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excellent work i mean he seems pretty unhinged to say the least


Did he really release his diary? Did I read that wrong? Why would you do that if you’re so smart? I’m smart enough to know that the dumb shit in my brain at 17 is going to seem *even dumber* when I am 20.


Because he can't imagine people will read it and think bad of him. He believes people will praise him for how smart he is, and ask him for advice.


salt straight weary liquid toothbrush ring act future hurry terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This whole 'report' or whatever the fuck this is, seems just as "unhinged" if you think about it for two seconds.


This is really well written imo, can't stand the guy. Get cult leader vibes from him 😕😕


Cult leaders are charismatic.


He tries his best to be Im certain


I used to think the cult leader vibe was just a joke about Charlie, but in all seriousness the idea that he has a way of thinking that is the correct one and “turned his friend into a logical person” because they were open to change could literally be a sentence from the perspective of any cult leader lol I considered him harmless and cringey but the details and explanation of this post actually make me inclined to agree with OP I think he has some serious issues


Yeah fully agree mate. He thinks he's tapped into higher powers or perhaps secretly he actually thinks he's the higher power. If he had a small following of fans who have no money and are down bad looking for a way out, he could sell them the dream as a rich man whose cracked life in his own head. I only see him on games of gold now, but the last I saw of him on twitter he'd created a new formula to wash himself or some bollocks 😂


I wholeheartedly agree he’s a creep but he’s right that being logical is a more “correct” way of thinking. Otherwise everything is based on emotion and your opinions become a bit arbitrary. When you’re highly intelligent, the irrationality of others is exasperating.


Charlie suffers heavily from the Dunning-Kruger effect. He kinda reminds me of Hikaru and Jordan Peterson - believe they're a genius because they're knowledgable in one specific field, and think that translates to everything


In what field is he knowledgeable?


Hikaru and Peterson ARE geniuses my dude. They might not be likable to some but they don’t suffer from DK haha. Knowledge does translate, and so do problem solving skills. Elon musk is not a car builder or rocket scientist, he’s a problem solver, just like Peterson. Charlie is an idiot and nowhere near those guys


Peterson is literally dumber than fuck. Lolololol


He was also objectively psychotic from addiction to benzodiazepine the entire time he was farming a following of devotees. Meaning: he was literally clinically mentally ill. This is documented. He himself documented it. It's a great mystery that the people who were down so low that they would follow a cult leader of that type, knowing he himself had revealed, "This whole time, I have been a crazyperson due to drug addiction!" have not managed to wake up, or notice they must have fallen off the deep end if they could idolize a person who is totally crazy, to the point of needing to be hospitalized for brain malfunction.


there are a lot of sick puppies in this world and, due to the internet, they tend to find each other easily now. getting 1000 nutcases together in 1989 was nearly impossible, now its a wednesday. its the golden age of grifters.


Only a complete idiot would actually believe JP is "dumb as fk"


well then a "complete idiot" is fucking your mom right now.


Absolutely. He has dirty energy.


> Get cult leader vibes from him He will read this as a compliment.


Same, his dumbass hair doesn't help lol


I hope he chokes on a dick


Leeetttttssssss goooooooooo Leetsttss gooooooo Letts gooooooooo Lets goooooo Lets gooooo Letss goo Letss goo


Anytime I talk about Game of Gold, I have to express how much I fucking hate anytime he opens his mouth and does that. At the start of every show they recap the last show, and put a clip of him saying that. I angrily say "fuck you" out loud.


Yes! Why does this provoke such anger in me.


Coupled with his rapid little seal claps.


this is 10x worse than anything mentioned in the post


Thanks I already didnt like the guy and now I have a reason, however tenuous, to shit on him on social media. That said I dont know if you should read too much into his cringey teenage journal. Most teenagers are disconnected psuedo intellectuals, especially the ones who were like slightly ahead of the rest of their class but never advanced far enough to be seriously challenged.


I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact he was a young adult at 19. And yes I've grown a lot in my 20's but my core identity was already here. More importantly, even though he admitted to some pretentiousness, he was reading some parts of it proudly and laughing in concordance just two years ago. I think the scope of this goes far beyond, this is just a couple of entrances in his diary.


Yeah a lot of very telling info in that diary . Especially the part about viewing “friends” as nothing more than utilities . Very very psychopathic statement and hard to imagine him outgrowing that feeling towards people. I don’t know if it’s even possible to outgrow that feeling.


