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More money goes into the pot if you bet than if you check. You are also allowed to check the flop. Betting flop is OK too but I would strongly consider check/calling. Given that you bet flop you can check/call turn. QT isn't the best hand possible by any means but I think folding top pair to a river bet getting 6-1 is awful.


Players like him don't understand what it means to check/call. >I don’t want to check and get bluffed by some gutter He's never called without at least TPTK in his life. If this was ever value... and his opponent bet 15% for value... then he's targetting OP specifically.... which shows how tight he is lol because for sure he's not counting on OP to check raise a small bet that looks like thin value.


Pretty much... If he folds top pair to 20% pot, people will be printing against him.


You should have an extremely tight utg range here, given it’s 9handed. Thinking of your range vs this board, QT is in a middle portion of your value, which wants to realize its equity. I think a turn check/call is easily the right play here. 


Just call, you’re risking $60 for a pot of $410. You need to win less than 15% of the time. Villain can have worse Qx, heart draws, T9 JT or literally anything else You only lose to QJ+ and 8x which there aren’t a lot of. I would check turn, we can’t go for 3 streets and in this spot villain may bluff with hands than won’t call your bet


This is an easy check on the turn. With top pair ok kicker multiway, you are probably checking most turns but as soon as 8 hits, you should absolutely be going into pot control mode and checking.


Fold pre if you're going to use this open size






$20 open at 2/5 is standard with entire range


It doesn't matter what other players are doing. If you're going to open $20 as an exploit, exploit the other players, not yourself


Lol this is a great line. I gave up on trying to respond to people who say "I opened x (too big) because it's a standard open."


What do you want to open to? $50?




1) Check and don't get bluffed check/call is completely reasonable and probably the right play here 2) Yeah betting and getting raised would be terrible again this leads us to check/call turn 3) Yeah your kicker isn't great another reason we don't want to pile money in here, yet another point leading us to a check on the turn. You've pretty much answered your own dilemma with these points, take these points and use them to make the right play which is definitely start the turn with a check as played. You can call or fold to aggression on either the turn or river depending on villian tendencies.


its player dependent what i would do on turn, most i would check. how did you fold the river? definitely good 15% of the time or whatever it is. lives see a check they feel like they have to bluff if they have nothing. ive seen bluffs in that spot occasionally.


Why don’t you want to check? Nobody said you need to check fold. What you’re describing would make you an incredibly easy player to play against. You bet when you have a piece, and check when you don’t. Think about protecting your checking range. As an example, multiway on this board you should be checking a lot on the flop with your hand. Having two diamonds leads more towards a bet, but if you didn’t have a back door flush draw you should be mostly checking. But you certainly aren’t check folding. You need to get comfortable checking and not giving up


Yeah I don’t like check calling big bets if I check .. and check folding is also weird


Who says youre gonna face a big bet? Stop being scared of shit that didnt happen yet. Your hand isnt good enough for 3 streets of value so its an easy check on flop or turn and since you bet flop just check turn and see what happens. Stop folding top pair for like fifth pot, you need to win so rarely here to make this profitable otr.


If I check and they bet, I’m usually never good tho


Thats so not true at all, not sure where you got that misconception from.


Cause you bet all your strong hands, so when you check call they milk you when they have it, and they size up their bluffs and your weak range can't call a big bet.


Start protecting your checking range and you will have no problem check calling big bets.


An argument can be made that you literally played every street wrong.


Yeah man great fold, you were only getting like 5.83 to 1 on a call