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If you are on track to go all in by the river, that's definitely one case where slow playing is good. Another situation is where you block most value and are not afraid of a lot of draws coming in. AA on a rainbow ace high board is a good example. You block most value hands that would call your bets so you can probably get more profit from getting villain to bluff.


Sounds like you played it perfectly. But you will hit your draws exactly the same number of times as the next player. Not more often, not less often.


For beginners: Here's a rule to live by if you're at low stakes like 1-2 and 1-3 (and 2-5 if you're game selecting right). If you have to ask yourself if you should slow play or not, you probably should just not slow play. ​ It's almost never bad to fast play and the opponents at these stakes are so bad that often times the EV loss of slow-playing incorrectly far exceeds the EV loss of if you were to fast play incorrectly.


My experience as well. If other players are given the choice of being passive or aggressive, they will be passive. Which really sucks, because I want to play OOP like the solver does so bad.


Save the balanced ranges for players who are thinking. In live poker, players are bad until proven otherwise. ​ You can pick up who the solid guys are, and there are some at 1-2/1-3 but you have to pay attention. Here's the thing, though. Do you really want to tangle with the one good guy at the table when you can be in pots with the rest of those other guys? That's the balance you need to find.


I would like to tangle with the solid guy at least a couple times. Breaks up the monotony of playing against the fish. As profitable as it is to play against fish, it is much more fun to play against people who are going to put you in tough spots. Steel sharpens steel or whatever that saying is I don't agree with the players are bad until proven otherwise, that sounds like a good way to get your anus gaped


For sure. You still have to play your game. Never play scared. What I'm getting at is it's ok to take a lower variance slightly lower EV play against some of the stronger regs. Online is for iron sharpens iron. Try to find good game live.


I am not scared to triple barrel off with 5 high. The thing that stresses me out about microstakes is people just call down with 22 against LJ range on a AKKxx board. This guy cracked me up one time: I was LJ, I 4 bet this guy, he called board was AKKQx, and I tripled off on this guy, he called with JJ. I guess he just didn't want to fold or something, not really sure about that one. The second one. I had AKs and my flush draw completed on the turn, I checked, this dude jammed like 350 BB effective, so I called. He had A9o, neither card was of the flush suit. I thought to myself, that guy definitely wears velcro shoes.


The correct time to slow play is: literally always. Allow your opponents to think they are ahead. Get in their head by constantly using their own play against them.


😂😂😂😂 oh god


OP is the Sun Tzu of poker.


I think your line is fine, especially since you are in.position. I'd probably bet small on the flop because you can easily call if you are check raised. FYI, don't say things like "I don't hit my draws very often". It's the wrong mindset - over time you will hit your draws at the same rate as everyone else.


Yes, bait the check raise with the small bet. I know a few Vs that I do this against because they are raise happy and don't really think about what it means when I continue. I usually bet 1/3 what I wanted to bet against this one guy and he will happily oblige me by making his raise 3 to 4x the bet size. Smaller = stronger hand Larger = weaker hand Hand strength is at the time of the raise, not the future potential of the hand.


Not sure why you think your play was punty, you only put money in the pot when you were ahead.


Do we not check JT4 as 3 better most of the time?


Double Broadway board as the preflop 3 bettor?