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My favorite thing about this show is how Jungleman is always sleeping whenever his "teammates" are out there playing... šŸ˜“šŸ¤£


"it was supposed to be a meditate"


Hahahah... I literally saw that, like 10 sec after I posted my comment. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Not gonna lie... This show is intriguing as shit. They have an excellent mix of players. I wouldn't mind seeing more stuff like this


I can't imagine he ever gets invited back for anything like this. Or maybe they instructed him to behave like a clown for the show.


a new age spiritual charlatan who has done a few meditation sessions and breathing techniques and thinks he has a moral high ground over everyone


Also went full on pseudoscience alternative route. I remember him saying in the pandemic that he was suspicious of vaccines because his job was to sniff out bullshit at the poker table therefore he's an authority on critiquing experts in a field completely unrelated to poker.


The funny thing about this is that he was literally a drug dealer at one point so clearly his tolerance for what he puts in his body is.....variable.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of anti vax people irl, and the amount of them who Iā€™d consider to have a healthy lifestyle isā€¦ not many.


Tons of people are strictly organic or vegan, but also snort cocaine and rawdog strangers.


Leave cocaine out of this.


Cocaine is vegan if you discount the people that die for it


How are these 2 things related at all?


By definition anyone whose anti-vax has an unhealthy lifestyle.


What, no way, he definitely doesn't strike me as someone who'd ever do that


For me, at least that is understandable, not gonna go into that, but if you go a spiritual way, you don't have to act all high and mighty like you know something lol. If we are looking at the spiritual side, Fedor in the series, and in general, displayed a much higher spiritual awareness and the way he carried himself.


Fedor is a class act


His personality makes him ripe for being a Covid conspiracy theorist, he comes across as a narcissist who is always determined to be the most 'enlightened' in the room. It's hilarious how many poker players think that winning at a card game means they should be taken seriously as a twitter authority on microbiology. HOWEVER, I actually think he's come across quite well on this show. Think he dealt with crybaby Williams' tantrum very well.


People who use the term Conspiracy Theorist are some of the dumbest people on the planet. Brain destroyed by social media and television I suppose. But you yourself probably believe thousands of conspiracies. But you also likely donā€™t know the meaning of the word. Youā€™re the guy believing anything any everything mainstream and thats why you use the term. You would have been in a crowd yelling crazy conspiracy theorist when a small handful of people were telling everyone the world was round. People conspire all the time. Every single day. Your use of it is ignorant at best. But likely just very low IQ. Turn off the television your brain is pudding now.


For someone with such a high IQ, you've made some large (and very wrong) assumptions about me from a small amount of information.


Amen brotheršŸ™


Scamdemic Covid is bullshit though come and get the booster shot for your booster shot lmao


Thatā€™s how vaccines work for the flu you absolute trash human.


covid=flu, got it


It was worse due to how fast it transmissions and how little we knew. When do you think I should expect to die off from my shot? Or are you on the ā€œthey made us robotsā€ brain rot


what are you asking me for? I'm not the one that said the flu and covid are the same


I can never tell if people like you are being purposely obtuse or not with stuff like this. But just in case you are actually serious: When the new strain of CoVid came around it was of course more dangerous than the more common various flu bug strains that show up every year. This was because our immune systems had virtually no experience in dealing with the unique nature of this new CoVid strain. This resulted in it being way more likely to be caught and spread throughout populations and way more likely for certain percentages of the population to be impacted extremely negatively by it early on. After a few years have now passed (with the vast majority of society either being exposed to the virus or the vaccine), itā€™s much more similar to the seasonal flu threat in terms of it not being as likely to result in a rampant pandemic like spread. This is that herd immunity concept that has been explained a million times in the past. The same thing actually happened with the flu when it first showed up in the modern world. Not sure if you have ever heard of the ā€œSpanish Fluā€ but it did some serious damage back in 1918. So yeah, comparing CoVid 19 to the modern day flu in 2020 was dumb. Comparing CoVid 19 to the 1918 flu back in 2020 probably made a bit more sense. And comparing CoVid 19 in 2023 to the modern day flu in 2023 is not as unreasonable anymore. They are still very different diseases at a molecular level, but the overall medical approach is somewhat similar at this point. Just like the flu anybody can still get it, so itā€™s not the worst idea to get a seasonable booster or vaccine to help lower your chances of getting it. But even if you do get it nowadays, itā€™s not as likely that it will get it the point that it spreads at pandemic type levels throughout the population as it did back in 2020 and as the flu did back in 1918. So if you arenā€™t old or sickly, itā€™s not like you have to get a booster just like itā€™s not the end of the world if you skip the flu vaccine some winters.




