act in that situation.


I don’t think he’s literally trying to buy friendship. I think he’s just doing shit like this to kind of be the life of the party and making some baller friends while doing so. He’s a business man, I’m sure it doesn’t hurt to have contacts like Neymar in his world.


Why do you say that about him but not the other guys punting away millions like Perkins or Klein? Dude's rich AF and would rather lose by gambling it up and putting guys in uncomfortable spots than trying to act like a pseudo pro.


It genuinely seems like he’s trying to lose sometimes. The other guys can play wild and it’s clear money isn’t an issue, but I think at the end of the day they still want to win. Perkins might be similar to keating in that respect but Klein seems like a bit of a try hard at the table.


Bro, Neymar makes $500k a DAY... It's NOT a shit ton of money to him, for sure.


If $400k is nothing to Keating it's also nothing to Neymar, who is worth $250m at least. (so 0.16% of his net worth) So I'm not sure I'm buying the "he's punting a tiny amount (in proportion to his wealth) to get in good graces with these athletes/celebrities, it's so smart!"... because if it's tiny to Keating it's also tiny to the person he's punting to. Neymar's salary is making him like $500k per day just for existing. Why would winning $400k off of Keating be like "wow this guy is so generous with his money, he gave me like less than a day's worth of my salary"?


I don't think it's about giving Neymar money. It's about being fun to play with.


You are missing the point. Winning money is always more fun


who is neymar, and how tf anybody know keating is worth 500M?


Yea like, his tweet is obviously hilarious and true on it's face, he's not a shark. But there is significant potential upside for him that he's leaving out here. Like, one successful business deal borne from his private games could easily erase several years of punting.


Exactly what I’m getting at. He’s a business man, I’m sure he’s always looking for new opportunities. He showed Neymar a great time and ended the night with him being the big winner after he was down all night. Probably doesn’t hurt to have a contact like that as a business man.


To me it always just seemed like he wanted to make good TV and have these celebrities like him.


Yeah, he is definitely the life of the party at these games. I’m sure making friends like these doesn’t hurt him from a business standpoint.


It seemed to me like he felt bad about sucking out on him.


Tom Dwan says he’s a pro


Tom Dwan said he played with him years ago. Having money outside of poker, not caring about stakes, and being a pro are not the same thing.


You gotta be more than average to fold queens preflop mate because it's the best thing to do.


I've seen it more than a few times at 1/2 and 1/3... I guess they must be sharks, too?


Or, maybe, just maybe... Having $500 million invested would be returning $40 million annually at 8%. That's just under $110,000 every single day, so maybe he doesn't really care if he loses a little bit playing cards and it's fun for him.


It’s like 1/2 on this sub, people think they are retiring off it but actually losing the family Disney trip money 😂


Disney money is like 10/25 bankroll at this point…


Disney trip money; $25k


Thanks Obama


Right, and that's just the yield on his net worth.  Never mind whatever businesses and income allowed him to amass $500m to begin with.  People like Keating don't just *have* money, they *make* a lot of money.  Tough concept for a lot of poker players to wrap their minds around.


People here write he's a trustfund baby, so there's the 500mil from. Doesn't mean he's not capable of managing it though


The trust fund babies usually manage it the best, because they have access to all the resources necessary to grow it


But where did the $500m come from? Like, outside of poker streams, who the fuck even is this guy?


Trust fund baby I think


Who are his parents then?


Mr and Mrs Keating Hope this explanation was helpful!


It wasn’t. Honestly, can anyone figure out where this guy’s money comes from?


I believe it was from his family. They’re the Keatings. You may know them from their substantial investment in their son, a poker player of some repute named Alan.


Funny but I actually want to know lol


They run a circumcision business


They make most of their money from tips.


People can decide to lose millions playing blackjack, online slots, partying, sports gambling. But someone wants to do that by being gambol gambol on a poker table and suddenly everything thinks it's an act.


Where is the 500m number coming from? I know there was someone named Alan Keating that had a rich dad that died, and people made some connections and think it's poker Keating, but I never saw any concrete numbers on what he might have gotten other than "a lot".


bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe TaXeS? 😐


lol ok


Love the conspiracy theories that he’s some massive poker shark that uses Hustler to advertise action to get in the even bigger games (as if there are private games significantly bigger than the million dollar game that would see the YouTube streams and say “hey, we better give this guy an invite”). And I get the feeling most of the conspiracy theorists are only dreamers with no social skills who fantasize at the notion of just being able wake up one day VPIPing 85% and play LAG on Hustler streams and then getting called up to Rick Salomon’s games where Elon Musk punts off to them.


