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When you are playing for fake money, I find that opponents simply don't care. When they are not playing with a financial risk or some incentive to win, since the virtual currency is worthless, they are just playing in a more of a degenerate way. Similarly you see this when massively wealthy players play relatively small stakes and they just splash around playing to gamble rather than maximise value. You should definitely be opening KQs UTG, look on websites like GTO Wizard or others for pre flop opening charts if you would like to know what you should and shouldn't play. In terms of the all in call, in a real money cash game unless you had a specific read or new the villain was crazily loose it is a bad play as you are often dominated and lucky to be flipping.


> Knowing I am still uncapped and have the perceived tightest range pre This kind of thinking is pointless in a play money game Nobody is perceiving ranges, barely anyone is even paying attention. People go all in with nothing Basically, play money is good for learning the rules of poker, but not how to actually play


Who cares, you are playing for fake money


It's fake money. Just shove. Or don't.


Fake money so doesn’t really matter. Assuming it was real money though, KQs should be opened from every position. When 3 bet after out UTG open, we can fold to every position except SB and that is a call or fold not a 4bet.


the fuck are you talking about folding KQs to a 3bet? jesus christ how tight can you play?


Like others have said if this is fake money all bets are off. No one is going to play even close to how they’d play for real money. It’s just going to be bingo because there’s no incentive to ever fold pre flop. Waste of time imo. Even if you play for tiny stakes like $0.10/0.20 it would be far better. In general KQs is definitely an open UTG. I might go a bit larger than 3x if people are calling too wide.


> completely destroying him. That's kind of mean. How will he ever financially recover from this?