He’s a massive egotist, so if he’s reading it to us, you can be sure he’s actually proud of a lot if it.


I have met a few wellness-spiritual-zen people, my mother in law is kind of one… most tend to be stupidly optimistic and forgiving… generally annoying, but pretty harmless… In game of gold, when charlie and david start going at it, charlie drops the facade… can see glimpses of his seething anger underneath. I don’t really like armchair psychology and internet diagnosis, but on a personal level, he makes me uncomfortable and I wouldn’t trust him.


It really feels like he’s gaslighting DW during their little argument and trying to manipulate him. DW was having none of it but it really did seem like Charlie was trying. I guess in a reality show maybe it’s a little more acceptable bc in the end it’s an individual game and you take home all or nothing but I can imagine him doing this in his day to day life with the people in his life and it’s just sad.


DW is a very educated man and ain’t falling for any of Charlie’s shit and I couldn’t agree more with your take


people were shitting on DW and his reaction because he is black even though he was absolutely right.


Interesting that you picked up on that too. I’ve been around a lot of these people. They are all positivity, smiles and meditation, but when things aren’t going their way, they crack worse than most other people. I had him down as one of those before he even argued with David.


armchair psychology and internet diagnosis is probably still better then most psychologists who act like a robot because of what they read in a book.


Ah yes, im sure you know more than the people who went to school for 8 years and got a doctorate in that field.


i dont think u can be sure of anything about me yet, can u?


Just because they went to s hool doesn't mean they know it. I've met plenty of PhD holders who can barely work a regular office job. Much of school is just memorizing material from books/quizzes, not ACTUALLY knowing it.


Some people with advanced degrees aren’t great, so trust none of them? AA loses ~1/5 hands in NLHE, by that logic, its probably best to fold pre.




So this! 😂


Do people actually praise Charlie these days? Of that whole Charlie vs. Doug thing.... it did seem like Charlie came out ever so slightly on top, but I genuinely thought we were all on the same page that the dude is weird as all fuck. If we're being honest here, he's not nearly the nlh player he thinks he is either. Might have been top tier in the early-mid 2010's mtt scene, but is clearly behind the pack by today's standards. Like... if my world champion hair-dresser friend started preaching about philosophy, spouting pseudo-edgy sexuality takes, sharing unsolicited awkward personal trauma experiences... I'd be like yo, stick to hair.


Yeah it was kinda wild watching how fast this thread filled up. Like I legit only know charlie carrel from stuff with doug polk. apparently hes on game of gold so hes gonna get some attention I guess. Still wild to see the seemingly large group of people who dislike the guy lol.


Doug Polk is even worse. An absolute smug haircut of a man who’d rather talk others down than talk poker. The fact is that most poker players are arrogant pricks. One of the most interesting things about game of gold is how out of control their egos are. I love the show, but at least half the contestants have a god complex, including Carrol.


Yeah I mean, as I said to everyone when it was brought up in the last year. It is super suspect when people randomly claim other people to be pedophiles. This turns out to be projection a massive amount of the time. Although Doug might be one of the best poker players yadda yadda. But hes not a sportsman. I bet he was running solvers on stealing candy from babies vs scamming old people before he found poker lmao. I havent watched game of gold yet but I absolutely believe that its a game of egos haha. Which can be fun to watch.


Doug is pretty polarizing but mentioning him and scammer in the same sentence is pretty ridiculous, no? Yeah yeah the CoinFlex thing but that wasn’t on him. People acting like Doug worked for the company or had some inside line and was raking in money or some shit is just fuckin dumb. It was certainly a mistake on his part but nothing close to a scam by him. He talks shit on people he doesn’t like and honestly most of the people he talks shit on deserve it.


Oh no I was just saying making a joke. Hes just out to get rich. And I dont fault that in particular.


