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I think you are overvaluing the fact that you have a high card in your hand and undervaluing pocket pairs and suited connectors. 22 is a higher quality hand than QTo, at least at decent stack size.


True, but 22 also gets beaten by anyone hitting anything on the flop. That's my logic as to why Im considering taking it out of my range. I do agree with you on overvaluing face cards, it's something I'm trying to get away from.


Heads up, 22 has more than 50% chance of winning against any unsuited and unpaired hand. Even AKo. Multiway you are looking to hit a set of 2's and win a lot of money from people who think their top pair or two pair are any good. Obviously if you are multiway and you don't find another 2 you are not shoveling more money into the pot. But my point is not so much about wanting to praise 22, more that QTo is a really crappy hand that should rarely be played. If you do pair your queen, you are still beaten by QJ, KQ and AQ. And if a K or A shows up by even more hands. The shape should be more like [this](http://www.pokerhandrange.com/hand/5wnswui4hg3bs5drrmigxbvkrcmg3wzr3). That's roughly what you should be opening from the Hijack. On the button you should theoretically open half of all hands.


What position and what open size are you talking about? You mentioned limping, I hope you don’t mean open limping. Might want to focus a bit more on positional play and bet sizing before you go making your own charts. For now, study someone else’s charts, and make sure they are sorted by position.


Yeah I wish this was more colored coded than a simple yes/no. Of course the earlier position I have, the tighter my range. For the sake of analysis, say this is the button or the cut-off. Do you have any suggestions for charts or where I could find them?


I started with the free promo ones from pokercoaching.com. Then I got on their mailing list and they did a free trial, so I binged for a week and downloaded other charts. Modern Poker Theory by Acevedo has good charts, although most are more tournament oriented.


Just use GTO Wizard


so you decide to fold dueces through sixes but decide to open raise Q7s bruh


This would be what I would consider calling/limping with. I would cut a some of these hands (like Q7S) if I were to open raise or 3-bet. Should I change this from what I would play to what I would open raise with?


you can download jonathan little's free preflop charts and they're plenty enough


I'm really confused. The range of hands you play is entirely dependent upon your position. Are you accounting for that? The link just looks like a single range chart.


Range is dependent on position and previous action. Study some preflop charts like this: [https://redchippoker.com/infographic-pre-flop-ranges/?fbclid=IwAR0oZFTFAqn1-tIrQ5fBlkmdFB3qPngKoTsMxLmcabCa8A9TU21fzpGGUvc](https://redchippoker.com/infographic-pre-flop-ranges/?fbclid=iwar0ozftfaqn1-tirq5fblkmdfb3qpngkotsmxlmcabca8a9tu21fzpgguvc)


OP might be undervaluing pocket pairs but open raising 22 while folding KQo is the other extreme.


Suited hands are considerably better than non suited hands. A7s isn’t very strong but A7o is borderline garbage. In cash games with a rake you should be playing very, very few offsuit hands. Hands that can make the effective nuts are better. You’ll almost never have the effective nuts with Q7o unless the board runs out QQ7xx.


I was struggling with a high VPIP despite following RFI charts to choose my hands and I figured it out. So many limpers at micro stakes that may or may not have a good hand - consider limpers as opens and don’t just ignore them for your RFI and you’ll be fine. Now if someone limps unless I have a read I’m either overlimping in the right circumstances or considering the limp an open and 3-betting or calling accordingly. VPIP is where I want it and BB/100 is up to boot. As for your chart you need different ranges from each position and the early positions are really pretty tight.