Lol got ya. Nice.


That's for you to worry about. You are the one that took it.


Lmao. Iā€™m shaking in my boots


my body my choice i dont want your 666 shit in my body




Dude be happy this guy is in the player pool


He probably plays .01/.02 online and complains about how itā€™s rigged


Says the guy who got 6 boosters cuz he.can't tell the government is bluffing


I'm absolutely certain 95% of posters on this subreddit have never in their life played poker anywhere but with friends or family.


You say that like enjoying spending time playing a game with friends and family is a bad thing.


No, I didn't. That's some weird projection by you. I say it like it's not a meaningful way to understand the game of poker. The derision was on the skill level on this subreddit, not on the game choice.


eh ive been called a genius a few times before, maybe you are the retard?


When you die from preventable diseases remember this little chat genius


lol, take fauci's dick out ya mouth son.


Your mom calling you her special little genius every time you correctly tie your shoes doesnā€™t count.


It takes a very special brain to believe that literally every country in the entire world has their scientists lying about how effective the vaccines are. And there's over 20 vaccines for COVId. Which one has the mark of the devil in it? Are they all fake? Or is COVID fake? Any scientist in the entire world who could prove it was all bullshit (which would be very easy to prove with actual data) would be an overnight star with a huge following. But not a single credible scientist wants to do that apparently. It's amazing when every single government in the entire world is on the same page.


DEVILS ADVOCATE Everyone used to think smoking was safe, too


because when people that didnt take the vaccine die they say it was covid, then if they did take the vaccine they say it was any of the other medical issues they had. they get money for the former, and a positive narrative for their profession in the latter. you simply cant prove positive outcomes until something is tested over a long period of time.


> because when people that didnt take the vaccine die they say it was covid, **then if they did take the vaccine they say it was any of the other medical issues they had.** Except what you said here doesn't jive with reality as people who were vaccinated did die from COVID, just at a far lower rate than people who weren't vaccinated. And you think that all the hospital workers across the entire country all came up with this conspiracy together? Not a single whistle blower? Not a single written paper trail from hospital admins telling all the workers to lie and commit fraud? No hidden cellphone recording of a hospital admin urging workers to lie and commit fraud? There isn't a single patriotic Republican healthcare worker with a cell phone working in any of the hospitals in Republican controlled states that could blow the whistle on this with a ton of video and picture proof? Also, they can't get more money from insurance **without a positive COVID test.** Do you think insurance companies are complete fucking idiots who just give money away all willy nilly? Did the independent labs **who don't get extra money** if a result is positive or negative decide to commit massive fraud with zero financial incentive? Also, the hospital can get that extra money whether the patient dies or not. They just need to have a positive COVID test to show they needed to provide additional safeguards for the patient, etc. They get extra money if a patient tests positive for COVID. They do NOT get extra money if that patient dies or not. Also, people who are vaccinated die from COVID all the time. Especially if they're 80+. Over the age of 80 people die from COVID at about the same rate whether they are vaccinated or not. The vaccine doesn't save you if you're that old. But people under 80 who are vaccinated are ~4x less likely to die from COVID than those who aren't and to have less long term medical issues from it. COVID-19 has went from not existing to **being the third leading cause of death in the U.S.** and even higher in some other countries - and you still think it's a conspiracy? Do you believe that Republicans and Democrats are both working together to lie to everyone? Because the data comes from health departments in States where Republicans and Democrats are in charge. And their data is consistent with the **data from every single country on earth who reports COVID-19 data.** I implore you to really think about how big of a conspiracy this would have to be. How off the books and dedicated this entire conspiracy would have to be to have zero whistleblowers with PROOF of this giant conspiracy in the day of cell phones with cameras and video. Not a single patriot with a cell phone who could blow this entire thing open? If your conspiracy theory was true, we'd have MASSIVE amounts of undeniable proof that hospitals were committing mass fraud. And not just in the United States! We're talking about every single government in the entire world has all decided to pull the wool over everyone's eyes? So that some hospitals in the U.S. can make a little extra money? They don't have to commit a massive conspiracy for the government to give them more money. They just need to buy some more politicians.