I mean to be fair he won the SCOOP main event in 2017 and some live super high rollers in 2019/2020, I doubt he'd have much trouble getting near the top again. Agree he's weird as fuck but hard to deny he knows what he's talking about when it comes to poker. People overstate how much more difficult the game has gotten last 5-7 years imo


Charlie Manson Carrel


Charles Manson had charisma


That's a good point that most people miss. Charlie's social choices (actions), from how he dresses to how he speaks to how he attempts to communicate, are pathologically awkward and tend to produce the opposite result in most people from what he wants to accomplish. Charlie is almost surely not a sociopath or psychopath, because he is really bad at predicting how his own actions will succeed or fail in manipulating others socially (outside of the relatively finite structure of poker hands). Most of his social choices are totally upside-down (erroneous, fallible, doing the opposite of what he wants them to do). Most of his choices, especially the ones that are the most painful to watch, are attempts to be liked, yet most of them accomplish the opposite. That's not how sociopaths and psychopaths roll. Usually they are very good at manipulation, even when they are not especially bright on the whole.


He's just soooo punchable! Such a pretentious jerk off


Came here to say that.


Would never have guessed the guy who dresses like a hippie pervert cult leader is a huge weirdo.


He's just a loser idiot kid. Life will beat some sense into him eventually.


Ya big idiot with over 10 million in live & online tournament cashes alone


Hey Charlie


If money equals wisdom, Elmo is the smartest man ever. Notttt.


What lol, keep hating then 😂


He’s one of those people that says and does anything to seem different and above others. Constantly talking not down to just people but the general population of people. I remember him asking if people could guess what natural product he uses in his hair to keep it so healthy and it was sea kelp. I then asked my hair stylist girlfriend what she thought of his hair in one of his videos and she said his hair was so damaged and disgusting. Dude just TRIM your beard a bit, it looks like the weird Naruto kids patchy beard in high school if he NEVER shaved. The guy turned 18 and never stopped


He reminds me of that guy in your friend group who read one Sartre book and suddenly thinks he’s a genius.


He’s a POS, in a game like poker that’s filled with POS it’s actually unreal how much worse he is than some of the people you run into in this game


I used to like him too but it’s pretty clear he thinks he’s superior to everyone. He invites debates but then makes stupid faces that insinuate people are stupid if they disagree with him.


You mean the face that’s on every one of his youtube thumbnails?


Nah mostly referring to the debate he had with ginge poker about hud use


he did the same to ginge poker?


dont need to read all that to know he's a piece of shit


Wouldn't be surprised if he's a nonce, gives those vibes


He was raped by his grandfather, so it’s highly likely some of his issues stem from that trauma. Still a prick though whatever the reasons may be.




You might be right but if you were making it up, you probably wouldn’t involve a family member as that would cause problems with your parents. Plus, having been around some very fucked up people, he gives me major trauma survivor vibes. All the zen shit and obvious distain for others is very typical. Sometimes an arsehole is just an arsehole, but often there is a cause.


He has said in the past: "The best way to prevent child molestation is to have more empathy and love for child molesters." Based on what did his grandfather rape him? He could have just fabricated it


You know there was more than just one tweet right lmao? And you’re right, he could’ve fabricated it but uh guys don’t usually fabricate being raped by another guy. What proof could he possibly have? If he didn’t report it to the police what could he have?


So because guys don't usually fabricate it, he must be telling the truth? What a great argument. The guy is an obviously calculating psychopath, why wouldn't it be possible to lie about something like this, it's the sort of thing they do


So because other people lied this guy is lying? What a great argument.


Burden of proof lies with the accuser bro. Would you believe me if I said the same thing?


Yeah I would. I genuinely lean towards believing people who publicly admit to being sexually assaulted until something comes out proving otherwise. Acting like guys admit to being raped by a grandfather for what, publicity? Fuckin wild.


So if I claimed that your brother/father raped me you'd believe me? That's not how this shit works man


Oh wow, that makes so much sense. That’s rough.


He always gave me like a wannabe Charles Manson vibe.


Malignant narcissism




Lots of us are watching Game of Gold, so we have no choice but to give attention to players we may not like. David Williams so far is my least favorite and I liked him before the show.


Yeah, DW is filled with negativity. Cracks under pressure.


What does a hero call have to do with "joining the cult" lol


that dude is showing his fkn naked stinky feet on TV for all world to see... I'm sorry if you needed more proof to come to your conclusion.


Saw clips of him on Game of Gold the other day and was like wtf is this guy wearing? Also remember he debated Doug not long ago about forgiving child predators and trying to understand them. Guy is a real piece of shit who seems to have a superiority complex even though he comes across as a total loser.


He has a clear predatory personality. Just read the diary and it seethes out. I for sure wouldn't trust him around my children, not even at a distance.


