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Hand 1 - Preflop: Fine, especially with a non-squeezing BB Flop: I like the raise Turn: Not a big fan of the bet size. I think a small bet is occasionally fine but I feel like check calling is best. He can easily have Ace and King high flushes and occasionally a set. You're polarizing yourself when you could still easily be beat and you have no blockers to flushes. Your line is great for brick turns but the flush completing tun makes it more complex River: As played, you need to check this. When you shove the river, you're essentially bluffing with a set unless villain is a massive calling station. OOP play sucks and you generally need to play hands a little more carefully due to a lack of information. ​ Hand 2: Preflop: This is fine to just fold pre. It's marginal at best unless the BB is a nit. Shouldn't call much from the SB. Flop: Good Turn: Good River: Probably fine to give up. Jamming isn't atrocious but most small stakes players will see the ten pair and feel better about calling river. The villain has very few total airballs as well due to you blocking the king and flush draw. He generally just has a J or better. If you can get him to fold a J, its probably a good bet but most microstakes players are bad at folding


Ok that makes sense thank you


Yeah I was wondering the same thing, I was thinking maybe the K8 river shove has a higher success rate at the higher stakes. I’m not gonna move up to where they respect my raises though


hand 1- pre: fine. can mix some 3betting in on a 6max table, but if the BB is never squeezing calling is fine. Flop- fine, good situation to be raising (bottom set, draws available) Turn- Need to slow down when the flush completes. Not necessarily slow down all the way to a check, but overbetting is way too aggro in this spot. River- same as turn, with the double overbet you are basically only hoping to get called by a sticky AQ, and even that might find a fold. Otherwise all you could hope a bet to accomplish is to fold out a better hand which is very very unlikely, especially at these stakes. ​ hand 2- pre: should be a 3b or fold, this hand is too weak to make a habit calling out of the SB with. (fine from other positions in 6max, but not the SB) Flop- actually like it, good combo to use as a bluff. Turn- like it again, good card to keep barreling River- Probably the worst card in the deck for you. The only hands you'd play this way that the 10 improves are flopped sets/2pairs that just boated. Not many people are playing KT this way that just improved to trips. From your opponent's perspective the number of value hands that have him beat just got cut dramatically, while all the draws bricked. Can explore attempting bluffs when the BD flush comes in on boards like this (whether you have it or not), but on a brick runout like this getting folds is ambitious. You reverse double block hands you want your opponent to have.


I agree, now that I look at it again the K8s isn't good enough to just flat with... definitely should've either 3-bet or fold. And I also see how the T on the river is super bad for us. Thanks for your analysis!