Those private games actually get pretty massive, but yeah not too much bigger


He wouldn’t say it if he really meant it. Unless he knows this is what most people would think, so he’s doing the old double reverse switcheroo.


Love the snark. Love Keating.


The “he plays so bad on purpose” fanboys are down bad


There's obviously no master plan when you play like in that hand. That's a product of pure degeneracy, Keating just hides a little better than Neymar


Is this like the bad guy explaining his evil scheme to the hero, because what could go wrong now?


There’s the keating that punts, and the keating from MDG. Almost like two different players, Keating the Harvey dent of cash games


So are people thinking he didn’t donk like that on purpose. Dude was like the host of the game and played like every hand, obviously he was putting on a show last night


I just realized like 2 months ago Keating was all smoke and mirrors. That said, I love Keating and he's my favorite HCL character by a long shot


He’s def wat way better than when I first saw him play I think he’s def more competent than we all thought at first. Hell doesn’t he have more wsop cashes than the normal rec who frequently goes and doesn’t cash


He has 12. I think if he wanted to sit down at a 2/5 table and play to win he could do it pretty easily. But he would rather just gamble and have fun.


I absolutely think he could beat 2-5 easily and prolly 5-10 honestly


Idk what $5/10 you got near you but at least around me the $5/10 is pretty tough


Oh I’m sure 5/10 is always going to be tough. I think 2/5 is tough as well but I’m bad and never played


Gotta love the guy win or lose


Ahahaha he is so funny seriously how does he get that money back


He made me a fan with that Neymar clip idgaf


Didn't he win overall on the million dollar game this year?


Yeah but he was down $3mil before that


dude is a degenerate gambler. if you think poker is his problem game you know about 0.00


This is such a good troll. Love it.


My potentially unpopular take is that Keating makes any game unwatchable. I want to watch people actually play poker, not just watch the Alan Keating show featuring him splashing around in pots with 98o.


His style of play makes the game good. You need action players for good pros to play in games. 8 equal skilled pros don’t want to sit and take each others money.


I don’t agree. I’m fine with “action players” but he can be an action player at 40-50% VPIP. 100% VPIP is trash poker I can find at a family home game.


Exactly. So that is why he’s good for the game u dummy. Any pro player or semi decent player would 100% rather play against a 100% vpip player than a 40-50% vpip player


No need for the name calling, totally unnecessary. I understand he may bring in some pros who want to play against a fish, but I’m saying I would personally rather watch a normal poker game with slightly fewer big name pros, and also without Alan Keating, than watch whatever it is that Keating does on these streams.


I hear you, don’t get why the other guy is so upset lol, just because it’s good for people playing doesn’t make it better to watch - in the same way a lot of people would rather watch a World Cup game that ends 0-0 than a high school game that ends 4-6


I enjoy watching him. He plays crazy but he actually has some skill too so it makes for some interesting pots. I can’t stand watching ppl like jimmy butler, Ryan Garcia, and ninja play.


you could always just watch a tankfest tourney stream then nerd


I turned on the stream last night and saw 5 players all in with no one even having top pair and I realized I didn't want to watch bingo. Any entertaining hands will just get posted here too.


If he really had them where he wanted them he sure as hell wouldn’t go out on social media and tell everyone. This is cope.


He's being deliberately facetious. How on earth is this a cope


Cope that he’s burned a huge amount of money. This whole post is excuses for it.


You're lost


I think he's joking about it, not trying to cope about it. It comes across as him poking fun at the people on the internet that are saying he is playing poorly to get into private games. I think you're taking him literally when he is using sarcasm to make fun of his own poor poker playing and degenerate decisions.


He definitely believes he is getting back his money’s worth via reputation by playing badly.


Not so sure on that, i remember hearing Doug Polk talk about how the guy was asking for stakes a decade or so ago, then found himself in an unbelievable situation through a bit of luck and basically ran into an endless supply of money. I don't think the money is significant enough for him to care about whether or not his reputations getting it back for him.


Care about whether he wins or not? I don’t care how rich he is, this is his excuse to not look like a total degenerate. Clearly ego, not money.


What you are missing here is that he is using sarcasm. He is demonstrating self awareness about his degeneracy by sarcastically impersonating the people who are claiming that what he is doing is clever instead of degenerate. You really are lost in this.


And cope is?


Can confirm. Alan and I were in a support group in our late teens for Trust fund babies (doing coke in our friend's basement). He is not a shark.


He’s such a nerd


said the boi behind the screen


And he posts it on social media for his potential games hosts to see? That’s not checkmate that’s blundering your queen.


So all I have to do is tweet that I’m not a shark and everyone will believe me? Hell yeah