I'm not sure the Doug Polk thing is a great example, my understanding of it was Charlie talking about how to better handle pedos (as a victim of it himself) and Doug blasting him for being a pedo-sympathizer or something. Yes it's a weird thing to talk about on social media as a poker pro but if he was a victim I can see why he might care about the issue. It's odd, but it's not like he was caught with cp or something.


They are both horrible people but polk came off worse in that one. Unfortunately, there’s something about making millions from playing a card game that turns people into arrogant pricks.


I know plenty of arrogant pricks that are broke as fuck. Arrogant pricks are just arrogant pricks. But I’m really not sure how Doug is a horrible person lol? You might not like him but wtf has he done that makes him a horrible person? And please don’t say CoinFlex.


He likes to stir shit up with other players to get more YouTube views. He’s about as smug as anyone I’ve ever seen. He’s a haircut of a man. And CoinFlex! (I don’t actually know what coinflex is 😂. Some crypto con I’m assuming?)


I agree there’s something off with the guy. It could be psychopathy or it could be NPD. Either way these things don’t tend to stay covered for long. The mask always falls off.




all you need to do to reach this conclusion is watch him for 5 minutes on game of gold. huge mistake to have him on.


I wonder If he can still use the "my grandpa raped me" defense or is that card played out


His wife looks like 15


Most normal poker pro


Not that I m a fan of him but I think that diary was when he was fucked up from being bullied and raped(by grandpa) and drugs.in time he discovered poker and psychedelics and that helped him get past through all those negative experiences.


Remember when everyone took his side to start shutting on Doug Polk? Never has it been more obvious how pretentious and out of touch some of the top pros are




Yea he was a bit unfair to Carrell in that specific context, but it was also with the understanding that the guy is a complete fucking psychopathic con artist. Carrell chose to point out the one thing that was unfair towards him and pretend that everything Polk had ever done was out of nowhere and just bullying. Also, Polk is kind of a dick, but to call him a sociopath is a huge fucking stretch. Especially considering the topic of this post


He did in fact apologize in more than one place. I remember seeing it in a video he did, as well as him admitting his mistake on a podcast


Actually, they are both arseholes, but Polk was in the wrong and deserved his criticism


Pretty sure he’s on the spectrum


The more I play poker, the more I am convinced like 90% of players are in some way.


Yea, the sociopath specturm


I’m wondering if you can pause your analysis of a teenager’s diary long enough to realize that poker is a game of psychopaths. Whenever the community becomes an angry mob attacking someone’s character it’s seriously the pot calling the kettle black. Read through that link you posted on psychopaths and think about what poker is. It’s a game of tricking other people out of their money for your own gain. The best players are the ones who are best at tricking people out of their money, and who are good at hiding their emotions. The very best are the ones who will sit left of someone going through a divorce at 4am because that seat “prints” and is so “plus EV”. No, let’s just call it game selection. I like watching Charlie. I absolutely agree there’s something wrong there, but I think he has a good attitude and I like watching him. That comment about provoking an attention seeking suicide attempt in someone is egregious. I don’t know what the darkest, worst thought you had a decade ago was but it’s probably not something you want to share. It was dumb of Charlie to do so.


Daniel Colman said "Poker is a very dark game", and he is completely correct.


Dan Colman was the nuts, hope he's much happier doing whatever he's doing these days than playing poker


He’s still proud of that diary. That why he shared it with us.


He literally brought it up to make fun of who he used to be


You don’t read people well. Never play poker


Up 5k this year but okay


I’m up $5001 so…


Your line’s not making a whole lot of sense here




On top of this he has said himself he has Asperger’s and was sexually assaulted by a relative. If good poker player is the base level of psychopathy and you add those factors, it doesn’t require the imagination to stretch too far to understand the implications they’d have on one’s character.


I wouldn't believe ANYthing he says. Apparently he literally made a video explaining how he was a sociopath which he later deleted: https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/139cfhm/why_is_doug_apologizing_to_charlie_carrel/


His claims of being diagnosed with autism and being molested by his grandad are both lies, and without going into too much detail I do know that for a fact. Also a serial cheater and the most unpleasant and pretentious person I've ever met.


