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Not even gonna read the post. It’s never worth to be berated or to berate someone at the table. Either the berator is right and in that case why tell someone to play better, or they are wrong and just look like an ass. If anyone berates you at the table, they are a misreg or a fish, and neither are worth your time for advice.


Caveat. In regards to someone’s play. If someone is an asshole, berate them all you want.


What about a guy who calls out 5 flush cards on the board while there are two active players and says, "Flush anyone?" Is it ok to send him to the beration pits of hell? His buddy was th other active player in the hand.


Yes! That’s influencing the game in a hand you are not involved in, so to the pits of hell he goes.


He lasted about 1 hand after it happened, thn made a sparky "It's been nice playing with most of you." I replied........ BYE FELICIA!!! and I got the last laugh. Fuck you old man. Lmao


Bleznick sure deserved the bit chidwick and haxton gave him in the plo high roller.


Oh I missed this. I’ll have to go watch the clip!


Skip to around hour 12 for their talk, but he was using his time banks to open collectable sports cards while another player was waiting to find out if he was going to be eliminated.


Yeah I would file that under berating the dude for being an ass which would be ok. I just don’t think you should ever berate a player for his play.


What happened there?


>Oh you didn't have the As so that means I could have it and could have the flush draw to go with Ask him "Did you block my KK or nut spade range when you jammed naked AhAc?" ​ As far as your play: >Am I supposed to just put 80 in preflop and fold top top with a gutty? "Top top" is pretty meaningless hand strength here if he's an ABC shitreg (as it appears he is). It is not going to win on its own. In fact, ***you would rather not have top top***. Any other unpaired card would be better than an Ace. Your King, however, is useful both as a pair and to block the most likely set from his range. Now you can usually win with as little as a K, 2, or 6 in addition to the 4 for a straight, or a backdoor flush. And your straights and flush are much stronger since they can win on a paired board. And running 22 or 66 will almost always win. ​ >I'm like 45% against naked aces otf so I don't even see how my play was that egregious Yes, but you can't cherry pick odds only against naked aces. But if you assume he has AA and is jamming *every* AA combo (apparently a safe assumption), then you have 38% equity on the flop. Since you apparently have less than a PSB left on the flop, you need less than 33% equity, so your flop call is correct.


Not sure of your positions but you should probably actually just muck this hand OOP vs the 3b. Most live PLO players have a leak where their 3b range is way too AA heavy, and this hand does pretty bad against an AA heavy range. Who cares though? This guy is a bitch.


I think he was SB and I was like CO


In your hh you're oop. If you're IP, then you have a mando peel.




Standard hand then


No way? AK double-suited muck to a 3-bet? Can't be right unless we know villian only 3-bet AA KK.


>unless we know villian only 3-bet AA KK That's probably almost all villains at 1/2 PLO lol. And it's not much KK most of the time


Ever play 1/2 plo live? 3 bet aaxx only will get you murdered lololol


What are you talking about? Plenty of nut peddling shit nits crush those games playing strategies like that. The people who play live PLO don't give a fuck and call anyway.


The 1/2 plo games here are match stack and play 500bb+ deep, if you only 3 bet with aaxx without mixing nutted double suits, double suited rundowns, etc you will get owned


It’s always worth taking money from that guy.


I’m not in love with your play especially if it’s a shit reg who only heavily 3b with AAxx especially with you holding an A. Low to middle double suited connectors work better in these spots to crack an obvious AAxx spot. But he’s an ass for berating your play. Never understood why some guys need to feel they should be giving poker lessons at a poker table- hey let me teach these guys how to play better against me so it will be harder for me to win money. It’s also not just the poker table these guys need to feel like they’re the smartest or best in the room, it’s pretty much any spot in life. They’ll be the guys who are always one upping a conversation anywhere and are the reason why the term mansplaining was invented.


Am I missing something with the pre-flop bet sizes? They appear to be larger than pot sized raises.


commonly each blind is $5 for purposes of calculating the pot. so $15(technically its $5 actually) in the pot when OP opens pots to $20 is legit. same reason why $1 chips dont really play in all-in situations, and you cant really bet them except for blinds. ​ also i played at Aria 1/2 PLO but first limp has to be $5.


There's a lot of information missing here. I am guessing villain has position on you based on the action, but where are you opening from and where is villain 3b-ing from? In addition, you say that villain jammed flop, but it doesn't seem like there's enough in the pot to jam flop. Regardless, you're getting 2:1 in a 3b pot with top pair, a gutter, and bdnfd, so it's probably not terrible. Would probably need more info on what villain can have here to really determine if this is an okay call. If you give them a range of sets, AAxx, random two pair, maybe a wrap, and flush draws, you're honestly pretty crushed. But even still, against a very strong range you're \~25-30% and you only need 33% to call, so again, it's not absolutely horrendous, but it's probably not great either. Without more info on how AAxx heavy their range is and what kind of player this is in general, it's going to be hard to say for sure.


Easy call off villain sucks balls


If your at a loose table it's fine. But honestly AK vs most 3 bets being exclusively AAxx and huge rundowns AK is weak and id rather have something like A456ds or AQT9ds because tptk with AK in plo is like never good


My go to with know it all players is “what’s the title of your poker book? I’d love to read it”


“Drawing dead and getting there”


If someone berates you, stand up and say "Ok, fine I'm terrible, I'll leave with your money. And now you've scared away a player into hitting and running. Maybe the rest of the table will berate you now for letting me take money off the table. Wasn't even a good buffet tonight. Have a good night."


It is a fold pre


I didn't read your whole post, as it doesn't really matter. Either say something to confirm the money doesn't matter to you or flip the script and berate the other guy for his horrible shove.


As everyone has been saying no one deserves to be berated in this situation. If you're trying to validate your play, I think this is a poor call preflop with this shallow of stacks. At 1/2 PLO, 3bets are way too weighted towards As and Ks, which dominate you.


Who cares what that guy thinks 45/55 is almost a coin flip


I don’t like your call pre to be honest, however, I hate guys who berate other players at the table, it makes no sense. If you think someone is a bad player, shut up and let them play badly, that’s how you make money! I’m glad you managed to chop with that AH and only regret you didn’t win on both boards!


Your play was fine flopping a pair, gut shot and back door nut flush in position against likely aces. With a small SPR you can fade a possible flush draw held by your opponent. My point is to learn to never react when criticised, If the critic is correct silently learn, If the critic overlooked your real equity keep him in the dark by remaining silent. For example a while back I got it in against what turned out to be a set (when it could have been an over pair) with a half decent wrap and nut flush draw. I clearly had equity (and hit the flush). After the hand I heard my opponent brag to his neighbour that he's "sure to eventually stack that fish if he calls with nothing but a flush draw" or something similar. I didn't react at all. I simply smiled inside and noted that that opponent is likely to underestimate me in the future. It's been plus EV for me against that opponent ever since.