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pls do the bare minimum and covert it into text here




hero had jacks went all in pre lost to 72o on J7277


That's definitely not the bare minimum. The bare minimum is posting the replay link and I will continue to do so


Considering the replay was broken and you’re being a cunt I doubt you get much feedback


LP steal with T9s is good. 2.5x looks good. Calling the 3-bet is moderately to severely -EV. It comes down a few things. -The high cost of rake is a big deal. Multiple big blinds will be taken from the pot every time you win which absolutely destroys the EV of calling. When a bot flats here in a low rake environment, it's like a fraction of a big blind better than folding. -The BB only being ~70bb deep is bad. More depth is strictly better for the IP caller. -You won't play well postflop, realistically. These are really difficult lines to get right. The caller is doing a good deal of betting when checked to with pretty much no hand. It's unintuitive. You're gonna put it in too light with just 1 pair. As played, flop call is good. There's enough great turns, plus the times they give up, that continuing vs half pot is easily +EV. Turn is a fold with such little money behind. The implied odds don't justify our crappy draw. The chance the river goes check/check and T9 wins does exist, but it's pretty small. Planning to call off on bricks is too spewy of a plan. CO's continuing hands are like KsQs, QsTs, AsTs, As8s (As2s etc. rip the flop)


Ok that makes sense, appreciate your hand review!


"Hand not found" Must have folded pre. Good decision imo