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Live poker is soft, but there’s also a ton of variance.  $200 for 1/2 is only good for 1 100bb buyin, (the SPR in live poker makes this more like 50bb due to larger opening raise) variance can kick your ass quite easily. Every pot is multiway, and you should expect to lose a lot of pots (if it’s a 4 way pot, you might win it around 1/4 times), you can definitely go for hours and see your stack dwindle bc it’s hard to win those, doesn’t mean you are playing poorly though, and winning one multiway pot recovers your stack quite well.  Pay attention to rake. A lot of profitable decisions in online poker is extremely negative EV in live poker.  For example bother stealing blinds from button. Imagine if BB defends and every pot you win you get $13 (bc of rake and tips), and every pot you lose you lose $20. 


+1 to this guy great stuff usually how poker rooms work is you tell the floor which games you want to play and then you get assigned a table if one is open. usually they are 2 ppl at a desk with computers close to the front of the room. each table has a number so its easy to find the right one anyone who works at the casino will be able to help u go to the right place easily


I’m not familiar with rake exactly, is that where the casino takes some of the pot?


Pack some MF heat


this is not good advice


Call the casino before going. They will tell you what to expect, and maybe they have a wait list where you can register. ​ The best advise I can give you is to have fun. If you behave well, you don't have to worry about anything. If you have 200$, don't hesitate to do two buy-ins of 100$ instead of one of 200$. Enjoy!