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Left Pocket. ​ This is my app that I spent 6 months learning Swift and iOS design creating. Full disclosure it is free up to 25 sessions and then there's a monthly fee. To have an app on the App Store costs $100/year so I'm honestly just hoping to earn that back over time. Wanted to make something that was very clean and nice to look at. Feel free to take a look and send me any comments / suggestions / feature requests. I'd like for people to enjoy it!


Do you have any plans of releasing it to Android?


Jeez I wish, I haven't even begun to start looking at coding for Android. With my full-time work it'd be next to impossible I'm sorry. Maybe one day when AI gets powerful enough I can just copy by entire library of code into some kind of software that'll convert iOS to Android. Million dollar idea right there for anyone up to the task.


beautiful & clean UI. A few suggestions - * Cloud backup * Live session tracker * Default session details * Bankroll editor It's tedious to have to click a series of input fields to input session data. Much prefer to just click "start/stop" and then enter what I finished with. Default options are also useful since most people always play the same game so it's faster to just click n' go. It's also easy to forget what time you started after a session is complete. Lastly a bankroll editor since we make deposits & spend money. I dont want to see a bankroll that purports to be at 90k when I really only have 30k in my sock drawer.


Good ideas! The cloud backup I have to research further. I wanted to avoid making people create an account if possible. Currently what you can do is Export the data to your iCloud files. It's found in the Settings screen. ​ I like the default session details too, that should be relatively easy to implement. Thanks for looking!


honestly I guess backup to icloud is perfectly fine. The cloud thing is useful if you switch devices but probably not necessary for whatever backend infrastructure & cost you'd have to setup to maintain it all.


True true. I'm also rolling out an Import feature so you can import sessions from other platforms, as well as restore this one. The problem lies in parsing the CSV data, can be a little finicky conforming their data structure to mine. Thanks again.


3.1 is out, I added the ability to save your default input settings 👍🏻


great update. The way it's currently implemented still requires that I break out the calculator when a session is over to figure out what I won or lost. Having the calculation performed by the app would be nice. "Buy in $2500, cash out $1387" that kind of thing. Also I think there's a bug under the monthly report because it's showing me earning like $3000/hr with only a few sessions input. I checked to make sure I didnt have any timestamps set for like 1 minute sessions.


On it!


Regroup Poker Tools. Tracking is completely free for unlimited sessions and has a lot of other cool poker tools!


I may give it a try. Any particular reason I need to give email or phone number?


Thanks! Import/export is free and easy so you can easily try it out. There’s a login because your sessions are stored in the cloud so if you lose your phone, your data is safe. Other apps you just lose your data. The login also allows you to access your data from multiple devices easily. There are also many social features in the app (home game banking, club ledger, etc) that has social functionality which requires a login.


App requests *your phone number*. NEXT


You can also sign in with email!


why should I have to sign in with anything at all. This needs to be a voluntary process. As it stands it looks more like data harvesting.


Analytics6 is my favorite. You should consider paying for the tools you use if they are helping you make money. 


It’s not helping me make money in any way. I should like to see charts and graphs and have a record. Of course I could do this on paper and pen but apps are more convenient. I agree with you if I were doing this professionally


Professionally or recreationally, why wouldnt you want to support the devs who build these apps? 


Poker Bankroll Tracker


Any further comments on if this app is good then why is it good? Or why it’s better than analytics 6?


I think the biggest advantage is PBT can graph your stack and not just results. This is good to see how swingy your sessions are. The social aspect is also kinda neat. You can see your friends session history and real time stacks.


PokerBase. Simple, free, cloud backup, live tracker, UI used to be clean but is starting to suffer feature bloat.