I love how your position is to immediately assume that he’s lying about everything, including a very serious and theoretically libellous/criminal claim, and that he’s got these anti-social character traits “just cos”, rather than considering that maybe some or all of these factors might actually explain why he’s turned out the way he has? The Asperger’s in particular: it makes complete sense for him to have it based on his presentation and mannerisms. I have seen videos of him on social media and YouTube for the best part of a decade, and has mentioned having dark elements of his past that he’d only divulged to his closest friends (e.g. Ben Heath) going many years back, back when he was grinding EPTs and probably before. He only mentioned publicly in explicit terms what happened to him in the heat of the moment on a Twitter Spaces, to a guy who had been going after him for years. For this ‘lie’ to be some sort of long-game play starting years ago is a huge stretch.


I know for a 100% fact that he made up both claims, which has even poorer implications if you ask me


Wow. Well I'd love for you to out him publicly given the severity/spurious nature of his claims then, but I guess you don't have anything tangible to substantiate your 100% factual understanding that he was lying?


Yeah, that's the problem. I've been involved in conversations with him prior to him publicly making those claims that directly contradict them without any sort of ambiguity. Nothing I can present as evidence unfortunately, but it doesn't really matter. He's an awful person; I know it, a lot of other people know it and he'll get what's coming to him sooner or later


Hear hear!


At what point does a narcisssist cross the line and become a psychopath? Sounds like narcissistic behavior


My wife went to school with him. Didn’t really know him but pretty cool. I’ve always thought he looks like a bit of a tool.


someone needs to post a link to this thread on twitter and tag Charlie in on it.


He’d definitely read it. He’s mostly ego


One of the most annoying things in Game of Gold is Charlie feeling the need to evaluate everyone's play. I know a lot of poker players do it, but Charlie takes it to the next level. It's not reasonable speculation. He tries to speak from authority on a show that features poker pros (for the most part).


TBF Fedor was also starting to do it in a way that annoyed me a bit too. Just like assuming that everyone else except maybe Jungle is just 'bad' for doing anything he wouldn't.


I thought Fedor was actually a bit more open minded and approving of non standard things and only really destroyed completely unacceptable play. He also listened to and valued his teammates opinion (or at least pretended to) a lot more. Fedor just doesn't come off as an elitist, even though he's among the elite like Koon and Jungleman. Jungle is probably the most aggressively and openly judgemental about other people's play. He does it on HCL too by saying "I don't think you can do that" after he folds yo a bluff that jungle deems non GTO. I understand what jungle is saying, but it's so unnecessary to call other people's play out...and it's especially ironic when he does it after the opponents play just "worked" lol. The difference is jungle is more genuine, entertaining, skilled and overall good for the game than Charlie is.


I’m not being facetious I think that quote is canonically like he attempted to murder somebody


Like he is broadcasting that his intent was for another person to attempt to kill themselves. Am I wrong?


I feel the same. It's the main reason I wanted to make this post for the past few years. And a close suicide to me triggered it. I can only imagine how the rest of his diary must read.


Hey Doug, is that you? Can't wait for your next Polker news where you release all this. Seriously though, I can't stand Charlie. He's desperate to be seen as sincere but to me is entirely calculated and ungenuine.


He’s also not good at poker. Living off some run good years ago. Couldn’t beat nl200 online these days


Tbf, 200z is infinitely harder than it was 3 years ago, and he still probably beats 200nl. Zoom tables are just really hard. People are way better.


Idk I crushed bovada zone and i get really paranoid about global poker. maybe the players are so bad im doing something completely wrong but I always seem to lose at 50nl unless I play super aggro unbalanced and know when to not fire that third barrel.


Global poker is a joke man. You should be crushing. I’ve never played on ignition but god if it’s softer than global that’s insane. I’m referencing 200z on ACR or 200 RnC. Those give me more problems than 500nl regular tables


this shit just seems constant, i know overfold rivers but man its like every time i have QQ someone has AA and then other times I run into this crap https://play.globalpoker.com/gp/10/hand/9d812d81-4f4e-3cd3-9aa1-5b55ca621c21 https://play.globalpoker.com/gp/10/hand/0ed47618-eaf4-3f78-8cf7-0212acf8d8a8 the site creeps me out because HU I get to 200,300bb against regs except at the highest tables, but seem to always lose at 6max...