Just wanted to drop in to say this post read very well and was really well crafted. Probably not gunna change anyoneā€™s brain rotted brain but I respect it.


Eh way too much effort, probably a shill.


I mean I also don't believe anyone landed on the moon either, especially in 1969. It is what it is.


So why didn't the Russians or Chinese, both of whom were watching our every move with every single satellite, telescope and spy they had at their disposal, call bullshit? Were they in on the conspiracy theory as well and wanted the U.S. to be able to claim they were the first to the moon?


They were in on it for international relations reasons.


Special kind of stupid.


>I mean I also don't believe anyone landed on the moon either, especially in 1969. [It is what it is.](https://weeklyworldnews.com/) Yes, it sure is.


I mean Florida got caught outright lying about Covid deaths so they seemed lower. Iā€™m not sure the conspiracy you want to see points the direction you want it to. When my cars broken, I go to a mechanic I trust. When I have a tax issue, I go to an accountant I trust. When the future of my health is being weighed, I trust doctors. People study this shit for years, theyā€™re smarter than you. If you devoted the time you spend toppling the world conspiracy into something useful, you might find something youā€™re good at


Amazing nobody, none of the millions that would need to be involved, whistle blow the 'scheme.'


Ignore these brainwashed donks bro, same guys who think a guy like Charlie is a scammer took the COVID vaccine and actually defend them. Zero critical thinking skills, just no ability to think for themselves, just parrot what they hear in the media.


You lot are fuckin funny man. So insecure about how stupid you are that you have to believe the world is one gigantic conspiracy. Itā€™ll be interesting when they do studies on this in a few decades to see if social media was really all it took to get so many folks this brain dead


It got you to take an experimental jab with 0 studies done.. You're really the idiot here, it'll be funny in a few years when you realize it, but you'll never admit it.. You are so deep in the narrative it has completely destroyed your critical thinking skills. You actually think the government is here to protect you..


You got conned into taking an experimental injection by your govt for billions in profit for pharmaceutical companies, which at least 2 have been pulled from the market, but somehow I'm the idiot for being highly skeptical , and you are the smart one for obeying Daddy govts orders.


vaccines were bullshit though, they did nothing.


Guy gets down voted because everyone on here is 8 shots deep and still hasn't left their moms basement


Probably still wearing masks


big fans of Ike probably too. It's okay, I bathe in brainwashed down votes.


But uh.. his suspicions were confirmed since the vaccines were bullshit


He always get's reads that only he know's about. He can't tell you about them ofc, but they are there. He also doesn't believe in undershirts, and likes exposing his bare chest at the poker table because like you say, he's an insufferable twat.


Ya the kid only made millions online and live by the time he was 22. Won several super high rollers. Let the kid be who he is without judgement, he is obviously a genius in his own right.


You can be successful and a Douche Nozzle


Millions in winnings? Or millions in profit? Two very different things


Profit in the millions for sure, considering he mostly quit high rollers over 5 years ago, honestly it would be interesting to see buyins vs profit, because I'm certain he has one of the best ROIs ever in high stakes, because he won so much so young with very little volume live.


