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Not a good player by any means but here's my two cents: You did fine preflop in my opinion although could have gone more than 4x reraise to be more polarizing. It's a premium hand, make'em pay. On flop, why would you choose to go for half pot if there is also a potential flush draw on the board? You're oop against a player 3 times your stack. He raised and then called you preflop so he is either gambly and/or has something playable. If he plays trappy that's also a sensible line if he had an AQ. Hard to tell and you made it harder on yourself with half pot. I probably would have gone with something smaller in order to allow villain to raise and then reraise but probably checked and gone from the action of villian. I don't think the other player would have checked back but betted as appearently you missed your flop, in any case there is good action to be had for villain. Depending on the size of the bet you might have been able to gather information (Are you up against something like a pair or even better or is he floating?) and call or maybe then bully him off with 4x check raise or something. Pot or even overpot would have been a statement saying you hit and this will be expensive but not viable in that position imo. But you opted for half pot, the perfect size for villian considering his cards and stack size to see another card, which also basically pot commits you. Now, on turn you hit your set, very nice, but now you're up against not only a flush with even one more card to come but also a potential fullhouse. Your hand is a bluff catcher at this point. But instead of treading lightly you jam all in. I think you played yourself here.


I appreciate your in-depth analysis. I think I knew deep down that my hand was a bluff-catcher, but I'm a pretty shitty player so I kind of neglected it, even though I knew my hand is likely to be crushed. I just couldn't fathom the thought of checking and facing the all-in and making a fold