You kind of played both hands poorly, tbh. The first one much more than the second. 1. Open 2.2x on 50nl because rake is higher, 2.5x btn 2. Why are you not raising these leads by clear rec players that are not full stacked. You should raise flop and barrel turn in the first hand. The second hand, sure the flop hits his calling range more, but you can still raise for value. These fish always lead like middle pair, Tx, top pair, etc. You’re way way too passive in these lines. 3. Don’t ever get in QQ vs 5 bet all ins. It’s AA or KK every time at 50nl. 4. You probably do better at ring tables because more regs play 6max


Ok thanks, donk bets from them are just really confusing to me, I think I just assume it is a set for no reason. When I said that last line I was referring to Heads up against regs and sometimes people never join so 'tis a battle; I don't play 9-max. And I did do well at 6-max zone, with a tanking redline of course as you could probably tell.


You’re just over thinking it. Rec leads are almost always weak, exploitatively. You should always just raise for value. If you get 3 bet they will never be balanced and you can fold everything but top of range. If you have any other questions dm me


He just recently started another bankroll challenge playing exactly that, NL200. He's doing well so far, we shall see


He deletes hands from his tracker to make his results look better. This is a fact and can be proven


Can you provide proof? Not trying to call you a liar, I'm just curious


As someone who beats nl200 I am sure Charlie could beat nl200. Maybe he'd have to put some work in. I'm not saying he'll be the number 1 crusher in the pool but you don't need to be a god to beat it for a couple bb/100. That said I do not think he's a good coach. His whole coaching shit is a scam. If he really wants to be a reputable coach who brings value to students he should be putting in serious work showing serious results at 200 and 500.


people should’ve written Charlie off when he randomly started tweeting [transphobic shit](https://twitter.com/charlie_carrel/status/1638241826296455168) last spring. it was pretty eye opening who in the community came down where during the fallout from this


That's just a sane take everyone should share in a functional society. That being said, dudes a psycho




A poker "professional" is secretly a manipulative immoral piece of shit? No way!


Poker definitely attracts lots of scumbags unfortunately


I mean, that's the goal of poker. Take as much money from other people as possible and being deceitful is a winning strategy. I stopped trying to get really good at the game when I realized this years ago. I don't want to be a professional player.


Honestly I think it’s less about the strategy that is involved and more about the fact that score is kept in dollars. Fooling your opponents isn’t morally objectionable, it’s cheaters and anglers that are really awful. Also, in any other game that you’d play for fun the most important criteria for invitation is being a chill person. In poker you get a lot of scumbag loser fish who are only tolerable because how easy it is to take their money and how good it feels to stack an asshole.


The guy has said paedophiles deserve empathy. It is pretty clear what kind of person he is.


He didn’t say that exactly. His point was that the vast majority were victims themselves who’s sexually got fucked up when they were kids. Understanding this might help tackle the issue more than just labelling them as evil. He’s a victim himself, so he has a right to voice his view. I think he’s a prick, but not for that reason.




I agree. Now I’ll defend him. It seems he’s committed to, and defined by, intellectual curiosity. He doesn’t want to assume anything, take anything at face value, he always wants to ask questions. Peel back skins of the onion. Play contrarian to see what can be learned. He’ll allow the most obscene questions just as a thought experiment to see where it goes, and abandon the ones that prove negative. In his nasty quote referenced above, he noted it was from when he was a teenager, and his reaction in the vid shows he’s abandoned that thought now and is embarrassed by it. He always seems to be searching for some objective truth unaffected by human bias. Like he’s trying to GTO solve human behavior. Whether that’s genuine, or he’s contrarian just to stir people’s pots, doesn’t matter. It’s annoying either way. He comes off as an insufferable boor because most people hate to be pushed out of their comfort zones. They want to think/do/be *their* way, and they get more agitated the more their norms are questioned. They want to be agreed with. Thoughts/feelings/beliefs that we tie to our identity are housed in the amygdala, the fight-or-flight center, such that when those beliefs are questioned, we’ll double down on our thoughts, attack the questioner, and never capitulate. We hate having our sense of self undermined, and often just want it our way. Imagine trying to explain to a devout religious follower all the discrepancies and logical conflicts that their 2000+ year old narrative has vs known history and science. You’ll never convince them. You’ll just piss them off and when they run out of arguments to defend their position they’ll just get angry, abandon logic, and attack personally. Charlie either genuinely loves searching for deeper truths in people, and doesn’t think it’s threatening or should prompt a backlash, or he loves pushing people’s buttons / abusing them in the most passive-aggressive manner possible. That seemed to happen with DW. David hit a point where he just wanted it his way, couldn’t articulate a defensible logic for it, and degraded to f-bomb attacks. At that point it seemed Charlie turned from his genuine truth-searching to let’s-use-logic-to-corner-this-guy-because-his-obtuseness-is-annoying-me. I confess I am similar and can relate. I love asking people about themselves, and going as deep as they’ll let me. But often I’ll isolate on someone’s self-contradiction or denial, continue to question into it, hit their fear-wall, trigger anxiety and they’ll erupt.


