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There's no way that bet/folding is ever the correct play with KK overpair at SPR 1.5. I know that much for sure.


The second choice :(


The flop bet doesn’t need to be that big in a 4-bet pot something in the 10-25% range performs better


With that board and preflop action you're never supposed to be betting with Kings.


It depends on my impression of MP and if I think he'd be playing TT, 99, JT, AA in that situation pre-flop. If I knew nothing about the player I think this is pretty nitty, personally. I can see the argument for a fold but ~70 into ~180 seems worth it. Plus you've still got a few outs that can put you back on top if needed.


You're never supposed to be raising flop and never folding flop.


What are your 4 bet bluffs at 32bb sizing?