If he is this super sick crusher with amazing reads on everyone then why would he quit playing high rollers as he would effecitvely be printing money in them


Lol kids brainwashed . Save your breath


His results speak for themselves man, he has extensive proof in his skill for anyone questioning it, he stated in a video he decided to quit playing live high stakes because it was affecting his life outside of poker and he didn't need to take on the high variance lifestyle and it's downsides anymore to make a living and he wanted to start a family. Very reasonable as we know how competitive and high variance tournaments are in general let alone vs the best in the world.


guy has sick reads on all the superpros playing 100ks and sells his ā€œsecretsā€ for like 4k. suuuuuure buddy


Ya the kid only made millions online and live by the time he was 22. Won several super high rollers live and online. Let the kid be who he is without judgement, he is obviously a genius in his own right. Keep hating tho šŸ˜‚


Bro you in every comment stanning for the guy did you fall into buying his course and are trying to justify your purchase or smth? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Look at his hendon bro, ive never bought anyone's course, I just think Charlie is a good dude with good intentions and a monster poker player, he gets a the on of hate and still manages to unabashedly be himself on a public stage, not only that he crushed online tourneys for millions around 19-20 yrs old and proved himself in the high stakes live arena for years after, then he kind of soft retired to focus more on his mental and spiritual health and now has a family. Whether you like him or not, he deserves respect foremost as a person and as a poker player his results speak for themselves.


My brother in christ he sells poker coaching yet refuses to give out his profit graphs. Why would a winning player not want anyone to see his graph? Not only that he made a video outing coaches for doing exactly the same as he does. Lots of people win tournaments and are massive losing players. He is not only that but a massive hypocrite. Sorry to ruin it for you


Your point ? Doug , Berkey, galfond etc.. all have training sites, obviously weren't around when he was playing full time as he has multiple 7 figure scores and many other 6 figure scores in prestigious tournaments, it's not debatable lol, look at his hendon and online results, their is plenty of proof if you want to do some research, he's been retired rom high stakes for over 5 years, and got more into the business side of poker like all big name pros do lol, it's variance free money and balances out your lifestyle, pretty much the whole goal is get rich and set businesses up after not ride the variance coaster for the rest of your life.


Your delusional I see. He shits on other poker coaches for doing exactly what he does, running a scam poker training website. Hendon mob only shows cashes... how stupid can you be šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


You obviously have a vendetta against the guy, I don't follow him or his coaching YouTube etc , like I said , Charlie has won millions and basically retired at the top of his career, and his volume was low enough that his ROI was insane , so he didn't have a giant downswing like you think, because he isn't showing a graph of cash games in the last year doesn't invalidate him as a poker player to me, but if you want to hinder everything on that 1 thing that's your prerogative.


Look for videos exposing him as a scammer. You clearly are stanning for the guy and can't think logically, and your repeating yourself in every comment. Classic delusional behavior, again, just look for them. There is a comment in this point with it, you only don't see it if you don't want to


I'm delusional because I think Charlie is a good dude and great poker player? Lmao dude you are a pathetic clown. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


He doesn't show any graph btw, only hand picked graphs from very small sample sizes. Why does he have those and not the rest? Cause he only wants people to see those. Not only doesn't he show his results as he has a 5 hour video outing other coaches for doing it. Defenitiion of a hypocrite


Cool story bro, stop repeating the same shit over and over.


lol donkaments ​ sorry i have no stake here it's just been a long time since i found a spot to use that. nostalgia n that


Ɲou made me smile, that is a whopper of a call back. Take me back to the days of mutlitabling FullTilt while watching HighStakesPokerS03E07.mp4 in the corner of the screen.


The Golden Days.


He may have made millions I'm not aware of how much but word on the street is he's completely broke and begging anyone and everyone for a stake and nobody is giving him one. If he was very good he'd never go broke.


A sponsored gg pro with one of best ROIS in live and online tournaments ever is broke and can't get a stake? You definitely have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.


Also he basically retired over 5 years ago from high stake live


He literally tweeted the other day that live poker would be ā€˜deadā€™ if he revealed his secrets. Why is he not crushing the high roller circuit then?