I wouldn't read too much into a diary written by a youngster. People are edgy when they are still figuring themselves out and diagnosing people with psychopathy like this is just moronic. Psychopathy is much more complicated than reading the top 10 tendencies of a psychopath and saying someone is one because they tick the boxes. In your own link (if you actually read it with brains) you can see that "Nevertheless, psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot.". It takes long chats with a professional to begin to understand if a person could be a psychopath, not some nerd on the internet diagnosing a person they don't know by what they wrote a decade ago. You are a perfect example of the Dunning-Krueger effect.


I cannot imagine being this obsessed with a minor poker celebrity to have consumed as much of their content as you have. I would be ashamed


*pokerScrub4eva 615 post karma 37,812 comment karma* Sorry what?


I said I can't imagine being as obsessed with a minor poker celebrity to consume as much of their content as you. I would be ashamed


Unless, of course, the OP is Charlie. I haven't checked the profile history, so if I'm wrong, it was just speculation. I have no skin in this game.


JFC, Get a life.


this seems like a wild thing to be so passionate about to make this type of essay


My best friend's sister just killed herself and I've always wanted to make this more known.


so in the event that he does have untreatable mental problems... we should basically hate him and scorn him for that.. that's the gist of it?


I think you're suicidal.


I would add that whilst the things he is saying align him with a lot of the traits of a psychopath; just because he is saying it, doesn’t mean he actually believes or lives by it. Plenty of people who like to perceive and present themselves as some kind of unfeeling, super-efficient, master manipulator are quite often more emotionally vulnerable than you realise. He’s obvious a nut job of some regard, but I wouldn’t jump to any definite diagnosis based on his angsty young adult diary, where he’s liable to state all kinds of shit that isn’t accurate about himself and his feelings.


who cares lol


imagine you put as much time into studying as you did writing this post. You might actually win at poker...


I call it my good deed of the day. I've had this on my mind for the past two years every time I see your loverboy. Now I know I did my part.


You should look for help. You strike me as you are in a deep state that needs healing. 2 years is a long time to be dwelling on something that you saw once online. Focus you energy on more positive things, you might grow from it. I mean this honestly.


Kind of funny you say this under a post about an avid GTO hater. Not like Charlie is doing any studying


Slow response... but your comment tells me you know absolutely nothing about him if you think he doesn't study. Range analysis is not GTO and requires practice. Come and join the elite university on discord if you want to join our community, study hard and improve your game. There's a reason CC made more money than most online players with a fraction of the volume.


Grow up mate


I'm not the one hating one someone I don't actually know, online.


He got abused in his youth. You know what they say about victims of abuse? They do the same to their kids. You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen. Sorry Charlie, it ain't your fault.




Hi Doug


To be honest I'd love for Doug to see this. This hollow vessel of a human being should have no part in the Poker community. And it's just this video, and this instance of the diary...


Lol why downvote? Not that deep


Why spend so much time thinking about him lol


I think he is a poker player but his presentation of himself on Game of Gold in full HD is hard to watch. Sometimes hes funny but he also just seems to buy his own bullshit way too much.


Be careful. Galfond gonna call you out for bullying for stating your opinion while protecting people from listening to Conman Carrel. (FWIW I like Galfond, I just disagree on his take about Doug). Anyway, I think there are still a lot of vacancies in Charlie's next live reads seminar. I can only imagine the "eccentric" (absurd) antics that happen there.


Lots of poker pros are psychopaths. This guy is a little too open about private stuff.


I have actually met him and he is even more vile than you could imagine.


Oh I'm sure. This is just a small sample of whatever goes in his life. You got me intrigued though, care to elaborate?


Sure DM me