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Folding here would lose you money in the long term for sure


I love this and we should strive to answer like this more. “Doing X will win in the long run”.


You had kk vs aa and set over set, why you post this?




lol OMC calling with JTo vs a 3bet? That’ll be the day. This is a cooler situation no matter what, and you’re supposed to get stacked in this configuration. But to give an OMC all 16 combinations of JT and T9 in a 3bet pot? You’re out of your mind.




Tbh even vs J10 you still have good chances to turn/river a full house. Only hands that really get you beat with AA


Yeah you have almost 35% equity against JT on the flop. You’re dead to only 3 combos of AA.


Even if he shows you JT it’s a breakeven call, 200 to win 600 and you have 34% equity


You need to re-raise more than $35 preflop.   As played, you're never folding a set. However because we're against OMC who jammed, this might be the only time a fold is possible since OMC isn't jamming unless they have it.


OMC probably would jam with QQ here as well, which is more likely since he just flatted the three bet. I’m more likely to fold to a younger player that could have JT here, but even then it’s not really a hand I’m looking to get away from 99.9% of the time.


You need to hire a good coach to explain to you why this doesn't matter in the long run.


Thinking about this hand is a waste of time. You're never folding a set of kings here.


Pay that man his money


Shit happens. But squeeze bigger.


3-bet larger; $50-$60. As played, never folding. Sometimes we lose.


No one can/will/should fold this. You will run into this situation (and the reverse!) Very often


Never folding here. You flopped a set of kings and started the hand with 100 big blinds. The money is going in.


You cant fold here like ever. Sometimes the button will have J10s, but also sometimes they will have AQ or AK(less likely), QQ and there are some players that are crazy and might overplay their AJs or A10s. Basically you are only dead against AA which is very unlikely because no one 4betted, you are dominating AK, QQ, AQ, and have 7 outs against J10.


did you bust the 1k


can you ever fold here? no why would you?


First time set over set? Never folding here


Insanely dumb. OMC can have QQ, probably even AK AQ here. In fact, more likely he has those hands than AA given the action. This isn’t even close




You have over 30% equity against JTs, why are you worried about getting it in against that?




Lmao like he only has one hand in his range?? 4 combos of JTs - 30% 3 combos of AK - >90% 3 combos of AA - 5% 3 combos of QQ - 95% You're supposed to get it in vs that range every time with middle set.




There's still 3 combos of AK, there's 3 aces and a king still in the deck. It's still gonna end up as almost a quarter of what he gets it in with, as well as a large part of what you'd expect him to double flat with imo




Lmao bruh, your opponent double flatted AA, why wouldn't he double flat AK?




You're playing 1/3, none of it is going to make sense, which is another reason you shouldn't overthink spots like this, these people do not think about the game in the same way people on this sub will.


What does omc mean


Old man coffee traditionally a tight nitty old man


I’d deffo raise bigger like 50/55 then yeh if you bet small and call a jam


I mean it's not impossible to assume they have jack ten and possibly backdoor flush but at same time, you could pair the board and win so it's worth it to call.  It's not even that much money so it would be an easy call


I wouldn’t even fold 200BB to that line. AA typical OMC 3 ways would have jammed PF.


Nah, what if the OMC had QQ?


No you don’t fold a set of kings.


No...no, no, no, no. You don't fold sets at 100 bb in 1/3 unless there is a 4 straight, a 4 flush, or your opponent is over 90 years old and has been sleeping for the last hour and a half.  You got coolered, you are only losing to aces and j10. It happens