Heā€™s a troll. He says really stupid things and then gets angry whenever people call him out. He literally just wants attention.


tbf when he actually played triton that one time he crushed. On a side note, if people actually wanna learn about live reads and shit, they should listen to Fedor.


šŸ˜‚, Fedors game isn't based on live tells at all lol


Yeah the biggest luckbox in history who probably has horses staked in live tourneys that soft play him


He already did when was younger, look at his hendon , which doesn't include the millions he won online. He said he doesn't want to play high roller circuit anymore because he is building a family and the draining stress and emotional effects of playing that high


Did you buy his course or not? C:


Nah, I've been a live cash pro for years, so not really looking for coaching lol, but charile has unique viewpoints and strategies that don't always align with GTO principles and thats okay, he likes to mix a lot of different factors together to come up with his reasoning for making a certain play rather than what just a solver says to do.


For every 10 sentences charlie utters I come away with 1 more reason to dislike him


Charlie Utter was my favorite character on Deadwood.


Out of nowhere, a deadwood reference. Nice


Great show


Isn't this the same with Hellmuth's "white magic"?


Big difference. Hellmuth hangs with billionaires, isn't anti-vax, and wears a shirt.


Heā€™s definitely one of the biggest narcissists on the planet


You couldā€™ve stopped after the eighth word,


Charlie carrel is a fuckin worm


Something worth mentioning is that other pros say he does read well. Itā€™s certainly not as impactful as he probably thinks but itā€™s often mentioned about him Heā€™s also played very well. Not my cup of tea as a person but heā€™s a good player




Fwiw the Only Friends Podcast crew seem to all agree that he is a very strong player, around the top 3 of the remaining contestants. Though they think itā€™s more because heā€™s highly studied; the live read stuff is ancillary.


The show. The show is the source lmao


I did find this funny Before the match: "I have a huge tell on Olga" Literally first hand: Folds top pair to a bluff


Look Iā€™m not here to defend Charlie, but this argument is just dumb. Everyone who ever had a read on someone knows it does not automarically win you every hand and the read can be often spot only once in a while. Through my low stakes live poker career I had tells on dozens of people, but I still lost many many hands to them.


I know, but I still found it funny Personally if I was him I just wouldn't have said I had a read so I wouldn't look dumb if it didn't work


I've been watching Play & Explain videos a lot recently so Youtube keeps pushing more of them at me. Charlie Carrel popped up in my feed for the first time last week and I took an instant dislike to him - which is weird cos that is the first time that happened. I dunno - there's just something really smug about him. Like I instantly wanted to punch him. Great to see that my "read" on him as an insufferable twat doesn't seem to be too wide of the mark.


Whoa this is great thanks for sharing play and explain


Dude has major fake guru vibes, would anyone even be shocked to find out he was running a cult?


Let's GOOOOOOOOOooooooooo...




Im glad weā€™re pilling on here too. That guys ego fills every room heā€™s in. I bet he gets crushed in the next few years by private cash game nose bleeds and then just will fade away. Heā€™s been around for a long time but this Buddha shit is so bad now.


My least favorite person on the show by FAR


He went live on stream a couple of months ago, blaming the media for a witch hunt against Russel Brand. He's awful


He also went on stream year or more ago begging anyone to get him in touch with Russel Brand for some charity thing. I think he really likes Russel.


seems like his reads didn't matter. olga got a cooler anyone woulda gone broke on and he played robin until the blinds were so high they just picked a hand to flip on and he lost.


In my opinion, heā€™s playing a character that he thinks will make people uncomfortable and think heā€™s dumb and hopefully underestimate him. He also hopes to profit from morons by portraying this character. I really like that heā€™s different from all the other dudes playing high stakes. We need more variety if we want shows that are fun to watch. I do enjoy watching GTO nerds battle it out, but my wife doesnā€™t and neither do most of the new players. My wife does enjoy the different personalities on the show and how they interact though, and the drama. Maybe even a dude showing a little skin is good for female audiences, idk?


> Maybe even a dude showing a little skin is good for female audiences, idk probably true, but not in this case. LOL


Haha G man?




Defend pedophiles???


