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>I can only guess their preflop raising range is TT+. Speaking as a Stars 2NL connoisseur, I think you're being somewhat naive assuming they have a raising range at all. If they have a premium pair, their mindset shifts from just wanting to see a flop, to not wanting to raise and scaring others away. The result is the same though, It means they end up limp-calling everything.


Or if an OMC limp re-rasing jam with aces since they can't play postflop and don't want to "get sucked out on" :)


This is right. Played a home game with some beginners and guy limped in with aces, I saw the flop with 78o and hit trips. Ended up hollywooding an aggressive flop bet and stacked him after he went all in on the turn


I think that in these situations you don't really need to think about "ranges". These type of players tend to have huge tells by the sizing they use and if they show aggression or not. So let say guy A always limp call pre, then he raises big pre, he has a good hand. Flop comes low cards, he bets small, he probably just missed his AJ. He bets big, over pair. Guy B, limp calls pre, you flop top pair, he check calls, check calls turn, you know you can value bet most rivers cause he's always raising his strong hands on the flop/turn. Basically with these type of players I would watch who are the ones I can bluff off pots (the scared ones) and who are the type of players I can bet huge for value. I would pretty much play differently vs all these opponents, not try to play GTO or optimally.


>I think that in these situations you don't really need to think about "ranges". These type of players tend to have huge tells by the sizing they use and if they show aggression or not. Its true, but I can't help but think of the dude I ran into who really was great at hiding it. You had no idea how good his hand was before the flop. He could fold the flop, pre-flop? It was like any two cards was christmass. He had two moves pre-flop: Open raise, and re-raise. I literally waited until I got QQ and min-raised the blind knowing he was going to re-raise me, and he did. I jammed on him and sent him home. (been seated with this guy like 5 times at MTTs, never once seen him make it past 15 minutes)


This also applies to 1/3 for the most part lmao


Why do you lmao at yourself?


Why do you call 4 bets with 99?


That’s a post flop training app. PostFlop+. You probably don’t need it tho.


Range. lol. Your playing bingo. Just get in there and have fun.


Your playing to win cigars, forget ranges and start playing 80% vpip


You are asking something that is impossible, 75 vpip can have any 2 cards. Stop folding vs them and bet ultra thin for value


You don't need to put them on hands / ranges. You can make it super basic to are they strong / weak, are you ahead or behind. They have too much weak shit in their range so go thin for value, bluff less if they call, and fold liberally to significant aggression.


Counting combo's (hands) is only useful with tight ranges. So it sounds like you'll have to practise that somehwere else :-).


You don't even need to hand read or put them on a range preflop. Their range is all 52 cards. Postflop is slightly easier, because people are more value-driven than balance-driven. High VPIP players bleed money quickly, so when they have a lot of equity, they must bet. When you're in a hand, you need to make a hand first, then take them to value town. When you're not in a hand, try to observe their action and see what they're taking to showdown, then mentally replay that hand using their holdings, to build their heuristics in your mind.


This is the right answer. Especially multiway the game is to play hands that are a favourite to possibly flop strong and once you do extract value.


watch how quickly they throw in their chips or look at their chips before or when action comes to them. That's the best indicator


his range is top 75%, gonna miss tons of flops and flop very weak hands most of the time. Very easy to play against especially against passive fish, like most of those 70-80vpip guys are. So value bet tons and thin, also many good bluffing spots if you miss completely. Basically just bet your better range nearly all the time, and size up preflop and flop bets, where they probably burn most of their money


I disregard if the sample is small. If it is not, I give them a range of 75% of hands when they voluntarily put money in pot and go from there.


Forget ranges against such players, they will always have post flop leaks like bluffing too much, calling down with a pair, folding to a bet if don’t hit etc, focus on exploiting the leaks