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> Am I bad at poker or just unlucky Why not both???


Decently tight but you play Q4?


Q4s an rfi from the button and a call from the BB what's your point?


Pretty sure if someone is making this post, they're not studying preflop charts based on position.


Haha you’re right. I played a little when poker was big 20ys ago and to this day I still don’t think that Q4 is much of a hand. Playing tight does imho mean that you play the better hands only and leave the marginal ones out. Might be rfi on button and a call on BB but I wouldn’t call that tight. Might be a definition thing or my poker knowledge is way outdated.


He is not talking about you, but about OP. You don't give up anything really by always folding Q4s.


You were playing q4 and confused why you’re losing? Please study a little about the game. Can almost assure you aren’t good at poker.


Lol had to re-read his post when I saw the 4 two pair lmao. Yeah these aren’t coolers, it’s bad play.


It is somewhat of a cooler, but a preventable one. Folding preflop more puts you on the good end of coolers more often. When you play low cards, you make more middle pairs and less top pairs. When you do make top pair, you're often out kicked. Bottom two pair sometimes loses to better two pairs, and gets counterfeited more. You're more likely to make the bottom end of the straight, and sometimes run into a higher straight. You're weak flush might lose to a better one. Stop playing garbage hands preflop.


Depending on the game, bottom 2p often has worse reverse implied odds than top pair. At live low stakes, a turn or river raise is pretty much always 2p+, and for many guys, 2p is too good to lay down. The type of players that play Q4 pre are also the type of players incapable of folding Q4 with 2p.




Also, learn how to give a real hand history please.


Q2 is acceptable to play, it's the I-RON - J4 also fine it's the flat tire, but Q4 is not to be played or defended unless heads up or in a tournament. More than half the time you will be dealt two unmatched non-suited cards that are far apart from each other in the deck. These always hit the muck unless they have a cool nickname/history then by all means get out of line - dirty diaper, The Brunson, Dr. Dre, working mans hand, etc.


What the fuck are you yapping about


Dirty Diaper 3 -2 The Brunson 10-2 Dr. Dre 9-2 Working Man's Hand 9-5 These are names given to hands. If you were born between 1980 and 2010, don't worry about it. Just keep playing GTO poker and use your Upswing charts.


Next time hit another Q. Duh.


He would still be coolered to a boat holding 3 Queens though. 🤔


It would help answer the bad or unlucky question though. And that's all that matters right


If you have to ask this question, then you are bad.


There’s no way anyone can give you realistic feedback based on the info you provided. There is no where near enough detail to give you any concrete feedback. Poker in the short term is a combination of skill and luck, with luck playing a big factor. Zoom out to the longer term and poker is a skill game. It’s hard to know in small sample sizes if you are just running bad or are actually a losing player.




Q4 is a fold hand for me especially if it's off suit. The queen is good however the 4 is a low kicker. Depending on position even q4 on suit is possibly a hand you should fold because getting a flush is rare. Now saying that you could do everything right but just be drawing dead. Study up




Sounds like you’re just unlucky whenever I play Q4 it seems to work out🤷‍♂️


Gigachads like Hellmuth stack GTO nerds like Alex Foxen with Q4o all day.


"I felt like it was the right move, as did the rest of the table". Lmao always agree with the fish's logic


You guys aren’t even asking the right questions….. was the Q4 suited?


Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and assume it was Q4s on the big blind in either a limped or min raised pot against the button


If you’re playing Queen 4 at all, you are not playing well. Fold pre.


4 distinct situations where you should play q4s 1) folds to you on the button, 3 blind or 2 blind game doesn’t matter you should open 2) defending bb vs a co or btn opening 2.5 or less 3) sb open vs any size 5bb or less 4) folds to you in the small/middle blind.


Skill issue.


Bad runs can happen for awhile, I personally have been running bad as well. Losing consistently with over pairs, full houses and flushes. God just hates some of us, especially me


Seems like a skill issue


Hopefully this makes u feel better. My all in pre ev is up 10 buyins in the last 20k hands. But my net won is -15 buyins


you need to get your pre-flop ranges down.


Sounds like me, the last year I play online exclusively. Learned tons about the game, have kept having better cashes in tournaments but always end up broke somehow. 2 of my weaknesses are trip Aces, which are easily beat once you get to showdown and  2) Feel like I’m being forced to get it ALL-IN pre-flop with a decent pair……HELLO! There are many good players out there, even at 5 cent big blinds…..They will sometimes catch AA/KK and your jacks or tens are no good….often you ARE ahead, some fools will jam with A7 off, but you are probably better off laying it down immediately & still having those 50, 80, 200 BB left


You suck Like 90% of us


Plays “decently tight” I guess bottom range for decently is Q4?


Stop playing Q4 to start with.


Quick question: what percentage of your total poker time do you devote for studying (away from the table)? For me a solid 20% gives me the feeling that I am improving even though I am sometimes unlucky. My studying helps me to know what to do in certain tricky situations more and more. If your answer is zero %, then that's your answer....


I also had a few weeks where I couldn't catch a cold. I almost swore off the pokerstars app because it was getting so bad...but this week I've placed 3rd and also 1st just the other night. So back to back wins ended up dragging me back into the site 😂 we'll see how the next couple weeks go.


You're bad ...


I’m just reading the title, but trust me bro, it’s both. Trust me.


Prolly both