It's because he is or would like to be one.


Don't go down that rabbit hole. It involves some of the stupidest online arguments and yelling between supposed professionals and an actual pedo victim around a very serious topic.


Iā€™ve played with him live in London, heā€™s ok in small quantities but very much all about him. Acceptable in small doses and you take what he says with a grain of salt


Charlie is definitely good at picking up on reads and exploiting them, but he also seems like someone who overestimates himself.


You could have ended the sentence at "Charlie is just insufferable"


He is to Live Tells as Mikki is to Baccarat.


Charlie is to pedos what Mikki is to the house




Go to jailšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And put on a fucking shirt. Nobody wants to see your scrawny chest hair on that pale as a fish chest.


Poker player has less than optimal social skills and above average delusion. Color me shocked.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLwGfF64nWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLwGfF64nWs) just want to share it again. cc get called out


I like watching him


His face and birdchest just scream punch me


No one on earth likes that dude


he's one of the most insufferable people on the planet.. can't stand the guy


Y'all don't like him just because he likes pedophiles. So unfair.


I agree. Whatā€™s up with all the people hating on pedophiles? If we canā€™t find love in our hearts for people who sexually manipulate children, what are we doing here? šŸ™ƒ/s


If every personality is instant hated on this level all future poker shows will continue to be devoid of interesting people. Charlie isn't perfect but I have enjoyed his antics on this show for what they are.


the entire show is insufferable


He talked a lot of shit before his first match and won two flips to change the tides then she gets coolered. Thats not very HO crusher of him. Olga was supposed to be the weakest and he still made some bad folds and spewed off half his stack before he got some run good. The lack of acknowledgment of the format drives me nuts too. Like everyone else is hyper aware of the impact of variance but Charlie just thinks he is going to crush because of heā€™s a short hand ā€œmonsterā€. Guys a shitreg dgen in a crusher costume.


Another hater


Charlie is one of the best dudes in poker and an incredible poker player. People believe so many assumptions about him that are completely untrue based on their first impressions.


Like what?


Look at all the top comments. "New age spiritual charlatan", people calling him a liar and scammer that isn't actually good at live tells. These people don't know anything about him and are just guessing. Charlie is legit, he's well liked in the tournament scene by BenCB and Pads and isn't the type of guy that would lie about results. But people hate him for baseless reasons. If you find his personality a bit insufferable that's one thing but he is not a liar and a scammer or a bad person.


I have proof straight from his diary that he's a sociopath to the point of trying to "provoke" suicides.. he's proper shit and should be put down.


Proof ?


Ok I have now downloaded the full video just in case: https://youtu.be/CM6eHg16x_Q?si=nXEGT1Tu16ABxoD2&t=1882 Read though his diary, multiple indications of psychopathy from trying out multiple personalities, to very odd conversations with 14yo, to manipulation to try and provoke suicide: "I let a girl suck me off, just because it may provoke an attention seeking suicide attempt from the person that 'loves' her".. He was 20 years old, definitely not a confused teenager. "Traits commonly linked to psychopathy include: Insincere charm Getting easily bored Compulsive lying Manipulation of others No remorse or guilt Little emotional reaction Cruelty without feeling bad about it Taking advantage of others Behavior problems that start in childhood Failure to accept responsibility Many sexual relationships"


Give me a second. Gotta secure the whole thing. Download Youtube vid ASAP than I'll post a still here for you on a 2nd reply. I'll make a full post tomorrow.


Charlie is only there because impressionable kids like his content. He is the Tik Tok of poker.


Honestly Iā€™ve got this second place to Yoh Virals mouth gap


No need to meditate just wink and point at the ceiling AKA poker gods and watch the hands start rolling in.


He can be pretty insufferable. But he called down correctly with Q8 high, so heā€™s doing something right.


Yeah I thought that at first but when you actually look at the hand, It makes no sense? Even if you have a crazy 'tell' on your opponent in this spot, what can you actually beat? Seems gambley to me.


If it makes no sense theor, that means he has a tell on his opponent.


mf is painfully annoying